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>last night i architect burgered your sister


I legitimately never figured out what this is supposed to be.

Last night I bond burger'd your sister

>i hitman cheeseburger your sister

secretly pounded

last night I pierced your sisters sandwich

shot meat sauce

British Americaned

do you call a burner a pounded?

Last night I James Bond with a silencer on his pistol quarter-pounder with cheese and onions your sister.

last night i bonded over a burger with your sister

I bond cheeseburger your sister

>tfw the user that made the riddle probably forgot about it or dead
>tfw we will never know what was the true answer

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Last night I Pierce Brosnan'd your sister and got her fat by feeding her hamburgers

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thats pretty wholesome :)

a little chub is fun

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Last night I silently pounded your sister

Attached: tumblr_inline_ok421bsQdv1uq7m8u_1280.png (600x397, 382K)

Pierce Brosnan Slider
Pierce an Slider
Pierce anslider
Pierce ansider
Pierced Insider
Pierced Inside her

Last night I pierced inside her your sister

Attached: 007.png (1190x1098, 267K)

Yes this.


last night I arquitected your sister

I Brosaned your Wendy's single?

it's the 6th james bond and the 9th item on the mcdonalds combo menu at the time


Damnit, just beat me. If I can’t spoonfeed newfags, how will I validate my existence?