Hey Yea Forums
Did you like it ?
Hey Yea Forums
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like what retard?
Very m night tier. Movie is kinda boring and the entire movie only exists for the twist ending.
Why does she wear the mask?
remember my grandpa disliked it for being distasteful, disgusting
he liked everything else by almódovar tho
wait, is it even that movie? lol
literally kino
also very fappable if you know what I meme
figured it out way too early to enjoy it
the gory end felt extremely forced
This is a German movie. It wasn't made by Almodovar.
thought so
God I wish that would happen to me
Are you talking about the shotas?
not him but shotas were very cute in this
I thought the twist was obvious from the first time we see the kids, but still liked the movie a lot.
>boring shitfest created by some old dry hag and her y0×¥filled bitch
Yasss Yea Forums worship this crap
They were smart enough not to make the movie dependent on the twist. Even if you see it coming the escalation of the violence is still shocking.
Are you a fag or something?
Yeah, I mistook it for that one too.
Fucking why??