Other urls found in this thread:
>people in their 20s acting as teenagers
it's like one of my american teenage dramas
he's got a good build and probably a fat cock, what's confusing about this?
>brown skin
What? Is that supposed to be an achievement?
>acting like teenagers
For kissing in public? Jesus christ dude get a girlfriend of your own and maybe you can stop seething about PDA.
Pretty sure thats the nigress from the newest spiderman adaptation
Looks like a mongoloid who possibly has shit in their underpants but I guess we all see and strive for certain things. Maybe someday that will be you user.
A. He's still tall
B. She's no looker herself, looks like a latina
This op and this thread. What the fuck is going on? Fucking weirdos man
she looks dateable
this fat fuck was supposed to not be seen near a female
for the way they dress mongoloid
we are analyzing the qt
1. This is Mexico. Things dont make sense there
2. Guys who are fat when they were in school are blessed with a large frame and extremely low expectations when they inevitably lose weight
They're doing Wreck it Ralph now? Disney live action remakes have gone too far.
God I wish I were a cute girl
that's portuguese
a true american stereotype right here
you really don't tho
Check out that dude's huge arm.
>she looks dateable
For a guy that looks like him yea
there's hope for me yet. things will be different this time
Portugal is right next to Mexico who gives a fuck
This guy is obviously a chad. It's just the jean shorts that are throwing you all off.
and his socks. and his shoes...
and his fat head with giant sideburns
the girl is not even pretty... so what do you mean?
But I love Paul Domas Anderson
Esa es mi chica carajo
Does this mean even I can get my own brown cutie?
But I really do
if you post on Yea Forums then you will never have a GF
it's a proven fact man, sorry. Not even a low tier Asian will want to be with you. Much less a Latina.
The real cringe is that some incel actually took this picture
It's not fair bros.
someone explain this to me
Kissing is fine, making out is gross. If you want to kiss do a peck, if you want to make out get a room. If you don’t find making out in public gross you’re weird
>being a cute girl is soooo hard
yeah fucking right, idiot
The Angel that presided 'oer my birth said, "Little creature, form'd of Joy and Mirth, "Go love without the help of any Thing on Earth
Take a pic of you in a frock and we'll rate you
No. No they won't, user.
He makes her laugh
Something (You) will never be able to do
He can also cup her ass and lift her over his head with one hand, also something you will never be able to do.
Why the fuck are you naked
Good hair and beard, good face, probably tall, good personality
Fat but not humongo obese + tall gives off "I can protect you" vibes to whamens
Me on the right.
minus the girl.
>probably tall
How tall is tall? Im 182cm, is that tall enough?
imagine seeing this. but the guy is way fatter and the girl is your crush
being fat as a guy is the most overrated defect of all time. it's a thousand times better to be a big fat guy than to be a skinny(fat) manlet
Didn't that guy make some video about plane seats recently? I don't remember exactly what it was but he came off like a total cunt.
Fuck that's a nice pussy
please stop bro..
>Fat but not humongo obese
i never really recovered after that. i was in my car when i saw them handholding later.
i cried on my way home.
Ha sucks to be you! My crush's bf is skinny athletic and drives a sport motorbike...
how much is that in freedom
Come to Brazil yanky. Drown in brown puss
there's no release from such pain.
I'm sorry bro.
Brazilians hate whiteys tho
If I had to be a fat person, then I would want to be a strongfat knuckledragger like this dude.
>acting as teenagers
Learn English before you criticize others. OR JUST KILL YOURSELF!
abandon all hope
>there's no release from such pain.
there is one. do not worry, i'm going to be free soon. i was never meant to make it anyway.
every day I swear to god every fucking day you post the same shit both here and on 55chan.
it must suck to be skinny fat. not only are you not attractive, but you're weak as well. ogre dudes may be unappealing aesthetically, but at least they can be strong
Not worth getting stabbed.
I can kill that fatso with a single punch
yeah imagine if it was at a party and you later see them walking their car...
hold me bros
Just be white and tall
your little sister can beat you up
she can beat my meat up if you get what I mean
Congratulations dipshit incels, you're finally realizing that you just come off as creeps and you're not being persecuted by women.
please elaborate I dont catch your drift
Why don't just just get a gf and have sex Yea Forums?
The only thing you need is to get a nice haircut, some clothes and to not be yourself.
This ain't portugal. I know every single metro station and that's not a portuguese one. And that yellow some plaque ain't used here too. Might be brasil
I'm saying that she can put her hand on my penis and stroke it up and down, if you fathom my speech
>projecting your own self-hatred onto someone else this hard
fucking YIKES my shit up fampai
Nah white boy
unironically don't understand what's wrong with that
It's too late now. I unironically want to kill myself BUT I will go with a bang if you catch my drift.
Yo, how old are you?!
How do I not come off as a creep? I literally have no idea if im giving off that aura or not, im just being me. Well my socializing version of me.
one ticket for joker?
im a germ phobe, like leo in the aviator
Bingo that's Yea Forums incels for you.
godspeed, user.
they're completely looksmatched
just be good looking. Ugly people are creeps and handsome dudes are confident
The image that destroyed Yea Forums
underrated kek
Who doesnt hate plane seats?
I would post face,but I know ill still get shit on,but I had sex last night so I'm good.
Don't act like the brits and mexicans aren't on our level
Only a matter of time before rest of the world catches up to our absolute mass
Chad is so nice for letting his gf walk the fat boy.
Non-white girls are easy
dont want to clean my room and have girls over
>I would attention whore for no reason because ???
We need laws regulating the length of shorts.
>Why don't just just get a gf
How? Please tell me. Im so lonely
t. jealous that no one wants to fuck your ugly ass
He's fucking gigantic. Massive frame, skull, bones. . . very healthy and strong development, high t, unmoggable
Just be large, what is there to explain
Because I had sex last night,if I can do it you can too bros,were all gonna make it.
wtf does that even mean
Being shoot is more of your confort zone?
>period before 'or'
I can have sex easily too I just gotta pay a hooker.
In fact I'd rather do that than subject myself to being a plaything of femn*ids. In the end I'll probably have spent less money and gave up a smaller part of my dignity in the process too.
Surprisingly accurate Venn diagram
Be friends with Chad he'll help you. lol.
What a fat wite boi incel says
How is he holding the phone? With his penis?
I thought you ”””people””” were supposed to be against ””punching down”””?
>A girl would be fun to have around
Doesn't seem very accurate to me.
should be "acting like teenagers", or better still "behaving like teenagers"
what are you talking about
are you ok?
This is unironically true. White girls’ expectation have gone through the roof for the most part. If you arent fit with a good job and social media, you’re a nothing to them
Non Incel/Non Virgin here AMA!
probably meant a girl that shares your hobby. i'd rather have a 7/10 qt that likes to cuddle and watch anime/play vidya than 9/10 instagram whore
I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl
same but 26 and a half
However I did one time hold hands with the girl I was orbiting, so I'm a bit of a chad
Things will always get better fren as long as you dont give up and try you will succeed dont let the faggots on here bring you down struggle and thrive prove them wrong. I know how hard it can seem but know trying is what you should do. This goes out to all the other anons out there as well I hope you live your best life frens
Someone to share your life with and discuss all the "interesting" shit you come across would be nice, i would say.
we told you to do jelqs alongside stronglifts bro WE TOLD YOU
bro girls don't "have hobbies", what the fuck are you talking about? If you ever got into a relationship with a girl that "watches anime and plays videogame" you'd see how foolish you are
Have you ever talked to a girl? You can barely have a conversation with one, they're empty people who live off social media.
also, if you share your life with any girl, even if you think it's "the one" you're fucked. She'll never forget about that weakness you exposed and you can expect her to cheat on you asap
vidya games are literally my only hobby, i wouldn't mind a gf that does the same.
>If you ever got into a relationship
i won't, so jokes on you
Jesus Christ. How is this even possible,dude just have sex. You can stop Gosling memeing now.
that’s everyone on this site, including me and (You) and you’re fucking lying to yourself if you try to claim otherwise.
How can we punch down when we're already at the bottom? It's more like punching across.
same but 27
however i did one time rub my dink on a jap girl on a bus due to the amount of people. i got hard haha
yeah I'm literally telling you girls don't have hobbies, retard. Jokes are not "on me"; you just reaffirmed my suspicion that you were a permavirgin.
same but 22 and I have never talked to one for more than 10 minutes
>you just reaffirmed my suspicion that you were a permavirgin.
no shit, retard. you're in a literal r9k thread
Just be white theory is legit
Lmfao minorities are seriously handicapped three points down in any looks rating scales stay mad kunta kinte
I see so many hot girls dating fat freaks it's not even funny. I genuinelly wonder why is this a trend nowadays.
>be me mixed baby and only fuck white pussy.
God I want to drop out of college so bad
it doesn't fix fucking anything, for people like us being a faggot neet is unironically better.
I don't want to.
There's an instagram thot with a lewd account constantly trying to DM me but I'm swerving that ho
I have finally accepted I'm a volcel and not an incel
Tomboys are girls.
Why is this off-topic thread still up?
perhaps, as long as they admit they are on the same level as “us” then I have nothing to shame them for
nice bro
shhh these are the best threads
Some people have money
do you even know what board this is?
it's relevant
post the one where the high test user sniffs the hot girls seat when she leaves her seat
It triggered the jannies and they are posting defensively instead of deleting it.
Only five years to go, user. Good luck.
>hobby is chatting with my user friends on Yea Forums
Are there also cuties for me to share my hobby with??
>including me and (You)
HAhahah No user its just you.
I have sex with random people every week,i come on Yea Forums for the memes and /k/ for the guns.
based as fuck
keep fighting the good fight user
and never EVER fall for the vaginal jew
Dont give up hope anons. They are hunting for you.
It's just as baffling to me how kissing and having sex is a normal thing that happens to others as you are baffled by my situation.
If you want a real answer, a lot of creepy dudes are just trying too hard to be something they aren't, or try to use pick up artist philosophies to get with women, or overdress and the desperation comes across as weird and creepy.
>in their 30s
they're just desperate old whores
>IG thot trying to connect with you
Come on user,there's no excuse. Just go do it already.
worse than that, they STILL think they are doing YOU a favour.
you’re still a loser AND a liar.
and there is literally nothing you could say that would change my mind, you fucking loser.
how shitty must your life be to come on here and pretend you’re not a massive loser? makes me really fucking sad and I’m a loser too...
Some of the more interesting conversations i have ever had was with girls. Some of the more entertaining conversations also were with girls.
>also, if you share your life with any girl, even if you think it's "the one" you're fucked.
Not sharing your "deepest secrets", i was thinking about some TV show you seen and wanted to discuss, some funny youtube video you seen and wanted to share... It always feels so empty when i watch anything. Sure, you could do this with a male friend, and i did it. But sooner or later the topic of sex/relationships comes up and what do i do?
I just told you dummy, I don't want to
but what if the "acting" was in the sense of the actors job?
You just know they roleplay that nurse shit every night. Fucking cripple fuck.
THIS. Do not listen to /fit/ ever. That board is filled with crab mentality lookism culture incels. Women for the most part do not care if a guy is a little fat.
>you’re still a loser AND a liar.
Do you want proof?
What do you want video,pics,or emails last night from the sex I had last night
>incredibly long, loose fitting jorts
>long white socks rolled down with black shoes
Jesus. I'm not /fa/ but I know a crime when I see one
Indian so probably studying for a PhD and already has rich parents. Probably a good personality aswell.
damn she thicc. I wish shed smother my giant cripple head with her fat ass
>nnooo dont i-improve yourself!!
>just s-stay fat/skinny like you a-always did
here in Brazil? Tall as fuck. I'm 175 and don't have any problem with women. You should come here, there's one cutie for every 5 girls
He's tall and big, what is there to explain?
>he thinks /fit/ lifts to impress women
>it's a thousand times better to be a big fat guy than to be a skinny(fat) manlet
Haven't seen this level of cope in a LONG time. I'll just say it anyway:
Cope, fat ass
you're not kidding anyone /fit/
My ass, Brazil is awful for the average user.
t. lived there for 18 years.
>Women for the most part do not care if a guy is a little fat.
fatfuck cope
Lol as a guy that just got dumped 2 months ago after a 2.5 year relationship all I have to say is man up. Sure it sucks at first but damn women are a huge money/time sink. Fuck that shit.
>Women for the most part do not care if a guy is a little fat.
Not really, all these fat guys who are posted here have one thing in common. They look very strong. Dude in OP looks like he could snap my neck with one hand. If you are fat and you look pudgy (one example is the dude who cried to the SW teaser), then you are fucked
He's not that fat, bros. and desu there's a good chance she's kind of ugly (read average), we can barely see her.
>posting on 4channel
What do you think?
If you're rich or have 10/10 personality, no, they don't
Alright Yea Forums time to post your face and see who really walks the walk.
It's about self-improvement. I wouldn't expect someone with less than a dozen brain cells like you to understand
Only a fucking autist would create a fucking venn diagram for something like this. Normal people do not fucking think that deeply. People get bored and lonely, have chemistry with someone, and enter relationships. The end. No faggoty aspergers analyzation needed.
Your self-improvement meme is worthless in a vacuum and only works if it's noticed by people.
>implying we're not also desperate
shut up
that isn't pronounced how you think it is
Me from last Halloween
I’ve had sex with at least 10 women, (I don’t remember the exact number cuz my pops threw out my notebook that had my list in it when we moved like 5 years ago :(.) I’ve had one night stands and year long relationships.
but I’m still a loser.
and the fact that you’re so desperate for attention and feel the need to attempt to “dunk on” people who are sexually less fortunate than you, is a dead giveaway that you’re a fucking loser.
>muh sex with random people
congrats loser. no one loves you and no one ever will. in fact no one IRL cares about anything you have to say which is why you feel the need to come here and pretend you’re better than anyone.
if you weren’t a loser, you wouldn’t feel the need to do any of this.
does that clear things up, loser?
Failed normie here. I experienced love once and the blissful state isn't a meme. But when she eventually leaves it feels like the pits of hell
>No faggoty aspergers analyzation needed.
Wtf. You look photoshopped
You went as an American Gladiator. That's fucking based.
Giga Chad/10
reddit is here
well i had a 5/10 that had a thing for me, but i'm not desperate enough to start dating her
t. 21 yo khv