Are you an Alien Chad or a Predator Chad?

Are you an Alien Chad or a Predator Chad?

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Marine with plasma rifle.

>Company goes to all this effort to get their hands on an an alien specimen through Ripley in the Alien films
>AvP setting and even plain Alien comics make it clear that xenomorphs are fucking everywhere and show WY setting up shop on all these planets outright crawling with them
Why do they bother cloning her for her chestnibbler centuries later if they're actually spoilt for infested worlds

beno main for life

You know the whole perfect organism line doesn't make much sense.

It just means the alien can live anywhere without any problems.

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Shouldn't that factor in other organisms though?

Predator for me, but the Alien is the '1b' to the Pred's '1a' of coolest movie monsters ever. Alien is the best film out of all the Alien/Predator/AvP movies, but Predator is an Arnold movie so it vaults up a few spots. In order of best to worst, I'd rank them
>Predator 2
power gap
>Alien 3
>Alien Covenant
>Alien Resurrection
>AvP 2
>AvP 1
power gap
>The Predator


Chadator VS Virgalien

Everything about that game was awesome except for the stupid marine story

Yeah, can't even act out its full life cycle without parasite-ing off of other species

It's fine at fucking up an unarmed crew who had never seen such a thing, but then when they have to fight trained soldiers they need overwhelming numbers to win.

Both are dead series. Fuck 'em. Predator stopped being good after the second based film. Aliens stopped being good after Aliens.

For me it's AvP 2

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How can they be completely incapable of making a good AvP movie? Requiem gets good when the Predator goes "loud" and just starts fucking up everything in sight, but everything leading up to it is such dogshit that it doesn't matter.

They don't even have use of tools or fire.

>You know what this movie about aliens fighting needs? Teen drama!
It's just like Godzilla and Pacific Rim, Hollywood thinks everything needs to at least try to have a little bit of touching family bullshit, even if it leaves you with long stretches of the film without what you came to the film to see

Godzilla was particularly bad for that. Pacific Rim I can forgive because everything about that movie is balls-out insane and it shouldn't even exist.

>teen drama
what the fuck?

I loved the multiplayer

My high school had this game installed on a bunch of computers. There were always people to play against during study halls and lunch periods.

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I think we should talk about the bonus situation

I wish the game worked on windows 10.

You think the aliens would gain a concept of fear for something other than fire eventually.



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>How can they be completely incapable of making a good AvP movie?
They hired the hack that made the Resident Evil movies

How many aliens and predators could one 40k space marine take down before being overwhelmed?

This is the correct option.

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What's that?

Way more than a movie's worth.

Predator, though I prefer the Alien films. Also I don't get the shit that game garnered, it's pretty good imo

Could one space marine take out the entire hive + the queen in Aliens?

Name one of those where every relevant human to the company was killed or the facility wasn't nuked. It's not availability, it's control they want.

>Could one space marine take out the entire hive + the queen in Aliens?
The Terminators of the Dark Angels originally wore black armour, but it was painted bone white in honour of a battle fought long ago. Legends state that a band of Deathwing returned to the recruiting world of their birth, Plain's World, only to find their people enslaved to Genestealer invaders. The brethren repainted their armour white, symbolising that they were dead men walking. Fighting hordes of Genestealers, they penetrated the alien lair and, though the battle claimed many of the Terminators' lives, ultimately the world was freed. Since that day, the Deathwing have kept their armour white, in remembrance of the sacrifice of their predecessors.
30 went 6 survived and they were terminators so assuming aliens are on a similar level to tyrinids then no

That depends entirely on how resistant their armour is against xenomorph acid, but since it can actually eat thourgh hulls I say they should not stick to close combat. But a single bolter round would probably kill a morph.

We're home lads
>Using nelev to play avp1 story coop

Feeling used but i'm,
Passing by

So what's the triangle here? Alien beats marine, marine beats predator, predator beats alien? Or marine beats alien, alien beats predator, predator beats marine?

It's whoever wins, we lose.
stupid faggot

if he was prepared and kitted out specifically to kill a xenos hive, probably

the anti-xenos chamber militant has some insanely OP gear, the biggest problem would be running out of ammo half way through and acid corrosion from all the gibbing

Predator overall.
My ranking:
Alien = Predator > Predator 2 > Aliens > Predators > Alien 3 > AvP >>> AvP2 > Everything else

it's a cycle not a triangle.

Each has potential to beat the other, but a fully equipped Predator has been known to take out an Alien Queen, so you can do the math.

>first half of Alien is perhaps the greatest "cosmic horror" sequence ever put to film
>Prometheus shits all over it by giving it an explanation
Is Ridley Scott a fucking retard?

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Humans can take down a queen too is the problem.

If we're counting the AvP shitfests, an unblooded Predator takes out an Alien queen without his shoulder cannon.

This couldn't have been worse than Covenant, right?

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Yes, but not a lone human with standard equipment.

Predator suicide nuke might fuck them up if armor gets damaged, but other than that Spehs Marines would probably do pretty well. Also, depending on setting they either fuck up or get fucked by the Definitely OC Donut Steal Genestealers so who knows for aliens.

I feel like Scott wanted to tell a different story entirely with Prometheus but made it a part of the Alien franchise in order to have a bigger audience, or because he was being pressured into resurrecting the series.
Either way, the entire thing is better when you take the Alien out of the equation. Some stories simply don't need explanations/prequels.

Prefer the Aliens and it helps they have more better films.

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Depends on the circumstances, but usually he should be able to take out quite a few. And if it's a Librarian forget it.
At the same time, the Alien has acidic blood that eats through almost everything, and the Predator's disc cuts through pretty much anything, so it's not a guaranteed victory.

I'd say a Yautja is equivalent to an unarmored Space Marine
I don't think a Predator could take on an unarmed Khornate Berzerker though, but I believe one xenomorph will win against a berserker by virtue of its armor melting blood

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Get an absolute load of this heretic.

an armed yautja is definitely equivalent to an unarmed astartes
fight me irl

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Thats why i dont understand the love for the new halloween,
The new halloween has the same exact shitty drama that avp requiem had.
People lost their shit over the teenage crap on requiem but they applaud it on the new halloween

Nah, I agree. But openly supporting Khorne in any capacity? Come on man.

Chaos Undivided

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Well, at least it's not a mutie

Scott read paradise lost and the only way to adapt it was to connect it to Alien.

I actually don't have any necron reaction images, guess I need to visit ca/tg/irl land more

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An Engineer chad

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There have been accounts of Predators killing them. Look up Ahab.

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>mfw there's still not a paradise lost movie
I want a Villeneuve/Gibson collaboration. Make it happen.

>Inb4 Fox tries to bring it back and we get AVP3

I know, but Ahab got lucky. The engineer's got that black goo bioweapon.
Literally over for alien/pred cucks.

>Is Ridley Scott a fucking retard?
You know the answer is yes

An Alien alone outclasses the Engineer in almost all aspects except maybe the physical. Engineers don't have the necessary sensory tech to make it a fair playing field in a random scenario. He gets his shit pushed in.

Stuff from 40K is impossible to play "Who would win" with, because it runs on pure, unwarranted hype.

A Space Marine when looked at from a realistic point of view is just a big, armored guy with a big caliber automatic rifle. He's basically a more agile tankette. If WH40K gave a damn about operating according to the laws of physics, there is nothing stopping a Taliban boy with a Soviet-made RPG from taking a primarch's head off.

But because of "muh geneseed", "muh two hearts" and "muh purity seals" and the fact that SM are hyped to slay entire planets worth of enemies in the lore, they need to win, because they're badass, end of discussion. It's stupid.

By physical I mean strength wise. But it's still debatable. An alien impaled a pred and lifted it off the ground like it was nothing.

I usually like to approach this somewhere in the middle. While Space Marines still come off as powerful regardless of what setting you put them in, they're far from invincible.
Let's say you drop one in Star Wars, like some people do. A single trained Jedi can take out at least 3 of them at once.

Reverse AvP 1 and 2 and I'm with you

Well, a Primarch wouldn't likely be in such a vulnerable situation, and important people carry mobile shields for such events
But you're correct in that Spess mundane ways, eldar are keen at sniping

WH40K is just retarded from a remotely realistic point of view. You have hovering stealth drones armed with powerful, long-range weaponry on one side and guys who need to run up to you to hit you with a chainsaw on the other and the latter win. It might make sense of the tabletop, but it really doesn't when you treat it remotely seriously.

That's why the real men do 99% of the work

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How would you bring it back?

Predators are space gary stus, xenos are absolute beasts that turned into space bugs due to Cameron.
Good movie but ruined the Xeno.

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WH40K has some of the most coherent internal lore canon of any scifi IP

as for why you need swords in a galaxy with sniper rifles (or nukes for that matter) the answer is simple, in many theaters there are more enemies than bullets, or you have more soldiers than rifles, or the guns have all come alive with hostile machine spirits, you may call it dumb but its consistently dumb

I mean yes until you read the numbers that gw give to conflicts- a lot of it is so off the mark that ww2 eastern front has more casualties than a planet wide campaign

The Imperiums at war on every front, I think you're speaking of Space Marine numbers, which aren't that many

dunno about that but most of the lore ive read describes planetary engagements as division or corp level actions so a few hundred thousand dead seems reasonable

keep in mind so many planets are straetgically important but basically uninhabitable so you cant always have ten billion dudes fighting

No I'm specifically on the guard, siege of vraks and gaunts ghosts for example often had really under whelming numbers

Depends if the authors are British, who are notoriously autistic and bad at everything after 1950

I will hook you in the fookin gabber

Sorry, I haven't gotten over Jeanne d'Arc

im more a joka master race myself daddy

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Because Fox didn't want to adapt those stories.