So what did Yea Forums think of her noah appearance

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who's more intellectually challenged? This girl? Or our country for letting her set our policy?

>mfw a small child is smarted then drumpf

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do people really think an inert gas like carbon even does anything?

Has she been raped?

im all for global warming if it means this smug child and her entire country drowns.

yeah yesterday somebody told me we breathe oxygen and I was like LMAOOO

She already admitted not being pure

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Oddly enough I think Sweden is supposed to be one of the countries that will actually benefit from global warming.

Yes because you see the planet behaves exactly like a greenhouse. Please look at this excellent diorama I put together of a greenhouse to demonstrate what these gases do to the enclosed ecosystem.

I think her appearance is unpleasant to be honest

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she looks such an air headed dumbfuck. I can't take anything she says seriously. this ugly little bitch just wanted to travel the world using other peoples money

Soviets used to bury shit like Anthrax in permafrost. I doubt Sweden want an outbreak.

>"""fighting""" climate change
>All she does is fear monger and shill rememeables that won't do shit
>Doesn't shill nuclear, the only viable option
>Only ever mentioned nuclear once as "part of the solution" but was made to redact that statement by her handlers
really makes u think

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the way greens attack nuclear power makes me suspicious

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haha what a great image xD

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Russia and Canada would benefit greatly domestically.
Scandinavian countries it's a bit trickier, higher percentage coastline, but the effects of rising sea level is somewhat mitigated by post-glacial rebound, so the sea levels rise, but so does the coastline.
The domestic benefits hardly outweigh the losses you get in trade from things going poorly in other countries.

based climate change

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why do yall shill her here and not reddit. are we better "influenceres"?

I don't know, she's very irrelevant but because she's talking about climate change /pol/ is obsessed I guess

Where the fuck are you living where you encounter carbon as a gas?

just a friendly reminder that this dipshit really thinks a gas that makes up 0.04% of our atmosphere is 100% responsible for, haha, get this...destroying our planet in 12 years

Coin slot

we are not obsessed you guys just shill these threads non stop there too.

>i dont know
>i guess
Get some fucking confidence, you loser

She is going to get nobel and write books and become millionaire just like that shithead Malala.

If you propose real goals and solutions then you can't keep the money faucet on. Everything has to be incredibly vague but still cost a lot.


do swedes really look like this lmao

>16 year old says water is wet
wow, what a hero

>tfw murica you have all the guns and no one ...

jesus christ

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NO shes the exception most are 10/10

Imagine being a liberal. Imagine media and politicians treating you like a retarded cattle and presenting "news" to you in a format that only a 7 year old would consider genuine . Imagine still somehow being convicted that you're the smarter half of the country.

She doesn't care about the environment. The organization she does PR for (We Dont Have Time) is trying to make bank from carbon credit trading. Their 2-step business model* involves:
>1) passing legislation to create a cap-and-trade marketplace
>2) building a social media/rating system to evaluate public and private sector entities on their carbon footprint. Those who rate poorly will have to choose between getting carbon-taxed to death, or paying for carbon-offset credits.

Since Greta's handlers will control both the carbon credit market AND the social media that ranks everyone, they'll always win and can do shakedown operations whenever they want.

*This scheme only works on liberal Western democracies. Countries like China or India would just laugh Greta out of the building.

Why does nobody else think it's gross that people are using a child as a puppet mouth-piece to spread their ideology?

Honestly yeah you're way easier to demoralize then the average reddit user. I think its because deep down you know you're garbage.

She's a mouthpiece, parroting what climate theorists say. She has no original ideas which is the mark of truly high intellect.

Who the fuck cares what a little kid thinks? These things are complex and no 16 year old knows jack shit about anything.

how do i get a cute retarded gf?

why do Americans care so much about the opinion of European foreigners?

because leftists are disgusting moronic degenerates incapable of critical thought

think how disillusioned these kids who genuinely think the world is nearly about to end are going to be when nothing happens

>hey you should handicap your country because their might be some nasty effects in a hundred or thousand years from now
>oh those other countries doing the same thing or worse? Nah, they are fine because they are brown or Asian

What a compelling case

God damn I love how triggered you Reich wing faggots are.

she was airlifted off that boat as well

It's one unlucky scandi phenotype.
Her parents are probably forest trolls that switched her with a human baby.

The leader of the social democrats is of the same phenotype.
Some say that it's because of finns or sami blood, but I'm not so sure about that.
It's not super common, but every now and then you come across the troll phenotype.

They'll just set a new date for the end of the world and call everyone stupid, same playbook as those people that predict the end of the world and when it comes they claim it was because their math was slightly off or something

low qual b8 m8

Excellent false flag my fellow /pol/ack.

Attention all /pol/locks that will eventually ruin this thread. Everyone hates you. Your toxic idealogy will never be mainstream. You will never leave your mother's basement or be with a woman. Fuck you


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>oh those other countries doing the same thing or worse? Nah, they are fine because they are brown or Asian
Because America competes with the bottom in slave wages and manufacturing capacity. If you deny that climate change and instability isn't impacting the world today, right this second, then it's a non-starter argument on anything you have to say.

Why does she care about the US that much when it comes to climate change? Does she ever mention China?

like y2k or 2012 scare fags

why do europeans, australians and canadians? because their governments and media are telling them to

I love seeing a non American interview another non American about America while being condescending towards Americans

This is the kind of post people look for when they wonder what would make people mad.

>so what did Yea Forums think of her noah appearance
>implying anyone watches that stupid show

>Reich wing

Genuine enjoyment how triggered a little girl makes you faggots pointing out a reality.

It’s amazing people think this kid isn’t really a team of people with an agenda writing a script.


>You're stupid if you don't believe what our propaganda service tells you to. You don't want to be stupid, do you? You don't want the world to laugh at you, do you?

new fag alert


>t. globohomo npc subhuman

1.6 million deaths a year.

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She's actually addressed this very issue.

shes a troll like you

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>criticize the opinion of a little girl being a political puppet
>"w-woah dude shes just a little girl"
>little girl political puppet says water is sometimes wet
>"heh triggered much by a little girl heh"

I can't wait for CNN to replace all their newscasters with 10 year olds because apparently that's the ultimate debate strategy

Most Swedes think she is an embarrassement to the Country

she is like 30

tfw I bought canned food for Y2K. I was obsessed with that shit in middle school.

>afraid of loud noises
is that just an autism joke or is there a story behind this?

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No she hasn't.

half of america doesn't even believe in evolution

Haha you sure got me

this term rarely get's used here carefull trolls will happily adopt it if you hate it

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>thinks ocean pollution is the same thing as climate change
Imagine being this stupid?

Google reich... Weak bait kys/10

If these people had two brain cells to rub together they would understand that people will have questions when your blaming them for a problem they have already been doing their part.

Go talk to China and until you do fuck off.

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yeah right

the rapes, nogo zones and grenade attacks are fine though

>is that an autism joke

Honestly? America is absolutely retarded. It takes a special kind of moron to ignore facts for... reasons I don't really know. This girl gets a lot more media attention in America as well, for some reason. In Europe we're just going "yeah we know climate change is a problem, what do you want?" whenever she does a stunt. In America it's heralded as something amazing and extraordinary I guess? I don't get it. From a European perspective, your media is basically going "AUTISTIC GIRL SAYS 2+2=4!!!"

It's bizarre.

We really live in a clown world. Doesn't matter if it becomes warmer or colder.

Sauron has had many mouths to speak for him.

>Her parents are probably forest trolls that switched her with a human baby.

Ironic how people laugh at religious fanatics but reserve no scepticism at all for enviromentanuts.

We need to ban nigerians

That's because greens and other assorted activists are remnants of anti-capitalist groups sponsored by the USSR and their ideology fits that to a T. They are anti-nuclear because it was the aim of the Soviets to sick these people against everything useful the West had, like nukes and nuclear powerplants. The USSR is gone, the ideology they left behind is not.

LOL. By stating her position? That makes her a troll?

what does it even mean

So if it isn't happening, but we're doing something about it, is it happening?

Wasn't this girl blatantly being pushed by some swedish billionaire?
She's the most shilled act I've ever seen.

You cant act like you have the moral highground if youre making fun of an actual child.

>most are 10/10
lol Our women are ugly, manjawed, wide-hipped, horse-faced cunts. t. actual Swede

>Sri Lanka
jesus christ
that's an insane amount considering their population.

>She's the most shilled act I've ever seen.
As forced a meme as she is, this statement makes you sound like you're 2 years old or you've never seen the outside world.

Read this thread. There are people who have taken the blue consumerist pill and don't think it's a real thing.

Haven't seen anybody talking about this over here except to mock the kids doing protests for being slacktivists. Taking a day off school to do a protest and then demand it doesn't get marked as absence. We've tuned the sacrifice down to a 1 out of 10 and they're still whining that it's too steep a price to pay.

Even Antifa have more balls than climate protesters.

Who cares about "where shencimes frim". If Sweden was anything great they would be #1 instead of us. Its all wax for scraping

What's your solution for climate change?

Monkey sees monkey dos
send the black bastards home
shes a scam artist

I don't believe in climate change and yet I'm polluting less than all that sheeple that believes in it, how come?

>wide hipped
Like that's a bad thing.

Pre-emptive nuclear strike against all non-white nations. Then we repopulate those regions with all these immigrants we have laying around.

>I dont really know
That is the only thing you said that matters you ignorant moron.

Nothing lol, we'll adapt like we have every other human made catastrophe
But we are gonna rub your right winged noses in it when it comes true

It is, though.

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When I was in Stockholm the women were fine, not as hot as the stereotype promises but allright. And there were surprisingly few brown people

Warfare and decimation of the human race.

You must live in a tiny village in the woods like troll kiddy as I been to Stockholm an the women were 10/10


now THIS is low-t

Tell a act more shilled? Kony2012? Kys

t. not same poster

>yellow fever fag
Nevernind, carry on

might aswell fuck a little boy

it's some meme term that gets used on alt right podcasts not even /pol/ uses the term
>t. listener to paranormies

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Nuke everyone

>t. roasties getting toasty

Nice job answering your own question, also Kim K. Nobody cares which poster you are.

low effort cope

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She's ugly as fuck.

>You can't make fun of the ideology of children even if it's obviously produced by the adults around her
She represents everything terrible about egocentric tendencies of white bourgeois liberals and she, as well as everyone who identifies with her beliefs, deserves to be made fun of.

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>having taste that's this terrible

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i know its a photo taken out of context, but the bottom image she looks like such a smarmy condescending fuck and i wanna ____ her ____

Cope better go home for your upvotes cunnie

Climate Change Cultists will never tell you because either they are just virtue signalers who don't know the solution or if they know, they won't tell you, because they know 95% of people would say no to their solution if they knew how much of their living standards would decrease if effective solutions were implemented.

no one I know cares
it's mostly just pushed on normie tv but that's just cause it's the safest shit ever to put on your show
>little teen white girl saves the earth!

it's just a silly cash grab going after what's safe and """popular"""

>hurr durr let's just focus on western countries who have actually made progress to combat climate change but completely ignore china, india and russia dduuurrrrr

the fucking chinks are playing white people like fiddles. we will adapt when the time comes. this shit will not result in an apocalypse

congrats on falling for their exact strategy you absolute brainlet

Of course. It's like a tradition over there.

This guy gets it

>muh women need to be obese
Take it easy, Jamal.

average swedes are fucking disgusting looking
I see her posted on Yea Forums than anywhere else in life, you guys are obsessed

>Even Antifa have more balls than climate protester
No one has more balls than antifa.


fill her up?

Pedo detected ip sent to FBI

Your grandfather's would beat your ass until it was American again.

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Is that the girl that traveled on a ship powered by solar energy? Did she get fucked by all the sweaty men she travelled with? God I hope she did.

This, It's hilarious how they just get the slip.

She is 100% scientifically illiterate also FAS

even the women have balls in antifa

I'm a white male and I find all forms of miscegenation deplorable


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I agree she's being exploited by muh libruls, using a child to push a political agenda is disgusting, even if I agree with the politics behind it. I've seen plenty of jokes made about the kids looks. Thats when you lose any moral authority in my books.

she was on it for 6 hours then airlifted off by coast guard cos she was having a screaming fit


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Consider this; Greta is living proof that any kid will lap up any narrative they are exposed to regardless of what it actually means. someone should find an autistic alt-right kid and push to give him the same platform she has to show all the virtue-signaling white women how retarded they are.

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Those aren't women, And I don't think you can called those shrivelled up raisins balls.

Green anti-nuclear groups and positions were sometimes funded by gas, coal and oil interest groups. But don't be suspicious, the nuclear lobby does exactly the same thing. It's just life in billion-dollar industries.

Political figures will always be mocked and parodied. Her parents and supporters have turned her into a political figure. The ones you should be finger wagging at are them, not us.

>he still hasn't given up on white roasties

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Why do so many swedes have slanted eyes? She's not the first I've seen of this phenotype

wait, really?

based as fuck

Remember the outrage when the WBC used kids pushing messages that were forced on them? Now they do the exact same shit and cheer it on

There was never really anything you could do about it. Travel back in time to the 1920s and tell your ancestors that they are going to have to get rid of all the necessities that came with the industrial revolution because the polution is going to screw up the climate long after they are dead.

I remember in the 90s parents would be mocked and ridiculed for openly exploiting their child like this

>moral highground
wtf I want open borders and all the rest of the leftist cancer now

Imagine having sex with Greta Thunberg.
You'd have to teach her everything about sex and she'd look all confused due to her autism.
Imagine her facial expressions as you start plowing her hard in missionary position.
She would bite her lip and her eyes would scan the room while you fuck her, almost like she's not fully aware of what's happening.
Her face would show both pleasure and confusion at the same time.
Then, as you ejaculate deep into her, she experiences an orgasm for the first time and lets out a cute autistic squeal.
She would be out of breath and would watch your thick semen slowly leak out of her cute underdeveloped body.

The absolute SECOND any other country does more for the world than
America has, then and only then can they lecture us on what to believe in. Until then, they all need to shit the fuck up and just do what we order them to. Nobody gives more in foreign or military aid than us. We are the de facto defenders of europe and 8ndeed all western civilization. No other NATO country pays their full share. The UN is basically an American classroom. Until all these other deadbeats wanna do their part, they should just zip it and do as their master USA says

I wish i was loved

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Now this is a message I can get behind

stop polluting

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I find the poking fun of a clealy exploited child disgusting for differnt reasons tbqh.

Yes UK coast guard tuck her to Portsmouth , she flew to US then was transported back on boat there , as her representatives said she was too ill to sail .

kek 10/10

>I remember in the 90s parents would be mocked and ridiculed for openly exploiting their child like this
my friend's parents forced him on a show when I was young and I remember my parents making fun of them for it

How ya doin, user? It's been a while since I've seen you, what's wrong?

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>implying any of Greta Thunberg's even more limp-wristed followers would be willing to take a brain-damaging slam into the pavement for the cause

kek did you make this yourself? Never seen it before.

>Chirstian gooks
Not for nothing, but youd be better off with an Arab. No asian is ever really Chriatian, they are 6 faced and 7 hearted. No outsider can EVER really know the mind of a gook.

>tfw you'll never find a girl like the ones on the left

top kek lel

yeah but we need to parallel their narrative

How is climate "instability" impacting the world?

they are basically finns, finns equal russians and russians are chinks

OK John Wayne


I worked there for a few weeks and was suprised to see how many of them actually look like asian mongoloids

Why do liberals mock the right for listening to Trump but listen to a literal 12 year old.

>durr durr Trump is a 12 year old mentally

It's still hypocritical no matter your whataboutism to mock what people on the right believe and prop up a child like this.


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Yeah because things are that black and white. I believe in climate change but also think we should stop third world aid and we should kick all third worlders out of the west.

Jesus loves you user

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Too bad.

>a cute autistic squeal.

Dictatorships routinely ignore the demands of other countries.

>where i come from, it's more like a fact
that's true, there's almost no discussion of climate change on thra

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Tell me I'm wrong, foreign scum. Everybody treats america like the bad guy when were honestly the only ones looking out for the Western civilization squad

>know a dude that brags about being pure white swedish stock
>looks like a fucking mongol
Can confirm

>He's such a beta he needs to prey on socially submissive women because he has no self worth.

well math models say that...may shift weather patterns...unless...

>tfw no syrian orthodox barber gf


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Alright, if you say so. Neither google nor duckduckgo return any results describing this, but I guess nobody bothered to put it online if it was local news.

America looks out for its interests only CIAnigger.

Stop killing your allies in war zones first

>whites can't be gobli-

In Sweden, it's not referred to as "rape," but instead "cultural enrichment." :)

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i knew anne frank pasta would be usefull again

Did Finland colonize Sweden in the past or something?

Berber women are waifu material made flesh.

You are a patrician and probably have a huge hog.

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You can laugh all you want but all the people in those countries are going to claim refugee status in NA/Europe

was on BBC News site

>because things are that black and white.
They are, though. The left is horrendously wrong about pretty much everything.

he clearly said "barber" you fucking imbecile, he wants free haircuts

Correct, and our "interests" lie in protecting western democracies you illiterate eurotrash guttersnipe.

Learn who your real friends are before talking shit

It's just that she has fetal alcohol sindrome.

Love you too jesus

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or sexual emergancy , where a syrian raped a 8yo boy at swimming pool changing rooms

Do swedish girls really fuck black guys? Will I get laid if I'd visit there?

Probably the N haplogroups, which originates in East Asia ca 20000 years ago.
You can see it across eastern europe, even a small percentage in europe.
Very high amount in finland, and a small but notable amount in sweden.

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Ok, I'll admit I laughed but ONLY because I'm way drunk.

kill everyone and I'm not being ironic

Dwindling animal populations, needing genetically modified foods that can grow with increased heat and respond to certain pesticides, super storms, unstable weather patterns; periods of extreme heat in the winter, extreme colds in the summer, snow one day, 65 degree Temps the other, for examples.

We won't even talk about warmer ocean waters and the impact on ocean life.

It's too late.
We'd literally have to go back and redo the industrial revolution and everything since then to reverse the damage, and the completely overhaul the way the world works in order to make any difference.
We're wasting our time trying to do anything about it now, shouldn't even be on our radar.

Not true. Some, yes, not everything.

Most swedes are alkies

>want to marry, hold hands and make babies with a qt yellow girl
>prey on them

She looks like Stephen merchant

I did say barber, as it's a common profession for syrians according to stereotype.

Though I've fancied a few moroccon girls.

As an American with friends like us, who needs enemies?


always archive fren

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>illiterate eurotrash guttersnipe

This. I have just come back from China and some of the tier 3 cities made my bogies turn black.

this guy gets it ,post of the bread

These may be true but by the time they happen I will be dead unless I'm immortal, so I don't care.

You've already elevated them to a pedastal. You don't even specify which Asian culture you would considered dating in to. You're a weeaboo faggot who will be a kissless virgin forever.

>he doesn't know about the pre neolithic finno empire

carbon capture and sequestration
reforestation and afforestation
increased industrial, commercial and residential energy efficiency
changes in systems of transportation, shift towards telecommunication, new types of trains, walking and biking, ban cars from cities
communal and familial farming, urban/local agriculture
reduction in consumption, lifestyle changing away from materialism, people getting closer to nature again
phasing out of coal, and eventually gas, reach total renewable energy capacity, supplement with new generation nuclear reactors
utilization of solid, liquid and gas biofuels from new processes (algae, bio-waste)
improvements in water infrastructure, adaptation of agriculture to changing weather patterns
new international cooperation efforts (e.g. shared saharan mega-solar array, exchanging aid for promises to avoid deforestation/pollution, international geo-engineering projects)

and also an engineered genotype plague that wipes out africa, china and india

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thanks Karl hows the midge

Immigation, feminism, race, censorship, 1st and 2nd amendments, abortion, foreign policy, cripple the economy with carbon taxes for some minor reduction in global warming a century from now, socialism, which is just wealth transfer between the races
Can't think of anything they're not clearly wrong about. They'd turn any country into a third world shithole within a generation.

>Or our country for letting her set our policy?
Is she? Is she really?
Because from where I'm sitting she's looking like another fart in the wind. Late Night is dead and nobody gives a single fuck about it.

What has haplogroups to do with epicanthic fold?

Sorry I didnt think lad

It's already fucking happening you dope. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean scientists aren't watching it all unfold.

>and also an engineered genotype plague that wipes out africa, china and india
Only sub-saharan(except xhosian), and not including hindusthani, telugu, nagaland and manchu populations right?

>africa, china and india
would want to live to see this

>science fiction bullshit
that's why nobody believes you people

I'll tell you, the only reason Europe seems like a free-everything paradise is because we spend all our tax dollars on their defense.

When even the richest euro shithole doesnt even live up to their NATO promises, then you can really start to understand who the good and bad guys are.

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I think we should start from the back




that eye shape is rather common there. I think it's an adaptation to the cold maybe

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they determine ur looks mate

Thanks for proving this little girl right.

>He doesn't know about the dinosaurs who burned fuel and brought their own extinction

>We won't even talk about warmer ocean waters and the impact on ocean life.

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Too busy with paying for the african immigrants' welfare.

Americans don't believe in evolution either lmao.

This. It's sad how often people over look shit like this. All the virtue signaling political crap about being a good person usually just boils down to someone wanting more control over an aspect of the economy or government.

This. Nobody actually refuses to believe in climate change. It's obviously real. Most of us just accept that it's part of how the fucking planet works. Earth doesn't give a shit about what's on it.

Dumb shit. Dinosaurs smacked cigars a d rode jet skins that contributed to their immense carbon footprint.

Read a fuckin book, ese

>Watching American TV

Makes me kek every time

dinosaur farts man

Great, cut spending, shut down bases, and reinvest in America with Healthcare and infrastructure and education. What's your fucking point? America only looks after it's self. That's why it has all these military bases, because they are in the interest of the country to be able to deploy and protect it's self around the world in minutes.

>cripple the economy with carbon taxes for some minor reduction in global warming a century from now

didn't affect economic growth in australia, increased energy efficiency and business leaders ended up wanting it back. and revenues from the new tax meant income tax was cut and the income barrier for not paying income tax was raised. i'm not a leftist, i'm a right-wing racist, but carbon (or other pollution) trading schemes make absolute sense.

2% isnt even a lot, they're just being unrepentant hard ons.

The truth is that her parents exploid her autism for virtue signaling which results in fame.

why would we pay for military when your bloated and corrupt military-industrial complex will just keep paying for us? :^)

Why does the west hate the environment so much?

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her mother released a book just before greta started protesting her being a green party member doesn't make it better

>you can use emojis as filenames

holy shit, I never realized this was possible.

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God damn white europans ruining the oceans


Is everyone ITT the same "somebody think of the children" epic counter culture conservatives attacking a child's physical appearance online? Interesting.

>the only reason Europe seems like a free-everything paradise
it's not though, it's easier to make a living in the US

hmmmm. so you're saying carbon initiatives are right-wing policy? inteterdesting, interdesting...

and what a coincidence that all the solutions to climate change happen to match up with the rest of the Meta-Cult insanity. The fact is that it is just a wedge issue. I'm sure in a nice homogeneous white society we could and would have a nice solution to pollution and resources.

ones., but WE'RE the bad guys. They barely even have a military because they depend wholeheartedly on the US to provide military aid

Our sons are supposed to give their lives to protect Europe while they forego military expenditures and send all their sons to college for free

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i never received a ban and it's clearly tolerated i'm making next thread by the way

You can tell this man doesn't want to hurt these people. He opens his fist and hesitates even after they strike at him.

fuck me, what a Chad

when was the last time an American soldier fought for anything but America's oligarchy? 1812?

If we grew some balls, hurried the fuck up, and colonized other planets already this issue would be laughable.

Real talk

Do you people actually hate the planet or just "climate change activists"?

Opening your fist before a swing is common boxing practice. It's second nature to the guy. That said it was pretty clear he gave him a chance.

i hate the planet i live on
i hope it dies
then ill be happy

I'm more worried about myself rather than the planet.

How would that solve anything at all.

Oh, you mean to escape the darkies? I get it, I get it.

Probably wouldn't work, though. (((They)))'d just send a bunch of 'em with us.

So were not supposed to have national interests? Were supposed to do everything.on the cuff for freeloaders who do nothing but talk shit about us? Please.

This is how you know who the bad guys are. You go back on promises to provide the MINIMUM in defense and were supposed to just sit there? LOL see what happens when Putin comes.knocking and The Donald has already pulled all IS Troops out of western europe

get your head out of your ass

in a free market it makes sense to introduce pricing schemes to account for externalizations. it was a good policy that works, that the business community likes but that is regretfully opposed because of party politics. i'm not saying all of these initiatives, policies or schemes are necessarily good, they can be mismanaged or negatively affect business, but in Australia it worked, the economy kept growing, individuals got a tax cut and business leaders that originally opposed the plan wanted it back after it was repealed.

The planet doesn't care, people care. People who hate me and want me dead want this to happen. My instincts that evolved to keep me alive over billions of years tell me that this means I should oppose them.

i used to be lukewarm to climate change when i was young then they kept prolonging dates and it seems like every generation is the last ""chance"" if the planet was really that much in danger of sea-levels rising they wouldn't still be raising beach resorts like mushrooms


>How would that solve anything at all.
>how would having more land on a multiplanetary scale help our population problems, along with circumvent planetary heating cycles
user, you're being stupid. How the fuck would taking planets and fashioning them for ourselves not help humanity?

australia is a country with high solar intensity and you don't have to transmit power across long distances. you also don't have the energy requirements of a large nation like china or the united states

I mean, is it really worth it to gamble on it? A renewable source of clean energy has to be way better than things like coal and oil. If the ice caps fully melt and drown out all of the coast lines, are you just going to say "oops"?

When was the last time they needed to? You're acting like Putin is a fairy tale character.

Even the strongest euro country is woefully unprepared for combat.

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Russia has a lower GDP than Italy. Stop buying into scaremongering from corrupt bureaucrats.

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Where're her boobs?

>How the fuck would taking planets and fashioning them for ourselves not help humanity?
It's so ridiculously difficult to "colonize" another planet you'd have to be literally paving over the oceans before it even started to make sense. It's so far from being a solution to our current problems that you have to be a full-on retard to even bring it up. Uh, sorry you had to find out this way.

it's not like my country future is bright i either fuck the elite M.A.D. style or nothing happens again if this world was in actual danger they wouldn't let things get out of control like this

>it's hard therefore we shouldn't do it
If mankind wants to be this lazy then it deserves to die.

i think you're misunderstanding how the carbon trading system worked in Australia.

also usa and china might have larger populations but they also have larger economies, which means more opportunity for investment and other policies

Doesn't matter much if they spend all that GDP on tanks, bombs, and waves of nihilistic idiots while italy spends it on gibs.

The problem with the activists is that they don't actually help their own cause, just squawk about it.

They are the chode at Starbucks who complains about capitalism while they use the free wifi for hours on end. They are the celebrity that yells at you for owning a Hummer while they fly around the world on private jets. They are the hipster living in a studio loft demanding suburban families open their neighborhoods to refugees.

Give me some tangible steps I can take, that YOU actually practice, that won't totally fuck up my quality of living, and then we'll be in a good space about it. This isn't as simple as "vaccines work, get them." There's a lot of talk and not enough substance.

Ask Ukraine who's scaremongering. Theres nowhere to go but west.

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Did you legitimately not understand the post?

Wait, what am I thinking. You're a retard. Of course that's what it was. Whatever. Go back to your star trek, dude.

>Even the strongest euro country is woefully unprepared for combat.
the strongest is France. Germany wasn't even allowed to have a military for decades

>socially submissive azn qt3.14
>socially deranged burger wench who has been programmed to hate the nuclear family and only serve herslef
why would you choose to be miserable just to not appear (((insecure)))

aren't asian americans basicly the same?

I don't live in Eastern Ukraine lmao

if you believe russia will go to war with europe in this millenium you are an idiot

I've just been handing you (You)s despite your reddit spacing and lack of solid understanding of the English language.
The least you owe me is a thank you.

they couldn't even take over their next door neighbor. all they did was steal some awful beach.

none of the western(+russia my west ends at kaukasus) countries have a large enough male base to sacrifice in an actual ground/occuptional war


>Incels unironically believe a cherrypicked strawman infograph used to fuck with righties
This is rich

>European Education

They only hold back because of American protection. How stupid are you?

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She comes from a family that has race mixed with samis and fins SHAME

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How does that work; Germany doesn't even have a single aircraft carrier and the UK has 2.

I think the problem is more, anti climate activists see climate changer protesters as faggy hippies, that just want to make them eat granola. Squawking may be useless, but at least it acknowledges there is a problem. The real solution is to start making it hurt the corporations that pollute the earth, profit over everything else, right? Carbon tax is a big one, incentives to research and adapt cleaner methods of energy would be good. Not buring the Amazon like idiots seems like another logical step.

100% deserved it. Very nice.

Has a nice ring to it

Wow a random incomplete list from a random website. Germany in no way has a stronger military than France, a country that actually pays its NATO share and actually fights its own regional wars in Western Africa, or even the U.K.

>They only hold back because of American protection.
Do you really think Russia wants war lmao

She looks like child Tarja of Nightwish

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>socially deranged burger wench who has been programmed to hate the nuclear family and only serve herslef
Where do you find these girls?
I genuinely have never encountered this bizarro strawman ofa white woman you keep insisting exists.
I have however never encountered a pure asian girl that looks like a kpop star. The pure ones are usually all bunk 4/10 bookish girls.

Well yeah, but good fucking luck. Every car company has patents to make electric cars but they'll sit on them until the fuel burns up and they have no other option.

She's obviously just a bandwagonning teenager but I love how much she triggers the amerimutts.

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>Opening your fist before a swing is common boxing practice

you do realize national socialism has eco underlinings right



>dwindling animal poulation
That couldn't be from a growing human population and industry replacing their habitats, could it? No, it must be the CO2 that plants thrive on and make animal life possible in the first place.

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It's actually a Kara-Te technique, where you grab air and condense it within your fist, for more potential energy as you connect.
Very powerful technique which is illegal in the UFC.

Post her illuminati signalling through photographs and Gematria