Best portrayal of pizza in film and television
Best portrayal of pizza in film and television
Home Alone
DESU I'd need multiple sauces to enjoy a pizza that shitty
>so what if I am eating shit? I DON'T WANT TO HAVE STANDARDS
That better be some buttermilk ranch
Those little Sargasso pizzas are pretty good. I hope Costco keeps selling them.
Also Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Only one right answer cuh
why is it always food comparisons with you americans
I grew up poor and watching cartoons or shows in general with food was literal torture
Those mini pizzas from costoco are bomb.
I'm British (white)
What the fuck is Ranch and why do you Yanks love it so much
If you have to ask, you’ll never know.
>if it's not the best then it's the worst
if you feel that strongly you can start buying me the best, right? you're not a poorfag so you can afford the best
>he has never had ranch with celery sticks
man get your shit together
way too much ranch
tmnt pizza is so cheesy. I remember the second movie having better pizza scenes.
i also do not know what words mean
They even made the jungle grubs look good man the FUCKIN JUNGLE GRUBS. And then of course it was all part of a grand plan to launch some fruit snack or someshit that looks like the tasty jungle grubs but your mom can't afford that either so you start practically living at your friends house cause his fridge was stocked until he tells you the next day at school sorry man my mom said you can't come over anymore. And you just looked down at your desk cause you knew you were being a hog fuck but you never thought it would really catch up to you. Good thing life got better from there HAHAHAHA
Movies like these always made me paranoid that anchovies were on pizzas as like a standard thing as a kid
You're pretty dumb huh?
Same. they looked so yummy
hydrate level four please
I dont really care about food apperances but that one was an abomination
>hold food sideways
>all the toppings fall off
was it autism?
Watching space oddyssey one time made me crave some mashed peas and carrots so hard I had to go and make some.
the word "literal" has been used for emphasis for hundreds of years. or were you just pretending to be retarded?
At least you had friends man
Everyone made excuses not to be around me because I was poor
is that just a plain brick of tofu?
it doesnt look that bad, major issue is that crust is way too floppy and doughy, probably could stand some crisping
Might be mashed potatos, I forget if they mention it or not
i use words for what they literally mean because otherwise they lose their meaning and can mean anything
like how you fucks drove 'virgin' and 'cuck' and 'fedora' and 'euphoric' into the ground so now you moved onto 'incel' and will move onto something else once this insult loses its effectiveness
>doesnt look that bad
It literally looks like puke.
sauce and crust makes a pizza good. Cheese can just ruin it. Toppings makes it patrician.
>What the fuck is Ranch
it's one of the many dietary causes of obesity and cancer in the US
This movie made service jobs look appealing and artful.
Eat Pray Love
shitty movie, but there's scene where Julia Roberts eats a pizza from a traditional pizza place in Naples. You can't have a pizza better than this.
Why is /ck/ becoming a more popular board? I've started frequenting it myself.
It's salty garlic flavored milk. You'd probably love it.
They still would be if black "people" and coloreds of all kinds didnt go down the "dude being a thug is cool" route.