why has the art of car chase scenes completely vanished from Hollywood after the 90's?
Why has the art of car chase scenes completely vanished from Hollywood after the 90's?
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John Frankenheimer died and there's no one else taking up the mantle.
Who knows, we might get a semi-decent one in the next Bond maybe.
the boring answer is probably that nobody will provide insurance for them anymore
capeshit replaced car action. you get solid dose of car chases in fast and furious series tho
Baby Driver is nothing but that and it's absolute fucking r*ddit cringe.
Most films like that are. Films like Bullit or that scene in The French Connection are exceptions
I thought the Fast and Furious franchise had a few car chases.
you could render it in cgi and nobody would notice with todays technology
James Bond films still try to keep the art alive, even if the recent films are quite average overall.
every Batman and James Bond film has a car chase, although recently the Bond films have had awful chase sequences.
People are desensitized and think cars are boring now. Ever see those clips of russian dash cam crashes? Those have billions of views. No one cares.
Not really
This was okay in Spectre, but nothing spectacular.
there were a slew of meme car chases in the 2000s and people got burned out with the exception of their every couple years F&F movie.
>think cars are boring now
Fast & Furious has like 10 installments and made a gorillion dollars.
bad guys always drive jags.
Isn't that just the boring antithesis of cars though? They all have guns and rocket launchers attached to them and fly and shit. You have to make fun of cars to make them fun now.
Too much CGI these days tbqh.
-modern chases try too hard to impress with OTT stunts and camerawork
-the sounds of the engines are often drowned out with generic action music
-car chases, like fight scenes, used to be a way to develop the hero's personality (the French Connection and Bullitt chases are good examples) whereas today they're just action scenes
-too much CGI; even if it looks realistic there's still no substituting it for actual stunts, pedestrians, cars, etc.
theyre fucking boring
People aren't impressed by real people just driving fast anymore. Now that capeshit exists there's no reason not to just have CGI bullshit instead. That, and it's extremely dangerous.
>Fast & Furious
Aren't those just CGI cars and action scenes now too?
switch on the LA news channel and you're almost guaranteed to see a car chase of some sort
the Spectre chase was really underwhelming.
The Brosnen tank chase, now that's fucking kino.
The 90's was a different time.
I love how every time it cuts to Natasha you can tell she's creaming her panties.
>Aren't those just CGI cars and action scenes now too?
There hasn't been a real car driving somewhere since the second movie my dude.
>Aren't those just CGI cars and action scenes now too?
Real cars and stunts. CGI used for closeup scenes with the cast inside speeding vehicles and obvious stuff like jumping from building in Dubai.
How can you say that when Car Chase: The Movie came out not that long along, and is considered one of the best action movies of all time?
I thought the Borne movies had some good car chases
This was vehicle kino.
They reek too much of toxic masculinity. But as long as we reek for merely broaching the topic, here. Have the best ever.
Masculinity in general is toxic masculinity to these people.
Baby Driver was good
>Baby Driver was good
they have become a staple of action films
also it cost a lot to shutdown a part of a highway for shooting
Prevalence of CGI kind of killed the physicality, and then I guess they just fell out of fashion.
kys faggot
>clips of russian dash cam crashes? Those have billions of views. No one cares.
billions of views
No one cares.
No one