Will the Joker inspire violence?

Will the Joker inspire violence?

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I don't understand. The schizo Disney shill keeps insisting that WB is pushing a mass shooting angle. If that was the case, wouldn't wahkeem play into the question?

good for him
he doesn't have to put up with some "journalist's" bullshit

Why the fuck didn't they film it? Would've been kino

when will these lefties realize that radicalization happens because of the bullshit they push? listen to reason. compromise. don't act like a tyrant. how hard is that? it's not like they won't get everything they want eventually.


He did the right thing. He did his job as an actor to produce a piece of entertainment. It's not his job to sit down and talk with interviewers about actual incels and how the character he portrayed will seep into the real world. Playing into those types of retards just makes them worse.

>when will these lefties realize that radicalization happens because of the bullshit they push?

you should elaborate on this

Basically a tale as old as the mankind - the more you try to make something taboo and forbidden the higher the chance that people will go and try to do it/talk about it - with more serious consequences and elaborate methods as you try to double down on your prohibition as it's part of human nature to be curious. By scrutinising whites and neglecting their problems while not giving them a platform to express themselves and their pov they will simply go and visit obscure and edgy platforms with more radicals that still have freedom of speech - thus increasing the chance of being radicalised yourself as you leave a circle jerk just to enter another.


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a joker movie produced by a massive company isn't a platform for "whites" to express themselves. actual places for the people to express themselves are local theatres, independent movies acted by the common people, community activities, etc. everything killed by mass corporations

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Catcher in the Rye inspired real-life violence.

Idiots will interpret things how they want and act stupidly.

based esl poster

This is how you got into ass-fucking guys, right?

He can't be racist though

Try fourth

>Be Joaquin Phoenix
>Be Joaquin out of interviews

Radicalization doesn't particularly happen. There is no overrepresentation in mass shootings of whites and especially not politically active right wing whites. It's all propaganda by the (((media))). Shootings they like are amplified, shootings they don't like are immediately forgotten

He a hungry boy
giv burger nom nom nom lol

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>Shootings they like are amplified, shootings they don't like are immediately forgotten
Sort of like how the right has completely forgotten the El Paso shooter and his manifesto against Hispanics.

You mean the same manifesto that whined about "muh environment"?


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how many mass shooting the joker has inspired since it came out in comics?
we didn't see any mass shooting when the dark knight came out

I don't know, Did V For Vendetta inspire any political uprisings?


holy shit

Anonymous hacker group counts?

>duhhhr moobies an vido gams raisin fur mass chutings

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the aurora colorado shooting

No, but it will inspire memes. And those can be much more dangerous.

Is your IQ below 100?

A bunch of protestors wore the Guy fawks mask during the Scientology protests. Nobody tried to blow up any British Government buildings or slash people with Sai daggers in the wake of film as far as I'm aware.


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What happened?

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Yes it will insight more violence unfortunately

What movies or books have inspired people to do violence? Besides, who's dumb enough to commit atrocities because they've watched a violent movie, people are generally more intelligent these days. Most likely it'll inspire people to try their hand at stand up comedy which means I would have to stay away from Comedy Central when watching television. Also, it'll make more men start to wear make up.

Incels wanting media attention

Why does it look like more mass shootings happen when a Republican is president?

>is it just me or as the world gotten crazier

these stats are probably cooked to hell and back. They arbitrarily call things school shootings or not, they can always just use however many ghetto school shootings they want for whatever purpose, that's what the bulk of that 94 for 2018 is, and im sure they could have done the same thing in other years.

>what is TDK


Mental illness not being taken seriously, a general decline in mental health for the vast majority of people mainly due to everything becoming more streamlined and soulless

hmmm, there seems to be some alteration to this article....

Black Panther inspired more violence

Mental illness is an excuse. It's not even real most of the time, nothing but beta-cope.

Apart from being a psycho killer who dresses like a clown, how is he similar to Batman's Joker? Joker is supposed to be a cunning genius villain who often outsmarts even Batman himself but in this movie he just looks like some mentally ill loser going on a killing spree

Fake stats, legitimately. NPR did a study where they found that over half of school shootings they phoned about didn't happen. Add that together with the fact that any time some gangbanger shoots another one within a mile of a school counts as a "school shooting" and you can pretend to have an epidemic.

Woah. Based

Welcome to the Joker, a character who's been written and rewritten by thousands of people across nearly a century.

I'd be really surprised if he actually turns-out to be 'Batman's Joker.' He'll likely just be the inspiration for the real-deal or something.

I think I remember seeing an NPR article about this. Essentially all the data sent to the feds about the number school shootings were misclassified, mistakes on paperwork, or plain didn't happen. Of all the school shootings that were reported, less than 5% could be confirmed for taking place

>Joker is supposed to be
there is no supposed anything.

Why single out Joker? There are so many violent movies, why does one all of the sudden inspire violence?

Because he's the patron-saint of incels.

The dreaded white nationalism may surface. Muhahahahaha

From a movie made by and starring a jew?

TKD = Tae Kwon Do?

Bruce Lee movies and anime like Dragonball Z have inspired people to take up martial arts, but they don't go around killing people.

He's still white, why are you so autistic about his ancestry? Do you retards do this with any other ancestry or just Jewish people "durr he can't be racist he's irish"

There will be no violence. The media is playing up white nationalism like it's radical Islam or normal black violence. Radical Islam kills 18000+ a year. White nationalism kills less than 50 worldwide.

No, The Knight Dark, you absolute retard.

this and also because leftists don't realize that the dumb shit they do is what generally pushes people to the opposite side,

No he isn't. Jews say they're not white which means they're not.

It wouldn't be a big dea if Jewish people themselves didn't bring it up all time, not to mention using hallofcost as an excuse for a whole slew of bullshit

id hope people would shoot up the theaters but then i realized someone would actually have to be watching this.

Keep seething, Marvelcuck.


I don't think The Dark Knight inspired anyone to go on killing sprees, maybe just had people dress up as Batman for Halloween.

Doesn't Chelsea Handler say she is white? She also happens to be Jewish.

Imagine going to watch a shit movie and then getting shot for it.

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>Please don't be racist and respect other people
>God, stop trying to make me a better person mom, I'm gonna radicalize so hard because of your tyranny

Lol, are you seriously suggesting McVey has anything to do with current political trends?


haven't even seen endgame.
also dilate more

I really hope I die next to a girl maybe the cops will think she was my girlfriend

He is still a white nationalist who committed domestic terrorism.


I don't know if this is the same study, but there was one where they counted a guy killing himself in a school parking lot as a school shooting. Furthermore, these shootings hardly made local news. It's really hard to fish them out prior to the proliferation of the internet.

(the study that claims the united states has the highest amount of shootings was done by a guy who won't release his survey method. He has data going back before the internet in third world countries. in dozens of different languages. so it's clearly bullshit. How could he know if there was a school shooting in bangladesh in 1973 for example.)

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Maybe you'll be unfortunate and the shooter will figure you out as a fellow incel and won't shoot you. When the cops ask him why he didn't kill you, he'll be all like: "Because I knew he was an incel loser like me."

The chad police won't let the virgin shooter live that doesn't look good on the news

All of these articles just sound like a guitly conscious manifesting itself

>Hey you know all those guys we've been ragging on and calling toxic, is there any way they may be inspired to retaliate with violence???

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>please don't be racist
>and fuck white men, amirite folks?

What are donuts?

I agree that it's not taken as seriously but it's mainly from retards romanticizing it, not just with everything hitting a creative dead end.

Gun prices drop when there are Republican presidents.


Now compare serial homicides. I bet you mentally ill serial killers just moved on to mass shootings now since discreet killing is basically impossible now with DNA testing and the like.

movies don't inspire violence

rejecting people from SOCIETY does

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Why do white males have the highest rates of suicide more than any other demographic?

They'll push this narrative until someone really does snap, and then pile on


While the number of serial killers probably dropped because it is less of a meme, there are still plenty of active serial killers about. It's pretty easy to get away with too, depending on victim, method of killing and method of body disposal.

And yet here you are being an Alpha-Chump and losing the game.

smart move. reporters love to ask sketchy legal entrapment questions for some reason


it's just media brainlet. people live vicariously through the character.
>straight white male shoots late night host in the head for mocking him to his face
it's going to be cathartic

are white people really going to start shooting up places because of Joker? Cause we all know black incels arent a thing

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Blacks shoot things up anyway.

Yes, user. It's not about admission sales and viewings at all.


Trump happened. He insights violence across the country then acts like its not his fault and he dindunuffin.


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is it safe to go see joker in theaters or should I wait until it it out on DVD?


EMF grid controllers upping the "agitation" frequency in major population centers, making the population more hostile.

Perfect response to the question, what a based man.

>movie is hyped as "incel kino" that will inspire gorillions to kill gays, women and blacks
>movie itself is likely to be very weak and I will be out of the theater feeling disappointed

Hey that does not redirect me to Blacked.com, wtf user?

You're in my sights incel

And that Beatles song that is literally just about some dumb carnival ride inspired Charles Manson, crazies gonna crazy

there were 3 school shootings through my entire schooling. one was a guy showing off his piece and he accidentally shot one of his nuts off at a school basketball game. another someone was adjusting their piece and it went off during an exam, and the third was a biology professor who went mad and shot some people and had her husband come to pick her up


social networks


>Shortly after Bishop's arrest, people at the university's biology department expressed concern to police that she had "booby trapped the science building with a 'herpes bomb'" intended to spread the virus.[2] She had previously worked with the herpes virus while completing her post-doctoral studies. She wrote a novel describing the spread of a virus similar to herpes throughout the world "causing pregnant women to miscarry."
holy shit

supervillain origin story.

What I find jarring is that these are the same people who applauded Malala Yousaf for saying that shitting on muslims only breeds more jihadists, its the same principle

Natural Born Killers

oh man, this movie is absolutely BONKERS
thank god oliver stone re-wrote tarantino´s shitty screenplay and made gold out of it


The camerawork alone is pretty wild.

jews trying to push gun control. and for non-staged events, lack of firearms on campus. These queers wouldn't shoot up their school if they knew their was a chance that they would instantly be shot back at.

what a stupid question
everybody knows VIDEOGAMES are the cause for mass shootings

the media has been telling us that for years now

>I reject your hypothesis
You know, Tarantino is a piece of shit, but he knows what's going on.

No, but yours is.

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Wtf no he wasn't, he was "radicalized" by what he saw as government over reach at Waco and Ruby Ridge, you're just making shit up, what is wrong with you? Let me guess you think Columbine was a right wing attack as well when one of them was literally a Jew who talked about how much he hated racism.

You'd have a better case trying to claim he was a Christian terrorist, but that would be just as stupid because his religion didn't motivate him.

Carrying the world and watching it die at the same time.

finally paided of is what happened

>Cause we all know black incels arent a thing
You've never seen real black people have you? Black weebs are the 3rd biggest subgroup behind Rappers and Ganbangers, and there are a LOT of black incels in the bunch.

Man this is what actual evil looks like, cold and calculated with maximum damage that will literally carry on for generations.