One of the most if not the most overrated acting jobs in the history of cinema.
Wow he crazier than cray cray.
not scarey
not even interesting
One of the most if not the most overrated acting jobs in the history of cinema.
Wow he crazier than cray cray.
not scarey
not even interesting
Hello, Clareese.
Mads did it better.
I dont think it was son. He genuinely seemed schizo.
it seems overrated to you because it set the standard for intellectual killers in film and television. He was the first person to portray that kind of character and it was so good it became a cliche. But it was new at the time.
A fag wearing his mom’s dress is not intellectual
no one knows who those people are or the characters they are - you are proving my point
But Cox did it best
It wasn't as obvious until Mikkensen blew him out of the water. The problem with Hopkins' Lecter is that he doesn't feel charming or charismatic: just an obnoxious weirdo
>no one knows who those people are
>no one knows who those people are
Unironically how old are you
Zoomer pls go
None of those were INTELLECTUAL killers, retard, they were just killers.
this guy gets it
No, Hopkins really did it best, he's charismatic and has a way of drawing you in, and he gives off the impression that he's better than everyone else despite the fact that he got caught and now lives in a shithole.
he was awful (Hopkins)
Just did an imitation of hos father who was a baker coming home drunk one night
scared him (Hopkins) maybe
bored the shit out of everybody else
bad acting at its best
a truly horrible performance
Norman had no subtlety at all. The second you asked him an off kilter question he perspired wrongness. The only real twist in that was the crossdressing multiple personality shit, and that was shocking because it was the fucking 50's.
his performance was good enough to make his wife divorce him.
He's been locked up for years & knows there's no hiding anymore. He's "owning" who he is while using it as a tool to fuck with Starling in specific ways. The only other person you really see Lecter interact with at any length is the Senator, and he really turns it up to 13 for her.
But even with the cops he killed to escape, he's really subtle & underspoken & polite, like he starts to become towards the end with Starling.
There's a lot of layers to it & it's an old film. It really screams late 80's/early 90's in almost everything.
>It really screams late 80's/early 90's
*made for HBO one off movie*
> in almost everything.
I love Mikkelsen but his Hannibal is so creepy I have no idea how no one suspected him until Will came along. Lecter's Hannibal was more plausible in the beginning of Red Dragon.
I envisioned Frank Langella when I read the books
That movie aged very poorly visually, looks like it's from the late 80's. In Hannibal they're talking on cellphones which seems pretty jarring in comparison.
He is unironically the best Hannibal.
Mikkelen is a close second.
But I personally didn't get a feel for Cox's Hannibal. His scenes were awkward to me. Good dialogue, though.
OP is a tranny
>He is unironically the best Hannibal.
he just fucking sucked
first he nibbles the scenery
then he chews the scenery
then he unhooks jaw and swallows the scenery whole
just a bad performance
embarrassingly bad
It was a different time.
He is to Hannibal what Nicholson was to Joker.
>His is unironically the best post
he just fucking sucked
first he nibbles the cock
then he chews the cock
then he unhooks jaw and swallows the cock whole
just a bad post
embarrassingly bad
I could see him being a pretty spooky Lecter similar to Brian Cox
I imagined an older Dan Stevens after seeing him in The Guest and Downton Abbey, he can really walk the line between sinister and sophisticated
>no one knows who those people are or the characters they are - you are proving my point
"I'm retarded so everyone must be"
it'd be nice if he was intimidating but South Park got him in that one Hate Crime 2000 episode. All he does is jump to trying to manipulate (badly) and the only thing he offers is some hints because he knows the fanboy. He's not a genius, he just killed some people, got an admirer, and told that guy how to kill people.