HoH Part 1 winner: Jackson
HoH Part 2 winner: TBD
HoH Part 3 winner: TBD
Previously on /bb/:
HoH Part 1 winner: Jackson
HoH Part 2 winner: TBD
HoH Part 3 winner: TBD
Previously on /bb/:
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Nicole is hot
Let's go Holly! Win part two!
Quarky being snarky with snackson
what a loser lol.
Did you know that she was gonna win the f4 veto too but the producers told her to drink water which pushed her time back
She's hot garbage alright
>You thought you could get away with breaking a handshake promise? Time of retribution has come!
Is there anything more pathetic than a Nicolefag?
>Bad at physical comps
>Bad at mental comps
>Bad at the social game
>Bad at the strategic game
>Self-admitted IQ of 80
It's almost as embarrassing as Kemi fans. The only reason she is still in the house is because of the vast amount of bumbling from the other HGs. In almost any other season she would have been evicted pre-jury for her frankly shocking levels of ineptitude. Given her general lack of poise and charisma I would have thought she at least had some skill at the game, but even in this regard she disappoints. She isn't even physically appealing if you are being at all honest with yourself. You losers only like her because she is so bland, so unremarkable, so unbelievably milquetoast that she might be realistically attainable for you.
And now these troglodytes that worship her would have me believe that because she was thrown a couple comp wins in the last two weeks of the game this was all part of her "strategy"? No, she had no strategy. She only had dumb luck and the benefit of an incredibly low IQ cast. She proved that when she evicted Tommy instead of Holly, a move that will go down in infamy with the likes of Marcellas's veto and Cody taking Derrick to the final 2. Even Ovi would be more deserving of a place in the final 3, at least he tried to play the game instead of sleeping, crying, and getting carried for two and a half months.
On top of all that she is so bitter and vacuous that she is outwardly stating she is going to be a tainted juror because Jackson "lied and broke deals" in the game of Big Brother, a game built around deception. I am beginning to wonder if she might genuinely be cognitively impaired, it would explain why she exclusively consumes schlock entertainment created for tweens, and took a job where she only interacts with small children.
She won't win the game, she won't win AFP, she won't be your gf. She is going to go back to long island, adopt 5 cats and die alone.
she is a qute. it’s a subtle distinction though.
jury management
Gotta learn jury management from the best, Dr. Will:
hive minded zoomer faggots
im surprised we dont get more speeches like this, especially now where the jury only asks one question and 99% of the time they all know who their gonna vote for anywyas
Nicole dreamed about dating Tom Felton
why didnt he own his game?
all you have to do is study dan's jury answers and final speech from season 10, not 14, and you're golden
jackson is going to give nicole crabs with the ole jackhammer in vegas
why are they sleeping in the bathroom?
nicole so deserves this win guys shes a suvivor.
jury management for the win! queen nicole is finna slay!
jury management is meme and just a way to pretend the likes of shitcole the first, kaycee, ian, steve, and josh played good games.
Nicole dominated bb18 by using what all women use irl - fingerbanging
Dan had a privilege of being on a season with "talk to a juror of your selection 1 on 1" reward and 4 hour long F2 questioning
He talked after BB14 that it was hard for him to encapsulate all the things he had to say about his game only in a couple of minutes time
You need to explain yourself with goodbye messages and then finish it off in final jury questioning. Andy did a good job of that, Paul and Tyler fucked up with either straight up lying in GBMs or talking about some irrelevant stuff.
just imagine the thrill of watching your son or daughter have sex
they like the smell
In order of most powerful in BB history
>coup d'etat
>diamond veto
>Nicole's vagina
>Pandora's box
>pendant of protection
>den of temptation
8.7/10 post
Tyler started talking about actual movies he made from beginning to end all season and julie MOONVES kept cutting him off after 20 seconds because she's a dirty piece of shit
get it king
I think I have a shot
poor you
Are you implying KC isn't a dumb bitch who would've bobbled the first veto she won if he wasn't there? I assure you she was.
you forgot anal's BO right under nicoles vagina
no i don't think i was
i'm not poor though
some words have multiple meanings
misted lol
Let’s go
yes, but that's the problem - it's too late to start talking about it in Finale, the jurors are probably not even listening, just looking at their relatives in a crowd and shit
why not leave Scottie GBM like "You were a scary player, i respected you, i was scared of your bond with Steve so i convinced Kaitlyn to vote him out. I've made secret alliance called Level 6 and we wanted to work with you but you always chose the other side over us so you had to go".
Instead it was "Heeeeeey, Scottie, i had a secret power that I never had to use. How about that? Tell your friends in jury haha."
*wins bb21*
Jackson gonna win and make our badposters seethe
yeah Nicole won BB21 the second Jackson didn't throw Part 1
Josh/Kaycee/Nicole will be the new trinity of shit winners
You should suicide in celebration
There’s a brief clip of PT1 in the commercial for tomorrow’s ep. it’s swinging planks, jumping onto platforms. I’d pay real money to watch fat Jess attempt that
>good job gurl
I hope, this place will become even more unbearable if Shitcole wins.
no matter who wins this season, we all lose
my prediction is the samefags will do their thing where they post reaction pics with epic posts like "seeth" and "cope" but not to worry cause it will only last a day or so then this season will be mostly forgotten. all these caps being created will be almost never posted in future years of /bb/
this is prime jacksonfag cope here. everyone look so you can easily identify it in the future.
u r retarded
I’m hoping he wins cuz he deserves it and I love big brother.
I also love quarky and I would probably laugh if she won but I can be reasonable too.
when is the part 2?
i just can't wait for all the shitcolefags to finally off themselves
*wins part 2*
will is a weird guy. he'd mog the shit out of me in any social situation tho.
i don't think we are as heavily invested in who wins as much as you friend. see
either today or tomorrow, i think
kind of based
give me a C, give me an O, give me a P, give me an E.
what does it spell?
>roundtable happened yesterday
>watermelon post right after
OK, this is based
Quest to find nicole's harry potter fanfiction
does nicole shave?
If Nicole was an ugly pimply white male nerd and Steve Moses was a toothy vaguely relatable homebody city girl, how do you think the narrative of this F3 would be perceived as?
After you found out you would be evicted, you had some anger towards Jackson, even threatening to not vote for him. Now that the initial shock has settled, how do you feel about the game he’s played?
>I think he is obviously a strong physical competitor. I’m not sure from a “social” standpoint that he has handled the game as well. I know that there are a lot of jury members that could potentially be upset with him. If he doesn’t win, it’s going to be because he didn’t handle the jury very well.
Jackson chose to evict you over Holly, who has now survived the block twice in a row. What do you think of her game?
>I think she is playing a great game. She kept her word in throwing the HoH to Nicole if we kept her. I admire Holly as a person and game player.
holly +1
nicole +1
michie 0
pt 2 hoh
lol wow what a little faggot. he really is a redditor since he spews the muh jury management meme.
lol ok thats pretty based by production
at first i was on hogg's side, but i can't really see how he isn't owning up to forcing holly into throwing that hoh by claiming the f4 deal was like not a real thing
he's an rhapfag what do you expect?
so the clueless recruit Kevin voted non-bitter and big superfan Cliff will vote bitter? all you need to know about "superfans"
production really wanted to shit on nick for some reason
Do you think he made the best game move by voting you out?
>No. I think the question of a bitter juror should have made him think twice about sending me out the door over Holly.
Jackson bros, im scared. Part 2 is a days competition which Nicole could easily win. Then Part 3 she could win as well. She would take him wouldnt she?
o-of course. jackson is winning bb21. r-right?
he's clearly very bitter and just waiting to see how the other jurors feel about him.
if the majority of the jury is pro-jackson (which it seems to be), he'll back off and vote for him if nicole isn't there
but if the majority of the jury is anti-jackson, he'll vent his bitterness and vote bitter
classic superfan
Quarky bros, im scared. Part 2 is a days competition which Holly could easily win. Then Part 3 she could win as well. She would take her wouldnt she?
Yes. Because Holly wouldn't have been bitter at all if her showmance cut her. Cliff is so smart.
If Jackson doesn’t win this season will be forgotten as quick as bb20
pfft, jackson could literally piss on her before voting her out and holly would still be the first in line to suck his limp dick
i feel bad for bella. she's only going to get asked one question during the finale and it'll be about nick
no, she'd take holly and lose
looks like a cool comp
no, she'd take jackson and lose
Ehh, Tyler should have won sure, but he was boring much like Derrick. BB20 was a wildly boring season because him and level 6 controlled the narrative, outside rare instances of drama it was a snoozefest. Jackson not winning this season will hurt way more since it would ruin an otherwise entertaining season.
people still remember bb16 because Derrick won. winners determine how memorable a season is
>jury management
truly a redditor
'superfans' always vote bitter. ian would for sure vote for a shoe over dan
dead meme desu
Imagine a story about teaching magical retards
I don’t get it. What does Tom Felton have to do with Nicole?
she's an ugly old retarded catlady that flips her bean to dweeb emo fanfiction
I was gonna post about this earlier but it turned out the last thread was already archived and I just hadn’t scrolled down all the way.
but anyway, looking through those comments it’s pretty obvious that there are a lot of cross posters from here to r/bigbrother (I don’t really care but it’s just funny to see)
>limp dick
see jackson eats so much watermelon he has literally never even seen his penis flaccid
Jackson might take steroids so his dick could be small
girls have sexual fantasies about being dominated by villains from their childhood entertainment
fair point, but it is hard 24/7.
actually that might make a lot of sense since we’ve never noticed his boner poking out, despite it always been rock hard from being hopped up on melon
stay there
Why does she want to slap Jackson?
they grow up so fast...
lel I clicked the link someone posted in the last thread and I noticed these tweets were the post right after it so I read the comments.
so sue me.
For not knowing who Tom Fenton is
i'm not sure if i drank too much or your posts make me want to puke
I'll be her friend.
it can be both
What was the context of this scene?
real F3 we were robbed of
the context is you're lonely and horny and will die alone as a virgin
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaappppppp pffft brrrrrrrrr pfffffffffffft ahhhh
david = jackson
kemi = holly
ovi = nicole
we already got that f3
Rumor is ovi shat on the stage
what a fucking monster and an antichrist. fucking racist son of a bitch. i hope he not only loses the money but gets hit by a truck. he swore on a bible and then broke the deal. bb is a game for decent people when handshakes matter. DISGUSTING! i'm cancelling the feeds right now!
>ignoring their skin and only looking at their potential games
fucking racist bigot, get the fuck out of here
The best f3 we could have got was Nick, Jackson, and Christie.
I know people like him. Swearing on the bible means something. He'll always be Judas in my house.
but this is where I belong
based boomer
So cute
tie-dye time
unless it's night time comp Part 2 is probably tomorrow
should be illegal to be so QUTE!
>I’m coming for that ass after the season
When is die time?
Fugly ass spear chucker
Such a comfy F3
I feel bad for anti Jackson retards. Must suck to be such a shithead
wow qute quarky is so qute!!!!
Go back twink
Nicole sees through Nicks pervy persona :3
that’s pretty gross tbqhwy
omg! is that the actual sex stool?
how many HOHs and vetos has jackson won this season?
3 of each
3 HOHs + 4 vetos
he also counts Camp Director + Field Trip + Luxury for a total of 10 comp wins
not enough
and bog has 2 HOHs. quarky has 2 HOHs and a veto?
is she an Aztec or something?
lol didn't fessy say he had 10 comp wins because of the battleback? i guess he was technically right but just kind of funny
To humiliate you, because it's hilarious
cool it with the n-bombs bro
How can someone so gorgeous be so hideous?
it’s a mystery which eludes even modern science
>I think she is playing a great game
Great, now Nicole has feet herpes.
Why the potato pic?
Why not just get a screenshot?
Can Bog grow a brain by tonight?
How many feet of BBC has she eaten?
They built that little door just so they could boot David on day 1?
I thought they'd use it to let JC in the house.
It's her 2-head.
>tfw you now remember the comfy conga line in OTT to dip chips in shrimpmans queso
why cant we go back bros
>They removed the endurance part of final HoH
>she still lost
Is part 3 going to be Dr Who trivia? how far do they have to go to compensate for Shitcole's chronic lack of talent. When was the last time part 1 of final HoH wasn't some kind of endurance?
I don’t
Aren't Sunday episodes usually recap filler episodes? I thought they show all the comps on finale night?
Imagine OTT with BB proper rules and no dumbass twists.
it was incredible
They need the time on Wednesday to show the Bella Kat fight.
i know... i know
I remember krispy and gayson taking the ouija board way too srs
holly realizes she loses to either jackson taking her or nicole taking her to F2
spear chucker is for the dark ones, not the light skins like kc fyi
justin literally afraid of it lol
whatever thats 50k to bog herself even more
They’re all apes
She should do abs next
being a edgelord is so 2014
Go back
go back where? :3
Also from 2014
I don't get it. Can someone give me a quick rundown?
Tommy should play Spock's retarded kid in the next Star Trek series.
bbgossip boomers are live
wait who thinks bog should win over square? i thought the argument was footface vs. squarehead?
>10k cash in pocket luxury comp winner
nice touch
pretty sure, reddit and twitter's argument that Jackson should lose to anyone because muh jury management
based watermelon man
I hope Jackson pumped holly with enough of his seed. She's gonna need every bit of his talent to beat an 80iq tard wrangler.
Bog needs to win this
She has a decent shot against Jackson if she is the one who takes him to F2
based bbgossip lady shitting on scottie for his vote, she may have finally swayed me
What is with this meme about it being important to win the final comp? Even if she wins the last HOH, Jackson would still have double her comp wins.
it shouldn't be, but over the years there were always jurors who would base their jury vote purely on final HOH win. Jessie in BB11, Fessy in BB20 etc.
You wiah he’d pump your ass full of his seed
it’s just one more to add to the resume at this point. but I remember some casts caring more in past finales.
it’s not close in terms of wins though so even if Bog wins it shouldn’t be a deciding factor like this is the comp she proved herself or something.
*wins part 2*
That's gay
So are you
I understand why it would be weighted a bit, it's the final competition that's one of the most clutch wins you need, and the idea of bringing yourself and taking someone to the final 2 rather than being brought can look good too but it depends on the type of player you are
>What is with this meme about it being important to win the final comp?
some jurors have short attention spans and winning that final hoh is a cherry on top bonus
the best part about bbgossip over taran's updates is they play the actual sound clip of the feeds instead of an exaggerated retelling
i think it really only matters for quarky in this case. she wins P2 and P3 and cuts jackson. i see her easily winning.
if holly wins p2 and p3 and takes jackson. the jury will just be like, eh w/e. the power duo did its thing. and it still being a toss up of who wins
>pictured: bb21 winner bath in my jizz (October 2019; colorized)
Nicole timed out
it's head to head comp, you can't timeout there
misted lol
She gets credit for answering 7 right, but if Holly gets 8 right before timing out, she'll win
Colette from BBGossip is pretty based. Definitely gives a different perspective from the RHAPTards.
yeah lol i enjoyed them making fun of the rape claims for jackson shoving the stool at nicole
colette sounds like a heavy set lady with some hangars on her. would love to see some pics
non feed fag here. Is this true?
Not yet
do you seriously think bog is going to win mental comp?
come on
The jokers moms haven't changed AT ALL since bb6.
>jokers moms
I’m sorry, the what?
HOH Part 2 results of last 7 seasons for reference
>KC vs JC - 18:55 vs 19:34
>Josh vs Xmas - 1hr32 vs 1hr39
>Nicole vs James - 07:24 vs 19:06
>Steve vs Liz - 28:27 vs 31:11
>Derrick vs Victoria - 15:29 vs 30:03
>Andy vs Spencer - 21:53 vs 36:11
>Ian vs Danielle - 6:04 vs 7:31
Damn JC came surprisingly close
>james even threw the final hoh
god what a piece of shit
> The person who won part 2 has won the game for the last 7 seasons
Mamma ain’t comin to finale
So where is the best place to see screencaps or clips of lewd or nudity of BB?
I just want to see screencaps of chicks accidentally exposing themselves.
Porsche should have won too desu
speaks to how shitty KC really was desu
and he had to fucking climb a fucking wall and hes a fucking midget
Are the going to do that shit where the feeds come back hours after the comp is over and they're all getting ready for bed?
i hope they bring back the part 2 hoh comp where they had to go underwater
only if bog wins
Watch the m-bombs
Did they give him a mini wall
i wish
Part 1 of BB8 was great as well
How would original winner Eddie of Big Brother 1 do on modern Big Brother?
probably get carried to f3
What's his evil white male level at with one leg?
he’d win cuz nobody wants to vote out the cripple
>nobody wants to vote out the cripple
leave the dirty work to me
josh doesn’t count as a person
But JC lost
Nicole finished in 7 minutes
Holly is still on the course 2+ hours counting
who won part 2?
haha damn she should’ve gotten plastic surgery on her brain
They can do that?
>anything I can do to change your mind?
vegas tweeted nicole hosted the comp
you wouldn’t believe the kind of nanotechnology that the Bogdanoffs have access to
Be funny if the comp was who can get punched in the face by Devin the most, haha.
Just Devin wailing on these two bitches, his thick knuckles smashing their brittle orbital bones to bits as blood splatters onto his face holding his umoving Devin smile
And when their corpses finally stop twitching he goes up to Jackson, leans into his ear and whispers misted lol
Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil
Feeds were down 3h 11 min for Part 2 last season
i forget but they usually show all 3 parts of HOH on finale night right? i'm hoping they put part 1 in tomorrows episode so they have more time for other shit...
The preview for the sunday episode showed part 1 gameplay.
Yeah usually the Sunday before finale episode is season recap and part 1 of the final HOH comp.
a little birdie told me that holly won
Take your meds, smilie.
yeah, she won the title "The dumbest houseguest of all time"
I know you're just joking but nobody will ever beat Lawon
Don't ever waste two posts again on a shitty joke like that
my boy Lawon was manipulated by production
new thread tiffany
We don't get Part 1 HOH on the Sunday clip show episode. We get a small tease of Part 1 HOH. The actual comp gets played on the finale like everything else.
Alison Grodner will let you on BB22, but you have to have sex with her first.
Are you in?
so just the standard male casting process?
We know you're still a virgin, Ian.
can the lights be off?
If I agree to be her concubine for the rest of the year post-season will she do her best to rig it for me?
Virgin here, if you close your eyes while having s*x with a lady can you even tell the difference from one to another?
He hosted part 2 of the HOH. They're saying he quoted Joker and told the houseguests they're all losers of society.
>nicole is an outcast
>jackson is a druggie frat bro
>holly is a washed up buzzard
he's right
only if she helps me win the season
going on 3 hrs for a comp with 2 people lol
I miss her bros.
Chess not checkers
Devin not Ian
i cant think of a more useless waste of life
Jury management not comps
new thread
Production keeps resetting the comp hoping that Nicole will pull out a win but she keeps losing. Days comps never take this long.