Cinema is screwed right?

Cinema is screwed right?
>in the past 10 years no visual medium has surpassed a 3 minute video

Attached: Handlebars.png (1200x1800, 2.02M)

Fucking weeb, take your weeb shit to Yea Forums like the acne ridden fat incel you are


That's literally Trump's America if you faggots vote him into office again. People getting shot in the streets and a mega police state.


based 'the truth hurts' poster

It's not like leading democratic candidates have suggested the imposition of a police state to protect good brown undocumented citizens from evil white men

You smooth brains do realize that is an American Band with highly stylized American art? Fucking red neck hicks.

Look at me, look at me, just called to say that OP
is a fag

But this is shit.

>it didn't happen the first time but it'll happen this time I swear
Man, I sure hope this is bait


Trump will win in 2020 and there's nothing libcucks can do to stop it.

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Flobots are from Denver, dude.

>this is what leftcels actually believe



why is every thread about Yea Forums shit, ebm threads, and youtube always gotten off topic so easy by politics

4 more years, cope

Try 20 more years. And there's nothing any libtard can do about it.

what was the meaning of this song?

god that would be so awesome

Attached: preeeeeetty.jpg (798x692, 86K)