What will cinema be like without him?
What will cinema be like without him?
what the fuck has he even done lately?
Is scientology about the study of science
the same but without tom cruise movies
not great not terrible
He will exist forever and this question will never be answered.
what about something noteworthy
Jesus Christ they're on 6?
Its the best of the bunch though
What Cruise kino should i watch?
Many years of mourning.
For me, it's MI:1 > MI:6 > MI:5 > MI:4 > MI:2 > MI:3.
>keeping movie files in individual folders
I'll never understand how you faggots live with youreselves
Eat your murray mints
Edge of Tomorrow is alright. Oblivion will make you kill yourself.
>He doesnt order things properly
He's a madman.
watch minority report then days of thunder, then MI1, then collateral, and finish it up with top gun
Show your movie folder
>his movie folder doesnt have featurettes
It’s about aliens living inside volcanoes
is there a single actor with more absolute kino in his filmography?
Risky Business. Might as well start with the first Tom Cruise kino
>wow tom cruise is so badass
has he tried doing it all backwards?
Only Arnold
>Tom Cruise link
>not Born the 4th of July
kill urself user
Marlon Brando probably
>edge of tomorrow is 5 years old
Born on the Fourth is top kino
Honestly Cruise has a top 5 resume of all time
It's just 6 genre-based folders and inside each is a shit ton of mkv files. All of the commentary tracks and subs are contained within the file itself. And I don't have time to watch extras, that shit's for teens.
>y-you are not my real dad! you can't make me clean my room
don't do it
>make your cameraman do a HALO jump with you
>make HIS cameraman also do the jump
What a lad
However will we live without "ken doll pretends to be shocked when shit hits the fan" movies.
For me, it was Interview With the Vampire.
shame he spent the entire decade on worthless action shlock
the tribune of the plebs has the floor
Who'da thunk that out of the people in that pic in 2019, Dunst would be the sloppiest
Long-haired Cruise was best Cruise.
there's a good chance tom will either die or become crippled in the next 8 years. how come certain types of suicidal behavior and actions are allowed and praised? that landspeed record woman from mythbusters essentially committed suicide, and she had a team of people pumping her up to do it lol, just wtf
>Is scientology about the study of science
It's about taking money away from gullible people.
Woo marred an otherwise perfect series
I really really liked it.
Boring and Inauthentic.
People who dislike MI2 are brainlets
Woo's style isn't for me. Way too over the top. If it wasn't an MI movie I'd probably go "yeah it's fine" but it's the black eye on the MI series as far as I'm concerned.
6 > 5 > 1 > 4 > 2 > 3
Give me a fucking sequel to that god fucking damned Mummy. Fuck your monster universal, just give me Nick Morton going for an adventure! There's shitload of potential and Cruise is the right guy to do this.
Where’s Maggie Q?
Bigger, less gay and more computer action
Saw it again yesterday. Absolute and utter vampire kino. It will only be topped if they do a Legacy of Kain movie.
Cruise Mummy was kino
It's forgotten about vampire kino. No pedo.
I'm 6'4. My ex was 6'2 and I could easily control her body even if she had leverage like this. How is this dwarf overpowering this big dude. I love strong women but let's be realistic.
i read the book when i was 14, thought it was wonderful, beautiful dark vampire poetry yo, dig around for another anne rice book that my mom had, from way later in annes career, and it was literally just a fabiotier gay romance novel. dropped it not even half way through. how'd she write such a great book, then everything else she wrote was pure trash not worth reading? is there a director who did the same thing?
poor little white boy 6
Both are trained MI6 agents so yeah. She just got the upper hand.
He has so few duds - very cool!
Yes I liked it a lot, apart from 10 minutes with Jekyll's ass. Still the best big budget adventure film since Indiana Jones and Kingdom of Skull.. but that fucking ending is so much of a goddamned tease ARRGGGGHHH! Also that fucking soundtrack, slowly building it up and then kicks in.
pretty sure xenu will/has replaced him with an alien so he'll be around forever
>no far and away
It's underrated as fuck.
I love it, despite Cruise's terrible Irish accent.
Yes, they studied science and realized it was bullshit being used to promote propaganda and manipulate the masses.
Of course, the media will tell you scientologists are a dangrous cult. The media will also tell you keep taking your meds (big pharma good, Tom Cruise bad!), agree to be taxed by the UN to prevent global warming (because the ice caps are melting any minute for realz this time guys not like the last ten times they said they were and were wrong) and that unfettered immigration and the welfare state are the keys to economic prosperity (what, you don't want to live in a third-world country? You're not *racist* are you, user?)
All things considered, I feel like the Scientologists mean me less harm. At least I have to opt in to giving them money unlike the fucking government. Cruise should run for president, I mean that unironically.
Soundtrack was 10/10. Did you know that it was on Oscar nomination ballots? Of course it didn't make it because of general hatred for the movie but it is still something noteworthy.
It's anime tier, best is MI6 which is more brutal and slower.
>an actual scientology shill
holy fuck
MI:6 strays into anime territory with the silliness of the multiple helicopter crashes at the end along with some other things. Still good though.
Ferguson is so hot but confusing. She's got an amazing body and a pretty face but you can kind of see the british matron look poking through. Her true destiny is to join the ranks of maturecore..
Holy shit that looks fake as hell.
never really understood why people considered Salma Hayek hot except for Tarantulas foot fetishism. Or I guess the US just had a beaner fetish and that's why everyone is 56% now.
Rebecca Ferguson is half-Swedish, but yeah she's got a British mother.
Kinda crazy how Pitt absolutely mogs Cruise and Banderas in that pic, he was really something else in his prime
Top tier Jap Kino
Out! Out! Crazy thetan!
Quite the opposite, actually
I thought I was the only one that did this
scientology is a weird name, but their methods really do work.
that's not true. it's about a reliable way of actually unfucking people. well, more about taking someone who is already able, and making them more capable.
I only watched it for the first time last week and Rain Man for the first time tonight.
>Twins is an 8
Twins is a meme stretched out for 2 hours. It's not funny and has no decent action scenes either. It's fucking terrible and literally one of Arnold's all-time worst. I'd rather watch that Hercules movie where they dubbed his voice.
>never really understood why people considered Salma Hayek hot
men aging well is a meme, dude hit the wall fucking hard jesus christ
I watched Last Samurai last night, so that.
pretty shit taste
>t. framing dragon
>has a movie folder
remake kino
Imagine being Tom Cruise in that scene
his leg folding near the back wheel is zcary.
Why does Yea Forums like Tom Cruise?
He hasn't made a single good movie.
Such a shame Wallis ruined her kino nose.
Much, much better.
wow completely fucking ruined. like jesus christ, it was unique and made her look like more of a horny slut. now she's just mediocre, stale and bored looking with a large forehead.
what a fucking idiot, she might as well go the whole way and get tits, ass, lip implants and a fucking spray tan.
>>I saw her... the chick in the box.. She is real.
Cool your sarcasm.
Tom Cruise didn't even know he was in that movie until it came out. Seriously. Look at his face, he's surprised
No. He's great at picking his roles, I won't deny he's been in some shit, but much less than basically anybody else.
that would require being sarcastic.
It's better than 3 and I liked it better than the first one too.
You're alright.
Should I watch The Mummy then? I don't care about princess waifu and not a big Tom Cruise fan either but these stills and webms look interesting. Reviews suggested awful shit like Gods of Egypt or The Great Wall.
the missions will be possible
>bent arm
When Cruise leaves cinema is unironically dead
Pretty sure Tom Cruise is going to outlive all of us at Yea Forums
How are you "not a Tom Cruise fan"?
Unless he dies in a stunt related accident.
>Cant bruise the Cruise
>The Cruise dont lose
Pick one!
go to sleep tom
He plays very similar roles for 90% of time. There are few specials but it's mostly "action hero guy saving the world" typecast. By not a big fan I mean that I don't watch these unless they are randomly aired.
Same director as Oblivion.
Woo? the only bad one was made by JarJar Abrams.
Posting Com Truise in celebration of Tom Cruise.
I just marathoned these fuckers. I have a soft spot for De Palma which is why it's at the top.
1 > 4 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 2