What is the greatest comedy movie, based only on its humour?
What is the greatest comedy movie, based only on its humour?
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that one
I didn’t expect the correct answer so soon.
Only on its humor and with no setting involved? Borat. With its humor and the setting intact? Airplane or The Blues Brothers.
Dude Where’s My Car
i am so fucking sick of airplane and monty python and any other "comedy" where the fans cannot stop repeating the jokes verbatim as if they're funny the 2nd or 200th time
fucks sake it's ENDLESS but at least monty python fans have a lot of material so it's not repeated quite as much. the next person i hear quote the 'and don't call me shirley' line is getting pushed into traffic
The flashback scenes are boring
what're you gonna do run them over with your mobility scooter
This is the superior ZAZ movie
Impressive, but the correct answer is still
>you will never only see one lebaron
Based Nick Rivers
>monty python fans have a lot of material
No they don't. Its always NIH!
Dont know about you, but when I was in college. The guy who spouted monty python jokes, was also the guy that would tell you to search for family guy vs chicken on youtube.
>in college. The guy who spouted monty python jokes, was also the guy that would tell you to search for family guy vs chicken on youtube.
you took that directly from The Simpsons
I fart in your general direction
>Im as unfunny as the Simpsons
Well fuck you too! Which episode?
Episode 5, Season 11
>Asking Yea Forums that question.
Surly you can't be serious?
Any one of the Pink Panther movies.
God I lived those old movies. Peter Sellers was the best.
Shut up big nose.
The 2nd Airplane movie was darn near perfect, William Shatner was born for comedy.
Airplane or Blazing Saddles are both acceptable answers
the first 20 minutes of There's Something About Mary is the funniest bit within a comedy ever
>also, it' HUMOR
"superior" foreigners with their resource wasting extraneous vowels