Why didn't boomers shave?

Why didn't boomers shave?

Attached: bond chest.jpg (400x375, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because real men have body hair.

To cover up their dyel physiques.

Cause shaving is a fad in the grand scheme of things that comes and goes

Attached: Clint Walker.jpg (736x942, 90K)

literally only women shave

Look at those titties. Goddamn I wish Hollywood would let women have big tits again.

Because Big Razer hadn't started lobbying yet.

>the fucking boomers ruined everything

Attached: EEB0F5F9-7AB5-4176-A995-7BE43671475E.jpg (720x1280, 96K)

Looks better that way. If anything just trim it so it doesn't look like an unkempt beard.

Because only fags shave their chest

and yet they could still outperform you

Bc shaving your chest is for fags. Fact.

What are those shorts he's wearing? Are they just swim trunks?

When Men were Men !

why did she shave?

Attached: Margaret Nolan.jpg (300x437, 26K)

not in pornography of the time period

shaving the face was enough. Signs of masculinity were once seen as desirable.

are you joking ofc they are

They didn’t want ingrown hairs. Those are no fun on your dick

you're right but
>/threading your own post

Gorgeous my Hammer Films wank of choice

based connery probably smashed her every night she was there

what a legend

If I pull that off, will you cry?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Dyel cope

It grows back ultra fast, it's not worth it, besides it takes forever.

homosexuals made it mainstream

This he was Our Guy

My ex gf refused to suck my dick unless shaved my pubes. Outright refused.

>about to be 27
>Chest is completely hairless
>Can't even grow a beard
Is it genetics or low test? My legs are hairy as fuck but the hair stops above my bellybutton

That’s why you date a Japanese girl

What an AMOG machine

Attached: 6F592F0D-1B51-4E1E-92D8-6C0EA6982ACB.jpg (333x500, 34K)

That's why you exfoliate your skin before shaving/waxing.

>no visible bulge
is Connery a dicklet?

Söy, unironically.
/was a hairy cave man at 17

(You) on the right

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Based whore.

Good job you dumped her as she had a fixation with another ex there fren

Its just genes , dont worry is you dad the same or uncles /bros ?

what You need to fuck right off back you poof

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80s bloke on right


It was a different time.

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I remember Margaret Nolan more from the Carry On films, especially Carry On Girls.


Attached: serveimage.jpg (717x456, 66K)

>34 years old

>Not having her beg for seconds.
>Tell her you need her to suck first.

Shaving is for beta faggots.

>Its just genes , dont worry is you dad the same or uncles /bros ?
My dad and younger brother are hairy as fuck.
However, my brother seems to have way more of my dad's genes. They even look alike. I seem to have gotten more from my mom's side. She says I look a lot like on of her uncles or cousins or something, though I think he's long dead at this point and I never met him.

In the 70s all nude models were required to show no pubes , an Yes the Carry Ons , Brilliant , its a shame they are all cut to ribbons by the ITV3 bosses now

trips confirms

>57 years old

COPE you homo fatty or twink

Dont worry about it you will have strong swimmers lad

I have a crazy amount of chest hair and 1rm 235 on bench @ 160lbs natty just wanted to brag because i used to be a skinnyfag


All the guy on the right has to do is wear better glasses and grow out his hair.


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I would actually keep the look he has going because he's the spitting image of Senator Armstrong.

>yeah, just as manly as me, heh

>Because Big Razer hadn't started lobbying yet.
This. It's all a business.
Imagine brainwashing half the population that they need to shave their faces daily. Now imagine making them believe they need to shave their bodies too. That's a lot of money for razors and shaving cream. Only in Muttland that's likt 150 million potential customers.


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But he's very clearly clean shaven?

>this was considered ripped in the 60s

they're both turbo chad 5000s who would make a woman melt within 10 seconds of talking to them.

body hair means nothing at that point when you have a god tier genetic dice roll

tbdesu this is why i took notice of cavill right away, because i was amazed that there was a superhero movie where the guy didn't shave his body like a prettyboy
based snyder for giving us hairkino

Connery has major dadbod here and would look even worse without the hair. Only fit guys look good clean shaven

Not even a contest... left is "fun hot pretty boy" while right is "marry me immediately please"

Not even a hairlet but I like shaving my caulk and balls
If you do it properly and carefully so it isn't all scratchy and it just comes out smooth and clean looking, feels good man
Does that make me a soidoy?

superman has always been hairy in the comics

Attached: death_of_superman.jpg (350x539, 132K)

Herro, OP.

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don't completely shave around your junk, balls are fine, but leave a light trim around the top/where your stomach comes down, bitches love that shit

But I don't care what they think is my whole point

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homo deff

Hair = masculinity especially back then.

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Yeah but when's the last time a capeshit flick had guys that weren't perfectly waxed? Not counting Wolverine in X-Men

shaving is gay as fuck that's why

Every man posted in this thread is still shaving because there's no way they don't have hair on their shoulders and on their backs.

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>Can't even grow a beard
Have you actually tried though? Most people give up after a week and a half assuming they can't grow one because they don't instantly have some lumberjack beard. Give it a couple of months.

I 100% do have hair on my shoulders and back, precisely because I don't shave it you fucking plank

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It must be a Marvel thing because Chris Evans was hairy in the 2005 F4 but waxed and shaved in Cap. America

I don't but I sometimes shave my chest to stimulate the growth of proper hair. Mu belly is hairy as fuck so I'm trying to balance it.

Rumour has it that Sean improv'd this scene

Attached: 23f.jpg (3000x1996, 771K)

>shave my chest to stimulate the growth of proper hair
This is a myth, user. Shaving doesn't make your body produce more hair.

if you shave your chest and get little stumpy hairs after like a day it feels really, really bad on someone elses skin.

Is he wearing his wig in this scene?

completely believe it

her look of surprise looks completely natural


Attached: james bond bath.webmP.webm (1280x544, 2.77M)

>tfw incel but hairy as fuck so set off womens womb alarms anyway
lol @ hairlets

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>set off womens womb alarms
You obviously don't.

Looks like a chad Krispin Glover

When I brought a girl home from college and slept with her I remember her saying "your so hairy". I'm not sure if she liked it or not.

Trips have spoken.

my pubes are so thick i have the biggest bush of anyone on this board i giarantee

Double trips of double truth.

That was a test. You failed.

Guy on the right just needs contacts and a better haircut and he will pull bitches with ease.

They both look awful

you were supposed to say "so are you" you dummy

men who wax their pubes, pits and legs are bizarre specimens. trim, don't shave

>actor born in 1930
>is a baby boomer

Eye roll


What if your chest hair is sparse, but you have thick hair around your nipples?

Someone post the hair edit. The guy on the right looks way better with longer hair. He's doing himself no favors buzzing it.

Connery did shave when he was doing bodybuilding competitions. Shows definition better, which is why everyone does it today.

Attached: enhanced-buzz-23030-1354215616-0.jpg (625x492, 31K)

As a white, blond Dutchman, I don't grow a lot of body, facial, or pubic hair. Not a full moustache, goatee, let alone a beard. The only arm hair I have become visible at my elbow, leg hair below my kneecaps, and zero chest hair but for long curly strands in single digits around my nipples.

I shave my face once weekly, which is enough for a constant stubble.
I shave my chest once monthly, which simply eliminates the odd nipple hair.
I have no belly-button hair or "bush" that appears above my waistline.
There is no reason to investigate any other bodyhair.

Also, I really don't care. It'd be nice to be able to grow a beard, though (32).

Bird never make nest in empty tree

why would you shave, just for a job interview or dates

I suppose they didn't have steroids during his time?

only the underaged, faggot twinks and birthcontrolled roasties will seethe at this

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A man that shaves anything but his face is a fracking faggot

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The Ainu are a very hairy Asian race. They're the ACTUAL Japanese people, the Jomon, not the "Yamato" queerboys from the Korean peninsula. Even Ryukyu islanders are more Japanese than those Yayoi "expanding Koreans."

People seem to forget that Japan has at least 3 very distinct races, and that the Jomon aboriginals (most similar to the modern Ainu of the region) are so visually similar to dark-haired Europeans, they simply assumed it was the case until DNA testing proved zero genetic overlap. They literally just look like hairy, wavy-haired, strong-jawed, taller, stronger people.

Attached: Modern Ainu.jpg (564x400, 61K)

t. blessed user who has never had ass-hair tangle in their dingleberries

Based and cylonpilled

Wtf are those chicken legs Henry? Jesus fuck

I have zero hair (except fine vellus bodyhair) on my shoulders or the entirety of my back. There's nothing for me to shave, so I don't shave.

So say we all

Attached: adama.jpg (975x600, 293K)

I only shave my beard, my pubes, and my armpit hair. I leave my chest hair and back hair alone.

Shaving is just there to flaunt your tone. Connery was already a model and didn't need to look any better.
Body hair is fine on a man so long as it's not overly everywhere or only in weird places, like the spot on your forearm that always rubs the edge your desk. You won't see that patch on your left arm.



>Testosterone was first synthesized in Germany in 193515 and was used medically to treat depression. Professional athletes began misusing anabolic steroids during the 1954 Olympics, when Russian weightlifters were given testosterone.
Hard to say, could be possible. Not that his physique is particularly impressive.
It was probably being used in the 60s with lower doses etc. You see it with actors who played Hercules in swords and sandals movies etc. Really became a mainstream thing in the 80s though.
Look up Eugene Sandow if you want to see what the natty limit looks like without any possible doubt about roids usage

shaving was pushed by gays in control of the fashion industry and retards ate it up. have fun looking like twinks ya big gaybos

Homo zoomer detected

when women knew there place an welcomed a hard bare spanking

>arr rook same

Attached: anthropology-in-japan-5-728.jpg (1030x728, 236K)

was she a paki ?

Like the era hair was scene as porn

Was this considered a "hot" physique back then?
It's average as fuck

cheers for the blog tl;dr


hense no replies try a bit better faggot

are you a paki or nigger ?

based bloke

Connery has a good build there. Pretty lean and athletic with broad shoulders. It’s only more recently that actors are required to have ~10% body fat and popped abs.

Please be a girl.

I have body hair literally everywhere except my chest. I got gorilla arms, gorilla legs, gorilla belly, a rain forest pubic area, but absolutely no chest hair whatsoever. What's up with that?

kek found the boomer

There were laws against showing pubic hair which were often airbrushed out, so the girls would shave to soften the airbrushers' workload.

Aryan white Germanic...:*\


He always wore a toupee as Bond, every single movie

Huns are usually very sparse hair wise ... Go Heritage an Check Lineage as you sound like ape , Nomadic the Mongels ?



and you point being poster ?
other than a zoomer twat


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well, guys with lot of hair chest are bald and vice versa


I wish I had more chest hair. I have about the same as he has. My legs and arms are pretty hairy..

Pretty fuckin rad build even even if he took roids.

Trips of truth

cucked strokeposter

Swedes are hairy as fuck, so are the Irish.

Likely hereditary

Shaving your face is bad too

The more likely possibility is that there is a closer common ancestor between Jomon and Europeans among the Siberians that gave Europeans those traits than any ancestor between Europeans and Yomato.

when society let you go chat women up without rape charges brought . this whole evil soc medja where you judged and die by it .. Hate it have none.

That sounds weird. Do you have back hair? How far up your arms is the hair?

I have back and shoulder hair kind of like this guy but with more stomach hair. Unfortunately despite all of the body hair which seems to have expanded over the years, I still cannot grow a decent beard.

real women too

Attached: JanetLeigh.jpg (2258x3000, 697K)

The fucking reading comprehension of kids these days. He means the Henry (one of the men posted in this thread) is shaving because he shaves his back and shoulder hair.

swedes are very non hairy now loads of frens an they all non hairy , Gypos are trogs not evolved still apes so no worries there .

>you could show your bare pussy but not your pubes
that's bullshit user, and she was a rare one

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Serious, unironic, non-shitposting question:

Are you suppose to trim your ass hair bros? I finally learned after 22 years how to shave my pubes but I’m still confused about my ass area which is pretty fucking hairy. Nobody teaches you this shit.

Jomon is cuter

And your condescending point being slut Twat ?

gib vintage pusy

Attached: gibe.jpg (434x319, 38K)

search for Jon Kortajarena. (the left one)
This photo don't do him justice lol

Shaving, not shaving, it doesn't fucking matter. The only ones who think it matters is people who just recently got the ability to grow body hair or haven't yet been able to do so.
t. got my first mustache when I was 11

but its not. thats why bettie page was so "scandalous"

Hair on guys is hot af

>edes are very non hairy now loads of frens an they all non hairy , Gypos are trogs
dibble von dubble trun tunnty soon?

Same but 23. Have basically no happy trail. No chest hair or facial hair. I'm cool with it though

No one taught you anything because there is nothing to teach unless you had two dads. Only faggots shave/wax their ass.

I don't grow hair on my back or shoulders though.

It was against the Porn Laws then look it up an It was great as they showed Vagene , and Porn mags were in the early 80s were not allowed to show arsehole shots , and if did the whole month mags got scrapped Mary Whitehouse Christian Group !

Post face


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Attached: james bond valerie leon.jpg (920x1266, 101K)

Possibly genetics. I can't grow a beard and only getting a few sparse chest hairs now at 22 but measure above average in terms of t. I'm masculine in other areas and shit but great facial hair genes I lack

Go Vintage Erotic Forum sign up its free go see all old UK mags

But I am gay user

>dibble von dubble trun tunnty soon?
In English paddy

Homo here. I don't shave and lots of other guys don't. Body hair is one of my biggest turn ons. Lots of women like hair too regardless of what mainstream media presents at times.

she's a fucking angel. who is she?

waxing male hair is not like waxing females.
Male hair is much deeper and thicker roots, if you wax male hair you often get red infected skin conditions after

You aren't supposed to shave anything below the neck if you're a guy. It comes down to personal preference.
I trim down my ass hair so wiping is easier

>Jon Kortajarena
Ok yeah thats more like it. The way he looks in that pic is like a caveman crossed with a concentration camp survivor.

Attached: liz fraser confessions.webm (720x398, 2.73M)

If bear ass its norm ..

Trimming your pubes generally makes your dick look a little bigger.

Gorgeous thanks fren

Boomer this.Boomer that..Shut the fuck up already

are 12 yo .. GTFO

to you maybe

Attached: your_eternal_shame.jpg (600x536, 81K)

Then you're 22 and it just hasn't filled in yet.

Attached: liz fraser carry on regardless2.webm (720x314, 1.9M)

the fuck is wrong with Germans, they literally made Heroin, LSD, Meth, Asprin, and so many more drugs.

And who cares about that?

Its a plebbit mod who shits here reg an goes back for upvotes his wonderful dance here the utter cunt , an if they looked on his HD .. Oh NO No no no ,

Not in America retard. And the obscenity laws you're thinking of were the other way around.

Old skool sex farce Carry on . I grew up with it , it was a learning Curve how to chat up women an Be masterful not Creepy now

the ainu look like semi neanderthals.

I dont shave if you shave your chest you are a fucking fag.


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My dick is already 21cm long. The bush makes it look more tame.

I get a big nasty looking bush when I let my pubes grow out. It just looks better when I trim.

Attached: englishman christian bale.webm (959x720, 1.35M)

>t. "We Europeaneu desu"

Pathetic, really.

Trim no worris its zoomer fags who dont act natural dating ..
If you marry her an you spout hair she will be like wheres Jamal

This is a joke but I unironically have old pics of my Grandma like this from the 1950's and I furiously jerk to them all the time.

She was like 22 in the pics and quite a looker, found them in an old box clearing out her house after she died.

Attached: 1535937190535.gif (306x205, 2.97M)

This Seriously Be Honest .

>ex girlfriend was 16 when we started dating, shaved her pubes and hated that I didn't
>shaved for her for the first year or so but kept insisting she stop; if I was going for her preference she should go for mine
>eventually she realizes it's easier to shave only every once in a while
>by the time we're 19 she pretty much only trims every few months and kept armpits grown out
>meanwhile I got lazy and just trimmed when my pubes started going up the shaft of dick
>break up, a year later we hook up
>she had broken up with her next boyfriend like 2 weeks prior and hadn't fucked him for longer so she's full hair everywhere but legs
>same for me except that I knew to trim so I wouldn't appear to have a micro dick
>whole time comments on how sexy and manly my hairy out of shape body is
>later learn her ex had shaved and did cardio so he was basically a twink
>told me she liked how she knew I was a man and not a boy
>have good muscles in arms and torso under fat because work blue-collar but drink, says she likes it because she felt like I could have easily raped her if she had decided against hooking up
>all the talk causes me to choke her out and fuck her again without asking
>forced her to take the creampie too
>could feel her cum at least once during, later she says she came three times
Based whores, just want big daddies

when you go boomer . an use propety wisely .


i like the part where she didn't shave her pusy

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10/10 LARP, definitely happened

Details? I just gave you the details

Chest/belly hair on young guys is one of my favorite things

Tragic they got wiped out, but Asians long term strategy is unbeatable

>have a shit ton of kids
>but don't be complete savages

It easily beats Africans

>have shit ton of kids
>be complete savages

And Europeans

>Have no kids
>Don't be savages

t. doesn't read much

Kind of true in my experience. A lot of girls seem to like a bit of belly as long as you have a decent muscle base underneath.

I know you don't

It actually did jealous incel. I may be hung up on her and haven't even had a date since but at least I had sex.

And then Einstein clapped

I read the CIA factbook and other sources and actually try to understand other parts of the world.

>reddit post

Can confirm, I’m Irish American and I’m hairy as fuck and covered in thick black hair. Also I’m gonna add that I have blue eyes before someone starts saying I’m not white.

ok dude, sure it did you dumb fat fuck lmao

Have sex.

Based. Real men are hairy.


you first fatty lol

Listen Guys be yourself , an Ebrace it ok , Trim an help self NEVER EVER FOR A WOMAN OK
Keep YOUR self Proud as a STRONG GUY OK ..

I off to clubs to fuck sluts ...its Caturday


Basted foreigner.

but he is clean-shaven... what are you talking about?

Fuck. I'm East Asian

What are the Irish then? Are they their own little ethnic enclave like the Ashkenazi, distinct from other Europeans?

Just be confident in the skin you were born in

Eternal Anglo cringe

Yes, Irish are their own thing with it's own benefits and costs.

Attached: Iris_Surnames_Infographic-01-2.png (3335x2902, 334K)

East Asian skulls look cool, you got that going for you champ.

>can easily grow a full beard
>nearly no hair on torso

anyone else knows this feel

>that jiggle

Mmm daddy

They definitely *did* shave down his back and shoulders here, Connery was really furry

What would be the benefits and the costs of being Irish?

Attached: james bond russia with love.webm (720x430, 2.94M)

So are both of these individuals.

Attached: East Asians.jpg (500x600, 101K)

i am hairy, r8

Attached: IMG_20190922_020823.jpg (1280x960, 260K)

>evolved for tribal democratic society so modern chaos suits them, as their brains are geared towards the level of discourse allowed by modern tech
>however too empathetic so prone to wider white peoples curse of allowing in non-empathetic people

Many more, but these are the key ones.

post bepis

>Look up Eugene Sandow if you want to see what the natty limit looks like without any possible doubt about roids usage
Dude literally has the physique of a Greek statue

Please start lifting, but Greek/10

>girls fighting to the death

Attached: this doesn't arouse me.jpg (691x597, 26K)

>have hairy chest, stomach and legs and thick head hair
>arms have little to none and are so think you can barely tell

What do I do lads, shave or let it grow?

Wear tank tops for ever

been lifting 2.5 years, but when i started i weighted 74 kg. Now i am at 91, i feel more massive overall but i still eat whatever the fuck i want, i don't really wanna go for the aestethics. I just wanted to get bigger cuz i was skeleton.

Yeah, I had one girlfriend who seemed to like it. Personally I found that weird.


Nah, Heracles

Sean Connery is not a boomer.
Remember, virtually anything made or done in the 60s was not by a boomer.

I blame Arnie.

Attached: hercules in new york.jpg (1010x1347, 226K)


Quintessentially blown the fuck out

Attached: TeeVee.png (668x285, 419K)

she deserved it

Why do white women age so horribly?

Attached: goldfinger-bond-girl-margaret-nolan-attends-a-celebration-of-the-james-CX99HB.jpg (1300x1390, 191K)

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Stop being a Cunt ok an you are Being Ripped apart as Redd .. ok

Hero Based man not .. /Hero .?

kek seething

>ywn be a beautiful stacked woman getting slapped by prime sean connery

Are the bots learning? Please spare humanity, ok? Go colonize the Oort Cloud.

It'll come in full someday, user.

t. truly hairy bastard

I have no hair on my chest and stomach except 2 hairs around my left nipple and one around my right nipple (but they grow long as fuck).
t. skinny as fuck central europian

There was a book about sex that said hair made sex better

Just another opiod, oxycontin is the worst at the moment and the blame there falls on the Sackler family
Literally helps save lives
amphetamines, such as adderal which is used for ADD

Well I'm convinced.

Only literal apes are hairy as fuck. Lmaoing @ you subhumans.

height face frame, gymcel

>moderately hairy all over body except lower back
>near-thinnest region is pubes
It's an odd feel

More like yaSoi face, amrite?

Think it's called the Joy of sex

>What if your chest hair is sparse, but you have thick hair around your nipples?
Body hair is body hair regardless where it exists. I knew a guy who grew so much hair on his shoulders and the back of his neck/upper back that it looked like he was wearing a brown feather boa all the time. He had no chest hair at all.

>Not that his physique is particularly impressive.
It was impressive back then because it was 100% natty.

He looked so badass with a full beard on New Caprica.

>It's average as fuck
He says on an American butter frying forum

Attached: 20171013_Obesity_FO.jpg (711x506, 41K)

Too much ass.

I like how the spoiler thumbnail for me is lewd george costanza
Now thats a hairy chest

If you shave your chest, arms, or legs you’re a fag. Pubes and armpits are the only exceptions.

Why would you shave your armpits?

Men unironically look better old and fat though.

I fucking love gay bears.

Hair prevents friction so your sweaty flesh doesn't get stuck together


I had very thick hair from my stomach to toes including ass when I puberty and I can only grow a goatee and stache. When I hit 28 I started balding and now my chest , back, upper arms, shoulders and rest of my beard started getting hairy.

Literally what the fuck?

All according to plan.

>tfw no qt jomon gf in traditional garb