Films with this feel

Films with this feel

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The secret life of Walter mitty

>American Ultra
>Fight Club

The Fred movies

Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Isn't that just a fancy way of saying "schizoid personality disorder"?

American Psycho

My life

Ive been alive for 26 years and ive never known there was a name for this. When I was a kid I used to think i was just coming up with different versions of my favorite tv shows, and as an adult I just write them into short stories and sell them on Amazon. When I worked at in the food service industry and it was slow, id just either stand still staring at the wall or pace back and forth while I played out a fantasy in my head. Ive only ever met 2 other people who understood what I mean when I try to describe it. My god.

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Yes I do this


I did this when I was a kid nonstop but I grew out of it. I can't even access the ability anymore, after about 14 it just evaporated and I couldnt turn it on anymore

>Tfw you did that all the time as a kid, even in public places where your friends could see you

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No, because this is just one symptom of schizoid personality disorder

i can imagine things to the point where i can FEEL imaginary things. i can FUCK any woman i want to.

Used to do this all the time as a kid. These days, I only really have the motivation to when I'm falling asleep or can't fall asleep. Rest of the time I'm distracted by something or other.

So watching kino for a living can make you go crazy. Thanks modern psychology.

Your entire imagination just vanished?

Gosh user, you can't just say it right out just like that...

I still have an imagination, but I couldn't deliberately disappear into fantasy worlds anymore.

I sort of assume its something most kids have and most people grow out of. In a way its like the childhood hyperimagination that most kids have just adapted into my adult mind.

I wish I had this.

I watch games, videogames and real events on my head but changed to make them better
is it the same?

I do this for staying with my waifu. I cant be the only one, right? Haha...

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You could teleport yourself into fantasy worlds? Is that the power of the white devil that you speak off?

>OP posts a description of mental illness
>schizo sees a secret message in it that isn’t actually there

>Tfw look up to realize neighbor across the creek has been watching you in your backyard for who knows how long.

>"What the heck are you doing user?"
>"N-nothing. Want to eat an otterpop and play smash?"

The Ben Stiller or Gary Colman versions.

Bridge to Terabithia? Don't know if the movie was any good though, just read the book.

There are dozens of us.

You just found other stuff to occupy yourself with. It’s not like daydreaming is the same as literal dreaming, you don’t cease to be aware of the world around you. OPs thing just means somebody who spends an unhealthy amount of time doing it.

>brainlet doesnt realize that watching television/film for large periods at a time can be considered dissociative absorption
Butthurt psychmajor. Get a real discipline.

There's a difference between watching Star Wars and imagining you're Luke Skywalker on the way to work, at work and coming home from work, and also while you shower and when you take a shit.

Link to stories?

I guess? I think the degree to which you get lost in it is a big factor though, when I was a kid I used to become so absorbed that I was completely oblivious to my surroundings unless someone approached my immediate vicinity. When I got older and needed to keep my social standing in a bit more check, I got better at reining it in to the point where I could just space out for a class period without taking in a bit of information, but could still notice when I was getting a sideeye from the teacher. As the user above said, its now at the point where I can casually space out at work while doing repetitive tasks and manage to not fuck it up too much.

I remember having this whole fantasy life which combined elements from Mario Bros, Dragon Ball Z, Mortal Kombat, Star Wars and other random shit I was interested in at the time. I was some sort of slacker superhero type who fought random bad guys and had relationships with anime girls and stuff. When My parents sent me to summer camp I'd just walk away from the other kids and start fantasising while walking around aimlessly through the camp. Everyone thought it was really weird and I'd get bullied sometimes... And even then I didn't see anything wrong with what I was doing. I started to grow out of it when puberty came around but I still have a very strong inner monologue and I engage in imaginary essays and discussions all the time. Is there anything I can do to fix it?

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I do this, but I thought it's because outside of work (not that I talk with my coworkers) I have nobody to speak to so I just have imaginary conversations and scenarios and whatnot.

Are you me? If so, stop jerking of to your sister you weirdo
What remains of Edith Finch, great "game".

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the king of comedy

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Impregnate women and become a father.

>deusional schizo continues to draw incorrect conclusions
lol I’m just one of those doctors trying to put you back in the institution right?

>imagining you're Luke Skywalker
But they are not. As long as you are aware that its a fantasy, its not maladaptive at all. Excessive daydreaming is only as harmful as excessive gaming because you are focusing too much time on one thing while ignoring vital things like socializing or self improvement.

Paperhouse (1988)

Write down your essays/discussions. Its incredibly beneficial for your mental wellbeing.

Do you give your two debating sides different voices too? And do you raise your eyebrows expressively or cock your head pointedly when one of them makes a particularly effective point?