>Gremlins is my favorite Christmas movie!
Gremlins is my favorite Christmas movie!
My favorite Christmas movie is the Alf special where the little girl has cancer and the black guy tries to kill himself because his wife died
i think my fav is die hard
>Gremlins is my favorite Christmas movie!
My favorite christmas movie definitely has to be Geteven
Zoomers don't watch 80s movies. The whole fucking point is that they only like modern things. What the fuck is this meme anymore?
>favorite movie!
>I'm a 90s kid (born December 1999) which means I'm allowed to be nostalgic for 80s movies because I was BORN IN THE WRONG DECADE (twice!)
That sounds like the exact opposite of zoomer. Like the other guy said, zoomers only like new things. Mostly stuff from 2006-present.
Go to any classic rock YT and you'll see some zoom-zoom comment fishing for compliments from boomers on his musical taste.
I'll never bump any wojak image reply or thread.
Wojak posters will never get a (You) from me.
Thanks anyways.
Then they're not a zoomer.
Unless they don't actually like them and they're just looking for validation. But even then I'd hesitate to call them a zoomer because zoomers don't care about what boomers think about them. They're spoiled brats who hate anything good; why would they care if someone with good taste gives them their "seal of approval"?
>not Die Hard
That's also from the 80s. Zoomers hate everything before 2006.
Pewdiepie is over 30. Why do you think zoomies wouldn't want an e-grandpa to give them a pat on the head for appreciating Jerry Garcia?
I work with a zoomer who has a pretty patrician taste in music. Maybe he likes kino as well. Most of them are little faggots though and I want them all to die
If a "zoomer" genuinely likes the Grateful Dead, they're not a zoomer.
Zoomers would bully the fuck out of anyone who even thinks about listening to music from the 1970s.
Like I said, they're spoiled brats.
>For me, it's Jingle All the Way.
The ultimate Zoomer choice of "Christmas" movies.
That's just how you think of zoomers, gen z is the based and redpilled generation.
>Le Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiii
Because as we all know, zoomers LOVE movies from 1988. They can't get enough of that 1980s stuff!
My favorite Christmas movie is The Santa Clause.
You don't have to have seen something for it to be your favorite. They just know "IT TAKES PLACE ON CHRISTMAS THAT MEANS IT'S A CHRISTMAS MOVIE I'M SO SMART AND CLEVER I DIDN'T READ THIS ONLINE IT'S MY ACTUAL OPINION"
As I said earlier in the thread, zoomers don't care if people with good taste think they have good taste. Zoomers just care about what's "in" with their peers. That's why they'll openly talk about their favorite Miley Cyrus song without a trace of irony. Everyone with a brain knows Miley Cyrus is terrible, but she's cool to zoomers, so they'll talk about how much they love her without caring about the fact that she sucks.
I highly doubt a zoomer is gonna care about if other people think they have good taste in film. For them, the fact that their peers love The Hunger Games and MCU as much as they do is validation enough.
>she's cool to zoomers
not anymore
Gremlins 2 > Gremlins 1
Daniel Clamp made that movie kino.
Maybe I'm out of touch, but honestly I don't care. To me, most pop culture from 2006 to now might as well be one blob of shit. I think zoomers probably see it as a collective too. That's why zoomers still do the Harlem Shake.
>That's why zoomers still do the Harlem Shake
Miley Cyrus is cool
No, dumbasses who are sick of the derivative media their generation is being sold start looking at the derivative media past generations were sold and conclude that it must be good quality. Then they start fishing for pats on the head from old farts for being an "outlier". Again, every YT video for some old movie or song will have comments like this.
This isn't a phenomena particular to zoomers. They're just the ones due to be doing it at present (and doing it they are). I'm 33 and I did this same shit back when Myspace was a thing.
I like the Jim Carrey version of Grinch.
Cindy Lou Who grew up hot (well, she hit the wall recently).
i don't get it
is that what we call volcanos now? "boomers"?
that's what reddit and Yea Forums do equally, run a joke into the fucking ground until it's meaningless and interchangeable. fedora/euphoric used to be reserved for something especially atheist, then it became virgin (which is now incel which is quickly becoming meaningless) and general insult for loser
troll lost all meaning so you started calling things "attempts" and "ruses" because the term lost all meaning from over misuse, you fags do it constantly with everything
You're doing that thing where you categorize people by age. I'm talking about the personalities. You know, boomer vs. zoomer. Maybe doomer too.
I'm not into the whole Strauss-Howe meme. Kim Kardashian is not the same fucking generation as Kurt Cobain. I'm just saying, that the essence of what makes a zoomer a zoomer is a hatred for the past and a love for the soulless shit of today.
I feel like your "zoomer" is really more of a millenial.
>t. dude who created "boomer" meme because he was ass-blasted about anons hating on baby boomers
I'm on to you, asshole.