Ad Astra

This was so fucking unbelievably boring. If this is what "kino" is then I dont care to see anymore. Jesus christ

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it's okay not every movie is for everyone. what are some sci-fi films you have liked?

It was quite good you should stick to trash like star wars or interstellar

Id rather watch the last Jedi than this shite

OP is what happens when you absorb too much capeshit. You forget what a good film actually is

Yes I would much rather watch a good and exciting movie like spiderman far from home. This movie was literally just "man narrates in space trying to be deep for 2 hours while some people die"

Flush yourself down the toilet.

Where were the aliens??? gosh so boring!

You are everything wrong with cinema

All James Gray movies are boring trash. The Yards is a cure for insomnia. Two Lovers is the only worthwhile film he's ever made.

It was great
You zoomers are just mentally deficient

It was trash

If I wanted a retards opinion I'd go to Yea Forums
Until then, shut the fuck up zoomer
I have a Phd, don't respond to me ever again

watch spaceballs instead

Suck my cock. Brad pitt is also absolutr garbage


Excellent zoomer bait

>so triggered he can't even spell

First Man was a million times better

Kys you fucking mentally deficient ADHD ridden zoomer. Ad Astra is pleb filter.

It wasn’t boring and my adhd makes normie adhd look tame. A damn classy blockbuster
Appreciated the shots with 2001 allusions

i know this is bait but i got so fucking angry at this post. 10/10 my dude. also kys