ITT: come up with zombie simpsons plots

ITT: come up with zombie simpsons plots

Homer is trans

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flanders sends his kids to gay conversion therapy


and makes Bart take hormones to see how cool is it not to be a bigot

actually kino

Sneed 2: Chuck's Revenge

Lisa goes to capital hill again, but instead of her Democrat heroes being corrupt, they're literal saviors and tell her she's destined to rule the world

Homer mind melds with Farmer 1.

Hoomer the Coomer feeds his seed to his daughter

Bart becomes a celebrity streamer.
Celebrity guest: Ninja.
Marge wants to spend more time with him so she becomes a griefer, then gets carried away.
After ruining her son's channel she feels remorse and they hug it out.
B plot: Homer becomes an angry reviewer along with . He talks about very old video games. His career ends when his Youtube channel tries to do "drama".

South Park did it.

Reverend Lovejoy falls in love with a gay man at a model train convention and divorces his wife. His daughter cameos as though she's always been around, and Bart has to help her respect her dad or something.

Which is why it woukd be a zombie simpson episode

There was already a Bart plays eSports episode

Lisa is raped by Karl and falls pregnant. The rest of the episode revolves around Lisa choice on whether to abort or not.

In the B story, Homer is mistaken for Jack Black after he buys a new wig.

Another celebrity-voiced bad girl arrives and dates Bart, causing him to act out. Meanwhile Lisa meets Greta Whatshername at a climate change protest and they sing a musical number to the tune of Oldtown Road, with a cameo by Little Nass X.
A and B plots converge when Bart is pushed into sabotaging the Power Plant while Lisa and Greta Thing are picketing it. There's a callback to the time Lisa played the acoustic guitar at the worker strike.

homer returns to his favorite farm supply store

They do have "almost-the-same-but-not-quite" episodes sometimes, like buying a horse.
This one would be about ecelebs and streaming rather than the competitive side

marge get ipad

Remember that zombie episode where Liam Neeson was a "cool" Catholic priest, and Marge is bizarrely hostile towards him over her dress smelling from incense and it's never resolved?

Homer gets a farm

Homer is sued and arrested for selling nicotine to a minor with his tomacco product way back when.

homer get ipad

Marge and Homer become involved in the cuckolding lifestyle