Attached: screen-shot-2019-08-22-at-10.15.47-pm.jpg (1024x683, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:


what sneed they mean by this?

is this the moment the simpsons finally jumped the shark

Omar, Aoc, Kamela harris...who's the broad second from the right?

Attached: cgi clinton.webm (1244x856, 1.02M)

Attached: 1566870253645.png (1195x937, 1.02M)

The muslim one who Netentyahu banned from visiting Palestine and it wss big in the news for a few days.

Matt Groening was a habitual visitor of Epstein's pedo island

>this video has favorability ratings lower than trump's

Attached: 15688351298443.png (1018x896, 971K)

A city slicker's worst nightmare.

One of those women is an adulterer who married her brother to commit immigration fraud but yeah sure she's more American than the first lady whom entered the country legally.

Formerly Epstein's

That's actually what should have happened in the video since Drumpf is literally Mr. Gucci Loafers

I havent cared about sinpsons in forever but watching /tvpol/ seethe from whatever the fuck this is/was has been really entertaining

Get fucked, retard.

Islam is right about women

rent free

Imagine giving a bartender chosen for her looks any kind of power.

Attached: 1568928388572.jpg (225x224, 15K)

Why couldn't they get someone that at least could do a Trump impression? It was just so obviously the guy that voices homer just having a half arsed go at it

Attached: they don't belong sneed.png (980x551, 539K)

is this real Zyklon Ben art or one of the edits? very based if it's real


imagine the smelle

All jokes aside what the fuck were these stupid cucks even thinking?

Attached: 1568742048404.png (1264x672, 1.04M)

For looks i say when it rains it pours fir some because she literally looks like an ass


Love Israel AND Trump tbqh lads.

too much feed and seed in their brains

How many laws will we tolerate these cunts breaking before we send them back?

That's not Kamala Harris dummy, she's with the democratic candidates

um, what?
Could someone whose decent with video effects explain whats going on?

As I went dumping that folder of OC
I saw above me that asspained janny
I saw below me that fresh new IP
This board was made for feed and seed

This board is Chuck's board, this board is Sneed's board
From the old green oval to the deepest sneedlore
From the butthurt spammer, to the mods' banhammer
This board was made for feed and seed

I've fucked and I've sucked and I followed my sneedbros
To the beautiful lands of Yea Forums page zero
And all around me newfags were SNEETHING
This board was made for feed and seed

This board is Chuck's board, this board is Sneed's board
From the old green oval to the deepest sneedlore
From the butthurt spammer, to the mods' banhammer
This board was made for feed and seed

When the mods are sleeping, I post my greentext
On the 18th of June, I saw the Sneed GET
As they were saging, I felt them raging
This board was made for feed and seed

A three day ban there had tried to stop me
A great big mod there said you can't post Sneed
But when the janny works, he does it for free
This board was made for feed and seed

This board is Chuck's board, this board is Sneed's board
From the old green oval to the deepest sneedlore
From the butthurt spammer, to the mods' banhammer
This board was made for feed and seed

Nobody living can ever stop me
As I go posting my latest OC
Nobody living can kill this based meme
This board was made for feed and seed

This board is Chuck's board, this board is Sneed's board
From the old green oval to the deepest sneedlore
From the butthurt spammer, to the mods' banhammer
This board was made for feed and seed

Whos arm is that on the nigess on the right?

I'm voting for him even harder now

your *clap* time *clap* is *clap* up*clap* whitey

Attached: clap.png (800x793, 368K)

Marry kill fuck kill

Imagine thinking you're more qualified for a job because you're a woman of color

Hillary Clinton died of a stroke in 2013 and every one of her appearances since have been cgi/holographic simulations.


Melania trump legally immigrated to the United States you stupid fuck.

Imagine trying to have a serious political discussion on Yea Forums

>One of those women is an adulterer who married her brother to commit immigration fraud

uh yea except there's literally zero evidence to back up this racist conspiracy theory my chud


They jumped many, many sharks before this one.

They made funy of my favorite Israeli puppet?! This is outrageous!

It's cute that you think Matt Groening is behind this shitshow of a video.

There's a literal mountain of evidence but sure defend you're little terrorist sympathizer that would scoff off you dying on 9/11.

Get the fuck out of the country seriously.


There's nothing more american than legal fraud

I take women of color less seriously now after these past two years honestly.

She had one brief moment where she looked cute. It was in whatever context she filmed a video of her dancing on a rooftop. Every other time she's made a public appearance, she looks like an emaciated witch beast.

>the more recent an immigrant you are, the less American you are

>There's a literal mountain of evidence

No, there isn't.

Great argument.


>rips off a musical because they have no ideas on how to continue this dead show

Attention all /pol/locks that will eventually ruin this thread. Everyone hates you. Your toxic idealogy will never be mainstream. You will never leave your mother's basement or be with a woman. Fuck you

Well they already elected Donald Trump so the bar wasn't very high

Was this even in an episode or was it just a YT short?

I guess her husband just lived in the same household as her father and had the same last name as well.


oh my god hahahahaha

can't tell anymore if it's real or edit.

Attached: 1566145789694.gif (400x224, 1.85M)

Attached: 1510645376918.png (361x370, 107K)

You sound pretty mad, might want to step away from the computer

And you'll never be a woman no matter how many surgeries you have

They keep telling me this Trump guy isnt a fan of Jews but it turns out, he Is Raeli!


Not funny, but also true.

I shot two black kids when they tried to carjack me. One of them cried for his grandma as he bled out on the pavement.

>Noooo stop abusing my system and sleeping with my thirsty citizens to manipulate them

Holy shit how cucked haha. Please keep abusing America, immigrants

>Everyone hates you. Your toxic idealogy will never be mainstream.

I love the liberal brain bluescreen of "dangerous nazis are everywhere and growing" coupled with "nobody agrees with you, you are all fat powerless losers who can't do anything".

Is it pilpul by design or just cognitive dissonance?

>Must keep dancing, can't be the only one to fall!
>Ha ha! who's the old man now!??
It's so weird to this watch unfold. Trump is more healthy than 99.99% of people in his age range. The fact he is healthier than Hillary was a decisive factor in his political victory, he toured the US incessantly and went from crowd to crowd like a machine while his opponent struggled to ignore and delete from the internet the video of herself collapsing in public. AND YET, people are trying to attack Trump on the subject of his health. I don't live in the US so I don't have a dog in this race, it's just really baffling to watch.

Articulate how.

this needs to stop

Sneed cucked Chuck.

It's just an attempt to demoralise the people they're afraid of.

Someone took the original video, cut out a single frame, and then faked this webm. And by that I mean Hillary Clinton is part of the lizard race who are well known for being able to used cameo, don't let ((them)) fool you.

Why are Yea Forums and /pol/ so triggered by this? The old Simpsons has been dead for years, they have been politicized and anti-Trump since 2015. It is nothing new

You may as well be spamming threads about Colbert, or DeNiro

So president trump...


His wife is the first lady of America and none of you were even able to marry a white man yet.

Trumps wife wasn't born in America, she has her brands made outside of America, and unlike the women in OPs picture she does nothing for America. Thats how. Still cringe humor though.

no one is triggered. We just find it cringy. Its like laughing at Chris Chan. Are we envious of him and his life? no. We just enjoy the train wreck and lunacy.

Honestly both sides should be triggerd by how fuckign atrocious this is and the fact that its pure propaganda

He's fat.

Why don't you guys join all the soldiers just sent by Trump to defend Saudi Arabia?

>Why are Yea Forums and /pol/ so triggered by this
Because its anti trump, has it really taken you two years to figure out who the real snowflakes are?

It's real.

I love how the entire comment section is about the video being digitally modified.

>no one is triggered
Then why are these threads posted over and over

My rage has been drained long ago by the tik tok opening

I will never have sex but you will never have sex as a woman

Okay after looking at the video, its clear thats a camera fuck up. Can clearly tell by the artifacting and the sound issue. But continue being retarded beliving some big cover up.

wtf I love zyklon ben now

it's triggering because a fucking syndicated cartoon is trying (ineptly) to make a political statement that is pure DNC schlock. this shit does not belong in cartoons. it's blatant propaganda, everyone should be mad at it.

yet World Peace gets banned. really activates the almonds

Attached: sam hyde gooks.jpg (750x744, 605K)

>Those comments
Jesus christ are Americans REALLY this uneducated?

Four more years faggot.

Redditors came around 2016 and spam the same threads over and over for upvo... I mean (You)'s.

>why are these threads posted over and over
why do people post about chris chan all the time (used to) ?
why do people post the coomer man all the time?

It's real. Ben isn't actually based, but he's somewhat redpilled.

How can you unironically call yourself trumpreich when he's the biggest Israeli puppet of all time? 4D chess? Bait? Irony?

The reason Hillary and the stand vanish its due to them being at the same depth of field. If Hillary had been standing with her back to the red wall behind her that would bugged out too. Its an issue with a shitty, broken camera, has to do with the focusing, movement and interference with the signal or shoddy wiring depending on which they were using.

>Can someone explain
Not really. If you've zero experience with film and editing you won't understand it. Sorry if I come off as condecending, thats just how it is. You'd not understand unless I spent multiple posts explaining everything from the very basics, which fuck am I going to do.

did you post ?

No. That first user is speaking out of his ass, it wasn't edited in post.

>this shit does not belong in cartoons. it's blatant propaganda
Cartoons have had propaganda since day fucking one you numbnuts

Attached: batman with gun.png (400x566, 569K)

it's two different people. they're not a monolith.

you're talking to separate people with separate worldviews, that's why you're confused.

The background is different on the one frame where she vanishes, indicating splicing.

>Robin gets hired by a kong ladyboy hotel
>Batman gets snared by a kong spike trap and has his leg removed
Comics were really fucking strange but then.

>People in his age range

he's healthier than 66.66% of Americans in his age range at best.

and bernie's healthier.

this is the real one

Attached: sneedfeet.jpg (1150x935, 649K)

Based and Sopranospilled

YouTube has frame by frame playback by default you fucking goof.

I agree Trump has health problems but you're clueless if you think the bald geriatric Jew is healthier.

Is this user speaking out of his ass or you?

Why do real life people in the simpsons always have to have realistic eyes. It just looks weird. In South Park everyone has the eye shape

All this nationalism is making me uncomfortable

I stand by my statement that 99.99% of 70 years old could not do this schedule, and neither Hillary nor Bernie, neither back then nor today.

It's true though.

Simpsons have been bad longer than most of this board has been alive

Sie sind ein toter mensch. I'll cut your fucking scrotum off and make your tochter eat them. lol. A friendly joke of course

Attached: MvXJ0Mg.jpg (720x540, 40K)

at first I was just like "this nigga doesn;t know how image compression works"
but then.... something else happened

>a camera fuck up
what kind of camera fuck up user?

Sometimes cameras just forget to record the person in front of them. There is no splicing involved. Just equipment failure. I could explain but you wouldn't understand. I'm sleepy.

Kike puppet

Kamala Harris isn't part of the Squad, she's a cop.

Ok that is sneed


nah I'd say what happened is it took a line of flag somewhere near the top and then just repeated it down the image. It does a similar thing just before with repeated hillaries.

Liek dis but with a thin slice of flag, that's why the stripes straighten slightly, the flag isn't perfectly straight but there's a thin section of stripes being repeated straight downwards.

bitch looks like Miles Teller with a tan

>surely if we try we can make the Simpsons relevant again

same desu

Attached: inviting_horseface.png (1003x525, 576K)

Quick, post another video where this exact technical problem occurred, preferably another political public appearance. You have seen this before, right?

>"oh god batman please help surely you can save me"

hang on, liek dis

fuck off nigger

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-21 tv - WE'RE MORE AMERICAN THAN YOUR WIFE - Television Film - 4chan.png (642x361, 255K)

>the Squad
is that what they unironically want to be called?

Attached: the spark that'll light the fire.png (1083x410, 153K)

All this proves is that Hillary is a serpent demon

That's xenophobic though

I know that face

Attached: welcometok.jpg (221x259, 15K)

so you recognize this glitch and can explain it but you can't post any other video where you saw it before, gotcha

blacked .com


Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Still waiting for them to land.

Attached: e92.png (640x720, 591K)