Awww look how happy they are.
Awww look how happy they are
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I just want a decent KoToR adaptation, god damn it. Is that too much to ask? also, did they completely forgot about Kyle Katarn after Disney took over?
Jedi Knight 2 is the best piece of any Star Wars media of the past 25 years.
That set looks awful
It looks amazing. I feel sorry for your mother.
>A soundstage with some huts, torches and a nighttime backdrop wallpaper
Wow, amazing. The magic of movies.
Protip: success at 25 doesnt mean the rest of your life will be sunshine and rainbows, and the sooner you autists understand that the sooner you'll grow up
The idea that Endor was some kind of final victory over evil came from special edition and prequel retcons anyway
Can you fit into really tight places because of no soul?
Yeah, i guess they shouldve filmed it on Endor. Dishonest.
>"oh luke, my son, if only you knew how much orange tail I smashed in my day"
Return of the Jedi is the ugliest film of the OT. The DoP shot it like a play, the lighting is flat and uninteresting and there are some really obvious matte paintings and generally boring set design
The miniature team was at the top of their game though that space battle is kino, all the acid they were tripping on during production probably helped
>We're finally done with these movies and can get on with our acting careers!
>all the acid they were tripping on during production
Sounds cool, but would like to see a source. Also your opinion is garbage.
user, when you're surrounded by teddy bears that just straight up ate a fucking storm trooper in front of you you fake smile till you're fifty miles away.
>no rebuttal, no argument
Protip: Return of the Jedi kinda sucks and everyone knew it even back in 1983, it's basically a prototype Phantom Menace
You've said that a gorgeous film looks cheap, your opinion is worthless and unworthy of an in-depth reply.
Protip: No, you fucking idiot. RotJ is the reason why anything else got made past 1983.
Empire is the gorgeous one. Show me one interesting shot in RotJ and I can show dozens from Empire.
Pro-tip: it's a fairy tale fantasy story and shouldn't be taken as seriously as this post
To be brutally honest, you're right that TESB is the pretty one, but RotJ is the most interesting one.
Good point
Wasn't the film making that crystal clear by way of Han's near barbecuing? The Imperials got Ewoked and it's canon.
>Phantom Menace
How is it anything like The Phantom Menace?
Its fantasy, but growing up and accepting the harsh realities of life have always been a core theme of Star Wars. That it's infantile escapism was the audience misreading the text.
Luke fails constantly and eventually learns his mentor figures were lying to him and the prequels were literally about a manchild turning evil because he couldn't accept that bad things would happen in his life
>That it's infantile escapism was the audience misreading the text.
Lucas literally created Star Wars for new generations to have escapism.
Increased slapstick and toilet humor. Making plot decisions based on merchandise (Han's survival) and appealing to small children (Ewoks)
JK > JK2
I'm sure the helmets were just used as a bowls and not actually holding the boiled remans of clone brains.
Don't know what you're talking about, VII-IX is a bad dream.
But he also wanted to impart real life lessons onto his audience. This idea that nothing bad ever happened in Star Wars and its nothing but infantile escapism is the manchild fans projecting their own insecurities into the franchise (The First Order, basically)
There's a reason Tolkein never made a sequel to LOTR
> Pictured: Teddy bear picnic
> Not pictured: The unbridled screams of storm troopers thrown on the bar-b.
They weren't clones by that epoch of Imperial rule, but no, they cooked 'em out back.
>People griping that Ewoks are too cute to be dangerous
>Forgetting the Panda Bear is still a bear and regularly kills people stupid enough to get too close to one.
>This idea that nothing bad ever happened in Star Wars and its nothing but infantile escapism is the manchild fans
Oh I agree.
Everything made after Return of the Jedi was a mistake this includes the prequels, Clone Wars, Expanded Universe, and Old Republic.
>But he also wanted to impart real life lessons onto his audience.
And he did both. Lucas himself is the guy who fomented the "durr hurr it's a baby's movie series" when his prequels got ripped to shreds for bad dialogue and shaky plots.
If would be a shame if...
>Han died heroically, refusing to give up on his son
>Leia performed a miracle and probably would have been an important part of IX had Carrie not OD'd
>Hermit Luke is depressing but he comes back stronger than ever before achieving Nirvana, becoming one with the Force and passing into legend
Again: accepting death as a natural part of life is a core theme of Star Wars. Anakin literally turned into Vader because he couldn't deal with that. Ben, Yoda and Luke's passing is all portrayed as them "becoming One with the Force" and becoming "More Powerful than you can possibly imagine"
>NONONONONO don't insult my favourite multi-billion dollar corporation
If you want to criticize Disney for its overwhelming market share bordering on a monopoly and its mistreatment of its employees be my guest
But you manchildren dont do that, you cry about how NuWars "ruined your childhood" or something and engage with the films in the most reductive and infantile way possible to justify your victim complexes
>"ruined your childhood"
No one ever says that here outside of a joke. You're very new.
When did I say this? I literally just said Disney is an evil monopoly that treats its employees like garbage
I just dont think JJ and Rian were out to get you when they made their movies and acting wounded over a film you didnt like is manchild behavior
>Of course I don't like Disney haha but I also think if you criticise anything they do you're a nazi incel machild
You're not fooling anybody
Whatever helps you sleep at night dude
You assume we have any positive emotional involvement in Star Wars left.
I like The Last Jedi because it made me realize what a piece of nigger shit Star Wars is. Thanks, Ryebread!
You're not gonna get a decent adaptation of anything anymore
Star Wars is dead. Mourn it and move on.