What the fuck was his problem
What the fuck was his problem
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Getting raped up the ass is probably unpleasant.
So the point of this movie is that he wasn't wrong to be a white supremacist, right? Because I can't understand how you can read it in any other way.
Did Derek cum?
Do you really get raped in American prisons? Don't they know that's kinda gay?
the point of the movie is that hating stuff usually doesn't make your life better, they spell that out quite clearly. They never actually refute any of the stuff Derek says about blacks and Jews though.
Like a horse
Only the bitchfag taking the dick is gay.
>hey never actually refute any of the stuff Derek says about blacks and Jews though
they dont even have to because it's nazi bullshit
I don't know. Feeling the urge to fuck a man in the ass is gay.
But learning to hate certain people has literally made my life better. Lessons like these are like broad spectrum antibiotics they are just as dangerous to yourself
Is it smart to rape someone who probably has a knife hidden in their ass?
Are you gay user
What this guy said
Shit's gay for the one doing the fucking since he's enjoying sticking his stick in a male asshole.
Out of all the trannies and sissies you could have posted why that one?
You get a pass for that.
>What the fuck was his problem
>6 stitches
>2 on his forehead - 4 in his anus
>Hitler loved dogs
>Dogs are therefore evil!
So the message of the movie is that blacks actually are violent and worthy of hate, but you shouldn't hate them because doing so will make your life worse. Am I getting this right?
You can't refute it either because it's all true. Nigger.
He was naive enough to think ayran brotherhood actually cared about white supremacy
according to wes watson doing this kind of shit as a white boy will get you fucking whacked in prison!
Hate creates hate. The original ending was Derek shaving his head after his brother gets killed but Edward Norton made them change it because he’s a faggot
I think blaming the Jews for all of societies ills is just an intellectually lazy excuse for not looking at issues through a more nuanced lens
naw, it's based and redpilled
Sticking your dick in something is what real men do.
Getting a dick stuck in you, on the other hand...
post height and jaw
It's actually the opposite of being lazy - if you actually take the time to look into things, it becomes apparent they're at the root of it all. At some point if you care about being intellectually honest you can't ignore it.
Re: 121331762
cringe, im not even gonna give you a (you)
go outside user
Real men fuck other men in the ass? Guess I'll never be a real man by your definition then user. Do whatever makes you happy, I can tell you're one of those proud gays and good for you.
You honestly think Jews are behind all the worlds ills?
Most of them. A large number of society's ills are symptoms of the jewish disease.
>Sticking your dick in something is what real men do.
only if the recipient is female, otherwise it's homosexual by definition.
>its bullshit because i say so
thanks for the interjection einstein
is this copypasta or are you actually spending your whole time on Yea Forums repeating this 'point' ad nauseam?
>no argument
>please stop i dont like eet
Like what? Which do you think are the biggest ones?
>no argument
no shit, i was asking a question.
The movie was made by Zionist Jews that fully support an apartheid state for their own people. Why do people that support ethnonationalism for their own people create propaganda films to dissuade whites from looking after their ethnic interests.
This movie is a hidden redpill if you look past the surface. It's basically Jews saying "ethnonationalism for me but not for thee."
I post it because no one can refute it, and it makes retards seethe.
Living in anger/hate isn't living, both types of hate are stupid "FUCK WHITE PIPOL" and "FUCK BLAK PIPOL", improve yourself, don't blame others
>I post it because no one can refute it, and it makes retards seethe.
there is no 'refuting' a mere claim that was never supported by any argument in the first place.
>no it is in fact not lazy but simply accurate and the call for more 'nuance' is not only vague but also unfounded
see? i 'refuted' it. that was easy.
>a mere claim
Blaming all of societies ills on one boogeyman is scapegoating and a very simplistic way to look at the world, it's objectively intellectually lazy. Blaming the Jews is just as retarded as when blacks blame the white man n shieet.
>see? i 'refuted' it. that was easy.
You didn't refute my claim you just deflected.
That isn't really an argument tbqh user. there isn't any law of reality that says that one group couldn't fuck over a society.
So by the same logic then you think blacks aren't necessarily wrong / have an argument when they blame the white man for everything then right?
One could be true and the other could not be true, so idk why you're bringing them up. They're rather different situations.
For the record I personally don't think Jews were the cause of everything, though Im not exactly a fan of their mafia-like activities.
>You didn't refute my claim you just deflected.
the term 'refute' if there was never an argument to be refuted in the first place. a mere claim can only be DENIED, not REFUTED.
i tried to make this clear to you. moreover, as i explicitly REFUTED your claims, i cannot have DEFLECTED anything.
>Blaming all of societies ills on one boogeyman is scapegoating
by using the terms 'boogeyman' and 'scapegoating' you are already assuming that the proposed theory is wrong. this is called 'begging the question'
>and a very simplistic way to look at the world
does not mean it is wrong. if anything, going by occam's razor, it makes it more reasonable to accept.
>it's objectively intellectually lazy
laziness is a property of behavior or, by extension, an agent who engages in such behavior. a theory, a set of opinions, cannot by itself be lazy, that is a categorical mistake. i will agree though, that it is prima facie plausible that the 'antisemitic worldview' is often accepted because of the persons (intellectual) laziness, although you have provided no arguments to support this.
>Blaming the Jews is just as retarded as when blacks blame the white man n shieet.
just because some other theory with structural similarities is wrong does not imply anything about this one. from the fact that whites are not in fact keeping blacks down systematically (assuming it is a fact), one can infer nothing about whether or not jews as a group, consciously or unconsciously, have acted to the detriment of white societies.
>One could be true and the other could not be true
So you agree that blacks may be right?
>so idk why you're bringing them up
It's the exact same logic, if it's a valid argument that one group can be responsible for all of societies ills then blacks have a valid argument as well when they blame the white man n shieeet.
>They're rather different situations.
yes you just have to better yourself and move on I guess
The point is that taking it up the ass turns people into liberals
In the minds of the masses, tying a set of ideas to a man with a swastika tattooed on his chest means that those ideas=bad. Refutation isn't required, because the culturally programmed emotional response that most people experience is all that it takes to dismiss arguments.
The international finance system. Just start there.
The main difference is that homogenous white societies like Iceland or Norway are quite nice, but homogenous black societies are not. So it doesn' make that much sense to blame the black situation on whites. But there is an argument to be made that Jews try to make white societies multicultural, which does mess them up. And Israel is not obviously better than white societiies the way white societies are better than black ones, so it doesn't make a lot of sense to say that Jews are just better.
But yes it's possible the blacks are right. Until we understand neuroscience better we only have crude proxies like IQ and brain size.
how can men justify "not being gay" while being capable of getting hard to fuck another guy in the ass in prison?
K E K also C H E C K E D
>It's not the feral Somali niggers stabbing and raping your family it's that you refuse to improve yourself
George took the neckpill
>the term 'refute' if there was never an argument to be refuted in the first place
The argument I was refuting to begin with is Jews are responsible for all of societies ills, the burden of proof is on the person making this argument to begin with. You're asking me to prove a negative.
>you are already assuming that the proposed theory is wrong.
The proposed argument is false because the premise itself is bad
>'begging the question'
I don't think you know what that means
>does not mean it is wrong
It would require extraordinary evidence to back up such an extraordinary claim
>occam's razor
Again, I don't think you know what this means.
>laziness is a property of behavior or, by extension, an agent who engages in such behavior.
You're just arguing semantics at this point
>just because some other theory with structural similarities is wrong does not imply anything about this one
>although you have provided no arguments to support this.
That the position is intellectually lazy?
>just because some other theory with structural similarities is wrong does not imply anything about this one
It's just an extension of the same logic if you believe it is plausible for one group to be responsible for all of societies ills then you must believe that blacks arguing their position are operating on a valid basis
> one can infer nothing about whether or not jews as a group, consciously or unconsciously, have acted to the detriment of white societies.
Your mistake is that believing Jews are a monolithic entity that can act "consciously or unconscionably" as a whole.
>The main difference is that homogenous white societies like Iceland or Norway are quite nice, but homogenous black societies are not. So it doesn' make that much sense to blame the black situation on whites.
That argument makes no sense.
When you get to the point of each person posting a list of responses to the other person's list of responses then you have both lost the argument
nigger iqs are typically 85 or below thus they bring a lot of there misery on themselves
Just because he got raped that doesnt emasculate him. and in the end he realised that he was right all along, even if the skin-heads were just in it for violence.
>The argument I was refuting to begin with is Jews are responsible for all of societies ills, the burden of proof is on the person making this argument to begin with. You're asking me to prove a negative.
there is such thing as an objective 'burden of proof'. practically speaking, if you want to convince others of your opinion, it would be smart to provide them with valid reasons to do so. for this it does not matter whether the logical form of your opinion is positive or negative.
>The proposed argument is false because the premise itself is bad
which premise
>I don't think you know what that means
>It would require extraordinary evidence to back up such an extraordinary claim
what claim
>Again, I don't think you know what this means.
>You're just arguing semantics at this point
semantics matter.
>It's just an extension of the same logic if you believe it is plausible for one group to be responsible for all of societies ills then you must believe that blacks arguing their position are operating on a valid basis
it is not an extension at all. the claim that whites are systematically keeping blacks down is regularly denied not simply because it is unimaginable or prima facie implausible for any groups to work towards another groups detriment. rather there is overwhelming empirical evidence against it.
>Your mistake is that believing Jews are a monolithic entity that can act "consciously or unconscionably" as a whole.
no claim of 'monolithicity' has been made whatsoever. groups behave. there is such a thing as group behavior. en.wikipedia.org
>there is such thing as an objective 'burden of proof'
should be
>no such thing
Your argument still makes no sense. The black position is that such suffering is largely brought on by white policies like French Neo-Colonialism in Africa for example or historic white policies that have put them at a disadvantage as a group. It's similar to when people claim the over representation of Jews in media for example is due to unfair nepotism which disadvantage whites and others as a group in that field.
you stop being lazy and read about the occult. Audio and video too for the car and instead of watching jewish productions you can watch real entertainment
get the book homo. spread it
here is a talk to go aloing with it
The difference is that whites can point towards white societies that they like, in present or past, to some degree. Every single black society that exists is supposed to have been ruined by whites.
And the overrepresentation of Jews can again be contrasted with Israel not being significantly better than white countries, which it would be if Jews were actually that much smarter than whites.
Its sad because most of Yea Forums could learn a great deal from this movie. Instead its become a shitposting meme. "getting raped makes you a liberal" hilarious dude.
Work on yourself instead of spending all your time hating things, get out in the world and meet people from these "groups"
Blacks would think that because theya re literally retarded and know that they can't make a functioning society if they tried
>get out in the world and meet people from these "groups"
I have, that's what made me a racist
faggots will ignore this.
Have fun in your fantasy world crafted by Qlippothic Kabbalists
>"getting raped makes you a liberal" hilarious dude
it actually was hilarious,
what do you have to offer? some drab advice from a pussified incel
>just get out and conform my dudes
The chief point is "violence begets violence"; particularly punctuated by Norton losing his brother despite now being "good." The problem with this is that the movie expects you to find inherent disdain for the Neo-Nazis by way of showing them to be violent, thuggish and brutal towards minorities just trying to lead their way. If you're not particularly fazed by this violence, then there's no real counter to any of the points a lot of the racist characters bring up throughout the movie. Not even Benjamin Sisko really says much against say, Norton's criticisms of the Rodney King riots. The film just sort of expects you to be so shocked by what you're seeing that you'll NEVER think like these people. Incidentally, the middle-class father certainly isn't a violent Neo-Nazi, either. He's just a white guy who doesn't like blacks, very much. He uses racially charged language to describe them, but he's ultimately just a guy with a family who's doing his job despite his biases. He unintentionally creates Neo-Nazi children, but only AFTER he's proven somewhat correct by being murdered by blacks living in a ghetto. I would say most "racists" in America are like the father, and this also goes for the black community, by the way.
There is more to the message than just "be a liberal or you'll get prison raped", but not much. They do a very unintentional job of making the white suprems seem far more reasonable than I think they intended.
Norton's character gets raped in order to red pill him about how white supremacy groups are no better than the black gang bangers they claim to be against/better than.
Norton's character is a true believer, who grew up with a dad who was a closet racist and who fell in with real racists when his dad died.
When he goes to jail, he realizes that the white supremacists are just like the black gangs, dealing drugs and extorting people and he gets raped when his idealized vision of white supremacy (IE white people aren't supposed to act like n@@@@@@) met reality and he wouldn't shut up about how the white gangs shouldn't deal dope.
>violence begets violence
this, be more like this guy
>there is such thing as an objective 'burden of proof'.
You're arguing semantics again, the burden of providing evidence is on the people making the claim Jews are responsible for all of societies ills
>if you want to convince others of your opinion, it would be smart to provide them with valid reasons to do so
I have provided valid REASONS but I can't prove a negative as you know. It's up to the people making the original claim to back up theirs with evidence
>which premise
One that a single group can be responsible for all of societies ills and two Jews are a monolithic entity
>an argument's premises assume the truth of the conclusion, instead of supporting it.
Again I provided valid REASONS for my claim but I cannot prove a negative. The burden of proof is up to the person making the original claim (Jews are responsible for societies ills)
>semantics matter.
You're just using it to gish gallop you know what I mean when I say intellectually lazy
> because it is unimaginable or prima facie implausible for any groups to work towards another groups detriment
The argument was that Jews are responsible for all of societies problems and I think that premise is implausible
>no claim of 'monolithicity' has been made whatsoever
It's implicit in the argument. Saying Jews are responsible for "x" or Jews do "y" is assuming monolithicity in their group and stripping them of all individuality. In reality many Jews are as far apart politically as Bernie Sanders and Ben Shapiro. Hell Jews are the most irreligious group of all the abrahamic religions in America.
>Saying Jews are responsible for "x" or Jews do "y" is assuming monolithicity in their group and stripping them of all individuality.
it's really not though. It's saying a group of primarily Jewish people are responsible for x.
You dont need to conform, you just need to have an open mind. If you are so confident in your convictions then there is not risk right? Challenge your strongest held beliefs once in a while, its healthly, try to understand people who think and view the world in a way that you disagree with.
>as far apart politically as Bernie Sanders and Ben Shapiro.
youll notice both these guys are pro-nonwhite immigration
>not mentioning derek turns against the nazis because they were making deals with spics
>actually defending his nazi past as good
So is Yea Forums just pol?
>The difference is that whites can point towards white societies that they like, in present or past, to some degree
Blacks can point to societies they like to some degree as well.
>Every single black society that exists is supposed to have been ruined by whites.
That's not the arguments black make, they do claim there has been decent black societies in the past. Their claim is that the state of many blacks groups and societies in the modern age can largely be blamed on white exploitation (colonialism and the like). I don't agree with it but that's essentially the argument.
>which it would be if Jews were actually that much smarter than whites.
That's not true at all. IQ alone is not responsible for the quality of life in a nation. Israel is a VERY new country and the progress they've made as a nation that started from very little is quite impressive. And yes Jews do have a higher IQ on average than whites.
I believed that races were equal. As I grew up I realized I was wrong. Any more crunchy granola advice faggot
>Blacks would think that because theya re literally retarded
As opposed to people who think Jews are responsible for all of societies ills right?
>So is Yea Forums just pol?
worse actually
you faggots on here are incredibly gullible and have zero understanding of the techniques social engineers use in the movies you watch. You also do not have very good allegory goggles
Why did derek go to jail for defending his house
Rape is super fucking common in prison, along with situational sexuality type same sex relations.
Rape is used as a weapon to brutalize you and break you down into nothing and to show that the person you rape, can be abused and bullied and terrorized and then finally murdered once everyone gets bored with making your life hell.
However, sometimes people go gay in prison as a survival strategy (IE offer to be a fuck toy for some big strong inmate who will protect you and be nice to you in exchange for you blowing him and letting him fuck you in the ass). Some even go further, going trans in prison, so you can get someone who requires the full-on illusion that you are fucking a girl.
The original ending was that the cycle of hate is inescapable and Norton ends up going back to being a Nazi when his brother is murdered by a black man.
Norton's re-edit of the film instead leaves everything unresolved in that Norton's brother is killed and you are left with his essay which basically states that Norton was a daddy's boy who let his anger over his father's death lead him down a dark path of racism and that maybe their father, who was a closet racist but only the younger brother realized it because of Norton's rose colored view of his dad being a perfect saint keeps him from seeing it, probably is the guy who is to blame given how he was unknowingly preparing his kids to be racist too.
the nigger was no longer a threat to his house at that point. lots of Americans think someone being on your property means you are allowed to kill them however and whenever you want but it doesn't work that way
This is the correct answer.
>And yes Jews do have a higher IQ on average than whites.
there aren't enough of them though. There are about the same amount of Jews in the US as there are Episcopalians, who also have an IQ around 112. But the press and the banks aren't run by Episcopalians.
He was a little white bitch.
All criminals are gay, and all gays are criminals.
Who's going to prove that though, pretty sure it wasn't videotaped
Short Answer: they needed an excuse for Derek being sent to prison, but wanted to keep him being likeable. So he nearly kills a black guy who robbed his house, to create just enough leyway to say he could still be saved.
Long answer:
Castle doctrine basically says you can only kill intruders inside your house.
Derek made the mistake of beating the black intruders not only outside his house, but on the fucking street.
the autopsy which shows that his teeth were shattered on the curb you fucking retard
And who's to say the n-word wasn't threatening him all the way to the street you drooling simpleton
I see this often with people that misinterpret this movie. One of the fundamental aspects of this movie that is lost on people is that racism and hatred can poison your mind no matter how intelligent you are. Derek makes loads of "good" intellectual points in the movie but they came from a place of emotional hatred. So instead of the movie taking us along on some journey of a moron KKK member who dropped out of high school they show us that even intelligent and possibly gifted individuals can fall victim to this poison.
Think of it this way, the movie isn't a literal refutation of Neo Nazi ideology per se. You could substitute a variety of beliefs and views in its place and still have essentially the same movie.
Point being even if you sort of agree or empathize with the arguments Derek makes in the movie his subsequent actions are morally wrong. He never does anything constructive with his intelligence, instead choosing to just carry out acts of violence and just generally be a hateful, angry asshole to everyone including his own family.
The father character isn't a white hood wearing racist but its pretty clear he has some fucked up views.(maybe not by the measure of Yea Forums but still). Its understandable to be pissed off about affirmative action and how that can be bullshit however to extend it to some overarching insidious black "agenda" is where it gets disturbing.
What baffles me is that the movie is pretty straightforward with its fundamental message. Its what Sisko says in the prison hospital.
>Has anything you done made your life any better?
Think about it, whether you agree with what derek says in the movie or not. Did he make his life (or his family's) better or worse with his actions?
He didn't hire a good attorney. It really does boil down to this. When your life is at stake, hire the best. No matter what.
>But the press and the banks aren't run by Episcopalians.
Episcopalians never had historic reasons for getting into such fields.
threatening him with what? norton had a gun and the n-word didn't you utter dullard
You can argue that Jews were prone to moneylending because of Christian prohibitions on it, but that doesn't hold up for their infiltration of the press or academia.
i am arguing semantics because i want to make it clear that the issue is much more complicated than you think. you think you are taking the 'high road' of a 'nuanced view' while others choose the 'lazy boogeyman', but in reality you are choosing to remain ignorant on the vast amount of political analysis that has been written on the subject, at least some of which is now regarded as classics of political philosophy (nietzsche, carl schmitt, ernst jünger, oswald spengler). it shows very clearly that you are largely ignorant on the topic and think that one must say that either jews are doing nothing wrong or that they are evil monsters actively organizing a massive conspiracy to hurt white people. in reality most 'antisemites' would say that for the jewish diaspora, it is simply in their objective group interest to diminish ethnic homogeneity and traditional lifestyles in their host countries, the more ethnic factions there are and the weaker their ethnic/local identity is, the better it is for jews, both in terms of access to all kinds of resources as well as minimizing existential danger through persecution. it is obvious to anyone honestly interested that their culture has evolved to work towards such a state of affairs. they act according to this culture in good faith and for the most part with the best intentions, but it is still hurting white countries severely, it is within our right and even our duty to work against this.
>their infiltration of the press
I understand they are highly over represented in organizations like CNN for example but do they really run the press as a whole? What evidence is there to suggest they do?
Episcopalians have morals, that's the difference. Jews have no morals at all. Their only imperatives are 1) preserve Judaism and 2) eliminate all competition at any cost (even if you have to lie, cheat, steal, or murder). No matter how high a group's average IQ is, it won't make a difference without the absolutely atrocious moral system the Jews have. They are cunning, conniving monsters. Blacks and Gypsies are bad too, but they're selfish and don't think long term. Jews give up their individuality and sometimes sacrifice themselves for long term goals. This is why they're on top.
they have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group so it rationally follows they will be overrepresented in academia and media the same way that whites are overrepresented in these fields in brown countries
Since when does high IQ mean inherent job qualifications? All it means is you can solve puzzles quickly.
you don't see how being better at recognizing patterns would be relevant for an academic or media personality?
>Somebody invades your property with the intent of doing you bodily harm
>Lol the second they step off your property their desire to kill or maim you has magically disappeared
No they don't run any of those institutions as a whole they just have a lot of influence. To be honest i dont really care about this stuff anymore, and we're not on /pol/ so this is all completely off topic.
>at least some of which is now regarded as classics of political philosophy (nietzsche, carl schmitt, ernst jünger, oswald spengler)
Remind me what classics did Nietzsche write on the Jews? How about Ernst Junger? Are you even aware their opinions on Jews?
>it shows very clearly that you are largely ignorant on the topic
This is all assumptions by you. You won't even entertain the notion I've seen the material but remain unconvinced.
>that one must say that either jews are doing nothing wrong or that they are evil monsters actively organizing a massive conspiracy to hurt white people.
I didn't say that or even imply it
>in reality most 'antisemites' would say that for the jewish diaspora
And you base that on what?
>it is simply in their objective group interest to diminish ethnic homogeneity and traditional lifestyles in their host countries
>the more ethnic factions there are and the weaker their ethnic/local identity is
Would you say the same thing about other ethnic groups like the Italians or Irish that lobbied for their own self interest in America? Did they hurt the ethnic WASP identity? Also if Jews act as such an ethnic fashion why do they have some of the highest rates of marrying outside their religion in America?
>it is within our right and even our duty to work against this.
I think it's a brute and overly simplistic way of overlooking at the world. Like I said before it's just scapegoating to me solving particular problems in our world takes particular nuanced solutions blaming group "x" for all of problem "y" leads to innocent people getting caught up.
>No they don't run any of those institutions as a whole they just have a lot of influence
Sure but you can say that about a number of groups.
>and we're not on /pol/ so this is all completely off topic.
Agree nice talking with you man
They were there to steal the car, not kill anyone.
No, wouldn't it be better to have speech techniques instead? Also there's an assumption that only Jews with high IQ can get the job. Why not other people with high IQ? It's an average, so doesn't that mean that there will be some Jews with lower IQ and some non-Jews with higher IQ? Seems a little sketchy to me. It's clear that nepotism plays a huge part. Which, ironically, would be illegal if white people did it.
yeah yout oo
you can't kill someone because they desire to kill or maim you, idiot.
Good thing everyone has mind reading powers or there could have been a misunderstanding!
>Remind me what classics did Nietzsche write on the Jews?
'genealogy of morals'
>How about Ernst Junger?
'nationalism and the jewish question'
>This is all assumptions by you. You won't even entertain the notion I've seen the material but remain unconvinced.
you are blatantly ignorant not only in matters of logic and reasoning ('arguing semantics') but also the topic at hand.
>I didn't say that or even imply it
you are make that mistake it in this very post
>Would you say the same thing about other ethnic groups like the Italians or Irish that lobbied for their own self interest in America? Did they hurt the ethnic WASP identity?
unlike jews they all eventually assimilated into 'white americans'
>Also if Jews act as such an ethnic fashion why do they have some of the highest rates of marrying outside their religion in America?
since jews take their jewishness to be inherited matrilinearly this is not a problem as long as the women are converting at least.
>I think it's a brute and overly simplistic way of overlooking at the world. Like I said before it's just scapegoating to me solving particular problems in our world takes particular nuanced solutions blaming group "x" for all of problem "y" leads to innocent people getting caught up.
and like before you have not managed to formulate even a simple coherent argument. all you are doing is begging the question.
Based and redpilled. The other guy won't recover.
Then why do you faggots never do anything about them?
But he is right, it is same as hoodrat who blames all his problems on white man.
Except it's based on verifiable evidence rather than envy and suppositions.
My is 95 and i am white man.
Didn't work out too well for the last guy that tried. Kinda slow going nowadays.
He was a faggot, faggots are violent predators. They should execute rapists in prison
>'genealogy of morals'
Nietzsche did not argue that Jews were responsible for societies ills in that. He was speaking in regards to the Jews and slave morality there. In fact Nietzsche was a principled adversary of anti-Jewish thought:
>It is a matter of honor with me to be absolutely clean and unequivocal in relation to anti-Semitism, namely, opposed to it, as I am in my writings. I have recently been persecuted with letters and Anti-Semitic Correspondence Sheets. My disgust with this party (which would like the benefit of my name only too well!) is as pronounced as possible
>'nationalism and the jewish question'
Ernst Junger did not view Jews a threat, evil, or inferior to the German people because of their ethnic factionalism in fact he thought quite the opposite. He actually supported Jewish Orthodoxy because it STRENGTHEN the Jewish people and prevented their assimilation (and annihilation as an ethnic group) into German society. He supported the preservation and homogenity "of every people" to the same extent as he does the German people
>you are blatantly ignorant not only in matters of logic and reasoning
Dude you were misusing terms that you didn't even know the definition of. No offense but you sounded like a first year college student attempting to throw out everything you just learned in your speech class.
>arguing semantics
Which you were. You were being pedantic.
>you are make that mistake it in this very post
How so?
>unlike jews they all eventually assimilated into 'white americans'
Jews have assimilated very well going by the empirical data
>since jews take their jewishness to be inherited matrilinearly this is not a problem as long as the women are converting at least.
And what evidence do you have to suggest Jews that marry outside the faith are coverting the women? Why would they do that considering just how irreligious they tend to be?
He was secretly gay for minorities and once he got his anus ripped it cured him. It's beautiful in a way.
>to formulate even a simple coherent argument
Do we really have to go over this again? I can't prove a negative as you know Mr. Fallacy. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim originally (Jews are responsible for socities ills) which you have repeatedly failed to do.
>begging the question.
Again you don't know what that means so I don't know why you keep using it.
>Nietzsche did not argue that Jews were responsible for societies ills in that.
>Nothing that has been done on earth against ‘the noble’, ‘the mighty’, ‘the masters’ and ‘the rulers’, is worth mentioning compared with what the Jews have done against them: the Jews, that priestly people, which in the last resort was able to gain satisfaction from its enemies and conquerors only through a radical revaluation of their values, that is, through an act of the most deliberate revenge. Only this was fitting for a priestly people with the most entrenched priestly vengefulness. It was the Jews who, rejecting the aristocratic value equation ventured, with awe-inspiring consistency, to bring about a reversal and held it in the teeth of the most unfathomable hatred of the powerless, saying: ‘Only those who suffer are good, only the poor, the powerless, the lowly are good; the suffering, the deprived, the sick, the ugly,are the only pious people,....
>Ernst Junger did not view Jews a threat, evil, or inferior to the German people
>In dem Augenblick jedoch, in dem der Jude als eine eigentümliche und eigenen Gesetzen unterworfene Macht unverkennbar wird, hört er auf, am Deutschen virulent und damit gefährlich zu sein.
>Dude you were misusing terms that you didn't even know the definition of
it is actually you who apparently remains ignorant on such basic terms even though i have supplied you with definitions
>Jews have assimilated very well going by the empirical data
jews have perhaps the most pronounced group identity of any groups in the us
>And what evidence do you have to suggest Jews that marry outside the faith are coverting the women? Why would they do that considering just how irreligious they tend to be?
>Do we really have to go over this again? I can't prove a negative as you know Mr. Fallacy. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim originally (Jews are responsible for socities ills) which you have repeatedly failed to do.
there is no burden of proof you dimwit. argue for your assertions or shut up.
>Again you don't know what that means so I don't know why you keep using it.
this is a good example. you seem to think you are not in fact begging the question, but are unable to say what exactly was wrong about my explanation on this point.
by calling the anti-semitic theory scapegoating you are begging the question because that judgement presupposes that they are not in fact 'guilty as charged'.
did you not watch the movie you're talking about
they call the police before danny left the house
the police arrive just in time to see the curbstomp
the home game is better
hands down
And Hate breeds Hate its a never ending cycle.
No, it means that man shouldn't be a part of public discourse. Nazi had their chance, they blew it, it's gone forever. Nostalgiafags should be hanged.
he forgot to relax
you sound kinda hateful
Yes, I'm a based futurist
based retard
We're a first world country but our prisons are borderline third world.
>No, it means that man shouldn't be a part of public discourse. Socialists had their chance, they blew it, it's gone forever. Nostalgiafags should be hanged.
>(((jewish screenwriters)))
>Jews have no morals at all. Their only imperatives are 1) preserve Judaism and 2) eliminate all competition at any cost (even if you have to lie, cheat, steal, or murder). No matter how high a group's average IQ is, it won't make a difference without the absolutely atrocious moral system the Jews have. They are cunning, conniving monsters. Blacks and Gypsies are bad too, but they're selfish and don't think long term. Jews give up their individuality and sometimes sacrifice themselves for long term goals. This is why they're on top.
t. knows nothing about Jews
That wasn't real socialism dumbo
All things considered, South Africa's transition to democracy was pretty impressive.
t. shlomo
If you think that Marxism-Leninism is comparable to social democracy (what Americans call socialism), you're probably retarded.
not a Jew
>social democracy
what a retarded term. the demos kratens in an especially social way, huh?
It's actually a term used by political scientists.
>"political scientists"
yes i expected as much
i was super jealous at this scene i wanna cutie racist white boy to destroy my bussy uguu
>le everything is a conspiracy
>le if you think 'political scientists' are unintelligent political activists you must think they are part of some conspiracy
>not trusting people who study this shit professionally more than 20 year olds on the internet
I think homosexuality as we see it today is a modern construct. Different cultures had different definitions. Some only defined the masculine (giving) and feminine (receiving) role.
>le just turn off your own brain and trust us despite all the evidence that we are low IQ troglodytes with nothing but disdain for critical thinking
*tips tinfoil hat*
as a gay guy myself, I cant understand how they get hard.
I cant fathom me getting hard for a woman, so how can a straight man get hard for another man?
>*considers extensive experience with 'political scientists' and remembers they were all just girls and girly men too dumb to get into stem and too dishonest to admit they just want to feel important while contributing and understanding nothing*
>jews have perhaps the most pronounced group identity of any groups in the us
>taking le ebin STEM chad meme seriously
Wasn't woke enough. A good ass fucking fixed that though.
>being content never contributing anything to society
>he thinks STEM is the only useful thing in the world
*makes political philosophy book that influences an entire generation and fixes many problems in society*
my bad
Was he on Prep®?
>he thinks STEM is the only useful thing in the world
certainly not, but political 'science' is as useless as it gets
>book that influences an entire generation and fixes many problems in society
not only is this not true of any book you might have published, it is not even true of any book ever
wtf are you talking about? Almost all central banks are owned by their government, with the exceptions of the Fed (whose current head isn't jewish), and the Bank of Japan, Swiss National Bank, and Bank of Greece which have hybrid ownership structures. Check it yourself
And no, The Rothschilds don’t own any central banks at all
>jews have perhaps the most pronounced group identity of any groups in the us
Yet their intermarriage rate is through the roof
>Its understandable to be pissed off about affirmative action
As a black guy I always wondered why wypipo get mad at affirmative action. You guys have nepotism and it's alive and well. What's the big deal? It almost seems like they're just mad at blacks being given an opportunity to be on a 'somewhat' even playing field?
Of course I'm smart enough to know that race and shit doesn't matter in the real world. It's about who you know, money, and to an extent, politics. People are going to look out for those that'll be able to help or look out for them as well, whether they're black, white, asian or orange.
Yes. The original ending was that the main character turns back into a nazi at the end after what happens to his brother.
Which is weird knowing that a jew directed it.
Not really. A hole's a hole. Sticking your dick in something doesn't determine whether you're gay or not. It's the fact that you're the one taking the dick that makes you a faggot.
>tfw grew up in the 90s, parents would never buy a computer because they thought it was a waste of money, so no internet access at home ever
>there was a six month period where they'd show American History X late at night on Starz repeatedly
>ended up beating off to this scene and cumming buckets
>recorded it the next night so I could beat off to it again repeatedly since I had no way to access actual porn
Damn AHX is a good movie.
My guess is that they have really good imaginations to work with.
Did 5 years fed time, only two different kinds of people got raped. People that wanted to get raped, and people that accepted favors from OGs on the yard and couldn't pay it back with interest when the time came. They paid all right, oh boy did they pay. They either gave up that ass, or they got hemmed the fuck up in the yards.
If anyone ITT ever ends up in jail and someone goes out of their way to be nice to you, and give you free stuff...it isn't actually free. They want your anal virginity in exchange for that extra roll of toilet paper or pack of ramen. They'll take it too, these aren't exactly men that are accustomed to nor acclimated to hearing the word "no". Unless it's their victim, screaming NO NO NO while they get buttfucked. Only thing unrealistic about this scene is that they're raping another WOOD. Would never happen irl, they'd find some unaffiliated bitch and gape his asshole out
Imagine being an adult and being this stupid
>Almost all central banks are owned by their government
And who do you think runs the government?
>As a black guy I always wondered why wypipo get mad at affirmative action.
As a white guy I always wondered why blackpipo DON'T get mad at affirmative action. It's racist as fuck, literally government telling you you're too fucking retarded and inept to equally compete with everyone else so you need them to do dumb everything down so you can get in.
But to answer your question it's because it's retarded lefty logic that thinks diversity quotas are more important than the fucking work getting done. Instead of hiring the best, most qualified people for the job it says "Well, that white guy over there is a fucking pro in this field but we have a black guy applying too who isn't half as qualified, and we haven't met our hire quota of those so we'll just settle for a shittier outcome and less efficiency because the government thinks the skin color of a worker is what matters not the quality of their work."
The fact that I can be turned down for a job in favor of someone less qualified than myself because I'm not the right skin color is fucking shit.
not an argument
>And yes Jews do have a higher IQ on average than whites.
No, that claim is based on a smaller number of flawed studies. Bigger, better and more recent studies have failed to replicate them, sorry.
Keep telling yourself that. A good portion of the men storming the beaches probably shared Derek's views.
Can I get some more info on this?
Whites don't do this to each other in prison. He would have been killed. Movie must have been made by a jew.
Yeah, impressively terrible
Nah, there’s no evidence for this and the director has publicly refuted it
The original studies were done at a handful of selective schools.
Multiculturalism is dead in the water, the tables are going to turn, big time. When the pendulum swings the other way, you’ll be sorry.
>Do you really get raped in American prisons? Don't they know that's kinda gay?
This is actually why they call hatred of gay homophobia. Blacks often are gay in prison, since they are unable to have sex with women, and they cant control their urges.
Calling a black man gay outside of prison makes him fear that he is actually a homosexual, thus they are very prone to violence around obvious homosexuals, or those who know they have had gay sex in prison themselves.
They are literally scared of faggots because they fear people being told (by the faggot) about their own gay prison sex, or that they may actually want to fuck the faggot.
>literally government telling you you're too fucking retarded and inept to equally compete with everyone else so you need them to do dumb everything down so you can get in.
Well no, it tells us that there are people in this country that are obsessed with race and will gladly fuck you out of opportunities that you've earned just because of the color of your skin or what you have between your legs. and they're right, those types of people absolutely do exist.
Meanwhile in reality
I’m not sure why you thinks that refutes what I said. The sooner that whites become a minority, and more and more of the country turns into uninhabitable third world, the sooner and stronger the backlash will come.
Exciting stuff.
>the nigger is retarded
Who would have guessed?
>So he nearly kills a black guy who robbed his house
did you watched the movie? he literally broke the dude´s jaw
Keep telling yourself that sweetie
but why all that effort just to get off?? why not just jerk off?
If I was stuck being around women, I couldnt rape one while fantasizing a man.
>but its pretty clear he has some fucked up views
lol he often dealt with niggers with the job he had, it´s understandable the bias he had
it reminds of that german doctor who went to africa to help the poor people there and said that the blacks living there weren´t civilized and that they´re not prepared to live in a proper functional society
Looks good to me. You keep telling yourself everything is going to be fine.
Any lads ever been raped by another man. What was it like?
>The fact that I can be turned down for a job in favor of someone less qualified than myself because I'm not the right skin color is fucking shit.
You know this works both ways right? There are tons of qualified black people that get denied employment strictly because of the color of their skin, even if they're the better candidate for the position.
You're both dumb fucking faggots. He didn't break someone's jaw and he didn't "ALMOST" kill a black dude. He nearly emptied the clip into the first dude, shot a 2nd guy, and tried to kill the 3rd dude.
Source for you 2 dumb niggers arguing about shit while spreading misinformation.
idk, it looked like ed's character actually enjoyed it desu
Yes its like hating a roach for being a pest
Its useless because niggers are subhuman so dont bother hating them
not him but that dead cross dressing faggot was a convict so relevance to OP pic i guess
It's weird how you act like your anti-racist views aren't the default and that he's not opening his mind by looking for alternative views that go against this.
Wow I guess those guns they had were just hand warmers then! It's hilarious how to some people you need to literally be being shot at to know your life is in danger. DO you actually believe in LITERAL eye for an eye, like you can shot unless they do first other wise it's not "fair"?
If you wanted everything to get worse and see white people suffer (as well as blacks), then yeah it went well. You'd literally have to be in it just to see white people be worse off to say it worked out well.
How retarded are you to think one book would solve any one problem lead alone many of them.
>no argument
You could have at least mentioned jews user
>You guys have nepotism and it's alive and well. What's the big deal? It almost seems like they're just mad at blacks being given an opportunity to be on a 'somewhat' even playing field?
This statement is not true, you may not believe it but it's not. White people being nice to each other in an interview isn't nepotism. We just prefer to conduct with each other with a certain level of respect unlike blacks.
No this really doesn't happen, only in your mind it does, for the most part companies try to hire non-whites for diversity quotas, you're just coping because even among non-whites you're to dumb to get a decent hand out job.
If just being a minority means you lose then Jews would have lost thousands of years ago. We'll still be a plurality and will be forced to behave as racially aware because as things get worse we will be attacked more.
>Yea Forums-Racism & Shitposts
He was trapped in a sloppy social propaganda film that like most Hollywood movies on social topics has a message of "learn to eat shit and like the taste."
>as things get worse we will be attacked more
Execpt they won't. Whites will be the minority (they effectively already are since the current majority is maintained through old folks still breathing), and that's it
>American History X: Hate is stupid and all it does is fester more Hate.
The final message of this film ist that violence breeds violence, but /pol/tards will never accept that since they are too far radicalized and brainwashed by /pol/ infographics and nazi propaganda
>Execpt they won't. Whites will be the minority (they effectively already are since the current majority is maintained through old folks still breathing), and that's it
No, whites are being attacked more and more and the violence is being normalized by people like you who insist it's not real because of semantics.
That is the message and it's stupid because blacks have no intention of stopping because people like you make it impossible to call them on it without losing your job.
lmao imagine thinking a literal emotion is bad, telling someone to stop being hateful is about as useful as to tell them to not be irritated.
violence lmao, go outside you faggot
Lmao, none of the ethnicities in the US even have sustainance birth rate, if not for the immigration, the US would be doomed.
>dude we NEED infinite population growth on a planet with very finite amounts of habitable land, arable farm area, drinkable fresh water, and available resources
>The final message of this film ist that violence breeds violence
>Derek's father is shot and killed entirely without reason
>Derek's brother is shot and killed almost entirely without reason, and certainly with no good reason
>Derek kills people trying to steal his truck over losing a fucking basketball game, at least one of which was armed and presumably would have killed him given the opportunity
Had he not curbstomped that guy it would have been an entirely one sided affair, instead of just a wildly lopsided one. Not exactly the tit for tat reprisals the film seems to think was going on.
have sex
>the US would be doomed
Why? Because wages would go up and property values would go down meaning native birthrates could rebound? That doesn't sound like doomed to me, unless of course you had a political class that built it's entire economic system around wealth transfer from the young to old and from the middle to the rich. Of course such a system is deeply unfair and should be allowed to fail anyway so no one has to live under it.
thought hitler didn do nuffin
Look, lets cut the bullshit, /tvpol/ hates non-whites. If they could, the catalog would be filled with hate threads and the such.
post your wrists
Yes, you will need young people to take care of your old dumb ass. Incel fag.
And this is why nothing will ever change. Filthy pasty face demons can't accept their shit people. None of you are angels. Accept the fact that you faggots have nepotism and we have affirmative action. Women have double standards. Faggots have whatever they have. That's life you whiny ass faggot.
I mean, if you had prime Edward Norton in a room with you- glistening with water, with his plump ass jiggling in front of you- woulndt you want a slice of his boypussy?
Think about it.
He really is such a bitch. I'm glad he's faded away.
He did, just not to the extent (((they))) say he did. Initially the plan was to just get them to GTFO Germany.