No, Die Hard is not a Christmas movie!

>No, Die Hard is not a Christmas movie!

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>Blade Runner is anti-immigration right-wing propaganda

I hate you all

What is that, a soi version of Tahu Nuva from Bionicle?

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Yeah, from /biog/.

But Tahu is a Chad, of course.

Such a specific fucking image

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>>No, Die Hard is not a Christmas movie!
So you're saying Bruce Willis is wrong?

It IS a Christmas movie, chief


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>It IS a Christmas movie, chief
Nope. It's a movie that takes place during Christmas.
You could change the "Christmas" party to any other holiday party and the movie would remain the same.

Me and Bruce Willis agree on this.

Or are you saying Rocky 4 is a Christmas movie as well?

>Or are you saying Rocky 4 is a Christmas movie as well?

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You're just silly.

Therefore, according to your reasoning, if any movie took place during Christmas, it's a Christmas movie.

Cast Away is a Christmas movie since it shows Christmas and Tom Hanks' character spent 4 Christmas's on his island.


Alright pal agree to disagree

Cast Away is a Christmas classic

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>Alright pal agree to disagree
So you're saying you have no more arguments in your defense?

I’m just saying Die Hard is a Christmas movie ppw

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>I’m just saying Die Hard is a Christmas movie ppw
And I've offered the reason as to why it's not. No one has refuted me.

>Cast Away is a Christmas classic
See? You're being silly. You have no argument.

>What's my favorite Christmas movie you ask?
>I bet you're expecting me to list one of the classics like Home Alone or It's a Wonderful Life
>But you see my lady, I'm not like the other men (or shall I refer to them as boys, as their minds are so underdeveloped)
>My favorite Christmas movie is a bit different, and a bit unexpected
>Have you guessed it? Of course not
>It's Die Hard
>I bet you didn't see that coming
>It's not typically seen as a Christmas movie, but it's set during Christmas and contains many themes of the holiday
>It's a subversive choice that only an intellectual like myself can appreciate

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It’s a Christmas movie because it takes place during Christmas. Just like Home Alone, another Christmas movie

>>It's not typically seen as a Christmas movie, but it's set during Christmas and contains many themes of the holiday
Like murdering people. And drugs. And blowing shit up.

>he has Lego toys in his room

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>Y-yeah Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie a-at all h-haha

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>It’s a Christmas movie because it takes place during Christmas. Just like Home Alone, another Christmas movie

>he bases his life on what a woman thinks

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But Cast Away IS a Christmas movie. You’re being silly, ppw

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And you know... all the christmas paraphernalia in the WHOLE movie even right up to the end when he uses Christmas tape to secure his gun, ho ho ho I have a machine gun, all the Christmas music throughout the whole movie. It's an action movie. That is also a Christmas movie now get over it faggot.

>Why yes, I do enjoy Bionicle movies at Christmas time, how could you tell?

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>And you know... all the christmas paraphernalia in the WHOLE movie even right up to the end when he uses Christmas tape to secure his gun,
Which could've been replaced with independence day bunting, thanksgiving decorations, new years decorations, st. patricks day decorations etc.

> all the Christmas music throughout the whole movie.
Which could've been replaced with any other holiday music.

>That is also a Christmas movie
Christmas is not the theme of the movie. Action is. Therefore its not a Christmas movie. It's an action movie that takes place during Christmas.

>now get over it faggot.
no. u.

Based and redpilled

Why yes, despite being made for children, I do find the Bionicle Movies quite lacking in comparison to the Bionicle Comics, animations, and flash games. How could you tell?

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The plot would not have happened had it not been for Christmas, and it would not have made sense for any other holiday save for Hanukkah

Woah, I didn’t know I’d be posting in a thread with someone this based. Thank you for the reply

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>Nooooo! They Live is about denominations of people I despise and not 80s era Reaganomics!

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>why yes, I do think Die Hard is a Hanukkah movie, how could you tell?

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Oh, and one more thing: fuck jannies!

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Die Hard taking place at Christmas is important to its tone because of the way it contrasts the time of festivity with the absence of traditional imagery in LA

>The plot would not have happened had it not been for Christmas,
It would've happened at any other time when the building was empty for a holiday.

> and it would not have made sense for any other holiday
You mean like a New Year's party, a independence day party, st. patrick's day party, etc?

>Die Hard taking place at Christmas is important to its tone
Which is an action movie.

>because of the way it contrasts the time of festivity with the absence of traditional imagery in LA
It doesn't focus on LA because LA is not central to the story. The story could be taking place in any city with a large building. NYC, Chicago etc.

What a strange thread

LA I'd not central to the literal events of the plot, but the contrast between Christmas and the nontraditional imagery of a coastal big city is integral to the tone.

>LA I'd not central to the literal events of the plot, but the contrast between Christmas and the nontraditional imagery of a coastal big city is integral to the tone.
In which Christmas could be replaced with any other holiday or completely ignored.

Because the movie isn't about Christmas or traditional Christmas beliefs.

Name me one other Christmas movie you see tiddies in.

I thought die hard took place on Christmas Eve, not Christmas

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