How did the first order track down the resistance base in like a day?

How did the first order track down the resistance base in like a day?

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Does it really matter?

>implying Holdo wasn't with the Fist Odah.

Because they needed to move the plot along to get to the awesome force lightsaber fights and cool amazing pew pew action with all your favorite diverse characters as____, _____, and how can we forget ______!

>we need a new star destroyer design
>I know let's just cut off their heads
>genius the money we saved can be spent on yet more hookers and drugs!

They found out the location of the base in The Force Awakens. The entire final act of that film was about stopping Starkiller base from blowing it up.

>ANH: Rebels have a few squadrons of fighters and (presumably) a few corvettes.

>ESB: Rebels have a few squadrons of fighters + transport ships + at least one medium weight capital ship (a frigate).

>ROTJ: Rebels suddenly, out of the blue, with no explanation, have an entire fleet of capital ships that can go toe to toe with star destroyers, several squadrons of advanced next generation fighters and bombers, and a gaggle of corvettes & frigates.

Wouldn't all that shit have come in handy in ANH? Wouldn't all that shit have come in handy for defending Echo Base in ESB? How could the Rebels build up such an armada in the time between ESB and ROTJ?

No, no it does not.

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>They found out the location of the base in The Force Awakens.
How did they find it?

Starkiller was targeting them so they obviously knew their location.

>Characters say Rebellion is growing stronger
>Lots of time passes between movies

>We tracked their reconnaissance ship to the Illenium system.
Watch the movies you criticize

Most of the capitals in ROTJ were Mon Cals. I assumed it was at least several months between ESB & that if not longer. Could've been building them since before ESB.
But I'm pulling all of this out of my ass & don't even know the EU version of what supposedly went on surrounding the OT, that part of the EU I never really liked. The inbetween novels & shit.

You are a retard

I looked it up and it's supposed to be THREE YEARS between ESB and ROTJ?

I guess that gives them time to coerce the Mon Calamari into building them cucumber dildo ships.

But then why did Luke wait 3 years to rescue Han? Did it take him 3 years to plan it all out?

They mention they were growing stronger. Given the time between films, it's beleivable most Rebel groups would converge with the Rebel Alliance and add their ships to their numbers. This also explains why we suddenly have new sets of fighters like the A-Wing and B-Wings, those were probably used as the main fighters of other groups.

But that's not an explanation.

A day? Try literal minutes. The chronology of these films is in the hands of drooling retards.

because tlj is literally the period of time between episode 4s battle of yavin and episode 5s battle of hoth with disney OCs

it does though

They forgot, in their defense it's just a shitty little film that hardly anyone was interested in anyways.

Stop asking completely logical questions. Turn off your brain and become one of the true fans. Nobody of any worth wants quality from the things they love.

>how did they find it
>quote explaining how they found it
Fucking kys

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Its not logical, its been explained how they found it

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How many fucking admirals does the Resistance have? Why do they need so many when they have one cruiser and a couple little ships?

It took him three years to train up and discover Han's location. Also, notice that was pulled off with the absolute bare minimum of resources, literally just Han's friends attempting a rescue with no backup.

Thank you, I couldn't be arsed to look for it or even remember it properly.

>It doesn't matter that their enemy can regroup 500% stronger when they seemingly suffer a gigantic setback just minutes ago.

c’mon man, of all the plot holes, you pick the one thing that isn’t a plot hole. they explained it in TFA. they were gonna fuckin blow up the planet in that movie

>it took three years to find out where they took han
don't they say in ESB that they were taking him to jabba on tattooine?

There's a 2 year time skip between hope and empire, it's less then a day between awakens and last jedi.

Because the Rebels weren't one consolidated force. They were the Rebel Alliance - scattered pockets of freedom fighters spread all over the Galaxy.

This is the resistance though, which is a group of about 500 people.

>Wouldn't all that shit have come in handy in ANH?
Not in the slightest. The Death Star was constructed to demolish fleets and planets. They only blow it up because it's vulnerable to a single fighter. Why would you send out your entire fleet to die?

Seems like most of the resistance is made up of old rebellion members who found fighting to be more interesting tgan governing.

No, it was just left at "we'll find him".

No, there's three years between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi takes place a year after Empire.

>it's less then a day between awakens and last jedi.
It's worse than that. The beginning of TLJ takes place during TFA and then starts again when Rey hands the lightsaber to Luke. So in TFA, just before the ending happens, the beginning battle of TLJ happens, and it's canon.

Because each one is a super special & unique & important snowflake thank you very fucking much shitlord, they all deserve to be admirals just as much as you do.

Vader knows that, Boba Fett knows that, but I think the only person who might have suspected where they'd be taking Han was Chewie. Even knowing that isn't much help, because knowing Jabba has him still doesn't tell you where he's keeping him, or even if he's still alive. If I recall, they even hint in the dialogue that they've already been trying to negotiate with Jabba before they just try to spring him.

My bad.

I love Finns coma was so inconsequential, he was passed out for a few minutes.

Ha, I forgot about that. The whole sequel trilogy is such a clusterfuck, it's almost artful.

you miscontrue. yes theyre different time lengths but the entirety of tljs plot is that 2 year period condensed into 1 day with a mini battle of hoth at the end as a cookie for the good goys.

the movie is
>flee yavin
>find hoth
>battle of hoth

its the most uninteresting part of the OT that was never expanded on because no one would care about what the rebels did immediately after yavin trying to find a new base. the movie blueballs you with dumb shit for 2 hours to give you a 10 minute hoth sequence. really just a terrible film overall

In all seriousness, VII is the best ending we're going to get if one goes past VI, and it's best to leave the rest to our head canons.

I refuse to believe nobody wants to help the resistance after Starkiller got destroyed.

Or after the first order murdered an entire system. Its funny because Alderaan being destroyed rallied more to the rebellion instead of away.

Well, 4-5 planets got wiped out with all souls lost and without any warning, it is believable that many would be terrorized into submission, with others quietly planing an attack. The Rebels (fuck the new names) were dumb to expect immediate backup.

That's true, but not a single soul? Not even trigger happy species I assume that still exist?
Then again the ones who can help were never republic to begin with because uh oh, the new republic demilitarized themselves.

hmm i wonder why theyd want kids to give up in the face of evil instead of be galvanized against it hmm

>Luke knew this could happen but chose hiding instead

>implying there were any beings on those planets with "souls"

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So little time has past no one probably knows they destroyed the base, hell most of the galaxy probably found out about the base at the same time they heard it was destroyed.

>That's true, but not a single soul? Not even trigger happy species I assume that still exist?
If the Not-Burning Man people in IX aren't a part of that, I think we can conclude the the SW galaxy got zoomer'd in the ensuing years between 6 and 7.

The Resistance is Leia's private army. In a real military there would be some sort of guidebook on an officer to enlisted ratio or a general/admiral to force ratio, but with just some lady in command, she can appoint anyone she likes to any post she likes at a whim

the only interesting part about TLJ was how they said the resistance and the first order were basically a bunch of roleplayers and the rest of the galaxy doesn't give a shit
unfortunately it was buried under a bunch of bullshit and TROS will retcon it away

no you fucking retard. capital ships would have been useless against the death star

they probably represent different political or ethnic groups who wouldn't participate in the rebellion if they weren't given at least some high posts