He brought a firestarter, she brought tampons.
He brought a firestarter, she brought tampons
Other urls found in this thread:
idiot, condoms are more important
>A firestarter
>A machete
>Wait until night to start a fire
>Can't get one lit until night 3
Literally 95% of episodes.
And then you have the people who bring a pot, a net, or the chucklefuck who brings duct tape.
i mean whats she going to do, jam leaves up there?
what did women do for millions of years before tampons?
the blood would attract beavers faggot
they died more easily
i think you meant 6,000 years sweetie
die in childbirth
>what did women do for millions of years before tampons?
Lived in societies that afforded them the idle time to weave cloths that they could use
Then you eat those beavers. It's the perfect trap.
good god you guys are retarded
That's unironically the wisest move a woman can make.
You're already dead weight as it is, so you might as well minimize how much of a gross inconvenience you are for the man you're going to be mooching off of, and odds are he brought something more useful anyway.
and lo and behold that's exactly what happened, which demonstrates the efficacy of traditional female survival techniques.
Why are they so dirty?
That is as clean as tattooed women can look.
>I brought a machete, what about you?
>I brought a bow-drill, it's worked in the past!!
>great haha....
Watched a bunch of these but I do seem to recall a bunch of the males being fucking idiots. One of the earlier eps had a guy who got really fucking edgy for seemingly no good reason and you could sense the chick being afraid to set him off. He was basically useless and sulking the entire time.
Then there was the ex-special forces idiot who completely burned himself into a red-tanned lobster after fucking about in the open sun for the entirety of the first day. The chick meanwhile was making footwear and a straw hat to protect herself from the sun.
came here to say this
free bleed
i hear bitches are into that now anyway
tattoos on a woman is such a red flag.
No it's always like this.
>lets build shelter!
After two days of building shelter
>we are tired as fuck let's go hunting
>cant hunt for shit cause no energy left after building useless shelter
>waaaah we need proteins
Sometimes when they are on desert island they luckshit bananas or something and then just laying there for two weeks.
>using condoms
So anyway - how long do they have to "survive"? Do they have missions or could just stay at one place?
I would be rock hard the whole time
It's 21 days long and they mostly stay in one place but eventually they have to get to a place where they are picked up.
>finds and eats a dead bird that had been rotting in the sun
>almost dies
>it's a they stay in one spot curled up in the fetal position under a leaf/grass roof and try not to die while drinking dirty creek water then hoof it on the last day to the pickup location episode
oh wait that's every episode
This show is fucking boring
do the men on this show get swarmed with metoo accusations after?
Dubs of god
>After two days of building shelter
>>we are tired as fuck let's go hunting
they get sleep deprived either because they are swarmed with bugs or its cold at night. They should really try sleeping in shifts during the day.
I would bring a pot. It's a bitch to boil a large amount of water in anything else.
God's dubs. God bless America.
Neither of those problems is solved by shelter.
Fire>water source>food source>shelter.
They can cry about bugs and hunger under some leaves or something.
You can start a fire with tampons.
You can also just set them on fire with the fire starter.
They were pregnant most of their lives
They kept their mouths shut
A++ Would kek again!
>Fire>water source>food source>shelter.
extremely wrong
>not going bareback and saying fuck all to pregnancy and STD’s
You will never be a Chad user.
Bleed on to their fur. When people started wearing clothes they'd shove rags down there , hence the expression 'on the rag'.
>burned himself into a red-tanned lobster after fucking about in the open sun for the entirety of the first day. The chick meanwhile was making footwear and a straw hat to protect herself from the sun.
I remember this tard. He also shat right outside their camp so she stepped in it.
>The chick meanwhile was making footwear and a straw hat to protect herself from the sun.
She seemed based. Ideal teamup; woman makes quality of life shit with weaving, making baskets, pots of clay, cordage. Man does heavy lifting and hunting. Only this time the man was a retard.
>people who bring a pot
If my one item isn't a knife, it's probably a pot. Steel container is worth its weight in gold, purifying water is your lifeline. You can starve for weeks. Without clean water you're dead in days. Drinking water without boiling it is asking for death.
Plus what little food you find can always be better as a stew.
>woman with a just below the belly button tattoo
yeaaaaaah this chick is T R A S H
>tfw no furry blood covered cavewoman gf
>One of the earlier eps had a guy who got really fucking edgy for seemingly no good reason and you could sense the chick being afraid to set him off
Maybe he had sand in his anus. Can't do anything about that without a shower.
Yeah, metal cookware is like a god damn life-saver. A steel pot is going to lsat years and years and years. It'd probably be decades before it's so worn out it falls apart.
>Drinking water without boiling it is asking for death.
This actually happened in one episode. Guy risked drinking water from a stream, unboiled and unfiltered because they were failing at everything and had no energy left. Was evacuated the next day. I don't recall whether the chick made it or not to the final day, only that she tried to stay.
geez caveman sex must have been disgusting
imagine the smell
If we are thinking of the same guy then it is the idiot who prepped for this show by doing a steroid cycle.
Lost nearly 50lbs in 3 weeks ffs !
Attention all /pol/locks that will eventually ruin this thread. Everyone hates you. Your toxic idealogy will never be mainstream. You will never leave your mother's basement or be with a woman. Fuck you
Good bait but what's the point?
Had sex
if I was on that show I would take viagra and walk around with a super hard boner the whole time
You're invoking that shit and it's all on you. You're worth less than excrement.
>Your toxic idealogy will never be mainstream
it already is, you live in a bubble
how so retard?
All those fucking tattoos. She looks a state. What is wrong with people these days?
based Christposter
I would bring tobacco as tribute to the natives. I’d integrate into their society and breed with one of their females. Eventually I’d lead a rebellion against the tribe leader by accusing him stealing furs (I’d plant them). Once I’m the leader I’d led a coalition with the other tribes and attack the camera crew and producers of the show. Then I’d take whatever food they had. Idk what’d I’d do with the last two days.
>not wanting to get pozzed
Why not just bring a multi-tool and have 20 things in one?
>What is wrong with people these days?
I think tattoos suck but they've been around forever.
I can't wait for a worldwide caliphate
Breed the rest of the females
Yeah but every fucker has them now. Dozens of them, looking like absolute trash.
What's the point in them being naked in this show if the puritanical mutts blur everything out?
Have you ever seen a beaver that's on a period blood lust? One can bite a Abrams tank in half with one bite.
It's not really important to see them buttnaked, but it does feel condescending and misguided in the way only burgers can make you feel wrong about having genitals. I wish this shit was produced by euros.
Your mother will kick you out of her basement, and you will never be a woman.
Or his penile hole. Ouchies
Do they ever hit on each other?
based, a flawless plan
tampons are actually pretty useful
Why are /pol/turds so proud of their ignorance?
stop trying to ruin the thread
She was one of the few (and I mean few) based women. There a ton of episodes where the man overexerts himself and leaves and the woman just sort of sits there for two weeks. In the very first episode the woman burned their shelter down with the man in it.
Remember that "model" who got so pissed at her partner over nothing she ran off and got lost and almost cost them the challenge when they had to go even further to get to extraction? She was one of the only people to have her PSR go down despite finishing.
price to sales ratio?
Primitive Survival Rating. Every contestant gets one from 1.0-10.0 at the start of the challenge based on their skills and then gets reassessed at the end.
Even people who do jack shit during the challenge get a 0.1-0.3 bump for finishing. Anybody who leaves for any reason gets their rating lowered. You have to be a supreme fuck up to finish but still get it lowered, like this whiny twat did.
In prehistoric societies women were pregnant basically the whole time starting from the age where they were first capable of being pregnant. Child mortality was insanely high so you needed as many replacements as you could get.
where can i watch these episodes uncencored?
I had no idea until recently how awful condoms are. Bareback feels much better. There’s no comparison.
So what would they do at night then if they were nocturnal? There is nothing you can accomplish, plus at night there are some predators about.
Please user enlighten me!
Why would water from a natural stream be unsafe to drink? At least where I'm from it would be perfectly safe...
is being covered in shit technically blackface?
>Your toxic idealogy will never be mainstream
How about you look in the white house. It's already mainstream. Your time is over.
Even running water can have crazy parasites in it, it's just safer than drinking from a puddle.
Only actual safe water in nature is rainwater.
Or groundwater. But I don't think they can drill a proper well within the time and tool constraints of the show.
Ok that is
definitely not the case in Northern Europe.
Yeah the people in this show are usually in some tropical place, whole different ball game there. Never know what's in the water
They don't exist but there's an episode when the censors missed a chicks butthole and pussy and it wasn't found until it was on tv
how did it look?
That depends hugely on environment.
In arctic, fire is easily priority number one and you ignore anything else until that is done.
In desert, water is priority number one and you ignore anything else until you find a water source.
In tropic, it depends.
Shelter is last unless the specific environment has lethal environmental conditions like hail or floods or torrential rain. At most people should look for short term non-shelter solutions to problems like intense sun rays.
>expend all of your energy building a shelter and then die in it
Shelter is a broad term and depends on the situation
Hiding under shade to avoid getting burned qualifies as shelter, nobody told you to build a house, it is still top priority
Not getting burned by the sun is far less important than not literally fucking dying from dehydration or hypothermia. No one ever died of sunburn.
you seem like a real survivor type
>water isnt first
Υeah good luck not dying from dehydration running around in the sun looking for water you stupid fuck
Try that on a proper hot environment, naked nonetheless, and you will be puking your guts out in 2 hours tops
they should do this
You can also get water from plants just fine.
Coconuts are the best example, but cacti and pretty much any fruit can help keep you hydrated.
>le cut open cactus and drink the water
what a fucking survivalet
it "triggers" liberals
>the jew cries out as he strikes you
What desert are you in that doesn't have a prickly pear variety? Those fuckers are everywhere and are perfectly edible.
>it's a psycho bitch episode
if it's all you eat you will get diarrhea and shit out more water than you get, same with coconuts, survivalet.
In prehistoric times most running water would be very safe. It’s onky from humans shutting in them in mass that parisites took hold. Now even wild water is risky
Laura is still my favorite chick from that show. I wanna bang her so fucking bad.....
Because the title is televised clickbait.
>she brought a cooking pot
>he brought a Mig-29
whats the point of this show if you dont actuially see them naked
are they naked on the bluray?
for me its melissa
its clickbait the show, also god damn I hate these fucking survival shows because how jump cut they are. You see basically 1/200th of the actual footage.
I think I only saw one guy who beasted that shit but he knew what he was doing day 1 - this was also the episode where the girl basically quit within a day. Also the one in the amazon was great, the boomer on the dude trio who fucked up his ankle within the first 20 mins of the show, was a good holler.
>whats the point of this show if you dont actuially see them naked
No you never see them naked. In the US you still get in trouble if you show boob on broadcast TV , and even though cable can do what it wants cable channels voluntarily follow broadcast standards except for premium channels like HBO. The point of the show is to create drama between two people in a difficult situation but the episodes are all pretty similar to each other.
Thr producers on this show seem like incompetent charlatans. They sometimes cut to the contestants talking to the producers and its just some dick with a camerfa telling them to get over it and fuck around in the mud some more. The ex-marine whiner had a scene like this and the producer seemed like a lazy asshole. Its such a poorly run show
>The toxic ideology that protected against foreigners that only in the last 50 years was broken down in the USA
>Never mainstream
Dumb ass the state is in decay because of this. Weimar 2.0 is coming to the states and is mostly here already in Cali.
>ITT: extremely low-IQ mongoloids make sweeping generalizations based on a scripted show
fuck off redditor
This show is such full of shit and so is the PTR. The people who make it are so fucking lazy and careless, the Deadliest Catch guys are champs in comparison and they fucking smuggle meth
explain the dragon bones and fossile records, moron
looks like her tits are plastic but also hot
They were made old retard
plastic milk is pretty hot imo
imagine, they worship sex so much they enhance theirs in such a fake and whorish way, they are like offerings to the gods of cock
I watched the episode where a black dude is paired up with an incel, later an absolute psycho of a woman and another normal woman.
Holy fucking shit, these people, absolutely mad.
Then the soccermom who drove her partner into almost dying Constantly nagging, passive agressive, contradicting herself, vlogging like a cunt.
This show is only making me angry as fuck.
>tfw cute co-worker who I knew was a christfag said this to me when I made a joke about "65 million years ago"
>even though I should have expected it I was still shocked to hear it out loud
She's a moron, isn't she? I should probably give up on her.
Why bother censoring their junk?
Because nobody wants to see a muddy, crusty cooch.
>I think I only saw one guy who beasted that shit
man do you remember the episode number or some shit?
i really want to see someone ace this stuff
It really is a shitshow, clickbait title, the episodes are rushed, the showmakers don't know anything and dont participate in trying to make a show, and the entire thing is carried by putting incompatible people together in a way where the plot is complete in the first minute. What a waste
I dont know her, but there are plenty of types of christians, not everyone who says 6000 years is fully literal desu
why do they never fuck on this show?
rent free
Is there an uncensored version?
Literally a handkerchief
Its not THAT much blood
nu-christians are arguably cringier than furries, and those guys are at the top
Ive had more blood from a nose bleed DESU senpai
Could I bring my revolver?
plus you can cook the tampons until they are nice and tender
they dont have sex tho
Sure. But no ammunition. Every bullet would be an extra item.
Based redneck
>that pic
No way
It's shopped
says the anime poster
Don’t forget god individually placing photons so that they appear to be millions of light years away but actually aren’t just to test out faith
You peel the tampons apart for a flared dry cotton tinder. Assuming he has a flint firestarter or something, that's actually a pretty good combo.
What the fuck are you talking about you retard? Only way to avoid death from dehydration is having a source of water. Shelter doesn't make you less thirsty you dumb fuck. Just fucking admit that you know nothing.
Cherokee hair
>staying out of the scorching sun doesn't decrease your need for pure wawa
I bet you'd pick a battery powered flashlight as your survival item, too insipid to even ask for a headlamp
I'd pick a slave as my survival item.
Why is it that US Marines act like such pussies and faggots on the show, and the hippy women always make it the full 21 days?
buh buh buh BASED
Make sure to wait until the blood dries.
>white people:equality is good
>other “people”: KILL WHITES
yeah whatever, psycho neo-nazi
>why do they never fuck on this show?
The cameramen are 10 feet away, hard to get away with it. One of the women did complain that she got tired of feeling his boner at night when they huddled for warmth.
How are they not constantly having sex by the way? It would just be animal instinct at that point
Hey, speak for yourself asshole
they overcompensate instead being more chill and think
pretty gross ngl
>guy tells girl she fucked up something
>girl bursts into tears
You would pick someone with the physical ability to serve you well in a wasteland? Someone to build a shelter, clean your shit up, wash your fat body, protect you from predators, and find food? Good pick buddy, surely he won't overpower and rape you first thing!
please tell me it's rylie
everyone knows how to start a fire nowadays, specially retards applying shows like these.
i guess managing the unstoppable flow of blood coming out of her pussy for several days every month was a higher priority.
i wonder how abo chicks deal with this. heard of a tribe in nepal once where the women have to lock themselves in their huts during their periods.
why not. 300 years of slavery and it took white men using them as canon fodder in the american civil war for slaves to finally fight whitey
i was with my first girlfriend and she was in the mood, sat on the edge of her bed and i started pulling down her pants and panties, she looked down and saw the big brown spot and said 'oh shit' (she never cursed) and ran to the bathroom, came back, and said 'sorry we can't i'm on my period'
i had no idea period blood was so brown. she let me fiddle with the string
A FEMALE slave. Idiot.
based young earth creationist poster
>fucking a bitch on her period is out of bounds
why do faggots always avoid fucking a chick when she has her period? They only say no because they think you're not into it.
Literally all religions say not to do it.
Women are horniest on their period
i really wanted to but i settled for jerking off on her face while she wore her glasses
sounds like an incel cop out
>In the 2007 movie Superbad, Seth discovers menstrual blood on his jeans after dancing with a woman. He reacts with disgust, as do other men in the scene.
>Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these
>/pol/ was right again
This. The fact that disease is more easily spread through the blood is reason enough.
This show has gotten boring. They should be allowed to bring more stuff.
This is wrong.
Does it really matter you fat bastard? Any woman capable of serving you in any way that is useful in this scenario is going to be able to murder you.
I'm not even fat.
reddit spacing
Do you remember what season or episode it was by any chance?
>he Deadliest Catch guys are champs in comparison and they fucking smuggle meth
Redpill me on meth crabbing.
why are women so retarded?
the main problem is the lack of practical thinking.
the first thing both of them should do is carve up those stupid canvas bags and make shoes of some sort. that will vastly increase their range and rate of travel, and make work and gathering everything easier. These people all lack decades of calluses on their feet to make survival barefoot nearly impossible. You'll notice the 1% of the people who do well in this show make some sort of footwear almost immediately (the rest are all survival experts who developed those calluses over the years).
Period blood isn’t brown you god damn faggot. Old blood looks brown and eventually turns black.
So she had her period earlier and didn't notice it long enough that it turned brown?
based virgin
Yeah she's a dirty bitch.