And the Emmy for best television drama series goes to

>And the Emmy for best television drama series goes to...

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Other urls found in this thread:

Anything else desu.

>And the Emmy for best television drama series goes to...

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They should make her dress up as Danny one last time for fun. Nobody wants to see Dabid.

But LoTR came out like 20 years ago. And anyway the make up artists deserve some of the credit for the orc makeup

>it's been months since got ended
>it still sucks

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Just forget about it after the Emmys.

Lena Headey should get an award, for the other seasons anyways. No one will mind since people hated the last season anyways.

Based maisiefag. I respect you so fucking much.

Why did he want to kill Bran again

To save the series probably.

It already won a bunch of awards. Thanks for the gift baskets, courtesy of HBO.


she was hot in the early seasons.

Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke

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Still is

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Maario Naharis

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truly epic

Emilia is perfect and i love her.

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She was cute again after she met Jon Snow.

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>tfw you have brought peace to your new empire

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>NOOOOO but we surrendered!

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I love Euphemia!

I still wonder why he knocked on her door if he was never planning on ruling like at all.


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People can't appreciate villains. "Villains." Cersei was the only good character.

Why couldn’t he just listen? He made Ned look like Littlefinger in comparison.

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My wife is such a good actress!

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She should've been gone by season 6. Better than Arya at least though

Who else here think she's perfect and a good actress?

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Wouldn’t mind Jaime’s actor winning something. Rather not see Dinklage win anything since I soured on his character.

I can't count the number of times I have pleasured myself to your wife's bare bum and bosoms.

Jon died and Dany didn’t notice he was replaced at some point. It was on Dragonstone where she realized he was dead and she went crazy from the grief. After that, she was crazy and convinced herself again in the throne room, that Jon was still alive.


Reminder that both normies and critics are OK with Arya killing the Night King but get absolutely buttmad about the whole Daenerys thing, just because women.

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Cue Burlington bar scene

I do!!

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Long Night is one of the lowest rated episodes in the series, to be fair. A lot of normies wanted Jon Snow to fight the NK. Only bookfags thought it was too cliche for Jon to fight him since they’re edgy faggots.

She's a cute

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Fuckers were jumping up and down, it was disgusting

i-i do

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About what, Jon killing Dany or Arya killing the NK? I wasn't here when it aired. Actually I was shocked you could even still post Dany on this board after I found out about S8.



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I hope my girls both win

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No, fuck off with that ginger cunt

They're gonna lose most likely. The goblin and Tyrion are gonna win.

digits confirm milly wins

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She was sorry.

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Reminder that the Jackass and Honeycomb joke was the final line in the series.


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she's wife material and a good actress

>"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress, who portrayed Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO hit series, reveals. "You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."
>Not only that, but the Mother of Dragons doesn’t see herself raising a family in Hollywood but rather in the countryside in her native England: "I grew up with ducks in the garden and a stream. We used to go mushroom picking in the fields. My first plays were done inside of trees. And if I manage to push out a few sproglets, I'd like them to have that experience as well."

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cutest toddler

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She literally wants to be a tradwife

Yeah, kinda

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And that's a good thing

trips confirm

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>and here is why that is problematic

Emiliafags are almost as dumb as Mad Dany

Best drama emmy only goes to DAVID & DAN, not the braindead nazi barbie.

Bitch will go there, smile and stand in the back as CHADS D&W Win and Reddit retards seethe.

back to your discord, Sansafag.

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If anyone should win, it's him. Jon Snow sucks gigantic cock, so he was the best male character for years. Also he thinks Dany is a stupid cunt and Emilia Clarke is probably a dumbass. Based.

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Why would he be shit talking his coworkers?

really whoever posts in these threads are pathetic losers that really should reconsider the state of their lives. This is actually fucking pathetic if you are unironically posting in these thread everytime, please heed my words of warning before it is too late and you will have doomed yourself to a miserable time on this planet.


Where do you think you are

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They were cheering for Arya. The Dany kill had more muted reactions

I was just here for GOT. Emiliafags are pure cancer at this point.

Further proof 90% of /got/ was reddit tourists, luckily most of them went back after the mess that was season 8


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No they cheered only the bloke dressed as Captain America looked sad

Best character ever

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You can go back now

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I'm just here for GOT and kitshipping, you mean

Reddit here, we love Emilia Clarke. Where's your sites Emilia Clarke banner?

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>he's actually from reddit
Embarassing. Go back nigger, your shit show is over

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If Dany took over King's Landing without becoming Dragon Hitler, what did Jon think was going to happen next? Did he intent to stay or did he want to go back to Winterfell?

Really makes you wonder...

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>Reddit here
This shit always make me laugh

Oh nononono
But in all seriousness, anyone who wasn't a tourist would know /got/ shat on Dany for years and years. It's only after too many of the better characters were dead that Jonfags and Danyfags were the only ones left. At least the MQ stuff came true, which they denied for years.

I have 55k karma, what do you get for posting here?

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What the fuck is karma bro

>At least the MQ stuff came true
And it was absolutely horrible.

>he's proud to be from reddit

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Imagine shitting on waifufags on Yea Forums

You should unironically go back

/got/ was always cancer

I never watched a single episode of game of thrones in my entire life lmao

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All that shit about honor and Jon not wanting to father a bastard and all that was pointless dialogue. Not like it went anywhere.

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Points for posting great content - nobody here would know about that for sure

God I love how she looks like Sophia Sutra, it gives me so much extra material to COOOM TO

>I have 55k karma
Dang man, that means a lot. Hope it doesn't go to your big ego

>Points for posting great content
lmao what bitch ass snowflake faggot site

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>posting great content

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Oh I am! We loved Emilia Clarke way before this place. All you saw on Yea Forums for years was people shitting on her and Dany, until they hopped on the bandwagon this last season. Posting Emilia Clarke is pretty much free upvotes on Reddit.

Is tomorrow night the first time D&D will have made a public appearance since the finale aired?

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Faceblindness is a autism sign

Anyone have more Mad Queen Dany memes? I lost mine

>implying they'll show

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They should win some tech and production awards, throw one at EC, and that's it.

They already won the best editing award for The Long Night at the creative arts Emmy's last week just in case you didn't think this was all rigged

They have to show to accept the best writing award they paid for.

why do jews always look disgusting?

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I'm not sure. Maybe it's the noses, or the cackling and hand-rubbing.

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Emilia is going to win that Emmy. Her eyebrows demand it.

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How did she got away with It?

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they always look like they are a second away from having an emotional outburst lol.

>caring about Lannister-sympathizing peasants

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Jon Snow was such a bitch in this last season.

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Emilia isnt a jew

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Nah it was good. The show has been a turd for years now but watching all the dumb waifufags lose their minds was worth it. Emilia Clarke isn't gonna win any Emmy for that either, so it's even sweeter.

/got/ was ok until season 7. People regularly shat on the show as it declined, while Dany and Jontards were all cheering thinking they were gonna be big heroes towards the end. GRRM clearly never rewarded heroism much in his story and Dany is basically an allegory for something he criticizes irl, though that's not to say I agree with his takes on politics and injecting them into his setting, since he seems very much over emotional when he blogs about it.



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Are you sure?

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>Nah it was good.
No, it wasn't and GRRM's ending is trash. kek King Bran. The most retarded shit one can think of. It's no surprise that the books will never be finished.

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Very nice revisionist history, impressive. Also most of the Emilia waifufags don't give a fuck about Dany and only post pictures of her to make people like you seethe

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I post pictures of her because she's cute
But yeah i never watched GoT kek

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No it wasn't, it was always shitposting trash

>Emilia Clarke isn't gonna win any Emmy
We'll see about that tomorrow

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I watched GoT and have been a Danyfag since 2011. Fuck all you upstart poseurs.

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Face it, you were a coomer who coomed too close to the sun


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I commend you for your dedication. I didn't hate her, but Essos was fucking boring.

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Based Bill & Ben


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I barely even care about the series anymore anyways so go on with your bad yourself if you want to trash GRRM. After the Emmy's, there's nothing left of this show anyways.

It wasn't, you're just a tourist that probably came here like last season. At least this faggot I can kind of respect if he was that one faggot that actually liked Dany in /got/ back then when people only posted her ironically. If you want to see real shitposting, just look at this thread. You just go in threads and start spamming that ugly roastie. She's like over 30 and unmarried, wrinkles all over her face. Pure cringe how you go on like she isn't taking new dick every week.

Fucking based.

You should consider suicide. It will end your pain and misery.

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I miss /got/ bros, it was full of quality posting and discussion before the emiliafags ruined everything

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apparently the mods think this is too much cleavage

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lmao roastie is getting toastie

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mad as fuck

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'ate dany
'ate /ecg/

luv me wildlings
luv me wall
luv me wolf

simple as

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High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most

The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days

And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free

>But call him a redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"

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For me, it's redmilia

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Dudes, what happened to Emilia? She didn't go to that event, that was a good chance to find fundraisers for SameYou.

I'm really worried

You feeling okay Emilia? You don't have a headache or anything, do you?