19 days before the final season starts edition
This shit is still going on? Yes, final season 15 starts Oct 10
What are they fighting now? Multiverse-tier threats and God
Who's the fourth fag on the right? Jack, a nephilim, satan's son
I stopped at x season, should I pick it back up? If you have nothing else to watch then why the fuck not
What happened to the antichrist from like season 4? google it
>Now accepting
new viewers, rewatchers, and recommendations for similar TV (X Files, Buffy/Angel, etc)
Supernatural 15
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Bunker was comfy but it's time for it to go out in an explosion and let the Impala shine once more
Pre-emptive Fuck (You) to
>camel posters
>luci posters
>moloch posters
this. Road trips are kino comfy
only 19 days!
Does anyone remember when Chuck zapped the impala into the bunker? That was so stupid.
It’s finally ending. The great occult fantasy show of our time
>one of the few times a practical effect is effective in showing a great intervention from a divine power
are there any leaks out
why does this show's script never leak
Who else /Amara/ here?
Why would you want leaks for the final season
Had to skip the previous 2 thread because I was banned for coomerposting.
Kek. Perfect use of the image
Hello, lads. How are we doing today?
>tfw don't know what that is
Didn’t know it either until the last 2 threads when the same user posted it. Also don’t try using the goblet of blood apu to try your dirty little tricks. I’ll block you now
>At PHXCON 2016, actor Rob Benedict confirmed that there was an early draft in Season 11 where God died. "There was an early script draft this season where God died. CW stepped in and said they couldn't kill God."
Ahh yes, the master plan of Chuck being the big bad behind it all, can't wait for this season...
Begone, filth
why didn't jack ever go find this kid? you'd think they could be frens
I stopped watching after that Leviathan season. Is it worth watching now?
They went back to angels and demons but it’s unironically worse than leviathans. It didn’t pick up until the darkness arc and the multiverse shenanigans
The show went full retard when they killed Death. Stopped watching it after that; should have stopped watching after season 5 as now when I think of the series I get a bad taste in my mouth.
Bunker was lame and felt really cheap
The scythe killing Death itself was an idea even season 5 itself presented. Hence Dean trying to ambush Dean with the scythe
*ambush Death
Trying to catch up before the finale, on S13E05. That stupid voice that the evil version of Cas was doing in the big empty was cringe, does that shit continue? Also, how many times has Cas died so far?
>Currently up to Season 12 Episode 19
Do the British Men of Letters fuck off soon?
Can't stand these pricks.
Also, I thought by killing an Alpha they reverted all their children back to normal, but Daddy Vamp is dead and we are still getting Vamp eps.
>does that shit continue
Not as fake-Cas but yes
>god brought castiel back from the dead at least three times
>it is stated that angels go to the empty when they die
>the empty entity said that god has no power in its realm
nice, can't wait to see what sort of timeline fuckery and retconning the writers will do once those two meet in the last season
>not liking Lady Toni Bevell
Damn I’m racking up gets today but nobody to check
I haven't even watched the past five seasons.
What is the show about at this point? Who's that guy on the right?
The Men of Letters stay for most of season 12 but introduce a based character later. Reverting by killing the alpha was never even mentioned in season 6 lore
It really depends how much time you have on your hands. If you only watch a few hours of tv a week then yes you can find better things to watch. But if you watch a few hours a day or more well, most tv coming out is complete shit. There are like 5-10 shows a year tops that are even worth watching. New supernatural barely makes the cut imo but it’s better then 95 percent of shit coming out now unfortunately. Not sure what’s happened to tv and movies but I sure miss when even most low budget corny “bad” shows were still watchable. Just as an example look at hbo’s catalog of shows. It used to be literally 1/2 of the shows they made were good an perfectly watchable, and easily 1/3 were actually great. Like actual great shows. Now they are lucky to have 1 series in a year that’s good. They even manage to turn shows that started out great like got into garbage by the time it finished. Or west world which had a great premise and good actors mostly they managed to turn it into a mediocre mess in just a couple seasons. When even hbo, the master of kino is losing their mojo we are screwed. So nu-supernatural, even if it isn’t what it once was, is still a solid watchable semi interesting show and that’s about the best we are going to get anymore aside from the couple still good shows that come out. I fear that within 5-10 years there will be 0 actually good-great shows coming out if this trend continues(no reason to think it won’t). Then we will all be waiting patiently for the 3-5 good shows. Then in another few years the 3-5 watchable shows. Eventually anything that doesn’t make you want to gouge your eyes out will be seen as the best there is. Not sure what Hollywood’s end game is, but it seems it’s to destroy itself. Zoomers solutions appear to be to watch retards on YouTube or watch someone else play a video game. For those of us who have some brain cells in tact it’s dark days ahead.
She hasn't come back yet, and was only in a couple of eps that I have seen.
So far we have;
>Beta Brit who killed the teen wolf (now dead)
>M from James Bond rip off
>Arthur who was cool, until he banged Mary and stole her photo like a creep
Kek at this wall of text but yes. At its low, Supernatural is still the best of its genre right now
It's not that. It's that Death gave an item he knew could kill him to a person he would have known wouldn't have gone through with it. They made Death a complete fucking retard; and that's where the problem is.
I liked the BMoL. They were espionage cheese kino. I missed gunfights in Supernatural so I liked them for different reasons
Yes sorry, I’ve been a bit worked up lately about it so hence the wall. tl;dr is quality of media has been on a steady decline with no end in sight. Really don’t know why but I wish it would stop or even better reverse. Surely there have to be talented writers and directors left to give us kino. What’s happening?
Death just fucked off because he was tired of the Winchester BS
He didn't fuck off, they killed him, and from what I heard someone else became Death.
It doesnt matter how talented the writers are. The current social climate means networks will dictate certain themes for stories and its saturating every piece of media. That’s why all new shows have this certain je ne sais quois to them
>heard someone else became Death
Billy is just pretending to be Death.
She is so self-masturbatory, it's fucking dumb.
Well yeah that post was a COPE post. The first reaper to die became the new Death. I actually posted it but a spoilered webm
To be fair I like how she is also very supportive of the natural order and she’s also an active agency in trying to unfuck the Winchesters’ fuckery
Because the natural order needs death. Julian is amazing as death but I like the concept that the vacant position has an apotheosis mechanism in place. It reminds me of “gods” from comic stories or previous shows (Wolfram & Hart’s conduit being replaced when Mesektet died)
That’s certainly part of it yes, but it’s not the whole story. You could let a group of purple haired feminists chop up and inject as much sjw shit as they wanted into true detective season 1, and well it would be a travesty I don’t think they could make it worse then a 7/10 show even still. Shifting the priorities from making good media to social engineering is having a negetive effect but I don’t think it’s nearly the whole story. In fact I don’t even think it’s the main problem, rather it’s just accelerating the decline. I just wonder what’s really going on, what’s the true driver behind the decline of visual art. Television, movies, even video games have been on a sharp decline for at least a decade maybe more, it’s uniform, it’s fast, it’s across all genres. Wtf is happening we all accept it’s occuring no one asks why
Og death was confident, mysterious, had an aura about him of terror. It took very little acting from dean for instance to sell how scary he was. Billy just comes off as a smug obnoxious cunt.
Streaming means shows are also getting shorter episodes. Subversion for subversion’s sake has been a trend. Reboots keep happening. I suppose there are more factors behind the scenes we’re not seeing
I like 10-13 episodes; less filler shit then.
they really had to do it to us with the ,,we got no relevant black character yet''
Not necessarily good. Sabrina released and defeated Satan in a span of 2 episodes
That show was destined to be shit.
>almost caught up on Supernatural
As someone who has never seen The X-Files, or Buffy, should I start watching one next?
Do they get Supernatural-level comfy?
But it’s still tempered compared to 90% of the shows now. Look at the poster. What other show has four white male leads? Supernatural may have slowly shifted but it’s still far from the worst when it comes to choosing diversity instead of prioritizing story
Watch X-Files for a duo dynamic. Watch Buffy if you prefer dark fantasy over sci-fi. They’re comfy in their own way and both influenced Supernatural
They can be pretty comfy. Lots of actors present in the older shows too
This shit is such cancer. There’s nothing wrong with having black characters/actors. It’s been done well hundreds of times. But now it’s like they write a story then cram some black characters/actors in with no lube. No thoughts to if it fits, little to no effort made to find a good actor, just as long as they are black, and cram a bunch of woke bullshit in there just to make it seem even more out of place. Even if it only makes the movie or show 5 percent worse, with how mediocre everything is now they can’t afford that 5 percent, and it’s just so in your face and obnoxious. Why can’t they just write black characters when it’s interesting/appropriate and cast accordingly, and when no race is specified just hire the best actor available? Everything would be noticably better, I know this because when they started cramming diversity in for its own sake quality took an immediate drop. I’m half black and it rubs me the wrong way so I can’t imagine how you white folks see it.
Still have "Oh Death" in my playlist. One of the best sequences in the show. God, how I wish I could go back in time.
I’m asian so most of the time I don’t care about diversity shit. I just want a good story with good characters who are universally relatable regardless of ethnicity. What ticks me off is they try to sell “diversity” but only put in Black people and no other ethnicities
On a different note, what songs do you want/expect for the final season?
Yes I just want good stories and good characters, the best actors available. I never cared growing up if a character was white(well I’m half white so there’s that but still) if they were interesting and relatable I enjoyed it and never cared what color they were. I never layed awake at night hoping for more representation so I really don’t understand when people cry about that shit. Maybe if there were never any black actors in anything it would bother me but that’s never been the case in my life anyway. I just know that when they obviously put a character or actor in for diversity it’s 100 percent of the time awful cancer, it’s so preachy amd condesending, regardless of what ethnicity or gender it is. People made fun of the token black characters in the 80s and 90s, and instead of moving beyond that and just writing the best characters and hiring the best actors(who would automatically sometimes be black or Mexican or whatever) they turned the tokenism up to 1000. I don’t know how it feels to white people but to me it’s so condescending, like we need to constantly be thrown a bone like a child. Woke white liberals seem like the worst kind of racists to me because they act like we aren’t capable of defending ourselves, at least redneck racists give us more credit then that.
If the Led Zepplin estate weren't so controlling, I would say Stairway to Heaven.
Other than that;
>Cinderella - Nobody's Fool
>Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name
>Ozzy - Mama, I'm Coming Home
>If the Led Zepplin estate weren't so controlling
Which is pretty hilarious since Led Zepplin stole so many songs from others.
it's not so much they're controlling, it's that the songs are expensive for royalties. Although I suppose it could be the same shit.
Leviathans are among the most multi-layered creatures in the show
>biblical Leviathan
>Thomas Hobbes' sociopolitical contract "the Leviathan"
>conspiracy theories: reptilian shapeshifters control the highest positions in our society
>X-Files' "there are no monsters/the truth is our there" atmosphere
>political and economic commentaries without being partisan
it's a shame most of these references flew over normies' heads. Were the Leviathans perfect? No. I think they could have been improved. But the season wasn't as bad as many claim
Was The Darkness free to roam about during early humanity?
The show makes it seem like God and the Archangels locked her away before he made humans, but she has the Mark of Cain, which looks like the jawbone Cain beat Able with.
>arthur was cool
still is lad
I hate that the Fates didn't step in when Heaven was about to collapse. I know they outsourced other pagans like Anubis, but the Fates have been with Heaven early on and Atropos' sisters were strong ("big") enough to give pause to two Angels, one of which was a Seraph with the power boost of loan souls
no the darkness was locked awau before humans came on the scene
the Darkness has not witnessed any human. Dean was the first human she saw which was why she was attracted to him
>but she has the Mark of Cain, which looks like the jawbone Cain beat Able with
in-lore, it's retroactive. The Mark, which was Amara's prison, influenced and corrupted Lucifer and Cain, who used the blade that looked like it, to kill Abel.
I remember just three years ago, I was lamenting how despite Supernatural's expansive lore, only a handful beings could cause apocalyptic scenarios. Fast forward to season 14 and we have probably double that number
yeah real cool, i bet you liked it when he murdered that innocent girl right after the winchesters saved her
youve really got to get over that, she was a monster Dean and Sam have done worse
oh and Cas, hes done waaay worse
Power creep got pretty bad post season 5.
Everything post season 10 is ridiculously DBZ bad.
Ketch surviving was a surprise, but a nice one. It meant that the showrunners stopped compartmentalizing seasons and started thinking long term by keeping some of their characters into the new seasonal arc. The problem between seasons 6-10, even though it's really just 8-9 I dislike, is that they felt so fractured. 11 onwards have been building up to something big, just like 1-5 did. Imagine if 8 actually told the story of Purgatory instead of meandering with pointless no-name angel civil wars
Here's one thing i don't understand: how did mary trap abraxas in a puzzle box filled with enochian wards when at that time there were no knowledge about angels?
>wanting a story of 15 years to still focus on small game
>veteran hunters still struggling with low-tier demons
not necessarily a good wau to go either
Reminder supernatural is faggot shit for holes and homos
The majority of the bad shit that has happened has been because Sam and Dean exist.
Mary trapped Abraxas after her resurrection
Reminder that now is the best time to kill yourself newfag
true, Samuel Colt must be spinning in his grave, literally everything he accomplished the Winchesters tore down
if they didn't exist, wouldnt there be an apocalypse earth 2.0?
they opened the gates and the pit, without that no apocalypse
because someone pointed them to that direction
Is Supernatural actually good? I haven't watched it and curious if it's a decent watch
so? they get a pass and no one else does? bullshit
if you like
>urban legends
>muscle car
>road trips
>comfy back roads/small towns
>classic rock
>top tier brotherhood
then give the show a try. it's good for the genre
If you're a feminised 90s born queer with low standards, you'll love it.
Do you have CHAD genes with a CHAD brother?
If you can tolerate some soap opera bulllshit it’s otherwise a really good show. Has it’s ups and downs but overall it’s good. If you are a roastie or a homo you will probably just love it.
>it's a dean smash scene
smashing things and eating are jensen's go to acting moves
yes, now don't let me ever hear you talk shit about my boy again
Have you saved the world?
I didn't almost end it, unlike some
you just know the writers are going to blow the series ending. jensen fucking hates
>So when we went to go see the writers in L.A. about a month and a half ago, it was the pitch for what they think the ending should be. And it was really real that we were having that discussion with everybody that really crafts the show. I had trouble with it. For some reason, it didn't go down easy. And about a week later, I was like, 'Man, why am I having so much trouble digesting this?'
he's probably the one who lives, i dont think Jensen would like that
As long as it’s not d*stiel shit
its not
I can live with it
new season preview just dropped
What an apt photo
It’s been out a week. Doesn’t tell us much too
we learned they finally got cool FBI windbreakers
yea thats been out a week, anyone have any thoughts on these guys? black eye ink is usually leviathan
Cosmic entity easily
the empty? oh yea of course
Yep. Unless Chuck released the Leviathans again. I’m more curious about the old man initially I thought it was Mark Hamill
nah your right definitely the empty, doubt they'd bring back leviathan, they have enough to deal with this season already
My biggest beef with this show is literally everything either possesses humans or is just a human turned bad(like vamps). Like how badass can angels be if they can’t even come to earth without begging a person to let them go for a ride in their body? It feels so cheap, and I’m guessing that’s why they do it, saves a fortune on production costs. 90 percent of the cgi/makeup/costumes for all the monsters is just different colored eyes and some fangs here and there.
for angels it was initially so they could interact with humans, Cas tries to contact dean as an angel and almost kills him, so he gets a vessel
Faggot shit
Well yes. Same reason hellhounds were initially invisible. They couldnt afford it. But in a way it made sense angels had to follow some sort of cosmic rules to set them apart from demons. Also makes it so they could be battled by heroes
yes please chuck i hope the bunker explodes
fucking hell I thought CIA was standing on the corner for a second
that was years before the plane scene too
Yeah funny how that works
great ep, thats how you fucking start a season
Did you just completely forget about the alternate universe that is apocalypse world that only exists because sam and dean don't exist?
so? their were a different "sam and dean" that did the same shit, not exactly the same, and of course they weren't winchesters but something, michael got a vessel somehow
Alt michael possessed jake’s brother yeah? You guys remember jake right?
that world was arguably better than this world. it had ended human fueled climate change. the angels were on the brink of winning and ridding the planet of the real scourge
if I got that question i'd probably start autisticly arguing that they never raised cain
Won the psychic kid bowl
but he would've been possessed by luci if anyone, that was the point of the candidates, and luci did possess someone, since mike and luci fought in apoc world
do you see heaven in that TV show? I've only seen the first few seasons until one guy gets resurrected from Hell
Read it carefully again user
oh right, yea that makes sense
Yep. Different aspects of it—personal heavens and the administrative parts
What are they smirking at?
you know you really love her user
she's a crime against god and nature
I don't *love* her but you're damn right I've always wanted to fuck her and still do. There's no doubt in my mind Felicia Day would be a gloriously lewd and depraved sex partner.
She was alright in the latter part of season 10
Goodnight lads, I’m tapping out
carry on wayward son