Have they apologized yet?
Have they apologized yet?
Nah, Stoklasa recently tried to cover his ass when he said Jar Jar Abrams was supposed to DIRECT the movie, not WRITE it.
Are they getting more accusations of being paid shills these days? Where's that user with all the text of their TFA review. I'll see if I can find it
Got it
Rich: Do you need any kind of training to use the Force? Any?
Jay: [Kylo] has training.
Rich: She dudn't.
Jay: Well we don't know where...
Rich: Neither did Luke in Empire... Well the minor training, he had like a week of training with Yoda, that's all you need, you need a week?
Jay: And then he went back for his training in Jedi and Yoda just died immediately.
Mike: Yes, can I point out that this is, we are now back to real Star Wars.
Rich: Yep.
Mike: There is never any bullshit about... The only thing that Yoda says is that he's too old to begin the training, that's all. But really, it's more like, okay, I've taught you a couple things, how to levitate stuff, how to do this, your real training is confronting Darth Vader, blah blah blah blah blah, and this it's kind of the same thing, it's not the stupid prequel idea of "we have to get you when you're one, and you have to stand there with a thing over your head holding a lightsaber..
Jay: In a room full of other children.
Mike: In a room full of other children
Jay: That are as close as we are now, with lightsabers.
Mike: Yes, it's not a literal training, it's not an academy of little kids in a classroom, like the stupidity of George Lucas' ideas in the prequels.
Jay: Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, I loved their relationship in this movie, I loved that it didn't work out, it makes perfect sense that it wouldn't work out between the two of them. It didn't feel like... Because that's the biggest problem with Jedi, like now they're just there. They're together.
Mike: Yeah.
Jay: There's one line, where she's... Where Han Solo is concerned she likes Luke, it's just like tossed in at the last minute for no reason.
Mike: Yeah.
Jay: So I love the way they handled those two, their dialogue back-and-forth is great without feeling forced or like "remember their relationship in the past?" Like there's more through the decades since then, there's a little more drama. A little more weight. I like that.
Rich: There is a throwaway line of dialogue to explain it, but for me... It's a little bit weird that like, here we are like 40 years later, and these characters are still doing the same shit they were doing 40 years ago...
Jay: No...
Rich: ...Leia's still the one in charge of the rebellion, organizing things, and Han Solo's still the brash smuggler flying around the galaxy.
Jay: I like Kylo Ren a lot. He has more character to him than Darth Vader does in A New Hope. Darth Vader of course, there's more going on in Empire.
Mike: Well, Darth Vader's character wasn't really established until Empire.
Jay: Exactly, exactly, so I like that the villain established in this new series has a little more going on.
Rich: I think the problem with Star Wars though, is that one really good sequel happens to be one of the better movies ever made, and it's really fucking hard to live up to that.
Jay: Exactly. And this movie does a really good job of establishing itself as a solid sequel, which is the... my biggest takeaway from it is that it feels like a sequel, it doesn't feel like too much fanservice, or too much like we're doing "LIKE US! LIKE US! WE HAVE ALL THESE THINGS THAT YOU ENJOY FROM STAR WARS! We're making it look and feel just like Star Wars!" It feels just like a Star Wars sequel.
Mike: They did a very good job recapturing the magic and the energy of the original... It almost feels like a blend of Empire and A New Hope.
Rich: Yeah.
Mike: And like, it's not totally A New Hope, not totally Empire, but it has those emotional highs and lows of Empire and the novelty and the magic of the first one. All kind of blended together, J.J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, they all did a great job... doing what they were supposed to do.
>prequel fags still seething over the reviews
I remember watching this for the first time. I couldn't believe how three people, one of whom made a multi-hour review of the Prequels, knew so little about Star Wars.
One of my favourite parts is when Rich Evans mocks Lucas in that he looked at Obi-Wan's robes and decided that it's the official Jedi robe. The fat fuck "forgot" to mention that Yoda also wore brown robes...jeez, almost as if they were supposed to imitate monk robes.
Has literally nothing to do with that. Can you address the accusation, shill?
The reviews are entertaining, but once you sit down and actually watch them with a critical eye, a lot of it is bullshit, lying through omission, or just straight out wrong.
I mean he wasn't wrong at the time, Star Trek is still the best star wars film made in this century
>Star Trek is still the best star wars film made in this century
Are you fucking retarded?
And here you can see a deadly combination of boomer mentality + degenerate American - every relationship has to be "difficult" and not work out. Love does not exist.
You could always name a better one
Okay: Star Wars
Dar wurs
You're right.
This is because they refused to call Rey a Mary Sue and some incels can't handle that.
Again, you're wrong.
Rey is a textbook Mary Sue, including the self-insert part (on Kathleen's side). Denying this is intellectually dishonest.
You fucking idiot
moving the goal post, KID.
this century means after the year 2000
>Star Trek is the best Star Wars film
>name a better one
Dude everything about Abrahms Star trek hit the hallmarks of what star wars was, a simple story with one note villains well told with great action. I'm not saying that its perfect (especially for a star trek movie) but it at least highlighted the only thing jj knows how to do. remix established properties by utilizing the barebones iconography
Prequelfags are worse than sjws. You fags have the most massive victimhood complexes out there.
How is it moving the goalpost if the original point had nothing to do with what was said?
And "you're a faggot" means you literally take dicks up your ass
Jay was never really the big Star Wars fan and seems to know less about it as compared to Rich and Mike (Mike being the bigger fan).
A lot of buzzwords without anything to back them up. Congratulations, you've just posted the literary equivalent of empty calories.
Weirdly the accusations only increased when they started shitting all over Disney starting with the TLJ Plinkett.
It's a bad movie and JJ is a fucking hack. Good Lord, imagine defending anything JJ Cuntbrain has ever touched
>myaaaah muh buzzwords myaaaaah
Cry about it, prequelfag incel.
I'm pretty sure it started when they sucked the cum out of JJ's dick after TFA, history-revisionist
Go back and read the chain dum dum
>And "you're a faggot" means you literally take dicks up your ass
yeah I love cock. does that scare you?
I'm not saying it was good I'm saying it's better than the prequels and nuwars.
>history revisionist
They literally did start shitting all over Disney starting with the TLJ Plinkett, though. You cannot truthfully call that a lie.
>Prequelfags are worse than sjws.
No fucking way. I'll take autistic prequelfags over insane Disney Wars lunatics any day of the week
It makes me laugh more than anything. Gay dudes are gross and God's joke
It's literally on the same level, even worse than the prequels. JJ cannot make an actual movie to save his sad, nepotisically orchestrated life
No, I shall just shake me head in disbelief as to how long the American education system has fallen.
Because they HAD to or else their shilling would be obvious. They're sellouts from the start, and at this point I'm convinced they were funded to shit on previous Star Treks in order to hype JJ's abortion as well
It's the
No it's the
Or it's the
I'll admit that star trek had less soul than the prequels but there is no way you can tell me that you think any of episodes 1-3 both together or individually had a well thought out narrative. George literally made the same mistake that JJ and the crew did with lost bu writing without having any idea of an ending, only difference is the prequels came with a prebaked ending so he has less of an excuse for dropping the ball so hard
Ah, the American in it's natural environment. The missing link itself. Point and laugh at the simian.
You have any facts to back that up?
Compared to JJ's hack "storytelling"? Lucas's prequels are Shakespeare
Ah, a person without an argument. Point and laugh as it says nothing with each post
>Lucas's prequels are Shakespeare
I hope this is bait, for your sake.
It's a literal theory but considering that at the end of one of the later Trek breakdowns, Mike promotes the upcoming Star Trek movie. Here we think this is because of his love and hope for a good Trek movie, but looking at what has occurred I'm not so confident in that
*compared to JJ's movies
the only people who hate RLM are prequel fags who are still seething over the reviews
They attack everything Disney does these days. They even took shots at their streaming service. They praised Sony for pulling Spiderman.
They haven't said one good thing about Disney in awhile.
I dropped RLM like it was hot when they said TFA was a good movie and not leaps and bounds worse than the prequels. Can we get some reviewers with balls like AVGN to rip these pieces of shit apart?
The Plinkett and HitBs for the Star Wars movies are very entertaining, but much of the criticism comes from either:
>willfully ignoring parts of the films to make then look bad
>nitpicks that are on par with CinemaSins
I recently watched the Plinkett prequels alongside the prequels and not only was I surprised by how enjoyable the prequels were (since the 10 years since I last watched them I've heard shit they were) but how misleading Mike is in the writing. Stuff like "why did Obi-Wan dress like a Jedi when in hiding" was a disingenuous complaint since it would make sense for space monks who place little value on material things to wear basic robes like the peasants of the galaxy. This is one of many.
From a technical standpoint, they're pretty on point, but not too impressive since there's dozens of videos on YouTube where people have completely rewritten the prequels and picked them apart endlessly.
They were far too forgiving on TFA and if you watch the HitB and Plinkett review for TLJ, they seem to downplay the praise they gave the first movie.
So we should just ignore the past since NOW they aren't sucking Disney's cock like it's the key to Heaven?
>It's a literal theory
Then this debate is over. At least you got dubs.
>Jew Jew
>good scifi director
jesus christ
So everything discusses has to be literal fact that is proven by which sources again? How do you validate what you believe? Just because?
Everything in life was just inherently obvious? What's the point of study then? ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?
Ignore the past? Of course not. It's just a clear sign of shills fully turning coat. I'm not gonna be mad at that.
Of course you're not because you have no backbone or balls or brain
Comparing shitty movies to other shitty movies doesn't make the original shitty movies any better, they are still utter trash.
One is less shitty than the other though. One is an actual movie. JJ doesn't make movies
>So everything discusses has to be literal fact that is proven by which sources again?
Yes. That's how debate works. Take what accurate data there is and form a conclusion from that data.
>How do you validate what you believe?
Because there's no evidence of shilling, as you yourself admitted. You don't have to have evidence that something doesn't exist. The burden of proof is on you, and you couldn't carry it.
They were equally shitty and again, just because the new movies are shitty it doesn't make the prequels better even in comparison, they're still completely fucking awful.
>not giving a shit about youtubers means you're spineless
Have a last (You) and masturbate or something.
Okay here's some accurate data: Mike shits on Lucas, promotes JJ, loves TFA, and has 100x higher production values in his works now.
Organic right?
> Stuff like "why did Obi-Wan dress like a Jedi when in hiding" was a disingenuous complaint since it would make sense for space monks who place little value on material things to wear basic robes like the peasants of the galaxy.
Reread what you wrote.
Do you realize why you’re an idiot yet?
>They were equally shitty
They weren't
>just because the new movies are shitty it doesn't make the prequels better even in comparison
It literally does
>letting shills change colors and fuck you over and over again is smart
Am I?
Then why did this hate-spam start exactly after they trashed Rogue One and most of Yea Forums went nuclear because they thought it was the best movie ever?
Reminder that the Force Awakens review got a sticky.
>has 100x higher production values in his works now
Nigga where
He praised TFA and then later shit on it (this is not the first time he later changed his mind about movies, and not just Disney movies) and then shit on everything else Disney did. If he's a shill he sure is a strange one.
I don't know. I'm not "them" I just had some things click recently and now I'm pissed off at them for being so obviously owned by Disneey
>letting shills change colors and fuck you over and over again is smart
I haven't paid these people a dime.
No, please tell me.
Later shitting on it after there was no chance of messing with box office turnout? If an enemey soldier turned sides as they were losing the war, should you treat them like an original ally?
You're delusional if you think their production value has skyrocketed.
keep seething PTfag
You let them into your mind which is worse, I haven't or EVER paid an eceleb to fuck my perception of reality up. I just found them funny and stupidly though they were organic and interesting.
My bad
Compared to shitty youtube videos put together with minimal sets?
but do we still get banned posting par k Reys here ?
One movie, and then shit on the next one immediately on HitB. So again, if he's a shill, he's a strange one.
What if I told you I'm not doing this to defend the prequels? What if I told you that I'm more bothered by being manipulated by Disney's eceleb terrorism attacks? Simon Pegg tweeting, Lindeloff., JJ promotion, Kathleen Kennedy, Spielberg
>Compared to shitty youtube videos put together with minimal sets?
You mean what they're still doing?
>I'll just ignore their well documented hatred of TLJ and active repeats of "there is no point in watching rise of skywalker" until people finally stop replying to my retardation and I can get my dopamine high on having the last word.
Not strange, just somewhat aware enough of how vicious the internet is. "saving your own ass" is not strange at all.
>Oh shit, people didn't actually fall for it
>"I hate it guys" fuck do you think they believe us?
>Disney please, we really need another check
>You let them into your mind which is worse
So have you. You sound exactly as obsessed with these faggots as you're saying I am.
In your mind they look the same? Interesting. It's almost like you have no mind at all!
>I'll just focus on this one instance and ignore their upcoming JJ dickride session
You know once that shit starts getting hyped they'll be right there, sucking JJ cut cock, telling everyone "well honestly it just looks good! JJ might bring back Star Wars"
>I'd never call for a boycott
>but boy, I sure love cots
Oh so you're just a schizophrenic with a persecution complex. Just say that.
And get treatment if possible.
>one instance
>rogue one, solo, tlj
I found them entertaining, and I took their opinions (initially) at face value. I didn't see the Mouse ears
Yeah it's crazy right? A big company paying what appears to be grass roots reviews to shit on the competition and hype their product? So weird LET'S LAUGH EVERYONE I'M THE SMARTEST POSTER ON Yea Forums! I FUCKING LOVE DISNEY CUM IN MY ASS
>two bad tlj reviews
>entire podcast parodies dedicated to shitting all over Disney and their proven shills
>multiple instances since TLJ saying how shitty star wars is
>actively attacking their streaming service
>calling anybody who was against Sony's Spiderman pullout retarded
>one instance
>owned by Disney
Proof? They shit on the mouse all the time.
That didn't take you long did it? Imagine if you couldn't call me crazy, could you actually argue or would the effort be too much for a baby brain?
>all after TFA and unrelated to JJ
>after the TFA shilling
I'm laughing at you, not at him. You're sperging out so hard that I'm pretty sure you donated to their patreon.
>shit on the competition
>after attacking Lucas and hyping JJ and TFA
If they love JJ so much why don't they want anybody watching rise of skywalker?
I'm a huge star trek fan and I've always liked his reviews of the next gen movies. Are you star wars guys so thinned skinned that you can't take any criticism?
>waah waaah we're the eternal victims waaah waaaaah
Prequelfags are Anita Sarkeesian.
So you think Disney is giving them money to shit on the rest of their movies?
Shut up faggot they liked one of his movies and that's all it takes
>like 1 our if 4 nuWars films
Star Wars does weird things to the brain, user.
Yes it's reverse psychology
kindly reminder pinklet is a serial killer doing reviews to be not taken seriously.
Holy fuck the schizo mental gymnastics
There’s literally nothing wrong with either of these.
Fucking rekt
I honest-to-god can’t tell if most of the posts in this thread are serious or sarcastic. We’ve entered unprecedented levels of autism.
So Uncle Owens was a Jedi?
that is yes Jannies in disnae kike shill
I think there really was one guy sperging the fuck out but it seems he's gone.
I kinda get it, they've spent the last twenty years just kinda getting shat on and disney isn't helping by releasing either meh rehashes or "subversions" unironically the prequels are more interesting subversions of star wars that TLJ ever was
>Disney Wars lunatics
Where are these on Yea Forums?
>tfw I've done shit like this before
What if it was just a traditional garb worn by poor people in the galaxy?
RLM threads always attract or are started by mentally ill autists, no idea why they're so drawn to this random youtube channel.
I had to eat something kek
But back to my original question: did RLM ever apologize for supporting and hyping JJ? They shit on everything now, sure. But do they shit on TFA? Do they shit on JJ?
Imagine being this autistic
>just turn off your brain bro
>But back to my original question: did RLM ever apologize for supporting and hyping JJ?
It was literally already addressed here learn to read.
And that's it then? Just that? Do you have a transcript or literally anything else like I had when I posted walls of texts of them acting like little faggy girls over how "back to Star Wars" it felt with JJ directing?
>multi billion business decisions are dictated by some drunks in Milwaukee who review 90s instructional VHSs
Last (You) from me. You don't give a shit about how wrong you are and just want somebody to talk to.
He didn't say anything about letting jar jar write the thing as well.
That's literally nothing like what I said
Okay, you giving up is admitting defeat. I'll take that
Perfect breakdown of autismposting
This is obviously a troll post but
Did knights templar go crusading in monk robes, did samurai where kimonos into battle?
How many times do you need to quote yourself?
Holy shit really was right.
I think Mike said on some stream or something that he feels the movie isn't as good now and that his first review was driven by a lot of emotion. That's as close as you'll get, their egos won't allow them to admit anything else.
Holy shit another worthless post that can't debate a dog's dick
Nerve: struck
>their egos won't allow them to admit anything else.
Or the contract they signed
And another one! On a roll
Got any evidence of that contract?
Everybody ITT is waiting for you to provide some kind of evidence. You've been holding up this debate from square one.
Got any evidence that it doesn't exist? I have them not shitting on JJ like they shit on everything else. TFA was just as bad as TLJ. Why not go back and really hammer on that? Considering the upcoming movie release, it would make sense.
Unless they are contractually obliged not to fuck with the bottom line
Well, TFA was better than the prequels. He was right at the time
>Got any evidence that it doesn't exist?
Yes. Your failure to prove that it does is all the evidence I need.
The burden of proof is on you. If you fail to provide proof, then you're just autistically screeching and getting mocked for it.
He's trying to convince everyone that they were paid to like TFA.
drink bleach you fucking aspie
He literally wasn't. TFA isn't even a movie. It's literal recycled garbage
I gave you my proof. Can you debate that?
Kek make me gaylord
>I gave you my proof. Can you debate that?
You've given me accusations and speculations of intent. None of that is proof.
Until you provide proof then there's nothing to debate. I can comfortably call you a retard, retard.
at this point, is it more fun to argue about star wars being good or bad instead of watching it? i haven't seen one in like 9 years
Lol hes doing this right now
It's more proof than you have that they aren't paid shills. I have Mike literally saying JJ should direct the upcoming Star Wars movie, then promoting it while it was still viable, and STILL not dissecting it to the level of any of Lucas's films.
What do you have?
>still quoting himself
>any evidence that it doesn't exist?
Holy shit, this is amazing.
There's plenty of indicators that no such contract exists
>shitting on JJs Star Treks
>Review of TFA was basically that the film was pretty decent, Rich was 50/50 at best - clearly paid shills here
>literally nothing good to say about TLJ outside of it looks nice
>Telling people not to bother with Episode IX
>Each Nerd Crew episode picks on Disney, most recently siding with Sony on the Spiderman issue
You have no proof. Since proof in this regard would be a paper trail showing RLM getting money from Disney.
Your arguments are so weak it doesn't seem even close to realistic they took money, even in your hypothetical universe. Honestly embarrassing.
I of course expect a (You), since we all know you win an argument if you get in the last word, even if that last line is "I'm a retard".
Please leave.
But not TFA? Nothing about TFA? They just totally ignore where this whole trainwreck started?
I doubt they have a contract. It's more likely it's a case of their egos not wanting to admit they were wrong. They got famous off of autistic and cynical reviews of the prequels that made people, even in Hollywood, suck their dicks. People eagerly awaited their TFA review. They pushed it out and Mike abandoned his cynicism and got all weepy and shit, talking about how it was everything he dreamed of or some such garbage. Then they went back to doubling down on the cynicism for every other Star Wars movie, and won't outright admit they fucked up with TFA.
Just look at how they won't say anything when people point out they shit on Rogue One for nostagia bait shit, when TFA did nostalgia bait just as hard. They don't want to say their audience is right, and that they fucked up.
Give me proof that you aren't a paid sony shill right now, because you are a paid sony shill. It makes sense, Sony wants disney to hold less of the market, and you are criticizing disney, therefore you're a sony shill. There's my proof, go debunk that, sony shill.
>It's more proof than you have that they aren't paid shills.
It's not proof at all. You're really bad at this.
Again. I do not need evidence that anyone is not a paid shill. If they are not shills then there would be no document or certification claiming that they are not shills.
There's no such thing as an "I'm not a shill" license.
What you are spouting right now is an extremely common fallacy.
If you were arguing that purple dinosaurs were alive today, I wouldn't need to prove that they weren't.
>I doubt they have a contract
That's because you don't have a brain
Okay: I fucking hate Sony and I haven't seen a movie in theaters in years. I don't buy movies either. I don't give a fuck about Sony. They receive no money from me. I am not a shill for Sony.
That good? Now let's see what Mike said before TFA
>JJ would be great
>TFA was a return to Star Wars
A lot of Yea Forums buzzwords in here. Can you faggots come up with something new? You’re worse than Reddit circlejerks.
You're only saying that because you are no longer a shill for sony, but you were a shill for sony earlier in the thread. Get fucked sony shill.
They promoted a director that was essentially prechosen by Kathleen, and promoted a movie while it ran in theaters. That's paid promotion. Because they are Disney shills.
But now it's time to buy back street cred so that when it's "suck JJ's dick for money" time they can trick their drones
here. I'm on your side. I'm saying that there's nothing proving that rlm are shills.
>I'm not a Sony shill
But isn't that what a paid Sony shill would say to avoid suspicion?
I don't believe you, and your anti-Disney rants are enough to prove to me that you are a Sony shill.
Nope. Things I never did that Mike did:
>promoted JJ
>promoted Disney Star Wars
>waited to shit on Disney Star Wars
>bandwagonned my opinions for profit
The quote is in OP and is literally "directed" you mongoloid.
Sounds like something Disney would pay you to say. Call someone a Sony shill that attacks your product and Golden Boy JJ. Someone that attacks one of your terrorists like RLM.
I'd love to shit on RLM if it was found out they had a contract with Disney, but there's just no proof Disney paid the fat fucks off.
Proof is in the pudding
Actually, you did promote sony by attacking their competitor, Disney. Nice try, sony shill.
No, that's just promotion, which literally anyone can do for any reason. I could say, right now, that Rambo 5 is a masterpiece for free. That's not paid promotion. Even if their channel gave them money, that would be for watchtime and google ad revenue, and they would've gotten that if the review was bad. Prove to me that Disney paid them, with real solid evidence, and I'll happily change my mind.
That's not really fair though is it? Isn't everyone Disney's competition?
No he's onto something. Prove you're not a Sony shill. It shouldn't be hard since it's what you're asking of RLM.
>which literally anyone can do for any reason
Usually money. In this case with RLM? Money
So if I'm a paid shill for the reason you give, that would make you a paid shill by your own definition.
It's almost as though it's hard to make sense of reality when you're talking out of your ass.
Do you just not have any proof of your claims? I've been very patient so far and you still haven't given me any solid evidence.
I proved it I don't like Sony. I don't watch their movies or give a fuck about Spiderman. I shit on them any chance I get, just like Disney.
I think autism would be defined by how literal you took my post kek
The pudding
>I've been very patient so far
>this guy has no idea how fucked his argument is and he just keeps doubling down
what heavy shit armor are you gonna wear vs blasters you stupid fuck
but its true... all his movies suffer from the same shit.
It's not though. Show me them shitting on TFA the way they shit on TLJ or any of Lucas's movies? HMMMMMM?
>N-no you're the shill!
Prequels and Sequels are both terrible. There hasn't been a good star wars movie since Empire.
Literally not what I said. Funny you take that literal but not the "sounds like" part.
It's a very simple yes or no question.
Do you have any incontrovertible evidence of RLM shilling? Even so much as a forum post of one of them saying that Disney paid them would be be enough.
Yes or no. It doesn't get simpler than that, and there's no need to stall anymore.
>I shit on them any chance I get, just like Disney
You only started shitting on them recently, you weren't earlier. You claim you were, but you were really just attacking disney, a competitor of sony, therefore, you were simply shilling for sony.
>I don't like Sony
You've proved nothing, since its actually possible to lie about these things to try make yourself look better.
>calling anybody autistic after the state of your posting in this thread
Pot, kettle, black, anyone?
>I don't like Sony. I don't watch their movies or give a fuck about Spiderman. I shit on them any chance I get, just like Disney.
If that's proof enough for you why isn't RLM doing the same thing proof enough for them?
Not seeing an even playing field here.
Christ when did Yea Forums get overrun with sony shills?
>show me them shitting on a movie they thought was okay vs a movie they thought sucked
You’re retarded
Rent free.
You're right, it doesn't get any simpler than your perception.
I see what you're doing but it's not very smart or clever. Just deflective and makes you look like a jackass
Point, nowhere, anywhere?
I'm on an annoymous image board, not a Youtube channel with videos promoted by Simon Pegg or JJ
Why did they shill for TFA?
But they're both abysmal movies, so why pick and choose? Unless...oh no...they couldn't be paid by Disney or contractually obliged to withhold criticism!
>Rich Evans mocks Lucas in that he looked at Obi-Wan's robes and decided that it's the official Jedi robe. The fat fuck "forgot" to mention that Yoda also wore brown robes
Not to mention Anakin's ghost. Vader didn't die in those robes yet we have pic related.
>You're right, it doesn't get any simpler than your perception.
Or no.
If yes, provide this evidence in the same reply. If no, get the fuck out.
user this might sound crazy, but I'm not leaving just because you didn't get what you want
>I see what you're doing but it's not very smart or clever. Just deflective and makes you look like a jackass
Not an argument, sony shill.
It's so cute, he thinks he's clever! He doesn't have to argue at all, just sits back and wins everytime.
Kek why would I want evidence proving that they're shills?
You're the one who needs it.
Yes. Or no.
You still haven't answered.
Retard, illiterate, (You)?
Your """"""""arguement"""""""""" for RLM being paid Disney shills literally applies to yourself.
Your evidence requirement is so low, that your own posts are, by your own arguments, enough for people to conclusively call you a proven Sony shill.
Please, find us some forum post/comment/remark with them even alluding to being paid by Disney and all will be forgiven. Just liking the movie doesn't count.
Because mike didn't give TFA a scathing review and actually promoted JJ. However, one thing retards in this thread are using as "evidence" is that RLM later shat on the other following star wars films, however that's simply proof that they weren't shills later on. They WERE shills for TFA though, hence why there review was pretty decent. I don't get why that's hard to understand.
So are they shills every other time they give a movie a decent review?
The more you watch their other content, the more their behaviour will make sense. They are actually consistenly aweful movie critics. They like to get high and mighty about how much better they are than others and do these endlessly long fake podcasts, but at the core of it all they are just the exact same. They are grade A hypocrites . And pretty lackluster movie reviewers in addition.
You can pretty much predict exactly how they are going to react. The only thing they are good at is detecting a bandwagon starting to roll, so they always jump on it the first chance they get, and if they can't get on fast enough but sense potential for an anti-bandwagon, they will try and start that. That is exactly what they did with TFA. When the wind started turning after TLJ and fans suddenly hated Disney again, they turned right around and "admitted to their mistake" to get onto the bandwagon nice and early while people didn't realize whether the "love it" or "hate it" faction was going to win out yet.
They are good social manipulators, I will give you that, but they pretty much just say what ever will get their audience nodding, and they know how to make a tear-down entertaining whether substantiated or not. In that regard, they are just the edgy """high brow""" mirror image to all those shill-casts they like to mock.
And they do that with every movie, not just Star Wars, I got sick and tired of them real fast. The more I watched of them, the more they reminded me of the higher tier corporate bullshitters I have encountered in large companies, you know, the type that don't just rise through hot air and convincing other bullshitters, but that can hide their unsophisticated behind sophisticated wording. In the end, you develop a nose for that nonsense anyways. RLM are the same, beating dead horses and unsophisticated "criticism" hidden behind nice wording.
>They WERE shills for TFA though
They liked TFA, but that doesn't mean they were paid to.
The Last Jedi broke RLM.
Mike has become a parody of himself. He’s become the very same brand of person he openly mocked in his Avatar Plinkett review: a braindead viewer of corporate mediocrity.
A mediocrity that he’s now become acquainted with and feels awkward openly criticizing. He dances around The Last Jedi’s various flaws but never twists the knife as much as it should be twisted, the pinnacle of his “criticisms” being that the director used the wrong brand of Yoda. He gets the biggest pass out of the trio because it’s assumed he will delve deeper with his Plinkett reviews, the alter ego that peaked with the Indiana Jones video essay, and is now being used as a vehicle for petty frustrations rather than pointing out genuine narrative flaws.
Jay Bauman is a glorified blogger trying to solidify his position into what he believes is the right side of history. He doubles down on his approval of The Force Awakens. He dismisses the label of Mary Sue for Rey, despite the fact that our protagonist somehow gets the better of Snoke’s guards, despite the peak of her “training” by Luke being a meditation session—yet during the fight she doesn’t utilize the force at all but instead it all consists of pure combat, and combat, as we know, was not addressed during her glossed over “training” with Luke. Who knew fighting drunk thieves on Jakku with a staff could prepare you against blood-clad intergalactic knights?
Rich Evans is as passive as he’s ever been. He’s usually not afraid to delve into the misdeeds of a film but here he appears to be the most broken, his signature laugh now resembling a cry for help made by a broken man now disillusioned with the Hollywood he thought he knew. He regurgitates the same opinions made by his peers, his inner frustrations almost coming into life during various parts of the review but ultimately becoming diminished by his broken spirit.
This is the start of the end for Red Letter Media.
Based pastaposter
Of course not, now you're taking what I said out of context. They were just shilling for TFA, get that through your thick skull.
Okay disney shill
Fuck you faggot
>hey Mike it's me, your friendly Disney rep, I'll pay you x amount of dollars to give JJ and TFA a review that isn't scathing, but doesn't sing its high praises either. You will also be aloud to heavily criticise certain aspects of it within the review, criticise Disney in your Plinkett review and never say anything nice about Disney ever again
>mfw they deprived themselves of one of the best Star Wars stories by dismissing the EU
I'm so sorry that you've stuck around this long. I'm just trying to imagine having so little to say
Yeah it's so crazy to see the connection between people promoting a director, that director being hailed as the savior, the movie sucking and them sucking his dick. You'd have to be schizo to see that connection
How hard is it to say yes or no?
This question shouldn't hard to answer at all. Do you have evidence?
Yes or no.
>Do you have evidence?
Look at my post retard, RLM gave TFA a good review. They praised JJ, and ONLY AFTER their TFA review have they started to criticize the star wars movies.
>You'd have to be schizo to see that connection
It's becoming self aware
>Hey Mike it's JJ. I know you need to seem like an organic reviewer, so I don't mind a little bit of criticism.
>But I hear you even talking about me like Lucas I swear to fucking God you'll with you'd never met me or Kathleen
We have already established that this is only evidence that they liked the movie.
I'm looking for hard evidence that they were employed by Disney to sell the movie.
If you don't provide any I'll have no choice but to conclude that you have no such evidence. You have this opportunity to admit this yourself. Last chance.
Yes or no.
Ah the "schizo" accusation. Truly the pinnacle of arguing and not an essential "I fold" moment for the poster.
See: picture in OP
>You'd have to be schizo to see that connection
>See: picture in OP
So it's a no, then. You've failed.
Oh good are you leaving finally? You've had so little to add for almost 10 posts that I was getting tired entertaining you
>people can like movies and directors, and change their mind about them later on, so what evidence do you have that RLM was truly shilling for disney, and not just expressing their opinion
>they liked TFA and JJ
Christ the brainlet readings on this one are off the charts
And it finally dissolves into an ad hominem with nothing of value to say. Pottery.
>promoting a director
Plenty of times they've recommended different directors for different projects. JJ made a flashy space adventure that wasn't in line with the original Star Treks, but with more in common with Star Wars.
>with you'd never met me
Does JJ have a lisp?
>h-ha you called me a schizo! I win!
>N-no I'm aloud to say it in my own posts though!
See The only thing you've proved is that it's exactly what you've been doing.
Why'd they slander Lucas so much? There's tons of false anti-Lucas statements they gave. Did Lucas run over their dog?
Oh sorry, are we pretending those videos weren't viewed by millions of people? People aren't influenced by videos they watch online. That's been proven. By science
JJ made an abortion with Star Trek, they promoted it because of GASP money!
Well if you keep quoting yourself over and over I'm you FEEL right kek
>if I call you a schizo, I don't have to argue
There you go, you could have just lurked and patted yourself on the back for all the clever quips instead of wasting my fucking time responding to your sad faggy ass
>I'm you FEEL right kek
I hope you faggots are proud of yourselves. This retard just wanted to win one argument and you had to break him.
I didn't come here to win. People come here to win? Are you serious? Did you come here to win? My point has already been promoted FOR FREE by you retards. You could have just ignored it and let me die off but you promoted it for me.
Feel smart yet?
Which director would you have chosen to direct TFA?
JJ is a big, well-known director who directed big budget space action/adventure films. Who else would have been a logical choice?
Unless you're barging into people's reply chains, you have no problem calling people schizo but God forbid someone calls you it.
JJ is a well known FLOP of a director. I don't have any names, just any sort of process that didn't involve a close friend of Kathleen and Spielberg, maybe? Is that so hard?
Listen, I don't understand the idea that you can just call someone schizo and then, what you win? You don't have to argue a point, just YOU'RE CRAZY HAHAHAHAH then nothing? How fucking boring is that? How can you be satisfied with that unless your brain is very small?
>I didn't come here to win.
Good thing cause you fuckin lost bro
Yeah too bad, guess I can never post again huh?
>starts a debate
>loses horribly
>I-i didnt come here to win!
>I actually have no idea on who should have directed it, except it shouldn't have been Abrams
Wow, I'm convinced.
I called nobody schizo, that was you.
Fucking delusional. Have some self restraint.
>admits to losing
Took you long enough
So you've posted the transcript of them shitting on JJ like they have Lucas?
>Fucking delusional
>defends the choice of JJ
Wow another great point! All these great points and not personal attacks! Truly the smartest board
>still trying after agreeing that you lost
It's over, buddy. That's how it is. You lost. All you needed was one post proving that they were on Disney's payroll.
Personal attack? You just said you lost.
>you defended JJ!
Who would've been better then?
Oh shit, yet I keep posting that Mike promoted stealth promoted JJ on multiple occasions and promoted TFA and still hasn't shit on it in any way comparable to the prequel autismo breakdown
Unironically? Lucas
>Yeah too bad
Better luck next time eh?
There is no such thing as luck, or winning an argument on Yea Forums
None of your posts are evidence. Not admiting defeat doesn't mean you won.
Oh wait you did admit defeat. Lol
>last notable film he directed was 10 years prior
>only made one good film in his life
But Mike didn't shit on Indiana Jones Raiders the same way he did Crystal Skull. Is he, dare I say a /paidshill/?
Glad you understand that you will never be able to convince anyone of anything.
Accepting your total failure is hard, and it was very brave of you.
They are evidence though. It's a series of events that literally happened, which you don't ever debate btw. Oh because you won! That's right, you don't have to try at all.
That's nice. I'm gonna keep shitting on them any chance I get and you can be there to have nothing to say for as many posts as you like, Champ
>still better than literally anything JJ will ever "create"
Must hurt
He didn't shit on Raiders because he believes it's more Spielberg than Lucas.
Oh well, still gonna post though. Especially if it makes you mad like a little baby
>They are evidence though.
Wrong, but you know you're wrong. Without real solid proof your word means jack shit.
The truth is, shown by your weird asides on the subject, is that you're just mad that rlm didn't like the prequels, and you've had an obsessive vendetta against them because of this.
>you're just mad that rlm didn't like the prequels
I swear to God that's not the reason. You ignore the literal evidence I have around a series of events that occurred, because you think I'm biased?
>Oh well, still gonna post though.
Go right ahead. Just know as you lay down tonight that if you only did one thing differently, you could've gotten everybody ITT on your side. You were really close, too.
Oh no, everyone? ITT? They're against me! OH NO PLEASE EVERYONE NO I NEED YOUR LOVE
Like that?
Holy shit I didn't really think I nailed it.
Get over it. Not everybody's gonna like the prequels.
Jesus Christ user. Have any of my posts been about the actual quality of the prequels, or even discussed any aspect about them? CAN YOU READ?
Just keep it in mind. This thread is already gonna stick with you. I can tell.
It's circumstantial evidence at best since they could have do the same thing and not be paid. You could argue they are paid for every video they put out, either paid by competition to make something look bad or paid to make it look good.
Oh, but you're simply (You) farming and don't care... Ohhh
>still better than JJ
Nice to have you with us George. You got 4 opportunities after Episode IV to prove you could direct and bottled it. Can't keep pretending you're a good director when you're last good film was 40 years ago.
>This thread is already gonna stick with you. I can tell.
It's certainly made me lose more respect for this place than I thought possible.
>It's circumstantial evidence at best
Compared to your.....? What's your evidence again?
Okay, name 3 good JJ movies. Or two. Or even one, though I know how hard that will be
If you weren't such a dishonest pussy there would've been a lot more, I'm sure.
thats how he dressed before he became darth vader (ignore prequels)
I haven't been dishonest once. I know that must scare you, since instead of arguing about what I say you assume there has to be some reason I wouldn't like RLM. Since they're so great, I mean you'd have to be a schizo retard not to trust them!
>what's my evidence
Generally, if there's no evidence something happened, it's usually considered my courts to have never taken place. It's very simple, let me explain
>I accuse you of killing someone
>there's no evidence that places you at the crime scene
>ergo, you didn't do it
That's not saying you didn't do it, but that there's no evidence that you did. Show us the paper trail of RLM taking money and its over.
>a good JJ film
Mission Impossible III
>Compared to your.....? What's your evidence again?
Today we're gonna learn about a fallacy called the shifting of the burden of proof.
Here's an example your brain might understand
>movie company wants to buy rights
>movie company uses funny youtuber to diminish said rights owner reputation
>movie company uses youtuber to promote inhouse director
>move company pays youtuber not to shit on movie to save boxoffice
>movie company has said youtuber in a contract
Oh also
>MI 3
HAHAHAHAHHAAH couldn't make it passed the first 5 minutes. What a fucking hack
You should be teaching "how to avoid taking on a debate 101" which you all seem to be excelling at
That's a good example. One question with it though; where's the signed contract?
>MI 3
I shouldnt have bit, because be honest with yourself, you would have said that about any film.
>couldn't make it past the first 5 minutes
Wait, you're incapable of watching a movie? How can you know its bad if you only watched 5 minutes? What of you never watched the RLM videos and this was all a ruse to get (You)s?!
>going so far as to challenge the validity of an extremely common and well studied fallacy instead of simply admitting that your claim lacks evidence and is, based on that lack of evidence, wrong
You have absolutely no integrity of any kind. It's amazing that you think you have what it takes to make even one argument.
>where's the signed contract?
Where's JFK's body? user, you know I don't have a literal signed contract. Do you even know how many murder cases are solved with CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence? Too fucking many
I'm incapable of watching a bad movie. It was physically painful to see that opening with Simon Pegg screeching and Tom doing pull ups or whatever
Where's your argument in there again? Oh just more self suction? Gotcha
>Where's your argument in there again?
My argument is that you're unfit to make any arguments at all.
My evidence is this painful shitshow you've put on.
Your entire argument has been to make the same baseless claim over and over, and then demand proof of its opposite (the shifting of the burden of proof fallacy) to compensate for the lack of evidence of your own. You've also been fallaciously pretending that your baseless claims are self evident, which is even more asinine. Every time you've been rightfully called on these fallacies you've been getting frustrated and resorting to personal attacks.
There are even posts you've made defending yourself using the same arguments that you're decrying, outing yourself as a hypocrite and even calling into question whether or not you're even capable of reading social cues.
My advice is to study the basics of logic, and to come prepared with evidence, so you won't make a fool of yourself in the future.
>Where's JFK's body?
Arlington cemetery? Not sure why that's relevant because everybody knows JFK got ventilated, it's just who by that casts doubts.
>I don't have a literal signed contract
Because it doesn't exist?
>Do you even know how many murder cases are solved with CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence
No. And I'm interested in how you know since statistics aren't kept on this.
>incapable of watching a bad movie
Yet you watched enough of TLJ to know that Mike, Jay and Rich were full of shit in their review?
That would mean that either
>you're full of shit
>you actually enjoyed TLJ and hold views on it akin to RLM
Are you the paid shill the senate has been looking for?
>My argument is that you're unfit to make any arguments at all.
So not an argument? Got it KEK
I've never seen TLJ, but I did see TFA in theaters because LO AND BEHOLD these stupid fucking RLM cunts raved about it.
It's almost like their review affected my decision. Sorry *paid review
Fake Plinkett ripoff is better than the original.
RLM are funny and entertaining guys but their opinions on movies are fucking trash, just look at the Gremlins 2 review.
But, I thought you couldn't watch bad films, yet you stayed for the duration of TFA when you could have walked out!? Why!?!?
>So not an argument? Got it KEK
I'll add "avoiding the issue" to the list of fallacies. You'd done it before ITT but this reply is a good pinpoint for a textbook example.
Chances are you didn't even read the post, but that's only a more extreme way to avoid the issue.
Because I was with my uncle, and I don't walk out of movies at theaters. But movies at home? Yeah, boom off in 5 minutes. Are you this desperate to pick apart the "how" of what I'm saying and not the "what"?
Enjoy your list, but I've yet to see an actual argument in your posts
Oh I see, so basically
>I never sit through a bad movie
>except when I do
>this changes based on the """argument""" I'm trying to make
Me picking apart the "how" simply shows what an airheaded moron you are with no consistent logic, thoughts or arguments in your posts.
You don't even adhere to what is actually considered a "structured argument", something the Greeks managed to do thousands of years ago.
You're self-contracting, a hypocrite, delusional and its genuinely pathetic that the only reason you keep posting is because you have some embarrassing belief that if you post last, you win, regardless of how stupidly wrong you are.
Enjoy this last (You) you'll get from me, moron
>Enjoy your list, but I've yet to see an actual argument in your posts
You can continue avoiding the issue if you want. It has no bearing on me. Just know that you're only hurting yourself here. I'm essentially listing reasons why nobody is, or should be, debating your fallacious claims. Your actions are a flagrant waste of your time and don't even attempt mental stimulation (which you can get, even on Yea Forums, as long as you understand the basics of debate).
All I've seen reading over this thread is that you're self-flagellating, thinking that your self-fellating, and it's so sad to see that I actually took pity and tried to explain what you've been doing wrong.
But again, if you don't want to see the issue, that's entirely on you. For your sake I highly recommend it though.
But I explained myself, and here you are doing everything you can to "win" this entire scenario that you designed. Increcible
I don't know, I keep reading but literally no argument is appearing before my eyes. Why is that? Could it be....there is no argument your post? More self sucking? He's made it to the balls? GOOD LORD
I legitimately feel sorry for you. Hopefully somebody lurking this thread will get something out of this. Goodbye.
I mainly wish you had something interesting to say. Oh well, run with your tail between your legs now! That's a good boy!
>quoted by every RLM drone
JJ might’ve been fine without Disney. No one ever said “disney should make Star Wars.”
>JJ might’ve been fine without Disney
>I didn't come here to win.
How is that covering his ass? That's just repeating what he previously said
I didn't, I came here to discuss my idea. Instead I get called schizo and told I've lost.
Sure, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Not thinking I won in a thread on Yea Forums, that's for sure
>I won, I did it
>I won on Yea Forums
Cause you didn't lol
Least youre owning up to it
List fifteen examples of each thing throughout the reviews, or retract your statement and apologise.
>on Yea Forums
You're right but faggots like this aren't worth helping.
Because I make you question your loyalty to RLM? I'm so sorry, you should just stay on reddit if you want to have an orgy of agreement
If you were smart enough you'd know you can
I think everybody ITT won at least one Yea Forums argument
Cept you.
Wasn't talking to you, faggot, but thanks for the (You)
she cute
I dunno, I feel like I've won. My beliefs have only been reinforced. Feels good man
No you don't. Pretty sure you have no idea what winning feels like, and I'm even more sure you're not happy about how this thread went.
isn't how winners act.
Funny, too, how now you're all about winning. Fuck off.
It feels good. I'm feeling it right now. You mad I'm stylin on your no point havin ass? No argument, no point, NO DICK
This could be the most depressing post on Yea Forums that I've seen in years. Go outside. Do something. You're on the fast track to suicide.
Lina Romay
You are very fucking welcome.
>damn.....I can't even....I mean...what are you....oh man...I just....damn
Amazing and insightful kek