He did it again
He did it again
people change, user
let it go
why is this man obsessed with burgers????
I thought he was a 3 star michelin chef who worked in france for years and satisfied the appetite of a yacht billionaire ???
Why can't he get it right? It's not hard.
I would rather have a McDouble that dripping mess you cant even fit your mouth around properly
I'm sorry but In n Out will always be the best burger in my opinion because they don't turn into a huge greasy mound of food after the first bite. the texture of the lettuce, bun, cheese, burger, and tomato coming together is crucial
t. American
Because burgers are the perfect food. FACT!!
>lettuce, pickles and tomatoes below the burger
fuckin hell
Please I haven't eaten in 21 hours you can't do this
Now that is one good looking burger that should be in some widescreen format and part of some movie of somekind.
You kind of have to be in the mood for how sweet tasting they are but I'm consistently impressed with how fresh their shit is. Best tomatoes in the game for sure.
Are you okay? Do you need assistance?
No it's just intermittent fasting although I usually only do 16 hours
I did bread and water fast for religious reasons, are you some fitizen?
Might as well just drink the damn sauce and skip the burger if that's how he's gonna make it
my only problem with it
did he eat it with a fork?
lettuce goes below the burger to keep the juices from it making the bottom bun soggy
but the tomatoes and pickles should go on top
Some high end burgers are basically fine dining between some buns.
>see OPs pic
>that doesn't look that bad
>go to his site
or just flip it upside down while you eat like a non retard
a good burger always looked better to me
I don’t want to bite a burger and have the whole thing fucking crumble forcing me to eat it with a fork.
Can Gordon unhinge his jaw, or something? I genuinely want to see how he, himself, eats these things.
>watch Final Table
>becomes obvious Ramsay and other reality tv celebrity chefs are hacks
so you eat like this?
Looking at Gordon's burgers always make me feel like I've had one bit too many. Makes me feel sick.
For me? It's gotta be mushroom and swiss bb.
the only celeb chef worth a damn is Alton Brown
why is he leaving the slices so fucking thick?
also why doesnt he try to flatten the meat? looks like a fucking rock.
>carbs are bad... cuz their bad
he is openly mocking /ck/
I said I don’t want to eat with a fork
maybe if ur American. I would never order a burger at a restaurant.
They deserve it.
>lemon slices on a burger
>enjoy your dinner, chap
Sold his soul to America.
The virgin dine
The Chad Chow
Its yellow tommato
Would you like some burger with your sauce, Gordon?
Carbs are bad because human digestion didn't evolve to digest carbohydrates. We ate meat and vegetables for 100,000 years. But 15,000 years ago after we invented fire and became able to cook otherwise inedible food. We started eating grains and wheat because we could grow and cook it, which is easier than hunting for food, however our bodies aren't made to eat it.
fuck you buddy
How much fucking bread do you need? Might as well cut a whole loaf in half and stick the burger in and leave the toppings.
I imagine the right is like what would happen if you gave a caveman a big mac
Too much sauce.
Because when your lungs are on the brink of collapsing from your rib cage you definitely need to cut down on fat.
it looks prettier with more bun, that's why anybody ever does it
normal sized burgers, look at his hands, retard thread, later
And then he dies from chemical poisoning.
Are burgers proof that Gordon Ramsey is a hack or does he have an idiosyncratic interest and taste in burgers that happens to be his weakest skill as a chef?
what kind of thread is this?
>all this nonsense
Yeah people, eatin gluten’s bad, mmkay? It causes penises to explode, remember that.
What's wrong with a man liking a burger?
>Carbs are bad
That is why the Okinawans' longevity is attributed to their carbohydrate intake.
I bet this "man" has no problems eating stranger men semen, but a little grease is ewww.
you mean the chemicals deemed safe for human consumption? Those chemicals?
when did ulillillia get a tv show?
>completionists vs speedrunners
Pretty sure that's cheese, hombres
why would buttermilk kill you?
Watch his YouTube video about making a Christmas turkey, it’s kino
Dude’s gotten 21 Michelin stars, far more than any other chef. He’s obviously won fine dining, why not slum it a bit and make some burgers for plebs?
Incorrect, have you seen cheese before?
It's like the opposite of a Five Guys burger, and both are equally shit to eat.
He's never had that many stars, and he's never held the record for most stars.
I don't get why he thinks that watching him stuff his disgusting face in the filthiest possible way would be appealing to anyone.
Mukbang is beyond fucking autism.
Or maybe if you have some lethal food allery you don't go to fucking restaurants like playing the death lottery. Especially when even minute contaminants from a big kitchen can floor you. Take fucking responsibility for your health and don't expect the world to adapt to your snowflake ass. Fucking indigo children retards.
Because they are nature's mistakes, just like the ones allergic to peanuts, glutten, pollen and other ridiculous shit.
pic related, i hope his death was slow and painful.
Yeah, Joel Robuchon and Martin Berasategui has earned more stars than Ramsay.
This WEBM pisses me off so badly
I know the one he's trying to eat is a LITTLE bit bigger, but the way he keeps smugly putting it to his mouth like "UGH"
"UGH" pisses me the fuck off
you cocky smug FUCK
absolute mess of a burger, christ
I see the webm on the right all the time
Gurantee you the guy just got out of prison or something similar and is enjoying fast (but fattily tasty) food for the first time in a while
Because someone. made. fun. of. him. on the innernets. Now he's on a mission.
This post is terrible and you should feel terrible for posting such garbage. It does not even make sense
Pisses me off so fucking much.
Take of that dangling jewelry hiding who knows what residues all over it,
cut a small portion of the surface off to give you a flat surface,
stabilize it on the flat surface and cut the stem end off,
use the open stem end to allow you to easily get the blade into the squash and halve it.
Fucking christ people! It ain't rocket science!
Incredibly based user
he's a dumbass and a narcissist. He is everything I hate about living in America among Americans
If I had been born in Denmark I would absolutely be one of those assholes shitposting about
>do americans really?
Why does Jack continue to eat garbage food, ever since he got his second stroke?
how can you be gay and have a high level of disgust at the same time ?
how tf is flipping your food around not retarded
p sure "sharpen the fuckin knife" is in there somewhere
If I had such a debilitating allergy I would never go to some shit restaurant and expect a lowly wagie to know everything that pertains to my specific condition.
>Gurantee you the guy just got out of prison or something similar and is enjoying fast (but fattily tasty) food for the first time in a while
That's always what I thought, I'd go for comfort food if I spent years in the slammer eating slop too
He's american
it's reasonable to expect a food establishment to list common allergens present in the food they sell. following basic cleanliness protocols prevents contaminants from getting in the food a restaurant sells. imagine having a worldview that dictates people who have allergies shouldn't have the privilege of eating prepared food outside their home
because you want to cook both sides
>my son was a retard
>baseball cap to hide bad hairline
>class ring
Der Burger
Absolutely, but we couldn't even tell if it was sharp or not given what a unstable fumble-fuck of an attempt to make a cut that whole situation was.
Leg amputees don't even have the privilege of walking. Life sometimes throws curveballs at you which restricts your ability to function normally. If I had potentially fatal allergies I would never dine out even if I knew what allergens were present because it's not worth taking the chance.
That honestly looks much better than the globohomo muchiebox paki shit that passes for "Quintessentially British" food these days. Yorkshire puddings are quite difficult to make as well, I've made a Sunday roast dinner and the yorkie puddings were the trickiest part.
>puts the glove on the hand that's holding the knife
WHY? How is he this incompetent?
for me it’s my homemade southwest burgers
seasoned patty
crispy bacon
jack cheddar (the secret, melt with torch on top of bacon)
fresh onions
chipotle mayo
brown mustard
spoken like a real mouthlet
shit restaurant, fancy restaurant, doesn't matter if one of the most common ingredients can kill you. That dumb kid was living extra time and probably wanted to suicide by restaurant and his family to sue and get some money of his worthless death.
How entitled ffs. You sound like those I have to learn your special pronouns.
I'm pretty confident you also support legal penalties for not calling a tranny by their preferred pronouns because it's their "right" to be recognized their fantasy with that line of thinking
>don't like pickles or tomatoes on a burger
Am I autistic?
he is monkey see monkey do, so he saw someone cutting a hot pepper with gloves on so he copies it, and of course because he is a moron who doesn't understand the reason behind it, fucks it up
>no pickles
That I can understand, but-
>no tomato
Yeah, that's autism.
Did this dumb motherfucker have an allergy to buttermilk and not know that ranch dressing's principal ingredient is buttermilk? That's like getting mad at Reese's Candy because they didn't clearly label their peanut butter cups as containing peanuts. Fuck, buttermilk is a common ingredient in marinades and batters for chicken as well, it adds some fat so the chicken breast doesn't dry out while grilling, frying, etc.
>he doesn’t like burgers
Tomatoes are gross and mushy, pickles are redpilled though
Pickles are great. Tomatoes are only good at certain places. I would never trust somewhere like McDonalds or Burger King with tomatoes.
He has such girly fingers, lmao.
For burgers, pickles > tomatoes
>Alton Brown
not a chef. he's a tv presenter. he'd get weeded out and probably start crying if he tried to do a dinner service for 300 covers on any station, let alone running the pass as a chef. you know who wouldn't? gordon ramsay.
try to stay on-topic here big guys
it's an easy way for a restaurant to be considerate to its patrons, which is one of the main goals of any good restaurant in the first place. listing food allergens for dishes whose ingredients you *already* know because *you* designed and prepared it is a trivial task
>it’s a food thread devolves into ja/ck/ posting
burgers are objectively the food of the modern era. in 500 years when humans make movies depicting these times, burgers and pizza will make up the majority of the food scenes.
Pickles are kino.
this man cant make burgers for shit
Are you blind? Did you type this with your braille keyboard?
it;s from never having to work a day in his life
its definitely cheese. pepperjack cheese to be exact, or jalapeno havarti, and it looks like he's god swiss cheese underneath too.
I mean, he did use the gloved hand to remove the seed and pith, but still it's pointless to go to that trouble and not wear gloves on both hands. Or, alternatively, you could just wash your fucking hands with soap and water after you're done. Unless you're chopping a bushel of peppers for a commercial kitchen, you can easily wash off the small amount of capsaicin with dawn dish soap. Personally, I like to chop habanero peppers then immediately wipe my hands on my cock. The pain reminds me that hell is real.
It's chipotle sauce you dipshit
That's jellied eel
its cheese. ramsay is a cultured man who puts sauce on the bottom of the bun.
stop putting your tomatoes is the fridge
Because he likes burgers? Why is that so hard to...oh, Yea Forums. Never mind.
It's called presentation, retard. In the food game, the recipe, taste, and presentation all matter.
He uses chipotle all the damn time, stop trying to weasel out of being wrong
Here's him putting that exact same sauce on sliders
>Carbs are bad because human digestion didn't evolve to digest carbohydrates.
Are you legitimately retarded? Almost everything we eat has carbohydrates in it, and our bodies are designed to process them, otherwise we'd shit them out, like fiber. Your ignorant dumbass body MAKES a carbohydrate, called glycogen, for storing fat.
And before you start mooing at me fatty, about how you know all about carbs because you can't eat them anymore because you're a fatty, you don't know fuck all about carbohydrates, what they are, and how they're used in the body. They're not a fucking food group.
tell me gentlemen, what side of the bun is he putting the sauce on?
> I would never order a burger at a restaurant.
ur missing out on the microburgeries, even high end french bistros have hamburgers
Did you know that the Hamburger has outsold the Buttered ham sandwich in france
He puts it on both sides of his burgers
Accept that you're an idiot and be done with it
Did you not watch where he puts it ON TOP at 6:00?
and he uses perfectly acceptable amounts of sauce too. accept that YOU'RE wrong and can't identify melted cheese
Not him but how on earth can you think that's cheese? Have you ever seen cheese before?
Burgers can have a lot of variety and are really good food
I sincerely hope every time this twat posts something involving his burgers on social media, which are always just as big or bigger than that one he's pretending to be retarded with on top, this is a top response.
answer correctly mr johnson, your wife life depends on it
Based Uli
He's not always the one who makes the food in his instagram pictures just fyi
The problem is processed carbs. Natural carbs like potatoes, bananas and beans for example are fine.
But if you think bread and cereals are fine you are a fucking idiot.
then why does he present it as an unedible piece of shit
this is the burgah of our lifetime
You're a dumb asshole. Never post on this fucking website ever again you drooling mongoloid.
Cool another culture appropriation of food by a rich white chef. Nice
Buttermilk allergy is highly uncommon. Might as well list every single ingredient on the menu. Your menu is now a recipe.
Bread and cereals have been a staple of human diets since we learned to eat them, fatty.
They're only "bad' if you pigged out on cheetos and can't have bread anymore, because you're a fat pig.
Because "processed" turns things magically bad. Buzzwordmonger.
"Don't like things I don't because I'm a picky eater manbaby WAHHHHHHHHH" - The Post
I’m trans
he's never been a fan of overly pretentious food. He admitted he prefers to make really good but simple dishes
Have fun with the beetus fellas
>eats with a knife and fork
>still improperly brings his mouth down to the dish
What a poser
Buddy, this was a dairy allergy reaction. Dairy is an extremely common food allergen. You thought he had some special allergy to buttermilk specifically?
>Might as well list every single ingredient on the menu. Your menu is now a recipe.
No, that's meaningless hyperbole. Just list allergic risks
Only nutrition matters bugboy
>celebrity chef
wow, I wonder what makes him so special
I'm in no danger of getting diabetes from having a sandwich, retard, because I'm not a fatty, like you.
Were you trying to have a point?
Whats a Class Ring? Is being an American a RPG now?
That's even worse, because being so stupid as to have a DEATHLY SEVERE allergy to dairy products and buying something from a commercial kitchen is actually Darwin Award-tier. Even mid-tier decently paid wagies do not cleanse themselves with hospital-tier precision to prevent cross contamination to the level that could kill someone that genetically defective.
Jack just trolls doesn't he?
>black knives
what are those
Or you can inform your server of your shitty condition and ask if they can accommodate. Even vegans aren’t as entitled as you are.
Reminder that he's forced to act like this for the american version because burgers are too easily distracted when watching tv
The british show he is nothing like this and it's actually a good criticism
painted ceramic knives
He had in n out and could never go back...
What about iridescent rainbow knives
it really does though. europe actually isn't that much less fat than america, but americans die of heart disease at an alarming rate, even though french and italians drink more alcohol and consume more fatty foods on average. processed food is literal cancer.
The number of literal retards in this thread is astounding.
We don’t have in and out in my area but I visit relatives and have tried it a few times. It’s fine. It tastes like every burger I’ve ever made at home. Nothing special at all. Are people who love in and out just unable to cook for themselves or something?
Could be done with titanium.
Way too much sauce/cheese. Looks like absolute shit. Not even high fast food tier like Culver's or Five Guys.
Telling the wait staff is an important precaution. It's funny that you mention it the way you do:
>Owen Carey told staff at Byron at the O2 Arena in London about his dairy allergy but was not told his grilled chicken meal included buttermilk
Before trying to discuss an event, please familiarize yourself with its details
It's standard for restaurants to have a protocol where all staff are told how to deal with customers who have food allergies. Components of the plan include prevention of cross-contamination in kitchen, communication between all staff members in the chain of service between the food and the customer re: ensuring the customer's food and plate are not contaminated, and finally just making sure the staff understands how food allergies work in the first place. This restaurant failed to follow basic procedures and someone died because of it, plain and simple. It isn't an instance of entitlement to expect to be able to eat out safely, just like it isn't an instance of entitlement to expect there be no poison in the meal prepared for you. This is really basic stuff that you guys don't seem to understand
>based schizo knows all the industry standards and procedures
Oh, the schizo is back from the other thread that knows everything. Trade Secrets amirite
>when you lose two pounds on keto
Server fucked up big time, doesn’t mean the menu needs the ingredients listed.
Again, nobody except you is suggesting that all the ingredients should be listed — this is called a straw man argument. Food allergens are the only thing that need to be listed.
I haven't posted in any other thread today.
Basic stuff
>I haven't posted in any other thread today.
Maybe you did but just can't remember.
He is telling me I didn't
You cut it in half and eat it
Burgers are tasty, especially when done well.
Ramsay is an elitist about making food properly, not about "proper food". He is not "above burgers", they are tasty and good.
> nobody except you is suggesting that all the ingredients should be listed
You are a liar and a dumb one at that.
Go fucking chug a gallon of whatever you're allergic to and die.
Me earlier in response to the same strawman:
>No, that's meaningless hyperbole. Just list allergic risks
No lies or flipflop, just consistent truth
>Go fucking chug a gallon of whatever you're allergic to and die.
Looks like your blood pressure got the better of you this time, champ. Maybe next time take some klonopin before trying to piece together a shitty argument
all I know is that if I had an allergy that could kill me, I would probably hammer that point home to the waiter if not walking to the kitchen and telling it to the cooks
The burger that saved Gordon Ramsey
If I had an allergy that could kill me, I wouldn't play the death lottery by eating out.
No, you don't need to have every single food item have a laundry list of allergens when the fucking server can simply tell them. You have a server for many reasons and communicating what exactly the customer is ordering is one of them. You are flip flopping, you are backpedaling, and you are a piece of shit liar.
You said the allergens should be listed. I said that is a stupid idea, and then you had the audacity to say that you never suggested the stupid idea in the first place. You are a piece of shit and I will reiterate: go and kill yourself and spare the world from having to endure your existence.
What I first suggested:
>the allergens should be listed
>Telling the wait staff is [also] an important precaution
What was strawmanned in response:
>Server fucked up big time, doesn’t mean the menu needs the ingredients listed.
How I responded to that :
The first time:
>that's meaningless hyperbole. Just list allergic risks
The second time:
>nobody except you is suggesting that all the ingredients should be listed — this is called a straw man argument. Food allergens are the only thing that need to be listed.
What you're now saying:
>You are a liar and a dumb one at that.
>You are flip flopping, you are backpedaling, and you are a piece of shit liar. You said the allergens should be listed. I said that is a stupid idea, and then you had the audacity to say that you never suggested the stupid idea in the first place. You are a piece of shit and I will reiterate: go and kill yourself and spare the world from having to endure your existence.
Try reading the thread again (in order) and do some deep breathing exercises. In response to the "laundry list" of allergens comment, know that you can count all the common food allergies with your fingers. There aren't that many. What's more, you're simple if you think it's some massive inconvenience to print it on your menu. Here's exactly how it looks under the name of the dish and its description: "Contains: dairy, wheat, eggs." What is so fucking hard for you to get through your skull about that? Tons of restaurants already do this, and the one in the OP simply did not. They erred in protocol.
His replicator settings are incorrect...
I believe its more about trying to get a decent bite of the ingredients instead of doing an all burg bite
besides, anything but open face sandwitches are fucking shit tier
>Humans didn't eat fruit until we were able to create fire
Based retard
it was literally some website like buzzfeed trying to make a viral video
Its fookin RAW!
Is this the thread where we all pretend to hate burgers because da evil jew normie niggers like them? And hating something that everyone else likes makes us feel special?
It's a marketing tactic. If he's shown to also make fast food in a very fancy way, then it will get people interested in his recipes by starting with something basic like a Hamburger.
im fine with this
Does he have a cup full of ranch dressing that he drinks out of, or is he putting thick shake on his food?
>being this much of a tart newfag
lmaoing@ur pleb ass not knowing jackino
Whataburger is best burger you filthy fucking Californian nigger
Grill'd is better, American burgers are all sauce and slop
you really going to act like we aren't the masters at making burgers?
Its literally impossible for your body to function without carbohydrates.
Burgers have everything you need in a meal. Protein, fat, carbs. Also they usually come with a side of chips. Whats not to like really.
Daily reminder that burgers, the first burger recipe by name, was in an English cookbook. So were potato chips. So was apple pie. >le england bad food meme.
Terrible meme based on surrender monkeys and our lads seeing wartime food. same with teeth meme.
his restaurants were also found to be serving frozen food
That's because he's a celebrity chef and restaurants pay him to put his name solely for branding purposes.
he had innout and it made him reevaluate his life.
>actually dying for that
Pizza is the perfect food, burgers are a close second. Name something you can do with a burger that you can't do with a pizza better.
i think this was more about not getting to bun without the meat down his throat. he even cuts his tallboys
Burgers are probably the most overrated food in the world
I mean a burger is fine now and then, but it's not the fucking end all of all food.
The two main qualities of a burger is a) easy to whip out fast and b) good food for a cookout
bun is too small and too much tomato. same as the other cowboy burger he said was bad, proportions are wrong.
too much carbs, not enough meat and veggies, pizza is basically lots of bread with added stuff
Are you eating bunless burgers?
you could just crack it open instead
France has non fast food restaurants dedicated to burgers you know, this isn't deep fried oreos, hamburgers are an european dish not american
If you're gonna go there then you might as well say that only locally sourced GMO-free pesticide free raw vegetables are the perfect food
>this ugly genetic defect had a 10/10 blonde british gf while most of Yea Forums is a virgin
>still not eating lettuce wrap burgers
>10/10 british girl
So like a 3/10 literallyanyothernationality girl?
I'm aware, the picture is labeled as such. I like eel, it's one of my types of seafood and one of the "weird" dishes I would recommend everyone try alongside alligator.
lettuce wraps let you actually taste and appreciate the patty
I'm not eating 80% bun burgers
The only appropriate thing to put on the bottom of a hamburger bun is mayonnaise, that way the lettuce and onion has some dressing before you get to the beef. Above the patty, it should be cheese, bacon , pickles, or jalapenos if you like, followed by mustard or a similarly vinegar based sauce, then bun.
some men just want to watch the world grill
They seared the top of the bun
>tfw stale bread
At least that kid had a functioning dick and body. This one is worse.
Because you're a pretentious faggot
>fresh onions
Bu-burgers are Freehhnch! Fuck off no one cares about your limp wristed fagburgers.
Do French people really do this?
>having a hot gf but no functional body for sex
better than nothing in his case I guess
Is BURGAH filtered or some shit
I had to read the thread to see the problem. I thought it was cheese, never expected to be sauce.
Fix your cuisine, anglos.
If he can get stiff, then they can fuck. It might not be ass slapping, ball bouncing doggy style, but it's still benis in bagina. Good for him, a-salud.
Totally not virtue signaling. She really loves him.
Checking... burger.
burgers are the pinnacle of cuisine and I say that as a Frenchman
yeah there's just 8 millenia between the discovery of fire and agriculture though
I'd literally rather just eat fast food burgers than these dumbass restaurant style burgers that are impossible to eat. at least split it into two burgers
based. This is from Hubert, a two-hat restaurant in Sydney. $14AUD
The full-blooded Wagyu burger from RPBG, $25 with a glass of red
What an amazing doge picture! Can I save a copy for my own personal use? I like making fun of Asians, haha. Give me your name and I'll make sure to credit you in the .jpeg description section.
Thanks pardner!
it's weird how fine of a line there is between gore animal torture video and cooking video. people have no problem if it's for cooking, but if the guy did that in a dimly lit basement with grainy footage and then just threw the meat away, people would think he was a monster.
you know it's from a tv show right?
it turns out that killing an animal with the brainpower of a carrot doesn't matter
I present to you the best burger ever.
The Last Samurai:
- Japanese Ramen noodle bun
- fried breaded chicken
- premium beef
- pickled mayonnaise ovecabbage
- cheddar cheese
- lettuce
from Japanese Street Food
that's only 9 dollars?
wtf, that's cheaper than applebees
it looks kind of small desu
I don't know how big you are but that would definitely fill me up,
just compare it to the size of the pickle wedge, that's a decently sized burger
>forced to act
Does someone hold a gun to his head? No. He chooses to act like a cunt because he is a cunt.