Could it work as a tv show/film?
I say yes.
Could it work as a tv show/film?
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Film would be too short and since 90% of the games narrative strengths are the characters and world building
There's already two seasons of it, but due to licensing trademarks they had to call the show "Star Trek Discovery".
>tfw you can't go back
Only if Shephard fucks the qt alien and no the human dude
>here's your Shepard bro
The inly draw to that game was the making choices that changed the world around you, which the game didn’t even have that. In movie form, it’s just a shitty b-level sci-fi story.
What was the last good game Bioware made?
A 13 or so episode mini series of the first game would be perfect.
Would be expensive as fuck to make though. Just having Wrex, Garrus, or Saren on screen would burn tons of $ on CGI, and I doubt they'd get the talent to shoot them in-camera prosthetics.
You'd need a GoT level budget, but with out the GoT fanbase to justify the investment. So it's a fantasy, because we all know an ME movie would probably be trash.
Only the 2nd game is not doable as a movie, the whole thing is basically videogame lord of the rings. I havent seen any other trilogy that nails the structure like mass effect does. For the first game just cut the small filler segments and be sure to make the crew likeable and charismatic, focus on the sense of adventure and discovery, for the third game you dont even need much character development it is just one character arc ending after the other among setpieces and thats it. The thing is the secong game has the "second act of a trilogy where the main ploy doesnt really move forward but it sets the pieces for the conclusion" feeling but it's episodic as fuck and insanely character centric to the point where the game itself feels like a tv show.
As a tv show it is just imposible due to budget reasons, a film however would also need a pretty decent budget and in this day and age i think it would flop considering it doesnt have that much of a brand recognition
Only if Shepard is a woman POC.
it's literally kotor after they lost the license
There's enough world building that they could make something work in any setting.
Emily Blunt as femshep
mass effect 2 was the last good game,everything after mass effect 1 got worse and worse but me2 had enough polish and directorial style and flare/editing to be up there
Star trek The game The tv series
They made an animated film.
Not bad really.
>literally kotor
>main character does not have amnesia
Mass Effect is more violence and horror driven. There's even some pretty fucked up body horror involving the collectors. Makes the borg seem pretty tame.
Is that why it was so good?
That would be nice actually
Fucking ana de armas Liara
it would get 'reimagined' the shit out of it because its kind of too pulpy for mass appeal. the sequels could be adapted to be some retarded nu-trek/nu-wars analog pretty easily though
plot-wise mass effect 1, dont listen to shitters who liked 2's soap opera. gameplay-wise, KOTOR.
In universe maybe as far away as possible from the plot of the games either before them or some time after, hell maybe even Andromeda inspired. But my fear would be it being too human focused because it's easy. Maybe you'd get one Asari or Quarian, maybe. A Netflix like series would be the best option.
cant be worse than jennifer hale's most unenthusiastic VA work ever
Make a sort of spin off series that uses Zaeed as the main character. He was my face in ME2 and the only reason why I played through it. Other than trying to sex up as many of the females as possible.
You'd need a heavy budget to pull it off. The aliens would be harder to get right since only one of them is bipedal the way humans are. Asari are actually a smart choice for extras and fill because their makeup is among the easiest since it's the most human-like. Quarians would demand serious costume design in spite of not having to show their faces much if at all.
Back when the reapers were cool
>That one throwaway episode where Shepard endorses all the stores on the Citadel
>It's a Jacob complains and is useless episode.
>Bioware had a golden IP after just a single fucking game
>Proceed to burn it to the ground within less than half a decade along with all the other IP's they worked on/created
Fucking morons
>bioware get bought by EA
>immediately turn to utter shit
hmmm I wonder if there's a conection
They could have a soft for babies first season about the Krogan. It would be just a take off on Klingon vs. Human plot but with some improvements, slowly introduce the idea of Reapers to add intrigue. People will watch a show like that. Also have a hot blue woman with a phat ass Yea Forums can wank over.
Do some cool away missions on some planets and shit and make exploration feel like a mix of Star Wars and Trek.
First Contact Wars
Crushing sadness: You will never get an Elcor episode.
Turians are on average much taller than humans and kind of fearsome when you think about it. Might as well just do the first contact war and forget about it.
The only viable way is if they make it a miniseries but each episode is a different Shep with different choices
A vanilla canonical one wouldn’t work
It would work great as a choose your own adventure thing like how Black Mirror tried with Bandersnatch.
Bandersnatch sucked but I imagine ME would be perfect for it.
mass effect is perfect as a game as is it's sequel, leave them alone pls
best moment desu
The unimaginative brainlets that think it would have to have anything to do with the games sadly have the same level of creativity of Hollywood. They would shit it up.