Luv > Joi

Luv > Joi

If you disagree you're a faggot, pal.

Attached: luv.jpg (1200x676, 72K)

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You're not wrong, OP. Joi fags are subhuman filth and deserve to be retired.

Attached: Blade Runner 2049 (2017) - Luv's Goodbye Scene (9_10) _ Movieclips 0-58 screenshot.png (1280x720, 588K)

I read joi as 'jack off instruction.'
Does that make me degenerate?

Clever. Get this man a beer.

she is a dyke beyond repair. check her ig


Attached: blade runner 2049 luv.webm (1500x622, 2.71M)

>Luv's actress is a dyke
Even better

>she is a dyke beyond repair. check her ig
Nah. She wanted Trayvon's dick.

not in a good way tho

i wasn't being clever. that is an actual genre of porn.

Tell me her name pronounced as loov,

Luv is a whore and Joi has a cokebloat face

You know she looks like a kind of chick you would had aggresive hardcore sex with


Attached: 1520963455214.jpg (1600x1600, 1.22M)

Alright then. Give back the beer, pal.

just gonna leave this here

Attached: luvgoesbacktoschool.webm (842x354, 2.94M)

>I prefer overtly masculine women
>If you disagree, you’re gay
Was it autism, Yea Forums?

At least Luv's attraction was based on something. Everything that came out of JOI's mouth was insincere.

Attached: 1569077992476.webm (1920x796, 2.66M)

>He couldn't detect Luv's femininity

She is a little girl trapped in a killer cyborg's body and is only violent because she is desperate for her daddy's approval. She is the best one, brainlet.

Attached: 1516332858493.jpg (284x551, 18K)

So disgusting

you actually put your penis in her so yeah I'd say she's superior

I like her too.

Attached: 1568931663310.webm (1600x1600, 3M)


Attached: WHERE IS HE.gif (526x490, 647K)

>be a tranny
>a woman features has slight resemblance with mine

She's not overtly masculine just taught but still feminine looking

Post more Luv webms please. I need them for reasons.

Attached: 1567802830587.webm (1920x800, 3M)

Luv is NOT for lewd

>love kills joy


Attached: 1568274561122.jpg (451x452, 32K)

>Still using the imperial measurement system

>Flawed but real Luv destroys perfect but artificial Joi


Attached: 1518205925224.png (456x959, 610K)

>she is a dyke beyond repair.
what does her husband think about that?

Are you sure that is her husband? Google turns up nothing to confirm.

Mexico is not sending their best desu

It's like pottery.

Attached: tumblr_pi5k5v1WcB1s3rdxdo2_r1_500.gif (500x208, 2.14M)

>Love destroys Jerk Off Instructions

It has layers like an onion.

Attached: Smug Luv.png (247x333, 117K)

Why did she kiss Joe?

not married, but after seven years of relationship...

His name is K and she did it because he is a good boy.

She was too emotionally immature to comprehend what she felt.