My Friends, you pay tax to no one

>My Friends, you pay tax to no one

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Goldman Sachs.
You fear to go into their books. The traders traded too greedily and with too much leverage. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Freddie Mac.
Debt and Exposure.

Attached: 1566593685191[1].jpg (1920x799, 200K)

>negative interest rates?
>sounds like jewish mischief to me

Attached: image.jpg (500x500, 58K)

>and 9, 9 bailouts were given to the banks of men

Your create far too much stock volatility... "Mr. Underhill"!

Attached: 1566592934390[1].jpg (900x372, 31K)

The peak of the Laffer Curve approaches.

Attached: 1566594470246[1].jpg (900x379, 55K)

>What about bailout?
>You already had it
>We had one yes

Attached: we had one yes.jpg (588x252, 39K)

Abolish the Gold Standard. You gave us your word!

Attached: 1566592762509[1].jpg (900x372, 96K)

One does not simply introduce universal income in Mordor. Its bank gates are guarded by more than just jews. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the Great Rothschild, is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with non-citizen labor, automation and high taxation. The very air you breathe is a yearly expense. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!

Attached: Lotr-boromir-1280jpg-b6a4d5_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

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The CBOT opening bell shall sound in the deep... one last time!

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It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much IRS and SEC audit over so small a thing.

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can someone explain this tax meme to me

count them, file em, send them to the jew

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>The year 3434 of the Second Age. Here follows the account of Isildur, the High King of Gondor, and the finding of the Stock Tip of Power.
>It has come to me, the One Investment. It shall be an heirloom of my Kingdom. All those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to its dividends, for I shall risk no hurt to the issuer. It is precious to me, though I buy the shares with a great pain. The markings upon the shareholder meeting poster begin to fade. The writing, which at first was as clear as red flame, has all but disappeared – a secret now that only fire can tell.

Attached: gandalf.jpg (900x375, 87K)

>Many that live deserve an audit. And some that have gone insolvent deserve a bailout. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out TARP funds

Attached: Gandalf-the-Grey.jpg (900x380, 46K)

memes arent supposed to make the reader feel stupid...

Yes user, I too wish I knew shit about economics just so these would be funnier.

George RR Martin said Tolkien's works are good but doesn't deal with enough specifics about the results of the events in the story. Did Aragorn keep a standing army after Sauron fell, what was his tax policy like(this is a direct quote). The whole quote was just so... autistic that people have been memeing it ever since

google aragorns tax policy

What was his tax policy?

Attached: 9.jpg (400x400, 30K)

negative bachelor tax

>gets crowned king
>immediately starts singing about taxes
Was it late stage capitalism?

how many bitcoins is a daughter worth?

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These are good fundamentals, Haleth, son of Háma. There's always profit.

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how many daughters is a bitcoin worth?

Attached: 1569091915883.jpg (400x102, 11K)

He's making some legitimate points about the focus of Tolkien's writing. The only thing autistic about it is tolkien fans reeing that some upstart writer DARE call it less than perfect.

Based and ancappilled

Other than the obvious points of LOTR being a pure fantasy series and how in the ever loving fuck would you work in some retarded chapter explaining the taxation system of 50,000 foot tall fantasy tree cities of elves, GRRM doesn't actually talk about his own taxes and standing armies either, if you read the entirety of the books the only sort of financial talk that ever arises are mentions that various countries are in debt, but that debt is never specifically shown to have consequences or really addressed in any way.

You mean Lehman Brothers or Bear Sterns, Goldman Sachs got out in time.

No he doesn’t. Because that shit is post scriptum and didn’t even matter. Part of telling a good story is knowing what you’re writing and it’s pretty obvious that fatfuck has lost control of his, to the point where he’ll work on anything else, even video games, to avoid it.

None of those points are legitimate, LotR is an anglo-saxon/viking epic, not a historical treatise on warfare and taxation

>if the sell wall is breached, stock prices will spike

>even if it is breached, it will take a number beyond reckoning, thousands, to eat the wall

>tens of thousands

>but, my lord, there is no such funds


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Games of Thrones hack author trying to act like he is on the same playing field as Tolkien in world-building. As if he was with Tolkien in 1955 he could have given Tolkien advice on how to make LotR better, by having Tolkien put in unnecessary and mundane information such as middle earth’s tax plans, army regulations, etc like everyone wasn’t satisfied with the ending and needed a fourth installment of Aragorn sitting all day doing paperwork at his desk in Gondor; from what I recall Pippin opened a library after LotR - Martin would like to see the paperwork on that too; might as well throw in the details of Sam’s marriage - did he have a large income from the war, maybe he made Rose sign a prenup; Frodo sold Bag-End, we need to see the paperwork on that; and of course the orc-hunting policy, Martin points out not all the orcs were killed in the war, what are the people of middle earth gonna do about it - kill them as they see them? (which is a fine enough conclusion to assume) but Martin has to know for sure, were detachments sent to hunt for them? Was there a policy established that orcs dindu nuffin and should be integrated?
Martin asks questions that can easily be answered by the reader’s own tastes; I assume he just made those statements for publicity and to place himself in the same league as Tolkien, because the things he’s concerned about are very trivial and literally who cares tier

I'm pretty sure Martin also said that there are two kinds of writing that boil down to--developing the story before you start writing, and writing to develop the story. He's in the latter camp, and he's demonstrating exactly why that's a terrible approach.

True, but Goldman tanked pretty fucking hard in 2008 as well. Didn't they have some toxic assets? I mean, obviously there was panic/herd selling at that point, but I don't quite believe that they weren't exposed at all, just because they ultimately made it.

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the rest of you 40%

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They are taking the profits to Isen Bank

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>Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple.
It actually almost always is. The ruler of a country - whether that's a King or an elected President - makes the high level decisions that steer a country's direction and broadly determines how well the country will do. A shit ruler makes for a shit country, and a good ruler makes for a good country. It's rare to see this pattern reversed.

Well, the sell-offs were speculation (fear) about the extent of the problem, which at the time nobody really understood. In general, stock prices shouldn't be counted on as an indicator of what's actually going on, for all sorts of reasons: there's more tea-leaf reading going on now than ever before (in the form of algorithmic trading), modest fast changes create positive feedback loops (or, as they say, "don't catch a falling knife"), the methodology is dodgy as shit, an awful lot of money is in index funds which will drag unrelated stocks along for the ride... not to mention, the 2009 stock price crash was not caused by new financial reports, but by news reports.

I took it as "good hearted"

GRRM made a comment about Tolkien not writing about Aragorn's tax policy. Yea Forums turned this comment into a meme by quoting lines from the movie but making them 'economy' themed

If I am to make a return on my portfolio, father, think better of me.

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>LotR is an anglo-saxon/viking epic, not a historical treatise on warfare and taxation
That is what Martin is trying to say, yes. But thanks for proving the point: Tolkien fans are autistic about perceived criticism, even if it isn't criticism in the first place.
A good man does not necessarily make a good ruler. Aragorn just conveniently happens to be both.

That will depend on the rate of your return.

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im trying to get into forex trading in my spare time... hood idea or bad, any advice? (bare in mind all my knowledge is from watching YouTube videos)

>Bankers of Goldman Sachs! Of Wall street! My brothers. I see in your quarterly earnings the same fear that would tank the housing market. A day may come when the courage of the lenders of last resort fails, when government does not reward your reckless lending practices and stops the cycle of nationalization of private losses. But that day is not today! An hour of credit default swaps and shattered banks when the age of the investment banker comes crashing down! But it is not this day. This day we lend! By all that you hold dear on this good Marketplace, we will lend! Men of the West!
For Rothschild!

Attached: 1485008488841.png (364x322, 56K)

definitely a hood idea, Nigga

>excuse me I have a resume, please hire me, I offer you my service Theoden, manager
>and gladly I accept it, you shall be Meriadoc, Junior Accountant of Rohan Ltd.

Attached: merry010613a.jpg (739x315, 134K)

Just take a few months and start reading business news on the regular. I got access to the financial times online through my local library, I started reading it daily for six months, just getting an understanding. You don't need to read everything, but try to skim all the headlines, find the shit that interests you, expand from there.


>They have a cave toll

Attached: cave toll.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

but it is autistic, he's comparing a work of fiction to some of the real world, like some kid trying to sound interesting going over a point that is not necessary to go through

moments men are allowed to cry in


>He's making some legitimate points about the focus of Tolkien's writing
no he's not, because it's an mythical epic, those things don't fucking matter. Why do plebs think realism is a meter of quality? I hate this shit.

>Gandalf: [reading] "'They have taken the office… and the second condo'"
>[Gimli stops sobbing, and looks up blankly.]
>Gandalf: "'We have barred all transactions… but cannot hold them for long. The stock shakes.'"
>[Pippin, still holding checkbook and pencil, backs away.]
>Gandalf: "'Jews… Jews… and audits.'"
>[He looks up slowly, and turns the smudged, red-inked page. The Fellowship Ltd. begins to glance around uncomfortably.]
>Gandalf: "'We cannot bail out. A silent Chinese investor moves in the dark.'"
>[Pippin stumbles back and sees a corpse hanging from the ceiling. He turns towards it.]
>Gandalf: "'We cannot bail out…'" [He glances at the last, single line, a scrawl fading out at the bottom of the page. Gandalf looks up in the uncomfortable silence.] "'(((They))) are coming!'"

>Fiction being related to reality is autism

Even then. No king rules alone. If you act like a prick and don't make the people, court and your allies happy, soon your country is fucked and your head's on a spike.
t. over 2000 hours on crusader kings 2

He has zero points. His own universe has all finances handled by a "Master of Coin" who pulls funds out of his ass, and a nebulous bank 3,000 miles away that just lends out gold.

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Fingolfin fighting with Melkor over his Simaril Tax plan

Attached: Fingolfin vs Melkor 2.png (681x700, 505K)

LotR needs to be remade with dialogue like this to get the general population to learn about how their finances and government work
It reminds me of a comic I saw years ago where a dad was telling his son that future generations will be so stupid that they will need to make pornos about the federal reserve in order to get people to pay attention

This whole thread is gold

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I tear up hard at aragorn’s part in this scene


You mean gold standard

f*ck yes! take my upboats

>In place of a central bank, you would have a free market.
>Not fiat, but gold-backed! Reliable as the dawn, expansive as the sea! Stronger than the foundations of the earth!
>All shall invest and prosper.

Attached: cOuP3.jpg (950x392, 49K)

And a magic jar that gushes forth fleets.

all of this is wrong
the cause of the crisis was giving mortgages to everyone with two legs , and then trading said debts as top shelf products . throw in corruption and lies and TOO BIG to fail

turbo fucking kek

I think his approach works excellently for short stories and self contained standalone novels. As you say though, it's complete shit. There's a lot that says the series was really meant to end with a storm of swords, because that was what george had really been planning to and for and the rest was more of an aside note

GRRM may have some bullshit book of his in mind as his personal masterpiece, but he's a wrong fatass with jungle fever.
The truth is that his asking about Aragorn's tax policy, and the consequential threads this question spawned, are the single greatest thing he's ever had a hand in.

>the first bankers where gentile you know

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>>Gandalf: "'We cannot bail out. A silent Chinese investor moves in the dark.'"
holy kek. based and 2019 pilled

>I didn't work half of you half as hard as I should like, and I paid less than half of you half as well as you deserved.

Attached: bilbo.jpg (400x275, 13K)

I'd say the "writing to develop the story" thing works, at farthest, with a trilogy. It's only a terrible approach with multibook epics. And that only makes sense since we're talking about a completely different kind of work.
That said, if you can't get a story told in three books or under it's probably not worth telling anyway.

What did he mean by this?

>My write-off. My precious!

I haven't read the Game of Thrones books in quite a while, but from what I remember they don't even include any information on King Robert or Joffrey's tax policies. The show had a scene of Joffrey discussing his desire for a standing army but that wasn't in the books since neither he nor Cersei were POV characters. It's pretty much all plot and action for the first 3 books.

>My dear Rockefellers and Rothschilds, Oppenheims and Wallenbergs, Bettencourts, Schwarzmen, Soros, Jack Ma's, Sachs and Goldman.
>Today is my one hundred and eleventh investor meeting! Alas, eleventy-one fiscal quarters is far too short a time to climb the corporate ladder among such excellent and admirable capitalists. I don't own half of your businesses half as well as I should like, and I own less than half of your businesses half as well as you deserve.
I regret to announce, this is the end. I am liquidating my assets now. I bid you all a very fond farewell.

Attached: zx.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

it's been a while for me too but it's a major plot point in the first book how Roberts entire reign (20 years?) has been one huge fiscal fuckup with Robert only caring about spending it on tourneys and feasts and shit like that. The only reason the country isn't bankrupt is because Littlefinger has increased the revenue's of the crown twenty fold... alongside the debt, which he is personally profiting from.

>you have no credit here CFO

Attached: LOTR-KoRP.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

Did aragorn institute sword-control policies in peacetime?

The fuck is that?

>not recognising filtered

>There are red things! Red companies in the books!
>All dead. All bankrupt. Elves(R) Company and Men & Orcses Limited. A great financial crisis long ago.
>Publicly traded company. Yes, yes! That is the name. This way. don't follow the market analysts.
>Careful now! Or Hobbits & Sons go down to join the insolvent ones, and perform little forced liquidations of their own.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (490x207, 13K)

5 star post nigga

Someone make a coomer meme of this

Who needs coomer when you have taxposting?

>Do you know how Mordor-Orcs Holdings first came into being? They were Elven Insurance Bank once, taken in a leveraged buyout. Trademarks's sold and made public…
>… a ruined and terrible form of asset management. And now… perfected: my subsidiary Uruk-hai LLC.
>Whom do you serve?
>Saruman Acquisitions Group!

Attached: zzz.png (1246x630, 1.04M)

>I can avoid being audited if I wish, but to stop paying taxes entirely, that is a rare gift.

Attached: afotrpony11.jpg (436x422, 21K)

>Not idly does the operating income of Lorien fall.
>They may yet be profitable!
>Less than a fiscal quarter ahead of us, come!

Attached: f.gif (500x208, 1.98M)

>Auditing, bidding, brokering, taxing, earning!

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What was Roberts taxrate?

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>Many of these business' were in my fund.
>Companies I invested in since founding and IPO.
>They had profits of their own.
>A CEO should know better!

Attached: tumblr_n9z7qihR2d1qfti5wo3_1280.jpg (1280x720, 217K)

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>Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your negative equity!

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Like the Tokugawa? Well, is his kingdom prone to civil war?

>I suppose you think that was terribly clever.
>Come on Gandalf! Did you see their share prices as the market closed?

That is why democracy is a shit system. You get nothing but mediocre rulers.

His economic policy is horrible

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Lotr finance is one of my favourite things to come from this board in my 13 years here. I'm not saavt enough to contribute but thank you so much anons.


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kek nice

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>The very air you breathe is a yearly expense.

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I do not doubt his heart. Only the rate of his interest.

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kek, long time since i laughed at one of these

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Word from Wall St, my lord. What does the Firm command?

He's talking about Goldman Sachs' stock price you numbskull, not the entire crisis

truly blessed thread

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>hobbits when

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>Hobbits have been living and stock trading in the four Farthings of the Shire for many hundreds of years. Quite content to ignore and be ignored by the world of the Big Bankers— Middle-Earth being, after all, full of strange capitalists beyond count. Hobbits must seem of little importance, being neither renowned as great industrialists, nor counted among the very entrepreneurial. In fact, it has been remarked by some that the Hobbits' only real passion is for shares. A rather unfair observation, as we have also developed a keen interest in the trading of bitcoins, and the validating of insurance claims. But where our hearts truly lie is in tax and premiums, and good steady stocks. For all Hobbits share a love of things that grow.

Attached: kui.jpg (1021x424, 97K)

my brother is an analyst at a hedge fuund on wall street and he says no one in finance understatnds what is going on with long term negative interest rates, particularly in the european bond markets
just put your money under the pillow or something

I am I Seal Doors' CEO. Buy from me! And I will keep your house sealed. What say you?

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Constant mediocrity results in a much more stable system than cycles between great and awful rulers.

You've been in broker Maggot's stocks!

Tax write off for having a daughter. Call it the Ultimate Cuck tax rebate.

You...shall not...TAX!!

Attached: images.jpg (739x415, 19K)

>what's going on out there?
>Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a Bloomberg Terminal?

Attached: bloomberg.png (1276x1340, 2.23M)


So much debt. What can men do against such reckless spending?

Attached: theoden.jpg (740x385, 63K)

>I didn't think it would end this way.
>End? No, the profit doesn't end here. bankruptcy is just another path, one that all business' must take. The grey rain-curtain of this debt rolls back, and all turns to liquid assets, and then you see it.
>What? Gandalf? See what?
>Offshores, and beyond, a far mountain country under a low tax rate.
>Well, that isn't so bad.
>No. No, it isn't.”

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

I never thought I’d go bankrupt side by side with an auditor
How about side by side with an investor?
Aye. I could do that.

Yea Forums has still got it lads

Attached: 1557263224981.gif (320x283, 1.12M)

>You... shall not... pass the audit!

>Give up the quitclaim deed she-notary!
>If you want it, contact the grantor's lawyer!

Attached: 51j25phe.jpg (1024x421, 85K)

Im not smart enough to contribute to this thread.


So why wasnt he audited? I mean he was very wealthy and lived a comfortable life for a man with no job.

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>I had the loveliest dream last night. There was this large market full of strong and stable bonds. And we shorted all of them. And were fired.

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>Elrond: You're underfunded Aragorn, you need more investors.
>Aragorn: There are none.
>Eldornd: There are those who dwell in the mountain....
*A ghastly wind blows*
>Aragorn: Welfare-recipients....low-income households. You would call upon them to invest?
They invest in nothing! Their purchasing power is abyssmal!

Attached: aragorn elrond.jpg (1278x658, 114K)

Fucking Based

bored accountants

>I was there Gandalf, 11 years ago when the strength of the federal reserve failed

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Now now dear hobbits, we can argue all we like about how having daughters is cuckoldry, but we are missing the larger problem. Taxation. Taxation is not just theft, but cuckoldry. The state is the highest institution of cuckoldry. Aragon's tax policy matters not, all that matters is whether he has one or not. You are paying to raise other men's daughters, other men's son's at the expense of your own. Think about it logically.

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Aw hell, that got me.

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Can someone make a very long post explaining this to me?

Oh fuck Im dyin

TAX AND SPEND NUMENOREANS! I told you we should've gone with Mordor.


Also kino

Tyrion becomes the guy in charge of finances in the third book and at the end of it my knowledge of how the kingdom's finances worked at the end was: They added a new tax on whores which helped somewhat. The fourth book expanded my knowledge to: There is a bank that loans people money in a different country

I don't think Tolkien is necessarily perfect, but I do think Georgy Porgy was a massive fucking hypocrite, given in ASOIAF shit gets financed by either locations and factions literally sitting on top of goldmines or some mysterious foreign bank just giving money to multiple throne claimants with zero explanation of how exactly they'll get their money back.

Maybe Treebeard's right. We can't diversify by buying every company on in the S&P 500. It's too big for us. We've got Berkshire.

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>What is it? What do you smell?
>...Tax audits!

Attached: orc postin4.png (1229x509, 702K)

Why didn't Frodo file the ring with TurboTax?

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Buy you fools!

Attached: LOTR-BYF.png (848x452, 294K)

>file, you fools

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

It wasn't really all that major of a plot point. It's certainly something that was established, sure, but the realm's debt never really had any tangible actual effect on anything in the story. Roberts death and the Lannister's subsequent rise to power had nothing to do with it, and once Robert died it was never really brought up again.

grrm cant say shit because he let them make a TV series where none of that is relevant either


Attached: Shut Hell Harabal Laugh.jpg (869x1234, 215K)

Fat fuck needs to stop quibbling with a long dead author who's still releasing books years after his death and worry more about finishing his own shitty book series before he dies.

All of Martins criticisms of Tolkien are more apparent and prolific in his own work.

Do you remember when we first met?
>I thought I had strayed into a prime investment opportunity.
>Many audits have passed. You did not have the portfolio you carry now. Do you remember what I told you?
>You said you'd partner your startup with me. Forsaking the infinite cashflow of your conglomerate.
>And to that I hold. I would rather share one majority shareholder with you, than face the downs and turns of the premium markets alone.
>I choose... small business.

Attached: untitled.jpg (1299x547, 107K)

good one

Stock portfolio. All the stocks he has money in.

Rate of return: how much money he is making on his portfolio

joke: Will Faramir have a resounding successful portfolio or will his assets allow him to "survive"

>They've seized our inventory, and frozen our accounts. We have barred the gates, but cannot held them for long. Our liqudity shakes...
>We cannot cash out, the securities and exchange commission moves in the dark, we cannot cash out... They are coming.

Attached: gandalfo.jpg (1897x719, 159K)

>tfw too dumb understand any of this

I understood most, but it's still all very clever. I couldn't come up with half of this stuff myself.

I fucking love taxposting

>Oh come on, we can risk it
>It's a hedge fund
>...Lend me
>I cannot meet the buy-in, you'll have to lend me.

Attached: lend me.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Put me in the screencap

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Attached: LOR-tRotK-DS.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

>don't tell the the SEC
>not a word

>don't tell the SEC
>not a word

Attached: LOTR-G3.jpg (621x263, 93K)

>tfw my 5th grade teacher was in the kinoplex with me like two years after i finished his class
>he was crying bitch tears at the end and we hugged
>bros for life until he died last year
pour one out for my nigger

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a bank on a different continent with it's own standing army lmao

Why didn't Gondor LLC just register as a corporate entity on Valinor?

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Only one I got.

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nobody is going to the toilet in the story either and there is nobody missing kind of information

>13 years

>What's the jewish word for friend?

Attached: Durin's_door.png (838x570, 646K)

What was Denethor's urine tax policy?

Unfunny forced meme.


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maybe you should have stayed in reddit

>I summon you to fulfill the terms of the contract.
>None but the original co-signers may subpoena me!
>GAH! That claim period has passed!
>It has been renewed.

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>Goldman calls for a bailout!
>Paulson will answer

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no bank can audit me

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Just start looking up the words you don’t know what they. Because these memes are dank as fuck

A think a good ruler is somewhere in between. A good balance of fear and love.

No he isn't. Tolkien goes into more detail that GRRM does but GRRM doesn't fucking read. The War of the Ring has multiple fronts and staging battles and all sorts of shit that you can read about.
The tax policy is ONE autistic nit-pick trying to imply a lack of logic, grounding and consistency to Tolkein's work. This is patently false. Read Sil.
Fucking shitposters

We will not abandon college students to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let's establish some means-tested tax-advantaged savings accounts.

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To that end. His question about how they dealt with the remaining orcs is actually fucking answered showing just how much of this shit is coming out of GRRM's ass because he refuses to read Tolkien like some intimidated child

brainlet who watched a documentary. You didn't even understand what his post was referring to

I’ve learned more about finance in this thread than I have in my entire life

same lol

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Taxposting is going to go down as one of the greatest memes Yea Forums has ever made. Put this in the screencap because you know I'm right.

Son: "Dad, I have to do a special report for school. Can I ask you a question?"
Father: "Sure son. What's the question?"
Son: "What is Politics?"
Father: "Well, let's take our home for an example. I am the wage earner, so let's call me "Capitalism". your mother is the administrator of money, so we'll call her "Government". We take care of your need, so let's call you "The People". We'll call the maid "The Working Class" and your little brother, we can call "The Future". Do you understand son?
Son: "I'm not really sure, dad. I'll have to think about it."

That night awakened by his brother's crying, the boy went to see what was wrong. Discovering that the baby had seriously soiled his diaper, the boy went to his parents' room and found his mother sound asleep. He went to the maid's room, where, peeking through the keyhole, he saw his father in bed with the maid. The boy's knocking went totally unheeded by his father and the maid, so the boy returned to his room and went back to sleep. The next morning he reported to his father.

Son: "Dad, now I think i understand what politics is."
Father: "Good son! Can you explain it to me in your own words?"
Son: "Well Dad, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, Government is sound asleep, the People are being completely ignored and the Future is full of shit."


meant for


>the People are being completely ignored and the Future is *in deep shit

>It began with the founding of the great banks: three were given to the Dutch, frugal, wisest and most prudent of all investors.
>Seven to the Swiss Lords; great miners and craftsmen of the commodity funds.
>And nine, nine banks were gifted to the race of Anglos, who above all else desire power.
>For within these banks was bound the liquidity and bookvalue to govern each economy.
>But they were all of them deceived, for another bank was made in the land of Israel, in the offices of Temple Mount, the dark lord Rothschild founded, in secret, a central bank to control all others.
>And into this bank he poured his cruelty, his malice,and his will to dominate all economies.
>One Bank to Finance them All

Why didn't he just wake up the Government, thus solving both the problem with Capitalism, the Working Class and the Future?

What a retarded story.

It's true you don't see many dwarf-bonds. And in fact, they are so alike in derivatives and securitisation that they're often mistaken for dwarf-loans.

It's the tradeability.

And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf-bonds, and that businesses just spring out of holes in the ground!
Which is of course ridiculous.

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I have absolutely no idea about finance, but these threads are always a blast

Time for you to learn about shadow government and the deep state.

I heard it from his own mouth. He means to merger us!

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The government is capitalism's thrall and would be out on the street without its blessings.

I see zoomers have literally never seen an actual joke before in their life---just memes.

NEVER! Smeagol & Poor's wouldn't consolidate any asset...

>*starts giving out tax cuts*

Someone should make a .srt file I can sync to the movie as it's playing.

pretty good

Martin will never be in Tolkien tier.

Fucking gold dude. Fucking pure gold.

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Is someone saving these? It could be done lol.

>Now come, you filth!
>You've depreciated my master’s assets, you brute, and you'll pay for it. We're diversifying our stock; but we'll settle out of court with you first. Come on, and taste mediation again!

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Share the loan.

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Based and reinhardpilled

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>Here's the fuller quotation given in the Introduction of the 'Unfinished Tales':
"... while many like you demand maps, others wish for geological indications rather than places; many want Elvish grammars, phonologies, and specimens; some want metrics and prosodies.... Musicians want tunes, and musical notation; archaeologists want ceramics and metallurgy; botanists want a more accurate description of the mallorn, of elanor, niphredil, alfirin, mallos, and symbelmynë; historians want more details about the social and political structure of Gondor; general enquirers want information about the Wainriders, the Harad, Dwarvish origins, the Dead Men, the Beornings, and the missing two wizards (out of five)."

Aragorn talking to boromir as he dies gets me every time

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this is shadowtax. he has been my consultant through many audits

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Only the nobility and soldiers in their employ were allowed to bear arms in cities, so probably.

"Gun control" is actually a rather medieval policy if you think about it. There's a reason the right to bear arms and citizen militias were such a big deal to Europe's Republican revolutionairies. Only the U.S.A. still gives a fuck. Even Switzerland has relatively strict fun control now.

oi mate ya got a loicense for that sword?

>is this it? is this all you can collect Saruman?

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Swords don't kill people, God's will does!

>Confound it all, Samwise Gamgee. Have you been inside trading?

>I ain't been droppin' no securities sir, honest. I was just restructuring the portfolio under the SEC there, if you'll follow me


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The ironbank will back Stannis because the lanisters refuse to repay the loan. It will matter if a new book ever comes

I talked to Barzini

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