>"to have an individual engaging in state level intervention should give us all pause"
This flew over American heads. Kek
Snyder DCEU
Other urls found in this thread:
A lot of stuff from his films flew over many heads
superman can fly. checkmate.
>I bet your parents taught you that mean something, that you're here for a reason... My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter, for no reason at all. They taught me the world only makes sense, if you force it to."
This. All fucking day.
Why does this movie infuriate so many söymales? I’ve literally never seen anyone with a healthy amount of testosterone say anything bad about this Kino
Unironically this. It's a weird state of affairs when a critically panned superhero film provides some of the best social commentary on post-9/11 america of the decade
>Unofficial DCEU Chronology
>The Kryptonian Scoutship crash-lands on Earth.
>Kara Zor-El lives among prehistoric humans.
>Her presence helps foster Earth's first(?) Heroic Age.
>Ancient Metahumans become the terrestrial pantheons.
>Magic reaches its zenith.
>Kara becomes mother of the Atlanteans.
>Kara battles Doomsday.
>Late Pre-history
>New Gods are repelled by an alliance of the terrestrial pantheons, Earth's sector's Green Lantern, the Amazons, the Atlanteans, and the tribes of Men
>Incubus and Enchantress, sentient Apokaliptan weapons, set themselves up as gods among the peoples of South America.
>The Old Gods, realizing that magic is the gateway the New Gods exploited, depart Earth or otherwise allow themselves to pass into legend and magic to slowly fade.
>Enslavement of the Amazons, Zeus creates Themiscyra and its veil.
>Atlanteans seek to marry their technology to magical artifacts in unconscious mimicry of the New Gods, resulting in the Cataclysm.
>The Council of Wizards, custodians of the power of the gods, seeks to create a new champion for mankind.
>The Council is betrayed.
>Teth Adam obliterates Deserter Kingdom, creates Sahara Desert, is defeated and imprisoned.
>Magic continues to ebb.
>Enchantress and Incubus toppled from power.
>Magic goes largely dormant, other than certain legendary figures who arise, rekindling a pale glimmer of its flame(Arthurian legends, etc.)
>Early 20th Century
>Wonder Woman defeats Ares, the last of the Old Gods.
>Magic sleeps.
>Late 20th Century
>Kal-El arrives on Earth, beginning the cycle anew.
Snyder amazes me. That image is simultaneously a call-back to Zod's vision, a foreshadowing of Superman's own fears, and a suggestion of the guilt he's been carrying since the Battle of Metropolis. Absolutely brilliant.
The visual callbacks and references are insane. I've never seen a film as visually dense and I'd be impressed/interested to hear of some others
Just thinking about the logistics of implementing all of these references makes me feel anxious
Imagine being the set-decorator or the gaffer
>Oh yeah, the numbers need to be these numbers exactly. Just trust me
This has always been a favorite of mine. It's not as layered as some others, but it's a perfect visual representation of what's hindering and troubling Clark throughout the film:
That is Zod's "ghost," the embodiment of all his guilt over both his past actions and inactions, and he must face it down before he truly becomes the icon.
I know, right? It's insane. I freely admit that I could be wrong about this, but I always felt like there was some subtext about the Batman stepping outside his role in the "pantheon." He's the Hades, the "god" of the Underworld, and Hades's role is only jailer, not the judge. I feel like that plays into him choosing not to brand Lex. He's back within his bounds by that point.
This is a Kino thread. Didn't realize BvS had such substance.
i cant tell, are we being serious or ironic ITT?
Welcome, brother. Unfortunately, I have to catch a nap before work tonight.
Speaking for myself, dead serious. This is the stuff we've been pointing out for years.
Serious, you stupid retard.
ironic, got it, thanks
Go back to r/Marvel.
It's also a call-back to this and the main theme of Superman's story in BvS
>"We know better now, don't we? The devils don't from hell, beneath us... They come from the sky."
I love this story.
Right, Ross’s Peace on Earth was definitely a major inspiration, but I think Snyder’s scenes with Jonathan Kent’s parable of the horses atop the mountaintop addressed the issues of unintended consequences and the complexity of intervening without exacerbating underlying conflicts more deftly and artfully. The way the symbolism of the horses - one, panicked, rushing out of the fog at the collapse of Wayne tower, another rearing up in fear at the Capital - is incorporated and then subtly confirmed is the best kind of hidden meaning
What could have been.
>white male in Brazil.jpg
can confirm, Superman just flew over my house
Do you think Whedon cropped this down, too? Because, while it's hands-down the only truly good scene in the movie, it's got the same weird, claustrophobic feel as a lot of other scenes.
Fucking kek.
Nice thread, I missed the times where we pretended BvS was actually some deep kino full of substance and not just capeshit hiding behind pretentiousness.
It looks like it was shot as day for night and THEN turn back to night for day. it's fucking awful
I have no doubt that he butchered many, many shots.
You need to see The Boys
Woah.... I've never considered this before.....
Oversimplifications are for the overly simple.
Please go try to wring some depth out of fatsuits and anus jokes over at r/eddit. You won’t be missed
Great show.
Like this one
Man of Steel needed more Faora.
Everything could use more Faora. I watched "The Goldfinch" last week and couldn't stop thinking, "Man, this movie's kind of meandering and bland, but if a Kryptonian goddess came busting through that wall to snap some necks, it could be a masterpiece."
comfy BvS thread. I've missed you bros
>Slightly above average show.
Missed you too, fren!
Damn what does this mean
Fair enough. Slightly above average seems great in an ocean of mediocrity.
Lmao this thread is a goldmine didn't realize snydercucks were this delusional
It's sort of a primer for how Snyder uses visuals in these films. It's not there to tell you he's Jesus, it's there to tell you what the priest is thinking. He's seeing the parallels. In the next shot, the priest is framed with a cross over one shoulder, telling you that Clark's aware that he's placing a huge burden on this man. There's a broad range of iconography spread over both films, its crispness reflects how closely people see him resonating with a concept or divinity. The clarity gets stronger with two factors - resonance and popularity.
Here he is being seen as Horus, not a strong association, just that mankind is now aware that someone is among them that they vaguely associate with the concept of a higher power.
>Swanwick: OK, you've got our attention.
MoS and BvS threads fill me with hope.
what is this from?
The Snyder DCEU will be the prequels of this generation
Justice League: War.
You won't give us what we've earned! You wouldn't sully your hands, but you'll damn us to a Whedonized Hell for eternity! Snyder was right! You're a pack of fools, every last one of you!
You... you believe his cut is unreachable... I will find it. I will reclaim what you have taken from us! I will find it. I will find it, Whedon.
kino scene
If Diane Lane was my mother I'd feel the same way.
It’s kinda amazing how stupid this movie is, and how delusional the fans are.
>we will never get Cavill as Superman again
Nobody cares what you think, retard.
>brown person calling anyone else retard
dat sonic boom.
That really only applies when regular people order other regular people to carry out the intervention, and more regular people are subject to the consequences.
The worst things done in the movie we’re done by regular people. Wayne and Luther.
Are we really going to go though this shit again?
Fuck off. Your betters are talking.
Love that shit.
You should’ve let people think you were brown. Now you’re just a fat retard who never leaves his house.
I am amazed all over again every time I watch this scene.
I'm 6'1", 200 lbs. I'm just old.
>I’m not fat I’m just overweight
... so you’re an old fat retard who never leaves the house...
Damn. You sure told me.
I guess being a manlet and a retard gives you a poor concept of how the cube-square law works.
>retard keeps posting retarded things.
Not him, but I'm consistently surprised by manlet weights. I remember seeing 5'somethings that were pretty muscular weighing in at 130 lbs. I almost burst out laughing.
It's hilarious that you're so butthurt, childish, petty, and stupid that you think I give a shit if you give me "yous." What a pathetic excuse for a man you are.
Volume's a funny thing. I'm off to work.
those two are genuinely good movies, not just good capeshit, i used to think they were shit because i saw justice league first
they are miles ahead of marvelshit
>I’m not fat I’m above average!
>also ur butthurt not me my movie is brilliant and you’re a doodoo head!!
Henry stepping in to protect his friend and deflect the question.
I want to lick her armpits.
>Superman's own fears
what do you mean?