Be worlds most powerful wizard

Be worlds most powerful wizard
>dont use powers for anything

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Who is stronger gandalf or Dumbledore

He made those fire pine cones

wizards aren't allowed to use their powerful magic iirc. last time they did everything went to shit.

He was forbidden to. His mission was to encourage the races of the Middle Earth to fight the corruption themselves.

>Be worlds most powerful wizard
But he wasn't

>not allowed

by whom

>worlds most powerful wizard
Yoo-hoo, faggot!

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Lol imagine believing the writing would be so bad as this

Magic isn’t Harry Potter nonsense in the Tolkien universe

Remember when Gandalf was in a cage and then his friends helped him and they fought some ghosts together, and Sauron? And Cate Blanchett went super saiyan and shot Sauron into the sky? Like he flew off like an anime character, with a twinkle in the sky.

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Two sentences, two factual mistakes.

Come back after you've seen the movies or read the books.

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By the Valar, who are the gods of the world, and presumably by Eru Iluvutar, the God of Creation.

One cannot go against the word of God.

Actually, no I don't

By the Valar

All he could do was change into a bear. Not that powerfull

god. the wizards in lotr are angels.

Though D&D is based on LotR, there's major differences. In LotR it's mostly a human focused world, where in D&D it's like equal amount of all races. The LotR world is one where magic is slowly fading and it's transitioning into our universe.

For Wizards, LotR wizards are not casting L5 Lightning every battle. Gandalf mostly fights with a sword.

ahh, a fine bait.

Who wrote this shit
It isnt Tolkien canon

That isn't Beorn, my friend.

pretty sure it is man, wizards were sent to guide the lesser races, not strongarm them

It all comes from The Unfinished Tales, which are the collected notes that Tolkien himself wrote, but never compiled. You'll shitpost and play that down, but you won't be able to reconcile your disbelief with the fact that the notes are consistent with what happened in the story.

>lol just let everyone get slaughtered yo, dems da rules

relifags everyone

>lmao this silly lol so randum character is one of the strongest beings in the universe
>hes good but hes also neutral xd
Epic. Just remove him out of the canon instead of trying to shoehorn him like that.

We need Gandalf v Dumbledore like Freddy v Jason or Alien v Predator...

So... does that mean we need it, or we don't need it...?

>Dumbledore: REDUCTO
>Gandalf: *thinks 3 hours over the elvish word for friend*
>Gandalf: *dies*

I believe if he uses magic it would be sending a signal "Gandalf is here" to any of the possible mystical big bads running around.
Like Sauron.

Last time the gods intervened in mortal affairs a entire continent was destroyed but you came here to shit post so whatever


Are you that faggot who reee'd every time I pointed out that Gandalf could have 1v1'd all the way to Mt Doom and rekt'd Sauron even before becoming the White Wizard? Then ran off and cried every time I cited this information that he could but didn't because it would have destroyed much of the world in the process? Or the fact that the information states Gandalf was sent to advise men into winning through their own shit, rather than winning it for them.

I really really really really really really fucking hate it when spergs share their retarded fucking musings on movie lore

Worse than when they talk about what they'd do in a movie script
shut the fuck up tard

he got his dick whipped by a balrog tho, and balrogs are basically chumps. elves used to tear through them like they were paper back in the day

No. Fucking 'ell mate how long do you spend on here. Get a life

Saruman was more powerful than Gandalf

Logic > Power

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I dont remember that. Was it in LotR trilogy? I really need to rewatch them and finally get round to reading the books.

Gandalf, Freddy and Predator easily win.

He wasn't the world's most powerful wizard.

He bumblefucks through the entirety of Fellowship; he gets called out for being a fucking DUDEWEEDLMAO burnout

That's why it's important when he ascends. It changes his whole character

>an angelic being vs some faggot
Gee i wonder

Read the books, it expounds upon this

>Logic > Power

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How does it feel to have a daughter, bro?

>I've expounded your mom, if you know what I mean

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He isn't allowed to expose the Middle Earth t the full extent of his powers. That's why the magic he uses is very low key.

>and I smote his ruin upon the mountainside

Did you only watch fellowship? He fucked the balrog up without even coming close to using his full power, then illuvitar was like "that shit was awesome, I'm gonna promote you."

It is. Tolkien himself wrote it.

Thats some GRR Martin level of stupid

I can't remember what source but Tolkien basically said that Sauron would have lost against Gandalf without the ring and would have been 50/50 even with it. But it would have resulted in the world being destroyed anyway.

Logic is power, though

I get why they don't let him use his powers but its fucking boring.

pretty sure he died of that, man. and then he was resurrected, as it goes with the non-humans

actually, now that I think about it, I'm not clear about whether hobbits and whatever get resurrected. isn't it only humans to were given the gift of death? then what happens to all the balrogs etc.?

Who do you think came up with most of the stuff GRR is deconstructing in his own works?

What?who?hats a confusing sentence user

What a hack.

The gods in LOTR sound like lazy boomers.
>what you need my help?
>I could help, but then I'd have to be careful and that is too much work for me right now
>just walk up to sauron with a firm handshake

>Hey Gandalf I have the ring
>Oh sweet, OK, I'm gonna go put it into Mt Doom, you have a nice life, Frodo

He's saying GRR sounds stupid because he's copying Tolkien. Not saying I agree, but it's not a confusing or hard-to-understand sentence, user.

Definitely dumbledore. Gandalf can’t really use any magic except for that one time he made a lamp.

>you think I was just handed godhood by Eru Ilúvatar?

Geroege isnt deconstruction nothing you punk

>>dont use powers for anything
i thought he did to beat the balrog

Have forces equal or greater to Gandalf for him to fight.

Well don't tell me that.

Gandalf would've given in to temptation, which would lead to the arguably more interesting story where he's the villain.

*hits pipe*

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It’s not like he restrained himself...guys. The valar “wiped” the Wizards memory (’s like a distant dream they can barely remember, Valinor and the great spells) when Gandalf returns as Gandalf the white, he is given more of his mind back to help rally men

The balrog kills him in battle what do you want?

Only a few elves ever killed a balrog. It was a big deal whenever that happened

>he got his dick whipped by a balrog tho, and balrogs are basically chumps
balrogs and wizards are both maiar, the same brand of magical cunt, just in different clothes.

the fire magic wasn't even his powers, it was the leet elvish ring mentioned in the first monologue that gave him flame sorcery