Who should play as her/them in the Oscar winning biokino?

Who should play as her/them in the Oscar winning biokino?

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Idris elba comes to mind

Emma Roberts and Kiana something

wasn't there a sextape already?

Wayans brothers

Ray Milland and Rosey Grier

can you imagine being able to make out with yourself?

Emma Stone and Jane Levy

... also, you know you would, Yea Forums.

Attached: Hensel_Twins.jpg (720x540, 39K)

Stop trying to blackwash roles. I think Idris is a great actor, but given that the actual Hensel twins are white, it just would break the suspension of disbelief to have a black actor play them and you know it.

I'm guessing they share sides of the body but feel both sides? Do you think they take turns flicking their bean?

Eric Stoltz

which one is the alpha?

Neck cleavage. Whore.

what happens if the left one commits a crime? do they both go to jail?

One sucks your dick while the other sucks your balls

Just use some make up.

Imagine if your second head was a coomer

Each head can only feel their respective side of the body.

So how does sex and masturbation work?

If one is dyke and the other is straight can they not have sex?

how about both of them are eating my ass

What happens when one dies?


Well, on American horror story: Freak Show they had a two headed woman and when one of her heads died from being poisoned the other one died along with it.

If one bank robber shoots someone even the getaway driver gets charged with murder. It could be like that.

Do this!

Attached: Hensel_Twin_Casting.png (625x425, 423K)

Fug I want my pp in their neck gap bros ;-;

Just to clarify, if one of them orgasms, they both experience an orgasm right? So you could force the other head to orgasm even if only one head was into you

The clock starts ticking for the other. Either cut off the necrotic portion of the other twin or plan on dying shortly thereafter.

Chloe Grace Moretz.

If one of them manages to commit a crime then it stands to reason the other one was an accomplice for not stopping them.

A better question is, if one consents to sex with you but the other doesn't, is it rape?

now you're thinking

no he doesn't lmao
>is it rape
yes, you need them both to consent since it's one body

if it has kids which one is the mom

I bet you aint seen them do this before

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Me on the left

Some fucking kinky forbidden shit going on in their love life, no doubt.

What brain controls the organ functions? If one dies the other could be left without the ability to keep the guts functioning.

Who controls the vagoo?

what side controls the farts

Their boyfriend(s).

felony murder. if someone dies while you are committing a felony it's murder even if you aren't the one that killed them or did it unintentionally.

the brain does control your heartbeat so they probably both die at the same time

They have two brains and two hearts.

Sara Paulson

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Is this real?

How many assholes?

It's an ancient shoop. You can tell from the hair on the head that isn't sucking a cock.

If you chop one head off is it murder?

what if one of them is a coalburner but the other one is racist

As real as my curiosity fap folder allows. Looks legit I guess.

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One vagoo. One butthole.

it absolutely isn't, where did you get this idea?
>sit outside bank in a car
>someone gets shot inside
>you catch a murder charge
that's not how it works

Incredibly based and underrated post

So you fuck the one vagoo they both climax?

dude you could get away with any crime just say that the other one made you do it

That's literally what happens though.

No, actually, it quite literally is.

>“A death that occurs during the commission or attempted commission of any felony constitutes murder” is the classic definition of the felony murder doctrine. This doctrine has been roundly criticized and narrowed by commentators and legislators, yet it still exists in some form or other in nearly all states. Modern statutes make it first-degree murder when the death occurs during very serious, specified felonies, such as rape, robbery, burglary, and arson. Deaths occurring during the commission of all other felonies become second-degree murder.

again, where the fuck did you get this idea? post source

how old are you?

Except it is. Sorry you can't be bothered to google, or heard of this before, or read a news story about it, or watched one of the millions of crime procedural on tv, but it is.

i think only one of them feels it though

yeah, you're right, I saw a video about some guy spending 19 years in prison or something as a part of a crew, in which one of its members unintentionally killed someone during a robbery
He took the rap

We don't have it in Australia, but some American states do have it

Janet Portman, a former criminal defense lawyer who now writes legal briefs and articles about law at lawyers.com summarizes the limits and quirks of it quite well here:


Would it be a double homicide of a person kills them?

They really should have that mexican dude with two dicks shove both into their vag to make it all work out nicely.

Yes. They are both granted individual personhood.

New ogre magi arcana when

jesus fuck that's beyond retarded, what a shithole the US is. that's not the way it works here and it's definitely the first time I've seen it

Ummm....racist much???!! Wow, just wow

i remember some nignog getaway driver getting hit with that felony murder after his fellow criminal got killed in self defense.

Now this I would pay good money to pirate.

that's a big missed opportunity for a Halloween costume

Nah, it's sensible. Don't do things that can lead to people dying. If someone would have otherwise lived if you hadn't acted in a manner that was inherently illegal already, that's your fault. You impose the risk, you pay the penalty.

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definitely not lmao

>it's sensible to serve prison time for something you literally didn't do

do something as a group and share the responsibility as a group. If you are going to join up with people to commit a felony make sure one isn't trigger happy, or don't commit a felony. problem solved. it's not like it's something that fucks over the average american on a regular basis.

If I shoot one of them in the head, would the death of the other one be a lesser charge, because I wasnt aiming for her?

It makes sense. Besides, we have freedom of speech. Fuck off.

Yup. You don't need to literally kill someone to be responsible for it. Sorry, the world understands nuance and doesn't allow loopholes of "well technically "I" didn't kill them..." You're part of what caused the death. Deal with it.

see you literally didn't do it
it doesn't make sense at all
>muh freedumb
not the topic
>you don't need to be responsible for an action to be responsible for the action

Yeah nigger, I shoot a bullet at you it wasn't me that killed you - it was the bullet! I'm innocent, LOL!

if a dumb shit is robbing a bank because of you and you're cool with it you're responsible for the dumb shit he does that wouldn't have occurred without you and that at any point you could've prevented

them sucking dick

but you're literally not a murderer if you drive a getaway car for robbers. you're conspiring to rob a bank, you LITERALLY didn't kill anyone

>you literally didn't do it
This isn't something that effect bystanders. This is someone that already decided to take part in a crime. They are responsible for the outcome of that crime.

If I splashed some gasoline on your house, then someone else came by with a match, am I innocent of arson?

Jesus Christ. We're trying to have a nice thread about the sexual possibilities with a chick with two heads and you faggots started some retarded argument about murder.

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>it doesn't make sense at all
But it does. You participated in a group action that resulted in a death. You ARE responsible for it, even if you aren't the one to do it, because you are part of what made that group occurrence happen.

Just stop man, you aren't inherently right here and won't prove yourself right. This is a complex and nuanced legal discussion that has no direct true or false answer, so stop trying to act like you've got the lock on what is right. Drop the argument.

Jennifer Lawrence plays both

>You don't need to be responsible for the action to be responsible for the action
Except that's not what it is. It's indirect action that's causing the death of others. Of course it depends on the situation and usually the judge or jury decides what charge and sentence would be given based on that. An accomplice that drives a getaway car after someone else murders someone is different from someone murdering someone else and the accomplice is given the murder weapon. There's nuance and a million variables.

>Muh freedom
You mentioned the US being a shithole. I'd rather live in a place where people can be charged for being an accomplice to a crime than be punished for saying the wrong thing.

>them sucking dick

You can't use the word literally in that case, because the definition of murder already includes that situation, so yes, you literally are a murderer.

You didn't literally perform the physical action that resulted in death, but you did literally commit murder if you participated in a group crime that resulted in the premature death of someone else, because murder is defined via legal statues and precedent rulings.

Right, and you "LITERALLY" didn't kill the guy who died after being hit by that bullet fired out of your gun. Yet we're able to figure out that if it wasn't for you the bullet wouldn't have hit and killed the guy, so you're still responsible.

Most of us are about to figure that out, anyway.

the law in my country doesn't work like that, all robbers get individual charges for their roles. I think it's retarded and so does the legal system here
are you actually implying you cannot get punished for saying the wrong thing in the US
>driving a car away from the crime scene is the same as pulling the trigger of a gun while aiming at someone
alright I jumped the gun, the definition of murder depends on the legal system

no one gives a shit about your country shut the fuck up already you mongoloid

When can I hit something??
Who's stopping ya?

>>driving a car away from the crime scene is the same as pulling the trigger of a gun while aiming at someone
So you recognize by implication here that you don't "LITERALLY" have to kill someone to kill them. So it's not a question of if you have to "LITERALLY" kill someone but of how far from that "LITERALLY kill" you have to still be held accountable.

And I'm comfortable saying that the getaway driver is close enough. Don't rob banks. Kill politicians instead.

by that logic gun manufacturers are murderers. maybe there's some truth to that desu

holy fuck imagine being this mad. the US is third world

But they're also life-savers, user. It evens out.

Unrelenting shitposting

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you're now delving into semantics and straying from the point

>Saying the wrong thing
Yes, I am, to the limits of speech itself, you cannot be legally punished. If it incites or directs action it is considered as such. For example, shouting "fire!" In a theater when there isn't one incites action, be it to fight the fire or flee, which can cause damages to people or property.

>cannot be legally punished
yes you can, google "hate speech"

she shouldn't push so hard

So you DON'T recognize that by shooting someone you've killed them? Well then we're back to several posts ago, with me calling you a retard.

also google "contempt of cop". you can be arrested for being rude to the police
I do, shooting someone and killing them falls on you

Hate speech is a poorly used, broadly painted statement that is 100% of the time based on opinion, not objective criteria. Regardless of what you or I think, hate speech has no legal ramifications unless it can be proven to be inciting action. For example, calling a black person a disgusting porch monkey that doesn't deserve the mud he sleeps in might be a tad impolite, but not legally punishable compared to someone calling for others to harm, hunt, hurt, or attack those disgusting immigrant sand rats while they come across the border. One incites or heavily implies the desire for action, namely violence, and is a crime. The other is just being rude, and in the US you cannot be legally punished solely on the basis of being rude.

And the officer can and will be reviewed to see if action is justified, flawed as that system is. Often times it is obstruction of Justice.

That thing should've been killed as soon as it was spawned and is further proof that there is no god and even if there is he doesn't love us and wants all of us to suffer beyond all reason


that is true
>and will
KEK. holy fuck dude, the police in the US are corrupt as fucking shit. stop pretending like cops there aren't above the law
you don't have complete freedom in the US

Fuck that. I've seen them in person shopping at the Target at the Quarry mall north of Minneapolis. They're kinda alluring in person. Would bang.

Yeah, I should have said that on the police thing. Definitely corrupt, probably the worst working part in the legal system at the moment that I can think of. However, that doesn't make the rest of my points invalid. Particular that of speech.

How would your legal system respond to this? What if someone was stabbed off camera? What if someone was trampled off camera?

Attached: doctors and lawyers, women and children.webm (400x326, 2.99M)

>a 2 headed freak monster is "alluring"
You can get mercd right along with them

we would have an extremely extensive period of investigation, we would not just say "fuck it, charge them all for the same thing"
that's just not how it works here

What if one head is black and the other is white?

>do something as a group and share the responsibility as a group.
So if you kill someone in a car accident your passengers are sued too ? If someone dies by the fault of a surgeon the whole hospital goes to jail ? Fascinating country.

What country?

>one of them sucks your dick while the other one sucks your balls at the same time
life is not fair, why does some lucky faggot get that every single day?

it's a stupid fake photo don't worry about it

>we would not just say "fuck it, charge them all for the same thing"
I dunno, I might

They have separate boyfriends.

I'm with this if they don't have two vaginas then only one of them can really consent

>grow another head to get double betabux
these roasties are craftier than I thought


I wouldn't argue about it much, the american justice system is modeled after baseball

>For example, shouting "fire!" In a theater when there isn't one incites action, be it to fight the fire or flee, which can cause damages to people or property.
this has literally never been tested in court dumbass

lol there's no way any straight male would agree to that

>sucks your balls
Just as good as "sucks your knee", ballsack isn't erogenous.

Well you know what they say. Two heads are better than one. Imagine being its boyfriend.

are you serious my dude? I can cum just from a girl sucking on my balls

>we live in the same planet as this

The only reason Norway can be away with its legal system is because its demographics don't require it to be used all that much.

>we live in the same planet as you

Driving a car is not in itself premeditated crime. You, as passenger, didn't participate.

If, on the other hand say, the driver was drunk, and you willingly got in as a passenger, then yes you would be liable.

Are you circumcised by any chance ?

A car accident is not a commission of a crime.
A surgeon unable to save a patient is not committing a crime.

You clearly are too on-the-spectrum to understand nuance of human behavior. Stick to math where it's all black and white.

no, why would that matter at all for your balls lol

>If, on the other hand say, the driver was drunk, and you willingly got in as a passenger, then yes you would be liable.
That's not the case. I get you are trying to educate the dunce, but this is wrong.

hey thanks

>Stick to math where it's all black and white.
>1 is equal to 0.9 repeating
>black and white

This thread got retarded fast. Get the fuck out you goddamn spergs, discuss your legal systems in pol

How can this monster have a bf? How do you even flirt?
>hey you're cute (lmao), want a drink?
>no not you left head, only right head

>hey stop posting that off topic thing in this off topic thread
I don't even have a board to send you to except Yea Forums

Drunk driving is a crime, and you willingly participated in that crime by not preventing the drunk person from driving. How is that different from the bank robbery scenario?

Because cumming from having your skin licked could indicate that you lost your main erogenous part. But mybe you're just very imaginative. For me it's just "lick what you want but when you have some time could you take care of my dick pls".

He's right. And as a oil-guzzler myself, every time I remember that Breivik is still alive rather than having been executed is a day when I feel my sense of the integrity of the norwegian justice system crumbling.

It already hit the point where I seriously considered killing someone earlier this year, after some fucking retard almost hit me in a head-on collision because he was diving into the passenger seat and ended up in oncoming traffic. He hit the crash barrier and left a huge mark on it and just kept going. I did a 180 and followed him until he stopped at a bus stop, then when I parked next to him he was like "wuh??? my tire exploded for no reason??", as if he genuinely didn't realize what'd happened. And he had this massively morbidly obese cow with a look on her face like her IQ was below 80 sitting in the back seat sharing wisdom with me like "You realize he didn't MEAN it, right?"

Then after 3 weeks the police are just like "well, uh, can't prove it happened so we can't even give him a mark on his license, lol"

only reason that didn't spur me into murderous violence as a result is that nobody got hurt, as the three people in my car very easily could've

And every time the justice system fails to deliver justice, that feeling of personal violence as a reasonable response to the failure of the system seems more reasonable.

>sucking your balls is the same as licking your nuts
are you ESL or something? do you not know what the word suck means?

I know and it doesn't make any difference. At best it could hurt.

you've never been with a girl before have you? it's ok, we're all anonymous here

I agree with you and I never implied that our system is flawless

lmao virgin detected

I've been with 5 girls exactly. One of them tried to finger my ass and I almost punched her. I'm not into erotic shit, fucking means dick in vagina and all this ear sucking nipple sucking balls sucking or even sweet/dirty words just annoys me.

>in my country
Opinion discarded. This is an American image board.

This. And Gedde Watanabe for the other sister.

no it isn't, it's international. it's also owned by some gook

>board full of Americans
>hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i tink dis ting
>gets told he's wrong
>but itz dis way in mah kuntry
Where you from? I bet it's somewhere irrelevant.


They control two limbs each, it's likely that the vagina is only connected to a single head. One head is forced to watch the other orgasm over and over without ever being able to orgasm herself.

They decide who controls it for the day by arm wrestling each morning.


wow this mutt is absolutely seething. you're living in a shithole
my country is absolutely irrelevant, why would I want it to be relevant? we have extremely high living standards, what do you have to show for your relevancy?

I hypothesize that they feel one wall each and half the clit, if the divide is really right down the middle. If one has the clit and the other doesn't, I don't know how they haven't killed themselves yet

A house valued at 750KUSD and a Lexus. Gonna take the golf cart down to the country club to watch football here in a few minutes. What do you have to show for your irrelevancy? Your sister sucking dick behind the barn to pay for your internet?


your house is valued at a Lexus? stop larping, esl friend

The baby won't come out otherwise

Almost. Don't skip your lessons, user, you're almost there.

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back to the topic, I'm obviously talking about the US and not you specifically. you can live as a king in brazil, that doesn't make it not a shithole
tell me how relevancy makes a country great

>A house valued at 750KUSD
Plywood is THAT expensive ?

When the aliens come they wont say "Take me to YOUR leader". They will be talking to us and we will tell them you are jerks.

Newer homes don't use plywood. It's something called oriented strand board, which is why termites and destructive insects aren't really a concern anymore. Manufacturing improvements have made OSB nearly as cheap as plywood, so people go with that because it holds up exponentially better/longer.

they'll fly straight to israel

I live as a baron or whatever in America and don't have to worry about getting kidnapped and ransomed and having bits cut off to show "proof of life". I'll take that over being King of Brazil.

lol I love these incel fantasy LARP posters so fucking much, they're the only reason I come back to 4channel instead of the superior Yea Forums

Which head are you?

you're being obtuse. my point is that your specific experience doesn't necessarily represent your country. you're not an average american
an average scandi is way better off than the average american

This meme needs to die. If it's a live action roleplay, the dude is in a house worth 750K and has a lexus and just rented them or someshit.

imagine one of them wanting a sex change
i'd pay to good money to see that clown fiesta on TLC

>one has a crush on you and the other can't stand you

>to make her sister happy Left Head let's you go on dates and stays quiet despite thinking you're trash

>Right Head is so infatuated she decides to hook up with you

>They share a vag so Left Head has to look away the whole time and try to keep her moans down as she gets fucked

>pretends she didn't take your cock in later convos

Pretty hot ngl

Does it count as gay incest?


>You should have put that out

That's not participation in the furtherance of a crime unless you can prove you coerced the driver to carry out the action. Grow up, pedant.

what a waste
scared of your own body aren't you

Of course it is because that's one person who is now dead. A better question is: does the body run around like a chicken?


based rainman tier autist