Some dogs are doggos, some are puppers, and others may even be pupperinos. There are corgos and clouds...

Some dogs are doggos, some are puppers, and others may even be pupperinos. There are corgos and clouds, fluffers and floofs, woofers and boofers. The chunky ones are thicc, and the thin ones are long bois. When they stick out their tongues, they're doing a mlem, a blep, a blop. They bork. They boof. Once in a while they do each other a frighten

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>A Dog's Purpose was actually a huge success in China and the reason it got a sequel
Fuck reddit, who do we screech at now for hating cute borkies?

I hate this board.

They probably thought it was a cooking tutorial

Is this the reddit thread?

Now this is autism

>blah blah blah
reddit zoomer tourists should be executed

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what about all the little emperors who no doubt demanded their parents give them a dog after seeing the movie? They're probably being neglected at this very moment.


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I love dogs, but after reading that I want to smash a dogs face in

>Yea Forums - television and movies

I don't trust Golden Retrievers. They're always smiling and happy looking.

This is my doggo and my puppers.

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doggu > doggo

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nice dogs

I dislike corgis. I can't stand looking at them, their buggy eyes and their flabby oblong bodies.

Goldens are subservient. Labradors are actually happy.

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I think I might hate dogs. Does that make me chinese?

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