>Cherry tomatoes are believed to have been cultivated by the Aztecs in Mexico in the 15th century.
Cherry tomatoes are believed to have been cultivated by the Aztecs in Mexico in the 15th century
Other urls found in this thread:
they were toxic until white men bred them to not be
why do zoomers have such a hard time comprehending the concept of fantasy? is it a form of Aspergers that they take everything literally?
>dragons, wizards and mexican agriculture
Of course
It's because they were born without dick energy. They only have zoom energy.
>WAAAAAAH, fantasy cant have real world things!!!
it's middle earth
stuff is different
I exclusively eat cherry tomatoes like Denethor ever since I saw this movie
Potatoes were also a New World crop but that didn't stop Sam from knowing how to cook em
Tobacco is New World
also did you know that Orcs did not actually exist? it's a baffling hole in the fossil record
cultivate deez nuts man
Then I guess those aren't cherry tomatoes.
But this isn't based on real life
Middle-Earth not Europe circa 1200. Hobbits also have potatos.
>believed to have been
it's not just zoomers, there is a massive subset of people who are fundamentally incapable of grasping fiction. It's crazy. Like you might tell them a story and they might love it until they find out it's "made up" and didn't really happen at which point they get irritated and announce they hate it
It's amazing how modern science hasn't made a pill to counteract autism
> they were toxic until white men bred them to not be
Imagine all the people that were sacrificed by feeding them poisonous tomatoes.
Do one about Apocalypto
no, europeans erroneously believed them to be toxic as they were part of the nightshade family
So then it’s okay for Gandalf to pull out an iPhone then? Is it okay for Frodo to just drive a jeep to Mordor?
I thought it was because they ate them off of lead plates or something lead.
Holy shit, good point. Why didn't Frodo just drive a jeep to Mordor?
Why didn't sauron just drop nukes on minas tirith?
that level of technology would not vibe with the internal consistency of the fictional universe
If you can't tell the difference between that and a slightly anachronous food item (which is never actually referred to as a Cherry Tomato) then I can't help you
everything is ok in fiction if you can explain it in a consistent and interesting way
Why in the living fuck are some people here pretending that LOTR takes place on earth of the past?
Great bait bro! I can't wait to see this posted again in a few days or maybe even hours. I FUCKING LOVE THESE THREADS!!!!!!!
they took Tolkien too literally when he would play around with the notion that LoTR was a kind of legitimate pre-history
How do you know it's a cherry tomato and not some middle earth native vegetable?
why didn't they just use F-22 Raptors to shoot the nazgul out of the sky
it's a ground cherry, faggot.
In a LOTR thread a long time ago an user said he would eat tomatoes like Denethor and make his younger brother sing for him. I still think about that post and laugh every time I see John Noble’s face.
I remember that specific post too
based spics
something I always found weird was that in the books, Gandalf leaves for like 20 years to go research if Frodo's ring is the one ring or not
in the movie he just tells him he'll be right back, but it was actually supposed to be something like 20 years
why were the aztecs capable of so much shit but now mexicans are just obese brown goblins incapable of anything but the most basic manual labor jobs?
they weren't spics yet
Their civilization collapsed after coming in contact with Old World diseases and having a massive die-off
the knowledge simply didn't survive
Stewart of Gondor obviously had the tomatoes imported.
spain ruined everything and the aztecs were genocided. modern mexicans descend from the murderous spaniards and the treacherous tribes who betrayed the aztecs. also, the manual labor thing is only present in america because poorfags who can't make it in the homeland immigrante to america. in mexico there's people of every kind, just like in every country.
Because it would have broken down. What the Fellowship needed was a fleet of toyota hilux
It was both.
All species of nightshade native to Europe are poisonous, so many believed that tomatoes were as well. Eggplants from Asia had an earlier but similar period of distrust for the same reason.
Tomatoes were expensive at the time and the wealthy people that bought them tended to eat on pewter plates. Tomatoes leeched the lead out of the plates and caused some deaths from lead poisoning confirming earlier beliefs.
yes yes yes yes that is all okay HOWEBER that DID NOT HAPPEN so no point in even even EVENNNNN BRING IT UP.
i win hyou lose. don't FUCKING reply back because i will hide your reply and NOT READ IT.
Mexico is male, user.
Where did he grow these tomatoes if gondor has no fields or taxes?
Dubs. Also you're right. A lot of plates used to be made out of lead. Tomatoes contain a mild acid that caused the lead to mix with the tomatoes.
You right, I lived with one at uni. We were, funnily enough, talking about Lord of the Rings and she couldn't get her head around watching and enjoying something that wasn't based in reality. I was mind blown. Ironically, she enjoyed keeping up the kardashians so go figure.
Spain ruined everything and the Aztecs were genocided. Modern Mexicans descend from the murderous Spaniards and the treacherous tribes who betrayed the Aztecs. Also, the manual labor thing is only present in America because poorfags who can't make it in the homeland immigrate to America. In Mexico there's people of every kind, just like in every country.
>treacherous tribes who betrayed the Aztecs
They should have been betrayed you god damn fuck.
The aztecs were worse than the nazis you all hate so much yet all I see it admiration from you subs.
To hell with mexicans.
Aztecs were retarded belligerent swamp barbarians existing on the rump of dead civilizations.
This is the reality but don't tell that to la raza clowns they cannot take it.
You don't even know my opinions about muh Nazis. Fuck off, you pretentious cunt.
Tolkien himself was pissed that he didn't catch his own use of new world vegetables in his books
>frequently eat squishy leaking tomatoes off lead plates that you lick clean afterward
>get sick and die
>"Saints preserve us! These tomatoes are poisonous!"
what I never understood about this was did they literally have no other kinds of foods that were at the very least mildly acidic? Tomatoes were literally the only food that did it. I have a hard time believing that.
I sure love amassing (You)s on this anonymous website!
>why didn't they Amazon™ Drop the ring into Mount Doom
The Tolkien Estate themselves gave the game developers of the Hobbit game (the old one on Gamecube) a ton of shit because they put tomatoes on a tree when tomatoes weren't supposed to be in Middle Earth. Somebody is keeping a strict eye on these things apparently.
They were at their peak when the Spaniards arrived and showed great potential. The most advanced civilization in the Americas back then. They had schools, astronomy, dental hygiene, agriculture, even water cities, etc. One can only imagine what it could've been. Spengler even includes them (and the Mayans, both collectively as Mesoamericans) as one of the eight Hochkulturen (High Cultures) of the world.
there are mentions of trains and the month "April" in The Hobbit
>tomatoes on a tree
sounds like the game devs were complete retards and deserved the criticism.
>aztecs domesticated a toxic plant
This is your brain on /pol/
>One can only imagine what it could've been
Great more actual conquering and slaughtering and human sacrifice, the shit you maggots claim white people did.
Every High Culture had its positive and negative side. Even every modern culture has its negative side. And I literally never mentioned "white people". You're not talking about me, but the dozens of people you have caricaturized in your mind.
>The most advanced civilization in the Americas back then
That's not saying much, they were just playing in the ashes of their predecessors after they emerged from the jungles a few centuries before the Spaniards came, especially regarding culture and stability. Their massively bloated slave economy was on the cusp of implosion and they only seemed advanced because the Aztec warrior class had slaves from old Toltec areas.
>inb4 b-but rome and grease diddit too!!!11!1
Rome and Ancient Greece had massive slave populations, but the inverse is true for them in this regard - their slaves were from equal or lesser civilizations and culture and were for the most part used for mass agriculture as Helots in Lacedaemon and the latifundia slaves in Rome, also as sex slaves household slaves general labourers etc etc. Funnily enough the only slaves that Rome was offered from her conquests that cultured it were Greek themselves.
Aztecs were, to use another parallel of European antiquity, the squatting Barbarian Germans in Rome's ruins, only they were so retardedly aggressive and cruel to their oppressed subordinates that they would never EVER have even dreamed of lasting long enough or thriving as well as the Germans did down the line.
B A S E D!!!!!! Need more posters like you
Absurdly based Historian poster
You're an idiot, play a record.
17 years
>that level of technology would not vibe with the internal consistency of the fictional universe
Agriculture is a form of technology and as we can see their technology is based on medieval europe then it makes no sense for them to have plants from at earliest the 1500's
No it was because they ate 'em with plates o lead!
Their geography is different
Please try to understand the difference between gandalf having an iPhone and Denethor eating a new world plant when LOTR does not even take place on earth
This was a change by Jackson that was smart. The audience would have just been confused if it was 17 years, so the timescale of how long Gandalf goes off to research the ring is left uncertain
If you're complaining about anachronism then it's just as valid to compare tech from 1000's VS 1500's as it is to 1500's vs 2000's
You're being so fucking ridiculous user
"And just bring out the cold chicken and tomatoes!"
― Gandalf to Bilbo Baggins, An Unexpected Party
Tomatoes were supposedly a plant known to the Hobbits.
They were referenced in the first edition of The Hobbit,[1] but J.R.R. Tolkien changed this to "pickles" in the third edition (1966).[2] The most usual explanation for the change is that the American plant-life would not fit in his setting of ancient Middle-earth. However, as pointed out by John D. Rateliff, it may have been simply that Tolkien felt that it was too early in the year for tomatoes and substituted a preserved food instead.[3]
Not at all. Potatoes and tomato's are not medieval technology and therefore are anachronistic in a medieval fantasy setting. Tolkien himself said as much
This is the most insanely terrifying thing I have ever seen
Tolkien knew it was wrong and endeavored to change it when he could
Jackson is the one who fucked up
>why were the aztecs capable of so much shit
What, like stacking rocks?
A blimp releasing drones is the most terrifying thing you've ever seen?
>small tomatoes
But why?
most of the shit they supposedly "accomplished" was just leftover knowledge from the Olmecs anyway
why not?
i really feel sorry for people that can watch as inspiring and interesting an epic as lord of the rings and only walk away annoyed that the fictional, fantastical world with elves, dark lords, and hobbits has a kind of tomato in it medieval Europeans wouldn't.
I'm sorry for (You) user
It's also weird that they're speaking a language that was brought to Britain by Anglo-Saxons.
That's the beginning of the end you retard, we're being overtaken by robots
Wine and vinegar. Lead (II) acetate tastes sweet (that's why kids eat paint chips) and is formed when lead (II) oxide reacts with acetic acid.
Tomatoes were commonly eaten very soon after introduction in Spain and Italy, but were treated with suspicion in Britain. Some types were poisonous and it took a while to sort them out.
Those costumes are ridiculous, especially the green guy with the hat.
Their minds don't get to see sex and smut every 10 minutes and so they get bored and think about meaningless things to complain about.
Tolkien was literally all about the small details my friend. You're the one who missed the point.
Last time I checked those blimps and drones are not sentient
>bro technology is so scary
God bless Tolkien's actual real autism
He would sometimes go back and re-write entire chapters because he noticed that he had written a scene where the moon was full, when according to his own calendar of middle earth it shouldn't be a full moon until the next night
Smart enough to recognize human faces and shoot a gun or spray acid on them
>Looks like cherries are back on the menu, boys
Their stems and leaves are toxic. Get enough together and you can get somebody mildly sick.
Pewter, not lead. Nobody made plates out of lead, it's too soft and heavy. Tomatoes leeched the lead out of the pewter alloys they typically used for tableware. Lead was considered a lowly "base" metal, so it was more used for things like roofing, or ornamentation.
You mean Yea Forums?
I think we can safely say the New World got the short end of the stick on this one
Of course they had acidic food, vinegar was a common ingredient in western europe in that era, along with imports like citrus fruits. But tomatoes have a high concentration of acids, so they'd leech more lead from their flatware, whereas vinegars would be stored in glass or crockery, and diluted in cooking. They also had things like pomogranates, which are acidic. Western European diets were not very acidic until trade brought in citrus fruits and tomatoes.
One thing that’s always bothered me
>orc says looks like hobbit’s back on the menu boys
How does an orc know what a menu is? Do they have little orc restaurants at many convenient locations?
New World also got weed, which is a vital part of every African derived culture which developed there.
so Tolkien speciifcally said tomatos could not and did not exist in middle earth?
or was it more some retarted autism where since tomatoes wasnt metioned anywhere then therefore they absolutley couldnt exist in the fairy tale?
Pick up that can
eh, they got coffee and sugar, that's pretty good
But they smell so good man
why wasnt there any native american aids they gave to us?
Tolkien never made a specific statement about it, but like said he did on at least one occasion go out of his way to change it to something else
He was very adamant about Middle Earth serving as a kind of truly British folklore - which he felt they did not have yet, Arthurian legends being mostly borrowed - so he endeavored to make Middle Earth as analogous to medieval europe as possible
There was one - Syphilis was brought back to Europe from the New World
probably others but that's the most famous example
Cannabis isn't indigenous to south america, you dumb bonghead. The Spaniards brought it, to grow for hemp. It was widely used in the middle east and asia going back to ancient times, cannabis, in the form of hemp, was already widespread in Europe hundreds of years before anyone even thought to travel to the New World or even look for it. The Romans brought it to western europe - and they were using it to get high. Fucking potheads, you don't even know the history of your own fucking drug.
The Aztecs used psychedelics and alcohols. The only thing they smoked was tobacco.
Ah, i fucked up, i misread what you posted. Yes, the New World got pot, thanks to Spain. Fuck me.
Syphilis came from the americas and killed a lot ofnpeople desu
That's ok user. It's unclear when I re-read my own post too.
i would prefer you don't bring trump into this
What were the tax rates for imported goods from faraway lands
Orcs are actually meant to be quite intelligent, they are able to build impressive industrial war machines afterall.
Tolkien always said that Orcs are not stupid, just ugly. The things they make are just as good technologically as anybody else but they utterly lack in aesthetic sense or beauty.
So yeah, they might actually have shitty little Orc restaurants or bars where they would have use for the term menu
Just your legs, you don't need those
People like MauLer and CinemaSins are fucking cancer and I hate that pointing out fiction takes liberties with reality is what passes for criticism on the internet nowadays
Yes, because Aztecs were white and based
It's even I say. The bee and eventual inoculation from disease was worth it. I ate buffalo before and beef is better.
We also brought collard greens, chicken, beer, and white people
Orc Tinder would be interesting to see.
It specifically states in the books that the red cherry tomatoes came from the dark land idiot
i imagine it would just be orcdonalds and local pubs predominantly
Quinine is one of those plants that proves intelligent design. That time on earth was so much like an rpg that it isn't even funny.
Horses were a pretty big deal too
you're welcome, natives
boy wait until you find out how to make ricin
Thx, roundeye.
>Quinine is one of those plants that proves intelligent design.
How do you figure that?
>He was very adamant about Middle Earth serving as a kind of truly British folklore
I think Tolkien went beyond that. He was an expert in the study of languages and their structures, and as an Englishman of German descent who fought in WWI against the Germans idk if he ever really had a purely nationalist slant to his writing.
Syphilis is the big one. The New World was generally sparsely populated so they didn't develop too many quickly fatal pathogens.
No, he spoke about it a lot at some great length that he felt Britain lacked its own "true" folklore that it could really call its own. He disliked how what people thought of as British folklore was borrowed from other cultures. He also hated the French, for some strange reason.
It's just what highly malarial regions needed and allowed civilized humankind to expand further into earth's shitholes. And it's pretty much the plant's only purpose on earth. It's like finding a tree with bottles of penicillin growing from it.
Sure, according to """"""""""history books""""""""""
And cows, sheep, goats, and chickens.
>He also hated the French
its a natural byproduct of being that based
Dude, everybody watched Breaking Bad. Stop acting like you know things.
Rundown of the basic gestalt in English Doc, please?
>evil villains lair
>Mt. Doom
cmon, really?
>Mt. Doom
That's just what the men of the west and the hobbits called it, its true name is Orodruin in Quenya. If you're not familiar with Tolkien he was an expert in linguistics and literally invented several languages and alphabets for his story. Don't be fooled by the simplistic names used in the movies or even the original books, the entire point is that this is what the most rural, simple people in all of Middle-Earth call these places.
Nope. Imagine Italian food before tomatoes. Wasn’t even that long ago.
what is this "breaking bad" of which you speak
That's a really wild thought, we associate tomatoes so strongly with Italy but they're from South America which means at the earliest they arrived in the 1500s. Same goes for England with tea (1600s/1700s from China) or even America with burgers (1800s from Germany, "Hamburgers")
I don't know which autist is more based, the one who will insist that it would be totally fine for gandalf to hop into an Apache attack helicopter, or the user who will blindly state they see no difference in the presence of cherry tomatoes and there being strip malls with hot topics.
Life must be truly hell when everything is black and white lmao
>lets go get our throats slit, boys!
you're telling me this guy is meant to be king?
Post feet
>Tolkien he was an expert in linguistics and literally invented several languages and alphabets for his story.
You could even go so far as to say it's more like he invented a story to tell his alphabets
whats mexicos taxation policy anyway?
>The name likely consists of orod ("mountain") + ruin ("fiery red").
Mount Doom is the Westron (rendered in English) translation of the mountain's Sindarin name, Amon Amarth.
Why did Elrond just accept Isildur not destroying the ring?
>it should have ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure
yeah, YOU allowed it
That game was badass
tell me more
2-35% income tax, 30% corporate
Elrond knew that if he took the ring it would have to be taken by force, and he would immediately want to keep it himself. It was safer to leave the ring in the possession of a human, who would be more prone to get himself killed.
Women are retarded
I believe Elrond knew he was incapable of taking the ring by force. Elrond was strong, but Isildur could have kicked his ass.
also cold chicken and pickles is a great late night snack, which is what they used as in that scene, whereas chicken served with tomatoes should be hot.
little elfcel was afraid of raw numenorean testosterone
>cold chicken and pickles is a great late night snack
god damn it really is
>He would sometimes go back and re-write entire chapters because he noticed that he had written a scene where the moon was full, when according to his own calendar of middle earth it shouldn't be a full moon until the next night
I've met tons of people like this, it's like a normalfag variant of autism. Very strange. And don't get me wrong I love tons of non-fiction stuff but people seriously underestimate how much retarded boomers loathe fiction.
Some documentary about him, it was an interview with his son I believe
Elrond - 2nd age elf
Isildur - Numenorean
it's no contest really there was nothing he could have done
This is true. I'm 26 dating a 19 year old and the sex is good but I'm just about ready to break up with her and probably will sometime this week. We were watching a short clip from a Dave Chappelle comedy special in which he talks about the family dog. I found it funny and if she didn't, it would be okay but she disliked it for the wrong reasons. She said "it wasn't that good and would have been better if they included a picture of the dog. What if those stories were made up and never really happened? How can we tell he's telling the truth?" Now maybe it's just me but comedy isn't about the truth behind a story/joke. I don't care about it being fictional or not as long as it's funny.
>She said "it wasn't that good and would have been better if they included a picture of the dog. What if those stories were made up and never really happened? How can we tell he's telling the truth?"
>"How can we tell he's telling the truth?"
she very nearly approached self-awareness regarding social media culture there, it sounds like
They weren’t so great, that is mostly propaganda. They had one successful agricultural area in the lakes of Mexico City, and made some bridges around it
Well she's not entirely wrong. A joke always sounds better if it atleast could be true. It's the same thing with fiction. We find it interesting because it could be, would be-, maybe has been. If you can't put yourself in a story, or atleast can't relate to it in the slightest the story simply doesn't interest you. Pretty simple right?
Fuck you they did not, I played it a month ago, the only fruit on a tree is APPLES you lying shit.
Tomatoes don't even grow on trees. Is that the joke because no one seems to be getting it but this guy.
More like a national byproduct of beeing British you cunt
>Europeans brought disease to the new world
>no mention of syphilis being brought back to Europe from the Americas
elrond was a half elf faggot and isildur was THE NVMENORIAN BVLL and could have literally ripped elronds head off with his bare hands
>One society brought diseases that wiped out millions in a time when the world population was barely over 500 million
>The other got raped and the rapists caught STDS that they then brought back home
Fucking can't believe people try to make the colonists the bad guys there, who doesn't enjoy a nice bit of raping, fucking natives should've sewn their women shut while they were dying by the droves.
The chart leaves out quite a few things on both sides but yeah that's a little bullshit
Syphilis was awful
To be fair neither side had any real understanding of virology or immunity or even that shit like that is how diseases worked
They don't understand 's cherry tomatoes but don't question when a nigger and chink appears in the hobbit
Hey (Hey), I'm your life, I'm the one who takes you there
Hey (Hey), I'm your life, I'm the one who cares
They (They), they betray, I'm your only true friend now
They (They), they'll betray, I'm forever there
desu its just because humans are slippery slope: the race. Smart people know that you never let a thing like this even get its toe in the door
Why didnt Gondor just place economic sanctions on Mordor?
No retard, they weren’t toxic. Nobles at the time we’re using lead cutlery at the time and they were getting lead poisoning and they misattributed it to the tomatoes they were getting from the New World
That wasn't in the book and would deviate too much from the setting Tolkien created.
Tomatoes, potatoes, corn, passion fruit, pumpkins, pineapples, chocolate, vanilla, peanuts, peppers, and the list goes on. Europe is just absolutely lmao-tier when it comes to native crops (lol cabbages? parsnips?).
What is the import tax on cherry tomatoes?
Authority is not given to you to deny the tax returns, Steward!
>Europe is just absolutely lmao-tier when it comes to native crops (lol cabbages? parsnips?).
You can't forget salsify or blackcurrants.
a city
Fuck Montezuma's revenge, this was the Great Spirit's revenge. But in all seriousness Syphilis from the new world isn't a forgone conclusion no matter what you been told. Look it up or retard research it with YouTube, both will educate you.
>tolkien revises his hobbit book because he wrote they had tomatoes and chicken, but tomatoes are a new world crop so he changed it to chicken and pickles
>some dumbass 200 years later pretends to be above it all and tries to act superior for being retarded
all the normies did yes just like gay of thrones and whatever is the current popular thing
i never follow the crowd so i didnt watch them, you see most ppl are morons so if somethings popluar you know its stupid as shit
tomato is just a form of coffee
does that count? there were stingless honeybees in mexico that the mayans used to make mead with. yes they made mead out of the stingless honeybee honey.
also, the horse is an american native that died out but was reintroduced in this exchange
Is there anything more kino than the Aztec names
>200 years later
how old do you think these books are user?
400 years old
That shit was major autism on Tolkien's part. Who the fuck structures a first act that just skips over 2 decades with "lol Gandalf was just reading books and shit"?
no no you can also assume he was doing other shit like trying nofap and failing so hard he switched gears into experimenting with prostate orgasms
same guy who wrote the bombadil chapters and scouring of the shire, I guess
Why does he eat so disgustingly? Makes me gag.
It's because Jackson is actually a bit of a hack and thought it was necessary to get across that nobody is supposed to like Denethor
look, he's gross!
Tomatoes and potatoes were brought to Middle Earth from Aman by the Noldor.
>The Romans brought it to western europe - and they were using it to get high
Based Romes blazin buds
It's just a blimp giving birth. Calm down.
>A joke always sounds better if it atleast could be true
>We find it interesting because it could be, would be-, maybe has been
>If you can't put yourself in a story, or atleast can't relate to it in the slightest the story simply doesn't interest you
needs Ride of the Valkyries playing
uh r/ihavesex much?
Also being nearly thirty and dating a teen, kinda creepy bro.
>Tolkien knew it was wrong and endeavored to change it when he could
If that were true, Po-Ta-Toes would have been gone. Tolkien knew that tobacco was too mixed into the story to be removed and said fuck it to the other New World stuff.
fucking based
modern mexicans have retarded spanish genes
is everyone here retarded? you do know potatoes come from ireland right?
he always called it pipe-weed though and it was brought to the shire by ol toby himself and had a rich history being cultivated elsewhere
taters were a hobbitish word for a similar root tubor
Not really. The ones with Spanish heritage are usually obvious and known as castizos, they look white most of the time.
MOST Mexicans, ie the little brown ones, are descended from other natives besides the Aztec.
>200 years later
user lord of the rings was written in 1532 AD with the silmarillion dating somewhere back to early Sumer
It’s ment to be an epic, the Greeks are always doing this shit,
Epically gay.
That's what amerimutts tell themselves to sleep better at night due to not having cultural roots besides daddy britain which they despise.
Lord of the Rings implicitly takes place in the real past; Tolkien simply translated them from across and books written in dead languages he was studying.
are you really going to sit here and tell me America does not have a unique culture
oh you're probably confused because these days we just call it world culture
Nothing lasts forever user. Rome is a shadow of its former glory, so is the UK and America is getting worse too.
This is your brain on /pol/.
>We can't have black people in LOTR cuz it's not historically accurate
It's not accurate to the source material you nonce
Where in the source material does Denethor eat a cherry tomato?
probably during one of the scenes where everybody was white
You would never hear mauler complain about tomatoes existing in lotr, let alone try and pass it off as legit criticism.
That wasnt a cherry tomato dumbass
>This is your brain on /pol/.
Mexicans are not aztecs
Romans were caucasoids, not whatever mutt jew hybrid lives there now
big if true
Sometime in the 2000s, all fiction had to be "plausable" for some faggy reason. Before that, a dragon could materialize out of thin air and suck you off; no one would bat an eye.
Yeah, well, the belief is wrong. They were actually originally cultivated in Numenor twenty thousand years ago. Faggot.
Retards trying to be clever about this shit is the most obnoxious thing ever
no its not, those are false equivalences
only a retard would care about this
the future is now
Here you go, bud.
>things are toxic in large quantities
No shit, even water
tomatoes are from north america
when were cherry tomaccoes cultivated?
>200 years later
Ah so this is the kind of person who complains about cherry tomatoes
That wasn't kek at all. Stop being so easily impressed.
Answer the question faggot
yes, it was kek
your question is retarded and you're a retard. does that suffice?