ITT: Director’s cuts that are worse than the original release

ITT: Director’s cuts that are worse than the original release

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it doesn't say director's cut there

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Virtually all director's cuts are garbage

It was recut by the director

Literally all of them except Ridley Scott's movies.
>Blade Runner DC actually makes sense
>Kingdom of Heaven DC is actually a pretty good movie

I know I’m in the minority, but I actually don’t like the DC of Blade Runner, the unicorn scene removes all ambiguity of Deckard possibly being a replicant


Didn't another cut just come out?

Cinema Paradiso

Alien DC is a turd. Scott himself said that the theatrical version is his definite vision for the movie and it clearly shows. The DC changed the pacing or cinematography of some scenes and it was really bad


The DC of Blade Runner only improves the atmosphere by removing the narration. I hate it when I criticize the movie and Blade Runner stans insist I'm watching the wrong version, like simple editing is going to fix everything that's fundamentally wrong with it.

>when your director's cut is somehow worse than the hodgepodge clusterfuck of the original

Superman 2 is kino. Don't be an obnoxious hipster contrarian faggot. No one cares.

Plantation scene is the pleb filter

The lack of narration easily makes up for the unicorn scene

I guess I can just buy the director’s cut, rip it onto my computer and cut out the unicorn scene and the movie is now perfect

i didnt like the plantation scene because when the french milf gets naked you don't get to see her pusy hair

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all of them

DC of Blade Runner contradicts 2049

How so?

2049 is a shit movie anyways so it doesn't matter

The workprint cut is objectively the best version, it doesn't have the unicorn scene and it cuts out the narration. Sadly that version isn't in 4k.

>best version of the movie hasn’t been properly remastered
Same with Superman 2

>>best version of the movie hasn’t been properly remastered
Mate, it was restored as well as they could. Just look at the opening on the collector's edition blu-ray where Ridley Scott shows the difference between how it looked before and after they cleaned it up.

The unicorn scene is needed for the movie to be complete.

Ridley said that the DC for this one was a mere curiosity and the theatrical was the definitive version.

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Of course, how could we forget the kino scene where General Zod destroys Metropolis with slapstick comedy?

Some of the slapstick in the metropolis fight is dumb, but the movie is still great, one of the best capeshit ever made

Does it give Rutger Hauer enough screen time to be an interesting character?