Posts tropes that annoy you. I'll start.
>cops are portrayed as the good guys
Posts tropes that annoy you. I'll start.
>cops are portrayed as the good guys
Other urls found in this thread:
>costume porn
>costume comes off within the first five minutes
>tyrone wanted to be a dentist but they raciss and forced him into crime
>Posts tropes that annoy you. I'll start.
>White person is the bad guy, non-white person is the good guy.
Why do americans hate cops so much?
Give code
>homosexual is a normal, well adjusted adult in a stable relationship
why are asians whores so kino
>black man has a successful career and a loving family
Just put dragons and unicorns there as well
>hes not American
Why are you even on this board? Everything discussed here is American. If you dont get it, fuck off back to your /int/ containment board.
Poor people teach their kids that cops are evil and part of the reason they are poor. Cops have to go extremely overdrive into PR to convince the poor public that cops are human beings too. The political aspect is an entire different thing. The people that want to disarm us and defend the police also want to control the public through the police. It's all screwed. Not all of the poor mistrust of cops isn't misplaced, at least 50 years ago. Now it's an outdated idea.
Notice almost all cop movies or tv shows that show cops in a real life light and not some super corrupt evil oligarchy gets panned into oblivion.
prostitutes are portrayed as anything but the junkies and Methheads they are
>costume porn
>scene starts with them in costume
>fades to them already naked and completely skips them stripping out of the costumes
>Mexican family is wholesome and middle class. The father doesn't sell coke, the daughters aren't part time prostitutes, the mother isn't a house cleaner, the son isn't a gangbanger, they didn't illegally migrate to the US, and they don't wish for white genocide
>at least 50 years ago
Come on now
So basically a fairy tale. Got it.
>Everything discussed here is American.
No she a GOOD GIRL tryin ta suppote her FAMILY she got HOPES and DREAMS nigga HOPES AND DREAMS
Ok, 99.999999998% of everything discussed here is American. Whatever. It still doesnt justify your blasphemous presence.
>Everything discussed here is American.
Imagine living in this much of a bubble.
>being this much in denial
It's ok. Just breathe dude.
yeah please
>Everything discussed here is American
No wonder it's all fucking shit
Well this certainly isnt a board that has spread out discussion of international cinema along country lines, is it? Everything discussed here is American. Every show, movie and indie project. Sure, every once in a blue moon some butthurt foreigner will post his flag and say "Any good kino's from this country?" to try to feel included, but of every board on 4hcan Yea Forums is the absolute most American board. To deny that is to deny reality.
Every non American on this board is a slave to the USA. The funny thing is you dont even seem to recognize it.
Name one instance of the cops saving anyone from being robbed by a gang of spics.
Yet here you are, lapping it up like the good vassal you are. Yum yum!
I'm here just to shit on your decaying """culture""" you retarded amerimutt.
When the spics are shot before they cross the border.
I'm Australian and cops here are fucking retarded
Not an argument, but if it helps you cope with being a slave to America, then by all means, post it.
>thousands upon thousands of police interactions a day
>maybe a couple thousand improper ones a year
Do you realize how incredibly small that number is?
Oh, you mean the cops in Mexico
Uh-huh, suuuuuurre, ok. Whatever helps you cope with being a vassal.
Most mexican cops are corrupt and bought by the Cartels. Only american cops can get the job done.
huh? they don't
most americans are cop bootlickers
IPTD-969 Agent Ai Haneda – The Dance Of Tragedy Ki-investigator 淫謀 Secret Woman
LOL this nigga so deep in the Matrix he cant even acknowledge his dependence on American media to fill his empty, meaningless little foreigner life. LMAO
Because cops are fucking retarded.
>*shoots an unarmed civilian*
>*arrests you for smoking pot, a victimless crime*
>*pulls you over and gives you a ticket for going 51 in a 50 zone*
Gotta give them credit, they come up with better titles than Cum Fart Sippers
>be america
>get shot
>get killed by niggers
>get killed by spics
>entire country is dominated by jews
I don't consume american garbage though. I haven't watch an american movie in ages.
What's wrong with that title? At least you know what you're getting.
>wants to be American so bad but he cant so he spends all day shitting on America
It's ok buddy, just take the test. You, too, can become American.
Only actual retards have difficulty avoiding cops
>being an edgy foreign teen on the internet
Wow, they still have those?
>>wants to be American so bad but he cant so he spends all day shitting on America
That doesn't make any sense you stupid faggot.
Who the fuck wants to be an american in this age though? 50 years ago maybe your country is a fucing trainwreck now.
Go outside and get a bullet up your brain you retarded faggot.
you too
>13 year old foreigner gets internet for the 1st time
You must be so proud! Does the rest of your village have I internet too, or just you?
>everything discussed is American
Yeah, mostly by yuropoors who are fucking obsessed with us, this showing they truly have zero culture of their own to talk about.
I'm now exiting this thread since I don't want to read more coping smelly americans for today
Please tell me there's more.
cops are ironically the only thing keeping niggers alive
otherwise literally _everyone_ would band together and slaughter them all. actually itd be great for race relations for everyone else
My entire village is crossing your borders, John.
Enjoy their company.
This. I've fucked multiple escorts and every single time their apartments were filthy and disgusting. Even if the one with the south african accent was cute.
She was also alergic to condoms and I had to cum within a few minutes or I would have to stab her with an epipen. Who the fuck becomes a whore and is alergic to condoms lmao
Ikr? If they had "culture" they'd be off sipping tea and eating snails in their Leiderhosen, but no, they're here, discussing every conceivable American movie and tv ever made
>salty spic wants the entire world to become a shithole
I'm not surprised that you're that dumb.
>this cope
>hes a spic
get racemixed to death already whitie cuckold
They will be put into cages like the animals they are
And if not, cool let them destroy our societies and play in the rubble
This doesnt work for you either way paco
Was she black?
>facts are cope
If I was a filthy spic I'd be mad too. Just calm down pedro
Trump isn't doing fucking shit bro, I'm sorry but you got memed.
Nope, she was white. She talked like a less high pitched version of the chick from Die Antwoord. Was pretty hot desu
so, there were multiple cops there and only one was a twat that wanted to strongarm him. you're right. all cops must die!
I'm not white, I'm a spic just as you. It gives me comfort knowing that there are places in the world untouched by our kind, you cunt. Hopefully Europeans and North Americans will grow aware of this threat and eradicate us all.
Sure, then once you shitskins rule the world you're turn everything into rubble. Maybe once all the whites are gone you'll think "hmm maybe we could have learned from them? Respected and emulated their socities? Nah nvm taco taco burrito pass the shitskin ball!"
Ahah lets make it happen faster that sounds funny
LMFAO the very DEFINITION of your disgusting people is "Racemixed".
Just fuck off and try to hop the border again Carlos, I hear the Rio Grande runs low this time of year.
Yikes, if you hate your kind so much please kill yourself.
>double penetration
Based, if you are able to recognize that white ways of running shit are conducive to human well being and wish to emulate these ways, you can stay in my book
Not yet, I'll keep spreading awareness of the menace of leftist policies before I off myself. At least I know what makes a decent society to live in, unlike you.
>Europeans and North Americans will grow aware of this threat and eradicate us all.
wishful thinking josé
Is the reason spics rape so much because they know the only reason their "race" exists is because of rape?
I just want America to fall in my lifetime, I know spics are fucking shit you faggot I've lived with them my entire life. It's not like you have transcended or some shit. Literally half of latino humor consists on shitting our ourselves since we now we are fucking mediocre.
Then you should know that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Well, unlike spics and africans, whites have shown capability to learn from their mistakes. That's not wishful thinking, it's just what history shows.
Why would you hope for the fall of the only possible hope of your disgusting race?
Just look at cartel execution videos, they rely on their primeval instincts for survival. No decent society can be built upon this sort of foundation.
Is that why they were replaced by the Jews?
Fucking idiot, whites dont own shit anymore
jesus christ I' sad now
why did I have to be born a sad latino piece of shit
I don't give a single fuck about the future of my """"race"""" why should I
Because he's a leftist subverting piece of shit, a victim of soviet propaganda who thinks "LE AMERICA IS EBIL!". Pretty typical in spic countries.
you just like rest of them niggers, kys
Like I said, you can still be American. Just do it right and take the test.
>you can still be American.
False. Stop spreading that meme, it will literally kill your country you faggot.
Whatever you say. I loathe what I am everyday, there isn't much I can do about it except not be like every other spic.
>Poor people teach their kids that cops are evil and part of the reason they are poor
Poor people aren't some mongrel cattle that's this misled.
Poor people mistrust cops cause they've usually had bad experiences with them
you have no idea how much I hate this
WTF is happening in this thread
>Poor people aren't some mongrel cattle that's this misled.
Because the idea of police is against the core founding of America.
Poor people have bad experiences with cops because they usually shelter criminals in their neighborhoods. Instead of hating cops, they should hate their drug dealing cousins.
t. spic
>the same thing that happens in EVERY thread, Pinky
While that shit does happens, power tripping cops also have their impact
>pot is a victimless crime
People like you make me want to slap a Blue Lives Matter sticker on my car. Potheads aren't nearly oppressed enough
Braindead. As long as you swear to uphold the Constitution you can become an American, basically. We should kick out (and definitely not let in) the leftists who think the Constitution is inherently racist
>starting a thread with cops
I guess that's enough to overcome JAV/coomer angle
Fuck off. Your country dies when you bring in "Americans" who aren't mentally American.
fuck off
You don't get to decide who gets to be American. No one does. Like anything else, you have to fight to get what you want and then fight more to keep it.
Like real victims. Not your motivation or libido.
>Franklin Delano "The Shitty Roosevelt" Roosevelt's opinion supersedes the opinions of the founding fathers to admit only free White men of good moral character
>expend entire thread shitting on your country
>post this
You're either too pure or too retarded (aka lefty), user.
I'm sorry I will delete my disgusting posts now.
Which is why Leftists are so dangerous. They want to make assimilation seem like racism.
The nation was founded on saying fuck you to the british government.
Never forget about the Boston Massacre
Not all of them have bad experience but they use one or two instances for decades. I grew up around poor people of a bunch of different races. It really is as simple as self-misinformation. Seriously people know they are breaking the law then claim to be suppressed when a cop does their job by telling them to stop. It happens all the time. I moved away from the dumps and as I got into the middle class I learned the other side of life. Not all poor people are animals but for sure poverty isn't noble. It sucks and it makes you hateful and bitter. Cops are just an easy out on all that rage.
rich people hate the cops just as much as poor people. we just don't suffer consequences like poor people because we aren't poor.
>t. richfag
>sold to yoofs by niggers or spiritual niggers
>causes permanent changes to brain architecture
>makes people complacent and soft
>lowers your sperm count
>smells like shit and everyone can smell the stink of weed on you a mile off
The Day of the Baton can't come soon enough
>Niggers being a negotiated 3/5ths of a human to get 3/5ths of a vote isn’t racist
lol who gives a fuck. Republicans and their pathetic identity politics
>action movie with female main character
>bad guy leaves the room, tell one of his henchman to kill her
>henchman decide to rape her before, this
give her the opportunity to kill him
No you just have good lawyers. You better hope society stays where it is. Most richfags are pants on head retarded and are gonna be easy marks if anything crumbles.
It lacks imagination, besides I want some surprise scenes in my porn. Why even watch it if you know same old cunt gets the same old dicking everytime.
>>action movie with female main character
>she can take on any man in hand to hand combat
Rich people are plenty smart- they're adept at navigating bureaucracy and making use of the modern financial and legal system. But they certainly ain't woke on the Riddle of Steel, so most won't fare too well in the event of any kind of collapse.
>nigger is friends with whites
yeah this. they're parasitic revenue generators for the county. thanks to that faggot Scalia, the police are "not constitutionally required to protect someone".
Which one is white?
I have only ever had pleasant interactions with cops. If you live in an area where the police have to deal with criminals often, then they probably all turn into assholes because they have to.
sorry, i don't have a pic of a white guy and a nigger.
Fair enough.
Fuck man this happens with with nearly any fetish porn
>foot porn
>focus on feet for the first minute and then switch to vanilla fucking immediately after
Or just as bad
>spend 25 minutes of the same repeated softcore feetplay with no real sexuality implemented
I get why wierd fetishes might be more challenging but is it really so hard for a chick to finger herself while sucking on some toes rather than just sitting there?
>lesbian webcam with 2 hot as fuck girls
>they just dance on camera for 48 minutes without even kissing
Are you ready for the Chris Hemsworth Experience???
film has gooks and japs in it
>they have souls
>they don't all know kung fu
>they can drive
>good guy loses in the end
American cops are really, really shitty. The only reason people here like them is because they kill blacks.
>just let yourself die bro
jav amauter is the most boring shit ever holy crap
only Anri Okita saves the jav scene overall
So never?
>all cops are crooked
To be fair a lot of Cops are fucking morons. It takes one bad experience to ruin them for life.
>Gay character
>Doesn't have constant issues with anal leakage
>the smartest character in the group is black
>Is a Tech wiz/ hacker
>If it's a group of Super powered characters, he'll have Electricity powers
she makes a solid argument
I feel you. There are several porn studios dedicated to just foot stuff and they just pump out hundreds of identical videos none of which are even particularly arousing. I don't get how these shithouses even stay in business.
True Americans should hate anyone who can deprive you of freedom, be it the government, the cops, or your neighbors so while we must tolerate cops to keep a stable country no way should they ever be trusted or loved. Its a hard life but they chose to be cops knowing it
>Being a cuck
I would rather get murdered by a bunch of angry spics then be saved by people hating their own race kill yourself you traitor.
Literally what the fuck are the cops going to do if you get robbed?
>I would rather get murdered by a bunch of angry spics
And I'm the cuck?
imagine thinking any other place in the world matters in any way to anyone except for if you are stuck in that shithole pining to find a way into America.
For putting down your own race yes you are
hate it very much
>sir, could you please lay on the ground and spread your asscheecks?
>sir, you have do it without using your hands or i have to defend myself
>sir, spread your asscheeks
>sir, don't move your hands
>sir, please, i have a family
>please, you leave me no choice
>cuff 'em
They are the good good people(i.e. mostly white people and some minorities).