Based or cringe?
Based or cringe?
based - especially since he looks like a mongoloid himself
based potato nigger
It's too late for him to double down since he kinda bent down and accepted his fate. What he should have said was
>I didn't understand how much pain I caused the Asian community until I saw things from their perspective. The other day I had to drive down the highway with the sun in my face
That's a funny joke
Yeah but that's not funny.
My point is he can't pretend like he didn't bend over and apologize. He should have done something in the vein of my example
dude is unstoppable
If it's real then extreme cringe but it it's fake then kys but good bait
Only if he didn't try to delete his tweets, or be on twitter at all.
trying to sjw his way back into heaven
You guys remember this gem?
SNL is the mid-life divorcee of comedic gigs. His career just got more a jolt than 8 years of being on the live version of unisom would've done.
But he did, didn't he? He's joking about it in OP.
Kind of deserved it tbqh
Oh no, a comedian mocking the president? How did they let this man get away with it!? MOOODS
What did he do?
reminder: if you dont think he's ultra funny it means you're an sjw tranny. if he makes a joke about trump he's just playing 4d chess because gillis is not and never will be a seething tranny that makes actual trump jokes.
said a bunch of racist shit. and they werent even jokes either, this guy doesnt do jokes
I know this is low quality bait but its honestly what millenials and zoomers think like.
Wasn't much of a joke desu
Daring synthesis
>said a bunch of racist shit.
Oh no! As a 4channeler, I am filled with disgust and contempt for racism and racist people.
You dumb nigger.
He looks like he almost has down syndrome. Like what an aspie is to autism, he is to down syndrome.
He wasn't being racist against blacks, he was being racist against based Asians.
He was doing this bit before the SNL hiring
SNL is where mediocre Drama School dropouts go to die. He's better off.
He got more publicity getting kicked off of SNL than he ever would have gotten by being on it.
>He should have done something in the vein of my example
I think he's doing fine without your help.
it is what his fanbase thinks and says.
apparently working for SNL is fucking miserable anyway
he's better off this way
the guy asked what happened, i told him. what the fuck is your problem with that?
obama would be the funniest president to see ge lynched
>mock people I hate GOOD
>mock people I like BAD
Do you dummies really not see what ridiculously thin skinned hypocrites you are?
Uhh that's not even a joke
you're so mad lmao
I don’t get the joke, care to explain the “humor?”
go back to twitter and try to ruin more careers you cancel culture sjw nigger faggot. leave our guy alone and kill yourself
>pretend like he didn't bend over and apologize
He made a total non-apology apologizing "to anyone who was actually offended"
Ah, I get it. Yellow bugmen are short and have the sun beating down on their faces as they drive.
No the joke was that having sun in your eyes makes you squint, therefore seeing things from an Asian perspective
The joke is on you for having brain damage
i keep going back here since the shane thing i dont know why i keeping torturing myself reading these comments these faggots are making my blood boil. why are SNL fans takes on everything so damn faggoty? when did the onions sjw types become their entire fanbase?
This tard isn't funny
Which is why he was perfect for SNL
>so damn faggoty?
said the reddit regular
Literally kill yourself
based or cringe?
i only post on the cumtown and old O&A reddit which keeps getting shut down everytime they make new ones, other than that reddit = fag
It's time to stop posting Shane
>This is what women think qualifies as journalism
>i only post on reddit
Kill yourself, go back and stay there, you fucking retard.
For reels, is Shanes career over? i dont see how he ever gets another job on tv or any comedy specials without the twitter faggots protesting again. fucking sucks dude, this pretty much shuts the doors on any of those LoS dudes ever getting any mainstream work in tv. a huge step back in the pendulum swing us deplorables kept hoping for with everyone turning on awful woke garbage and good ol fashioned #problematic "punching down" comedy making its glorious return to the mainstream
It's really cowardice to pretend that it's not the white liberals that's the problem
>making fun of Asians in 2019, so brave
can he make fun of blacks, jews, muslims? If not, that's not brave, that's just picking the soft target.
If he doesn't at least get a stand-up special titled "Sunday Night Live" I will be very disappointed.
He should title his special "I Love Jew Chinks"
Woke Asian-Americans (not real Asian-born Asians) work overtime to remind everyone that they still warrant minority status.
post of the day
i think it would have been gerald ford, because it would be extra clumsy when he fell over dead
I think it'd be funnier if Barry The Magic Nigger was used as a drill bit to excavate all that new oil we have that he said didn't exist.
nice samefag lel
keep sucking Saudi dick, m8
Gay and bluepilled
We don't, that's what makes you seethe. Saudi Arabia's oil production just got cut in half from meme drones and USA's oil price didn't budge. Euroland is getting fucked because they get all their oil from Saud.
FUCKING BASED and suninyoureyespilled
They are /ptg/ faggots most likely. They need to go back to plebbit because they are widely despised.
kek holy based batman
Kek, pretty gud 4/5. The angry bug chirping at your post added at least a point.
Shane's great. He's friends with the GaS Digital guys and is a guest on a bunch of their shows
There's some decent unconventional plays in Poland, but the EU fags have a hard on for regulation fracking that will keep them out of the market, funny they have no such qualms about offshore resources in Norway and Scotland. It's almost like the EU punishes oil production in countries that don't toe the party line and suck refugee dick.
Yeah but nothing on SNL is any better
Stop shitting up cumtown with your boomer shit
Andrew Yang is a white supremacist
Kek, how can one man be this based?
I can actually hear the trumpcucks seething through my screen
literally not the point but nice strawman.
Trying way too hard to fit in.
He's just not funny
was there a joke in there somewhere? what next? did you go to the dogpound to pick up dinner
now you know how the rest of us feel when dealing with liberals.
You poor dumb fuck.
not bad
Low iq
>I didn't understand how much pain I caused the Asian community until I saw things from their perspective. The other day I had to drive down the highway with the sun in my face
Fucking post of the thread.
you sure told that cuck, we 4chanerians are total badasses and thats a lesson he will never forget.
I don't understand how you can be a comedian and not defend other comedians. Any comedian who shit talked Shane I have absolutely no respect for. I respect guys like Luis J. Gomez, Nick Mullen, and Joe DeRosa. Patton and his cronies can go fuck themselves.
>I don't understand how you can be a comedian and not defend other comedians.
You have to understand many if not all comedians are desperate for validation even if they are successful and today validation means being progressive by any means necessary. If this was 1975 all of them would be yelling about gooks and chinks.
Meanwhile we got Chinese people beating up Hong Kong protesters in Australian universities, such an oppressed minority
Someone post the up to date list of faggots (gayer than isis) vs non-faggots (real ass dudes)
>most numerous race on earth
>we da victim, always
he is averagely funny sometimes. his stand up and podcasts are snoozefests. that's my only problem with him,wish he was funnier. but of course if you think this be ready to get attacked by his gang lol. eric andre is on their shitlist of comedians who tried to cancel him, but really all he said was gillis isnt funny.
t. offended chink jew tranny. go back to twitter
>literally asking for it
>gets it
I'm so brain dead that I like seeing any new white dude on SNL that isn't a 10/10 chad. So i was interested in watching him just for a new face. (I watch the show because I'm a huge faggot).
I don't think I'm wrong to expect better from someone Michael Richards' age.
I think there might've been some inaccuracies in the list. Andy Kindler was in the non-faggot list but I can't find any source. Anthony Jeselnik later clarified his tweet on his podcast (so I'm told) and said that he did think Shane should've been fired and wasn't trying to defend him. Godfrey is kind of weird. I look at his twitter and he has a tweet saying he supports firing Shane, but it's sandwiched between retweets of Joe DeRosa and Luis defending him. Maybe he clarifies on his podcast.
They gave Richards the Mel Gibson treatment where his will is completely broken and he's reanimated as a progressive corpse
kek that was pretty funny
oh yeah the gillis guy is fucking ugly as shit, seeing him more than i do now would be a negative thing in my life.
LmAo the twitter handle
Yang is not even the president yet and he is already costing American's their jobs.
He better win so Shane Gillis at least has 1000 dollars a month to live with
SNL is such a comedic and cultural dead-zone nowadays that the best thing that could have happened to this guy is to get fired before it put its stank on him.
kek, accurate
What’s his most likely career options now? Nobody will want to touch him knowing faggots on social media will cause an uproar again. SNL really ticked this guys life up if he was just doing all that same edgelord shit like he’s been doing and SNL never hired he would’ve been fine, but once he got it then the faggots came out of the woodwork to make sure he’d never work again. Shit like this is gonna scare comics about evrr saying funny shit on podcasts now and also stop caving to these fucks on twitter and giving this so much power
Yeah that shit was fake as fuck.
Ha that's actually kind of funny. Did he start reading one in the accent on stage?
Shane's standup isn't great but his podcast is.
ohhh noooooooo i can't believe a prospective SNL cast member made a joke about le cheeto hitler getting shot, how could anyone have ever seen this coming
>knowing faggots on social media will cause an uproar again
Did anybody point a gun to his head to make him say all that racist shit? Why should anyone feel guilty about this dumbass ruining his own career?
Does being on SNL actually boost ones career anymore?
It seems like this bruhaha will sell tickets to his shows which is the best be could ever hope for. I doubt his plan was to start appearing in Judd Apatow movies.
>t. Shane Gillis
He should have said ME SO SOLLY
You're assuming racism is worth firing over to begin with
There is literally nothing said on his podcast or in his standup that is more racist than what SNL has produced in the past 20 years. Most of the comedians that have disowned him have said equally shitty things and they're still getting work, people are just dogpiling on Shane because he's right of center, white, and dude-broey
He'll probably go back to his podcast and be in pretty much the same position he was before, except with a larger audience and bringing in more money on Patreon. The mob will move on and find someone else to bully.
Asians haven't been this butthurt since Cliff BTFO Bruce "Ricenigger" Lee
He said all the shit because it’s fhnny and on brand with the kind of shit his fan base thinks is funny ever listen to legion of skanks? The shit Shane said is nothing compared to they deplorable shit Luis and the gang say
Also makes you a bad driver
A civil war would be pretty funny t b h
>legion of skanks
At this point, it really would. Millions of Mexicans fleeing for the border for the second time in their life, Jamal and Jaquavius roasting Jonathan and Raychel Esther over a stack of textbooks in the bombed out ruins of the formerly "gentrified" inner city. Cleetus and Jimbo sitting back on the arable land, trading bluehair tumblrinas for cans of welfare bear. The entire shitshow being livestreamed for the enjoyment of Chang and Ivan while the EU goes up in flames from the absence of NATO bases and the abundance of Muhammedians.
its the most racist comedy podcast on earth, so yeah... its pretty awesome. every episode the host (who also happens to be a racist spic) gets the crowd to chant "white power" its great
all standup is cringe
Ok but is it funny?
in the post-Shane SNL firing episode this week, he gets a "Chinks! Chinks! Chinks!" chant going, god damn luis rules
if youre a "real ass dude" thats into "real ass comedy" yeah i think you'd dig it
listen to any of the episodes where they play the game "Whos most justified in using the N-word?!" always a good intro episode the the pod for a new listener
The white power and chink chants sound hilarious. I hope the rest of the show is just as
he got fired for it. how is that a soft target.
It's really crazy how colored people can't take a fucking joke despite often telling whites how "fragile" they are. I'm a misanthrope now. There's no going back.
It all boils down to sex. Asian women want to be a victim of racism meanwhile they fuck white guys, Asian men want to be a victim of racism because white girls don't want to fuck them. In the real world, they're one of the most numerous races on the planet, constantly shit on other Asians, live in racially homogeneous countries but shill for immigration in white countries, and on and on. They are the perfect foot soldiers of the globalist agenda and it all comes down to who they are and aren't fucking.
Lol, I legitimately never knew how many gooks browsed this board until this and the bruce lee threads.
All this proves I’d that blacks are the one untouchable race. You can literally make fun of anyone, except black people, and not face any repercussions
he got fired for making fun of asian people.
I would wager that most of the BRADU memes and threads were posted by spics that found it fucking hilarious to start a shitflinging contest between whites and asians on the board, like a kid that throws a rock at a tard and then laughs when the tard punches the downie next to him in a spat of tard rage. Those spics aren't wrong, the whole thing was fucking hilarious.
I don't read those threads, but why would anyone be surprised that a forum made for extremely online movie fans to sperg out is heavily populated by asians?
i'm coming for their women, by the way. starting with this one.
>asians are racist as fuck but get buttblasted as soon as they receive some light roasting
im anticipating an increase in blacked threads tonight
Absolute based madman
That's a pretty safe prediction
nah, at least ghetto blacks love that shit when it's irl. one time when i was buying heroin in the ghetto, a lot of black dudes were hanging around by the house, nice summer day, and one of the kids came by on his bike and called me peter parker because i look him, and it escalated into a "roasting" battle with everyone now standing in the front yard, one of guys yelled out "dont hold back on that little shit, you can say anything spiderman", so we went to town on each other and said shitloads of racist insults and comments, people were literally crying out of laughter. stupid jokes like "this lil nigga so dark, at night you can only see him when he smiles" etc. but ofc im a regular in the area everyday and know mostly everyone who was there. when it's just jokes for the sake of jokes no one irl gives a fuck. twitter is a whole different animal i guess. but the only black people ive seen get butthurt are the ones who hang out with white people most of the time and have gone to college. also my gf is puerto rican and i live with her family, we all love each other and stuff, and her dad is the most racist guy on earth so it gets pretty over the top with the racial shit talking. if you can look people in the eyes and they know youre not actually racist, you can say anything you want, real life is a lot more fun than twitter.
are you still on the junk
You nailed it. Last time I checked a few weeks ago /pol/ like that too--so many latino guys just starting stuff between asians and whites.
He should have joked about raping children instead of the racial stuff, jews are fine with raping children.
I can hardly blame them, as far as shitposting goes the BRADU memes are fucking hilarious just for their reactions. Sneed wishes it could ruffle those feathers.
i tried typing it up in a couple other ways and there is just no way to tell this story and say what i wanted to say without it being cringe. i apologize.
yeah, and i know, i should die etc...
Junkies are never "off the junk" they're just between fixes.
Gooks on suicide watch.
*sucks teeth*
you aight whyte boi
Isn't it sooo weird how making rape jokes supports rape culture, unless of course those jokes are about raping kids then it's just a joke? So weird.
How is that hypocrisy
Trump is the funniest president so naturally he would have the funniest assassination. Everything he does is naturally funny, even dying.
Teddy Roosevelt was the coolest and most badass president to ever get shot as far as I can remember. Got shot, gave a speech right after, then got treatment and survived.
Kek, black IQ on full display here.