no aliens
pitt beats up a chink again
slow burning movie( I like those)
Best parts about 'ad astra'
Other urls found in this thread:
Best parts were the feels, cinematography and the great performance from Pitt. Really good film.
But is it bonechilling?
It's weird that a movie has the balls to say no fuck you to an audience expecting a climax with aliens but simultaneously has brad pitt surfing through a ring of neptune with a piece of paneling
>scene where he sneaks on the ship
>scene with the psych eval that was just like the baseline test
>scene of him leaving Neptune
>"you have to let me go Roy"
And most importantly it wasn't dishonest like contact or interstellar
For me its was the cinematography, especially during the numerous take offs and descents onto or off of planets/moons.
And the colouration at the end of the film with the blue glow from Neptune set the feel of that scene very well and naturally.
this movie was so much better than interstellar and gravity
I agree.
8/10 visuals
3/10 everything else
Based and redpilled
While the concept and visuals were ABSOLUTE KINO, the story felt really watered down.
I think the mouse kinda cut it down.
The trailer had some sort of sex/pleasure recreation rooms and people getting beat up by riot police on Mars (sort of a Weimar Germany vibe).
I also missed the "the enemy here is not a person or a thing, its the endless void" quote about space from Sutherland.
Movie had reshoots that were not approved by the director apparently. Who know what they cut out and what they put in. I'm thinking all the action stuff was studio mandated.
The boogie chase is in the script that i have, the final third is very different. Gray said in an interview that the last minute or two in the film where Pitt gets back to Earth were by studio but the rest of the film is his. I don't believe him desu, lot of stuff seemed to be cut out and the last third is extremely altered which might have been his decision but i would like to know for sure.
You sure the sex room wasn't from high life?
I'm 100% certain the ending to this was heavily altered though
Also I believe at least half of the voiceover was added later to explain things that honestly dont make sense after cutting out some scenes or change the script around
So basically a James Gray movie
However, it also happens to be absolute kino 10/10 when it DOES work
Overall the shit that didn't work didn't annoy me as much so I gave it a solid 7-8/10
>slow burn
but is it bone chilling?
What are the odds there could be a Directors Cut or Final Cut when it goes to home video?
This piece of garbage sucked. Anybody who doesn't agree with me is fucking entitled to their opinion, I guess
Perhaps, but nowadays studios are very careful about who they let release what
Like look at all the autistic shit with DC and Snyder fags and ,and they still won't release shit because honestly it's not that big an audience, and this definitely doesn't have that much of an audience either, so unless Gray goes full on Riddley Scott on them I doubt it's gonna happen
In the trailers there was some party on Mars. I agree with you, it feels like it has a potential to be 10/10 but it was 8 because of some decisions. Now whether it was Gray or studio, who knows.
I doubt that, there was some article from some blogger who claimed that some big trade is working on a story about the post production on this. So maybe if the studio really fucked Gray over, they will allow him to make different cut but that's very low probability imo.
It's a shame Liv Tyler had more lines in the trailer than the movie
The fight on the moon with the moon pirates was damn good.
Felt like not enough thought was put into things. School children doing a full on rocket launch with re-entry? It couldn't decide if space travel was 'like it is now but slightly more advanced' or if it was commonplace.
Also felt all the introspection was saying the same kind of thing the whole movie with little sign of growth.
She wasn't in the script at all. Added after test screenings.
They could have shot pitt anytime they wanted yet chose to ram him!?!
Really? It was a pretty good decision
They tried several times
Jamie Kennedy is in this movie but I don't remember seeing him. He plays "Peter Bello".
To have her in the film or not to have her in the film?
He was cut.
To have her in the film
Also where to find the script?
movie said alien
so i want alien
but no alien
bad movie
wut wuz with duh ending
They shot his escorts from afar and closed in to ram him
I really really hate to say this but I'm starting to think this movie was re cut with an agenda built back into it. I'm thinking that this contained a lot of anti-society themes that got gutted after poor market testing. Potentially edited after the recent mass shootings to provide a more "balanced" message.
Distributed by Disney, after all. Keep in mind that the Hunt was canceled for the same reason.
What the fuck was his problem?
I'm assuming it's easier to do that because of gravity and air resistance
What? Like what
>no women
>no robots
>no aliens
>no BS
That's why it's good. Reddit hates it.
Should I go see this by myself bros
Action stuff was pretty good, especially the baboon and the lunar rover chase
Yeah, I went with a friends and they said it wasn't interstellar
I knew I should have gone alone
Thats like, an entire other movie. Much more beautiful and detailed but sad.
>subway still existing in a time when we have space elevators, lunar/mars bases, and near extra-solar travel.
Read the script. Roy is an anti-social weirdo that follows in his father's footsteps and casts himself out from society. He actually kills the crew of the ship to continue his mission. He finds out that SpaceCom has betrayed him and his father. He returns with the horrible truth that SpaceCom acknowledges will change society forever. He returns to society but one of his making.
Contrast to the message in the film. He rejects his father's views and isolationism but for seemingly no reason. He just decides to return to earth and rejoin the society that he once hated. To rely on them because he has to, because he cannot do it by himself.
A very individualist message vs a very collectivist message. Here's where I go off the deep end. All of the old, white men die. All of the action sequences and out of place scenes feature people of color. Doesn't bother me because I am not a racist but it is easily spotted. The change to the father murdering his crew instead of the ship's AI allows for Ruth Negga's character to be emotionally involved. He doesn't kill the multi-ethnic ship crew in the movie. It's an accident. Liv Tyler's character doesn't exist at all.
Makes me sick, I can already see some fat cunts and nu-males complain about the lack of females in space movies because that's important. That's why you had that brown woman on Mars and those shuttle crews with asians, blacks and women for the sake of it.
I think the reason they changed this was to differentiate him from his father
>He returns with the horrible truth that SpaceCom acknowledges will change society forever. He returns to society but one of his making.
What does this even mean in english?
Holy SHIT.
What locations do they go to in this movie? I wasn't interested because I figured it would just be the Moon and Jupiter orbit
He goes to the moon first, it acts like an interplanetary airport, then Mars
Jupiter and Saturn are seen,
Funny enough Uranus isn't in it but no one cares about it
Fuck if I know but that's what the script ends on. I'm just trying to explain my strange conspiracy theories to people on the internet.
i really liked ad astra and lost city of z. are james gray's other movies as good?
To add: The script seems to think that the "proof" that aliens don't exist will push people toward God. By bringing this proof home, Roy changes the world's understanding. SpaceCom knows this and this is why the ship kills the crew in the script. It's fucking bizarre.
The script pushes a pro-individualist, pro-religion theme and the movie does not. This is all that I'm trying to say.
His father wanted to create new big bang that's why the surges happened. They found out that there is no intelligent life out there and wanted to come back but they couldn't. They fuck up somehow and destroy some moon nearby. Then they all die of radiation poisoning. Pitt is supposed to carry the knowledge of no intelligent life and the need to create new big bang to earth iirc.
Yes. At the beginning he made NY set small crime dramas which are quite good. Two Lovers and The Immigrant are really good too. All of these are character driven stories. Phoenix is in some of them and he gives some of his best performances in Two Lovers and The Immigrant.
>The script pushes a pro-individualist, pro-religion theme and the movie does not.
I actually notices a lot religious stuff in the dialogue of the film. They said a prayer when they did that 'space burial' (sort of like burial at sea) and Tommy Lee Jones said something like "We're alone with god in this universe, my son" at the end when he explained that Lima Project found no life in the universe.
sweet in the mood for some crime drama anyways
Orbital revolutions aren't synchronous. I was actually surprised they bothered showing Saturn after Jupiter.
Yeah but it never goes anywhere. Which is why I think it may have been cut somewhere along the line. The movie is full of plot strings that just get cut for no reason.
TLJ's character's breakdown seemed tacked on to me. Lima Project was designed ostensibly to search for extraterrestrial intelligence, but doesn't go past Neptune, a world within the localized solar system. His 'we're all alone' spiel, on the universal scale, is like he went to his neighbor's house, knocked on the door, got no answer, and subsequently decided that he was the only living person on the entire planet from that single event. All Lima did was confirm humanity being the only sentient species in THIS single solar system, period. It's like he couldn't process that there's more than one solar system and that the journey didn't end on fucking Neptune.
Where were the aliens? Why is there all this dialogue? So boring!
No, Lima was kind of like the hubble space telescope, put out where it was to get a better view of the entire galaxy.
>insert a bunch of retarded expectations because you're a massive pleb
>blame the movie
lmao user error
fuck off pleb
Alright friend, you're entitled to your opinion. But just know that you're wrong and also a fag.
Again, the equivalent of sticking your head out of the open window of your house, looking around outside, not seeing anyone, and coming to the conclusion you're the only living person on Earth.
Yep, Interstellar just feels even more fake now
You seem to forget or don't understand that Lima Project was meant to be like SETI, only further away from the sun's radiation and electromagnetic and earth's radio disturbances, that would interfere with Limas sensors/antennas/telescopes.
I get it that the photos shown or Europa and other Solar System moons are confusing for people who are interested in space related stuff, but they are meant to represent photos of exoplanets taken by the Lima Project.
They had somekind of antimatter device which was potentially a threat to humanity if not managed right, there was probably some technobabble reason that it functioned as described in the plot and not in whatever way you are projection.
I completely agree.
Also, Sutherland's character seems to die too soon, and that black martian lady seems to be unnecessary.
I read somewhere that Sutherland originally was the one who reveals that Tommy Lee Jones has killed his crew.
So because SETI hasn't found anything, that means nobody is out there? There's no way that this Lima project inspected every exoplanet in the known universe for life. Agent K looked at a handful of planets (compared to the vast universe) and declared that we were alone.
You speak of projection in the same sentence where you make shit up to apologize for shitty writing. Literally projecting your own ideas into the movie because your brain can't fathom that you might be wrong. See? We can do it too.
Yeah I understood that but I figured the reason was that Uranus is the most boring planet of them so they can chalk that off to orbits
>There's no way that this Lima project inspected every exoplanet in the known universe for life.
Its implied that it did, that's the whole point of the movie. No matter how unrealistic it might be.
Retard here. Seriously how did Lima project cause the power surges on Earth? It was never explained in detail, only speculations provided.
It never said they did
What's viewable in our range isn't that much
also you're looking into the past, and pre excluding microorganisms and subterranean life off the bat
Many exoplanets have liquid oceans or deposits
Nothing in the immediate vicinity doesn't equal nothing at all
The film failed to convince me of that supposed fact. It failed on all accounts.
Only guess is that the pulses from the reactor on lima somehow cause chain reaction storms on Jupiter
The antimatter engine was broken during the mutiny sending power surges across the solar system
If you want to nitpick something, nitpick the fact that they were able to find Lima really easily after they implied it was like a needle in a haystack. Why would they let things be after they found out Tommy Lee killed his crew? They knew it was in orbit around Jupiter right? Wouldn't that call for a mass search mission right away? Why did they wait till their dangerous antimatter thing started going on the fritz.
If you're dealing with a fucking UNSTABLE ANTIMATTER CHAIN REACTION, why would you then stick a FUCKING NUKE into it
Otherwise, it's very BR2049esque, I loved it
It was a decent and entertaining space movie but it could have been an actual great film if they'd left out the voiceover constantly telling the audience how to feel and explaining every action in the film. Let the audience interpret the characters decisions and feelings based on the acting - Pitt and Jones were both expressive enough that it would have worked fine. Reminds me of the shitty Blade Runner cut with the awful voiceover ruining every quiet, contemplative moment of that film too.
and if you say they needed to get a coms signal out of Jones to pinpoint Lima, they mentioned using somekind of laser device which implies they knew exactly where to point at. and it also begs the question how they lost track of it in the first place
Is this the most blackpilled sci fi film?
Seems like people have trouble with interpretating the film even with voice over.
I'm not sure what the fight with the Chinese astronaut was supposed to convey. It's not like he was being arrogant like Bruce Lee, he was just checking a diagnostics panel when Pitt put him in a headlock.
Who fucking knows? Just leave the potential superweapon with a madman who killed his entire crew. It'll be fine. We'll just take a couple months to nuke it after he killed 40k people.
Like I said, this movie fails on all accounts. It didn't understand space, physics, or its own characters. Things happen for no reason. People do things for no reason. It has fooled people into thinking that it has any depth and it reeks of corporate reshoots.
They needed to show the audience McBride's fighting prowess - that he could go toe-to-toe with a Chinese guy who is obviously a kung fu master
A’men user !!!
>They knew it was in orbit around Jupiter right?
I still love Gravity. This was just as good.
Based Pitt destroying chinks once again.
what did he mean by this?
Brad killed half of the minorities in the film. Pretty based if you ask me.
How does he keep getting away with it
Also why was that black cunt trying to kill him?
Because he was boarding the ship. Marky Mark and Brad need to team up for some chink killing kino.
But she fucking invited him
Logically she should've tried to convince the other crew to chill out
user I want you to google the population of every continent and let me know what a minority is
Those astronauts on that ship were exceptionally stupid, they could have tried to talk him instead of that they started to attack him.
By minority i mean everyone who is not white.
I was legitimately shaken a bit when everyone on the rocket to Mars dies, it feels tragic that Pitt got doomed to months of solitude immediately after breaking through his hang ups and taking action
While I mostly liked the action, the monkey scene in particular felt incongruous and unrelated to pretty much everything else in the movie, like it was just there to make sure the audience wasn't already asleep
Holy fuck you are a fair and reasonable person.
The film is like Gray making introspective character study and son, father film in space and then realizing that he needs some budget so he just quickly scrambles some action scenes and throws them in so he can do his thing and the audience will be waken up every half hour with an action scene. It worked for me, pretty great film.
He looked at planets for like 30 years and found nothing while being surrounded by corpses on a spaceship, I doubt he was feeling very optimistic by the end
It's the entire reason he'd rather die than risk going to earth and potentially furthering the research being done in the search for extra terrestrial life
i want an essay on my desk in 2 days on why theses 2 movie were dishonest
>tfw you don't know where user's desk is because no one cares about your opinion
Give me 24 sitcoms with this feel
Ad Astra is a smart, weird and beautiful atmospheric slow burning bone chiller about the human condition and that's a good thing.
I can give you a a few sentences
Interstellar admits it has no plot and just cycles itself in the end (Cooper was responsible for the anomaly all along)
Contact insists on itself
Dogshit movie. I didn't go to see depressed Brad Pitt in space.
Prolly worst movie of 2019. If you liked ad astra you should go back to rebbit.
Plot holes out the ass
Shoehorned action scenes that served no purpose.
>Interstellar admits it has no plot and just cycles itself in the end
>humans from the future are so advanced they can think in the sort of terms that allow you to set up circumstances where humans from their past save the future
>they actually trust the past humans to figure it out
>no plot
There is nothing so good that some brat can't screw their nose up at it and say they didn't like it. Contact is less clever but just as intelligent. If you can't see a difference between those words, and can't tell the difference between liking something and it being good, then you can't be helped, just carried by the people who can.
The introductory scene with the free fall was awesome. Definitely felt vertigo and anxiety.
Climbing into the spacecraft through the exhaust
Pitt's performance
I hope it's true that this is a different cut than what was intended. The ending was just odd. Would have been much more effective if his dad was the cause of the EM pulses and interpreted not finding any life through his mission as a sign that humans and life on the planet was a mistake.
After watching Interstellar I read a theory about cooper dying in the end and the ending was just his imagination.
Change my mind.
will chinks like it?
I was really struck by the scream of despair the father let out as he floated out into space.
Great film.
The part I liked most about the first half of the movie is that it felt like a good adaptation of a Robert Heinlein movie.
I liked the rest too, but there's some serious gold in those hills to make a retro-futuristic space thriller
>Yea Forums thinks this movie was good
> pro-individualist, pro-religion
This is contradictory, religion is collectivist.
The final product is actually deeply Catholic. Pitt realizes we're alone in the universe and realizes he (we) must all stop chasing impossible dreams and intergalactic capitalist expansion, and come together because "we're all we got."
Last lines of the movie are: "I will live. I will love. I will submit." Meaning submission to the community of man and submission to God.
Braddu killed another chink
IS the creek dry? wink wink
I don't think it implies they checked "all of them." If certainly implies they checked a lot of them
user here reporting back, this movie was not good bros. It could have been but the studio butchered it, I cringed every time the voice over played.
So what did you want to see, when you went to see a fucking James Gray space film? Jesus christ.
Seems more like Yea Forums film to me.
In the original script they wanted to create a new big bang, they fucked up something when they wanted to come back to Earth and they all got radiation poisoning. Pitt comes to empty ship, everyone is dead. It's just some recording that explains this.
I was on edge the whole film maybe it was the soundtrack. The chimps can burn in hell.
>live isolated in space fo nearly 30 years with no new supplies
I laughed hard when the coon got shot in the face and ad astra just tossed his limp body off the moon buggy
only reddit would like this shit movie that pretends to be serious on the surface but has numerous plot holes from start to finish that would be immediately obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. Not to mention the action scenes that were clearly shoved in by execs that made no sense whatsoever (pirates on the moon? seriously?) because otherwise the movie would just be an hour of brad pitt doing poetry readings.
They showed ou how they were fed with some substance directly injected in the body but you must have been sleeping because there weren't enough explosions and laser guns
Why did they want to create a big bang? Was it the LIMA project or did McBride decide to do this onhis own?
What if Cooper actually does in the first FRAME and the whole movie is his imagination.
Better yet, what if you’re dying right now and posting here is your death vision.
>plot holes
Those scenes are in the script, so you are wrong.
I don't remember exactly, i posted the script further up the thread , you can read it.
It was funny that he later pretended he cared. For me, it was when the black crew member got splashed against the window.
I'm not convinced user.
that death was similar to the baboon lol
>every space movie since 2001 tries to "appeal to a wider audience" and absolutely requires a redemptive arc followed by some mumbo jumbo about how humanity has to stick together
And 2001 still conveyed its message about humanity's evolution and transcendence better than any of them.
The movie actually had some pretty good imagery and was a fun if schlocky space adventure flick
>This is contradictory, religion is collectivist.
Organized religion is. Religion in the sense meant by the other user is about oneness with God. Oneness being the operative word.
>we're all we got
this is a deeply antitheistic message, and doesn't suggest the conclusion you came to at all
It's just a coincidence bro
why is there sound in space in some scenes, what has tommy lee jones been eating all this time, how has muscle atrophy and radiation not affected him yet, why does he need to be out there why didn't he just send the data back to earth, why didn't he dispose of the bodies, how is radiation from this ship blasting all of earth but somehow not the people onboard, how is this radiation going to destroy the entire solar system, why did brad pitt have to go to mars to record a message, how did brad pitt get enough energy from one nuke to fly billions of miles back to earth while also not destroying the ship, why did the emp from a nuclear explosion not affect his ship, why are space shuttle which are constantly bombarded from radiation in space susceptible to this to begin with, why didn't he just land on mars instead, how did a monkey manage to kill an entire crew or punch through astronaut gear and why did it explode, why was this scene even included in the movie, why were the scientists who were shitting their pants during a power surge suddenly willing to fight brad pitt to the death in melee combat, why are there pirates on the fucking moon, why is there incredibly toxic gases stored in the crew compartment of a spaceship, why did brad pitt need a shield to fly through neptune's rings, how did he manage to even find his ship again, why couldn't his pod be manually docked, why is he rambling on in his psych evaluations like a lunatic when he knows the government does not want him on this mission, why did all the shuttles land in the most inefficient retarded way possible, I could keep going.
it's just a movie bro :)
it's just a post bro :)
Get off Yea Forums adam and go fuck a dog
Were there any other major changes to the script besides the big bang stuff? I don't to read a whole script
Lot of shit. He has sister in the script, calls his mom in the end, isn't shown getting on Earth. No wife. His sister has lot of scenes in the script. There were lot of changes, this must have been some older draft. I can't imagine them changing so much during filming but who knows.
Bretty gud, was telling my friend that during the projection.
Also: Maybe TLJ eats the dead, which is why he didn't dispose of them ?
Most of these are retarded nitpicks and if the film had to explain in detail everything that you want to have explained it would be 4 hours. Some valid concerns here and there but really it amazes me that you actually typed all this shit.
>dude just turn your brain off lmao
>dude pirates on the moon is totally plausible bro
muh sound in space is the most retarded criticism of sci fi movies, congratulations you fucking brainlet
you just know it's always some dumb fucking retard who's just learned there's nothing to propagate sound and tries to make himself look smart in front of people who always knew that and understand why someone wouldn't make a mute fucking movie
Interesting, thanks for the summary user
I find it ironic that people think this is more "realistic" compared to other space films, when the directory blatantly ignores physics.
>The future of humanity rests on your shoulders, so here's a couple of lightly armed guys to escort you on your journey where you're almost certainly going to encounter conflict!
>Why go to mars to record an audio message? Why must the message be recorded in an anechoic chamber?
>How did Brad Pitt maneuver in space outside of the capsule?
>That magic carpet ride scene with that titanic door
>acting like knowing that there's no sound in space is showing off
>How did Brad Pitt maneuver in space outside of the capsule?
you can clearly see his suit maneuvering thrusters firing in the movie you brainlet
why is it that the autistic nitpickers trying to argue >muh realistic hard science are always either actual retards or spent half the movie in their phone
>muh sound in space is the most retarded criticism of sci fi movies
because that's the only problem I listed, A+ reading comprehension bro
sound in space movies is fine when it's dumb schlock like star wars that isn't pretending to be realistic
and don't fucking tell me that this movie wasn't trying to do that when the director himself called it
>the most realistic depiction of space travel that's been put in a movie
it tries to be serious and falls flat on its fucking face
As far as the landing and moon pirates go just search Ad Astra behind the scenes and there are some videos about design of the ships and how do they land and also the boogie chase scene with his commentary over it. He also explained the sound somewhere but i don't remember where. Also the power surges weren't radiation from what i remember. Pitt had put some food through tube when he was travelling so that's that. Jones might have done the same shit, they certainly had some food on the ship. It was explained that the waves are getting bigger as they travel across. It's pretty clear why he didn't send them. He didn't believe them. Radiation not but uncotrolled anti matter reaction yes, at least according to them.
Unorganized religion is just atheism
then why is there always this persistent group of people repeating that shit for every space movie?
go make your own 100% authentic space flick with no sound, realistic orbital mechanics, detailed explanations of how everyone's piss and shit is handled and jerk yourself off to that
It's plausible.
He said that he regrets that statement and he retracted it, he said it before he even shot the film.
2001 already exists though
Holy shit the crew of that second spaceship were stupid. I don't understand how any of them graduated high school let alone astronaut school.
>"I'm going to unstrap myself and try to have a big brawl while the ship is taking off whoops there go my brains."
>"I'm going to fire a gun inside this giant pressurised gas canister full of other pressurised gas canisters what could possibly go wr-"
really how is a behind the scenes video going to explain away the laws of physics
there is a reason space shuttles have wings instead of falling straight to the earth like a rock you fucking moron
>power surges weren't radiation from what i remember
do you not understand what radiation is? any form of energy is a form of radiation. not that it matters since they just said it was from some anti matter magic shit on board and never explained.
>Pitt had put some food through tube when he was travelling so that's that. Jones might have done the same shit, they certainly had some food on the ship
Pitt's trip took a few weeks, TLJ was circling neptune for YEARS. Having all the resources on board to keep just one person alive for years on a space ship would be ridiculous much less an entire crew as initially planned. Rest is more retarded science fiction mumbo jumbo.
you're dumb
>really how is a behind the scenes video going to explain away the laws of physics
there is a reason space shuttles have wings instead of falling straight to the earth like a rock you fucking moron
They explain exactly that with spacecraft engineer, you retard.
>what has tommy lee jones been eating all this time
the ship had plenty of supplies for an entire crew, one old dude would last years alone after he killed everyone else
>how has muscle atrophy
the movie even goes out of the way to show pitt doing some sci fi electric stimulation for his muscles
safe to assume the ships are shielded well enough
>why didn't he dispose of the bodies
why bother? he probably didn't even visit those sections for years
>how is radiation from this ship blasting all of earth but somehow not the people onboard
wdym by 'people'? no one blasted by 'the surge' was directly affected, it just fucks up all the electronics
also, you know how an 'antimatter reactor' works? i sure don't
>how is this radiation going to destroy the entire solar system
they never said that, they said it'd destroy human civilisation/life, which it would
>how did brad pitt get enough energy from one nuke to fly billions of miles back to earth while also not destroying the ship
he didn't, you can clearly see his engine firing, he used the explosion as a booster in addition to that; also, what are gravity assists, you don't understand space travel
>why were the scientists who were shitting their pants during a power surge suddenly willing to fight brad pitt to the death in melee combat
because inbetween those they got requisitioned by the military for their top secret mission
>why did brad pitt need a shield to fly through neptune's rings
to not get hit by the rocks, as can be clearly seen in the movie, again
>how did he manage to even find his ship again
what the fuck do you mean, he parked it in a stable orbit some distance away, it'd stay in the same place relative to lima
>why couldn't his pod be manually docked
>why did brad pitt have to go to mars to record a message
>how did a monkey manage to kill an entire crew or punch through astronaut gear and why did it explode, why was this scene even included in the movie
>why are there pirates on the fucking moon
only viable criticism
there you go, there's your (you)s, i took your fucking bait, congratulations, i just hate brainlets
Yeah, still not sure how he was one of the pirates on the moon, loses Pitt in the canyon, and then later shows up on a ship in the middle of no where.
not that guy, but are you really bringing up the 'monkeys banging rocks in front of reddit monolith' movie as an example of scientific realism?
>the ship had plenty of supplies for an entire crew
first of all this isn't true, there were other people still on board at the start of the movie. they were the reason for the anti matter problems.
second even if it was having years worth of supplies for just one person would be ridiculous. life support is one of the biggest hurdles of space travel for this very reason.
>safe to assume the ships are shielded well enough
but not shielded enough to protect them from whatever is causing power surges, makes sense. real life astronauts get bombarded with radiation well beyond safe levels.
>why bother? he probably didn't even visit those sections for years
because any sane person wouldn't want to live on a ship filled with corpses?
>wdym by 'people'? no one blasted by 'the surge' was directly affected, it just fucks up all the electronics
any radiation strong enough to bombard AN ENTIRE FUCKING PLANT ALL THE WAY FROM NEPTUNE would melt anybody on board. it doesn't matter what kind it is.
>also, you know how an 'antimatter reactor' works? i sure don't
Like I said more science fiction bullshit that takes away from the movie.
>they never said that, they said it'd destroy human civilisation/life, which it would
No they said solar system, I clearly remember them saying this. Did they mean all life in the solar system? maybe but it's still a retarded statement and poor writing.
>he didn't, you can clearly see his engine firing, he used the explosion as a booster in addition to that
He said he used it as his primary means of propulsion literally moments before the explosion.
>also, what are gravity assists, you don't understand space travel
gravity assists aren't going to get you up to the speeds needed to travel from neptune to earth in less than a decade.
>because inbetween those they got requisitioned by the military for their top secret mission
having orders from the military doesn't suddenly turn a bunch of nerds into trained commandos.
this movie was stupid, but not as stupid as you
>to not get hit by the rocks, as can be clearly seen in the movie, again
>retard who doesn't understand scale in space
>what the fuck do you mean, he parked it in a stable orbit some distance away, it'd stay in the same place relative to lima
that's not the point dumbass it's that he managed to jump to it just with his legs, through the rings, and find it a good distance away. keep in mind this is around NEPTUNE where there is barely any sunlight.
>because any sane person wouldn't want to live on a ship filled with corpses?
implying he's sane
>He said he used it as his primary means of propulsion literally moments before the explosion
google orion drive
>having orders from the military doesn't suddenly turn a bunch of nerds into trained commandos.
which is why they fucked up and couldn't get pitt all 3 of them together
>gravity assists aren't going to get you up to the speeds needed to travel from neptune to earth in less than a decade.
true, the movie does handwave the distances/time with space travel
i won't keep arguing about the sci fi elements, discussing the properties of an antimatter reactor meltdown is about as productive as debating magic mechanics in a fantasy setting
the automatic system ensures a hermetic seal and refuses to connect if it can't do that?
just tie a rope brah, should do the trick
>implying he's sane
clearly he still is for the most part when he's talking to brad pitt
>google orion drive
something infinitely more complex than just dropping a nuke and riding off of it. first of all the ship has to be designed to withstand such immense forces and the explosion has to be shaped very precisely to have any effect just like how putting a piece of lead on top of a pile of gunpowder isn't the same thing as sealing it inside a barrel of a gun. second you need a lot of bombs. from the wikipedia article.
>The optimal Orion drive bomblet yield (for the human crewed 4,000 ton reference design) was calculated to be in the region of 0.15 kt, with approx 800 bombs needed to orbit and a bomb rate of approx 1 per second
>which is why they fucked up and couldn't get pitt all 3 of them together
again missing the point, having the will to kill another person especially in fucking melee combat is not easy even for trained soldiers much less a bunch of scientists.
This movie was retarded, we still go to space with disposable 1st stage rockets, but there are moon pirates. Also, we can't handle a few enraged monkeys.
Even if he´s not sane, the stench (huge problem in spacecraft since they need to recycle air) and potential for disease alone would have convinced him to ditch the bodies really quickly, which is also really easy to do in space.
Orion drive needs hundreds, if not thousands of precisely shaped explosions, massive shock absorbers and ablative shields to work.
a seal doesn't matter when you have a space suit with its own oxygen supply. all you care about is getting from one ship to the other without having to jump and pray.
>I need my fantasy movie to have 100% real science or we riot
okay you got me on the nuke
and yeah, i guess even if they wanted to keep bodies for the movie, those sections should've been vented and cutoff from his own liveable space
if I wanted to watch scifi schlock I would go rewatch interstellar not this boring melodramatic turd
In the ballpark would have been nice, is the moon a low gravity launching post/refining/manufacturing facility, or is it fucking disneyland?
Both, dummy.
>wojakposter on his iphone defending pseud trash
Moon pirates. Fuck off
Why is that so unbelievable?
We still get to mars on disposable first stage rockets. Pirates somehow survive a desolate wasteland by robbing surface travellers. No.
This is a world where techo-capitalism has gone wild. You don't think there are rogue billionaires financing pirate operations all over?
>can afford expensive space equipment, moon rovers, and guns
>still commit crime
putting aside how the fuck they even managed to find brad pitt in the first place in the middle of fucking nowhere and why brad pitt didn't have more guards considering was on a mission to save mankind
>most boring
You know it's the only planet in the system that rotates on its prime meridian instead of its equator, and is the least visited planet? Only one probe's even looked at it. We're not even sure it only has 27 moons.
At no point was any such thing discussed, explained, or shown. If a billionaire was funding pirate operations he would be shutdown in a heartbeat. If other countries were financing pirate operations, their countries would be destroyed. Space pirates are a thing, if and only if active colonization efforts are undertaken with self sustaining space stations at a minimum. We weren't their yet.
This movie sounds like they had a great science advisor, but only listened to him 25% of the time.
Moon pirates bad
I feel like that had to be the studio demanding an action scene. The SOS monkey fit imo, but moon pirates felt so out of place with everything else in the movie.
why is smashing moon buggies into each other like it's fucking mad max and having gunfights in space not believable? gee idk. accidentally getting your suit crushed or sliced by a piece of shrapnel and suffocating on the moon sounds like a great way to go.
>packed the ship for a crew of 3 for entire Mars to Neptune transit time
>now just a crew of 1
He had plenty of stuff.
>muh monolith did it
Eat shit, Clarke.
there were others still living with TLJ right before power surges started
Absolutely fucking nothing happens with a retard background plot and the monologues of a 13 year old faggot.
The end.
If you like this movie you are dumb. If you even try to defend the horrid dogshit writing you are a fucking faggot that triws to turn boring trash into deep and philosphical enigmas. Fuck you dumb faggots. I hate you for liking this movie.
>people defending/liking this movie
It sucked ass
Dude, baboons would fuck you up here on the planet. Imagine trying to fight one in zero-G where it's still got primate foot-hands and you don't.
They could have picked almost anything else. Meteor shower, rover accident, they said it was disputed territory, so maybe a war breaks out. The idea that there are scavengers living on moon scraps, or that there is a million ton moonbase at like $50k/kg seems a bit out there.
It had such a strong start with the space antenna fall, and took two illogical steps back for every step forward.
Why weren't they kept in cages? Why didn't the crew seal off the testing facility and do what Brad Pitt did?
>And most importantly it wasn't dishonest like contact or interstellar
What the fuck does this even mean?
>bawww I never knew my dad
>bawww my wife left me because im a sperg
>im going to neptune to find out what happened
>hi son you're so brave to fly all the way out here to neptune
>by the way I always hated you and your mother im gonna go kill myself now lol
>wow im so glad I came out here to fetch a box full of useless data with nothing on it
>seeing my dad kill himself for no reason turned my life around now im happy and my wife loves me again
>the end
two hours of literally nothing
Since we never even find out what happened to the 26 people that were living on that station with the critters, there are questions without answers.
A horseshit word used pseudointellectual film critics on the internet to describe abstract things about a popular movie they don't like.
>that's not the point dumbass it's that he managed to jump to it just with his legs,
He had the jetpack
astronaut helmets are made from bulletproof glass and the suits kevlar, also astronauts are trained to move in zero-g a monkey sure fucking isn't and would fumble around like a retard.
Yeah and seemed to have forgot about them instantly afterward. Also I guess we can just toss bodies out into space without care, someone is eventually going to splat on a spacecrafts windshield.
>Also I guess we can just toss bodies out into space without care, someone is eventually going to splat on a spacecrafts windshield.
What the fuck are you even talking about man. Space is infinitely big, the chances that you hitting a bodybag is close to impossible
You are just missing the deepness because you are not a onions intellectual lile me that can imagine something to be deep.
PS. I praise things when I feel bored by them out of fear that I am missing something deep.
>be hack movie critic
>mfw realize I can swap the "ad" in Ad Astra with "bad"
>mfw realize I can swap the "ad" in Ad Astra with "dad"
>mfw realize I can swap the "ad" in Ad Astra with "sad"
>mfw realize I can swap the "ad" in Ad Astra with "rad"
>mfw realize I can swap the "ad" in Ad Astra with "mad"
>mfw realize I can swap the "ad" in Ad Astra with "a tad"
>mfw realize I can swap the "Ad Astra" with "Bad-Asstra"
The clicks write themselves
Are posters like these doing this in an ironic way? Posting basedjacks, complaining about fading masculinity, and hating most new things that come out. Is this an ironic joke or are they just bitter capeshitters?
>>scene where he sneaks on the ship
>random ass fucking sewer pipe with access hatch in the middle of fucking nowhere with no air lock that also has the pressure (and temperature) to maintain liquid water.
>>scene of him leaving Neptune
>Yuge antimatter explosion which somehow does not kill him despite the enormous amount of gamma rays that would be released.
>His ship is still functional after that explosion.
No fucking way it would have enough power to do that, and the whole "chain reaction" thing is just bullshit
This thread contains the absolute lowest form of film criticism that can directly be traced back to plebbit faggots
>ignore themes
>ignore direction
>ignore cinematography
>ignore framing
>ignore visuals
>ignore acting
>ignore score (thanks Max)
>ignore literally any other technical aspect of the movie
>there should be sound in space
This entire board can't be saved, and the problem is that people have fallen for the same old nitpicking and plotfaggotry analysis, since most people here have no fucking idea of what else to talk about when discussing a movie
Another good example is the "kino" threads in which pretty pictures with contrasting colors or imposing monochromatic backgrounds are lauded as the pinnacle of cinematography
Put Yea Forums out of its misery already
It's truly sad to see. I blame RLM and the IMDb message boards for completely obliterating online film crit.
Best post ITT
i disagree... when a director takes liberties and leaves plot holes in a movie, when things in background dont make sense, when there are glaring unrealistic things going on, it forces you to suspend your thinking.
but what it really is, its an out of touch rich hollywood people saying "fuck you plebes, eat this shit"... it also has a side effect of gradually numbing your thought process.
why do you think so many people are so out of touch with reality? they all consume reality shows, comic book movies, and rigged sports games.
not to mention the masses fall for the latest con man every election.
Haven’t seen it yet but I can tell it’s a 7/10
Quite good considering how much suspension of disbelief is needed. But the acting, visuals, and overall execution allow it. Worth the watch.
Probably ignoring these things because this movie didn't stand out in any particular way. The music was decent, the visuals were good, the plot wasn't that interesting or revolutionary, the acting was alright etc etc etc.
Honestly, it just wont be particularity memorable.
Not him, but are you honestly saying that Yea Forums in general will discuss these things in length when they are present?
You need only search the archive for threads on ie Don't Look Now and see what I mean, some of the shit I've seen written still boggle my mind
Yea Forums isn't really for serious criticism, mostly just shitposting.
I'll watch it again next weekend
Also you guys remember that black guy who died on the moon? I legit thought it was Robert for a second
>Yea Forums
Would the mission have succeeded if Brad hadn't gone full retard? They were still going to bomb the ship.
>slow burning
Are you retarded? it's got a piss small runtime, and it's speed-running it's plot to fit in even less of that time.
Here's how you fix the rushed nature of the whole thing.
>Set up antimatter pulses on a much longer scale, with years apart so that they don't happen literally 2 more times in the movie just to show off how "cool" Pitt's character is.
>Explore in what unique ways has civilian life on Earth/the Moon has changed how people think about life around them.
>Actually let Pitt and Agent K have more than 5 minutes together. The entire sequence is completely devoid of emotion because they don't even bond, He just says he actually hated his wife/child and was better off running away to space.
The entire movie is completely too fast for the S O C I E T Y they want to establish. It's even worse when so much of the movie is entirely just Brad Pitt hallucinating about his ex and his dad.
Thanks for this. I wanted to love it, so maybe this will be a good read.
>reddit spacing
>Yea Forumstier shitpost
You have to go back
Pull that shit up Jaime
>when you let joe rogan co-write scene
There isn't anything else to discuss. Nothing about this movie was memorable, they didn't do anything interesting with the setting and the characters and dialogue were atrocious. I was constantly taken out of the movie every time Brad started his pretentious rambling again and both his and his father's characters went nowhere. What exactly did he achieve by going up there? Why did either of them have to go up there in the first place? What was the message here? If you spend your whole life looking for ayylmaos on neptune you should kill yourself? Nothing in this movie made any fucking sense.
Nice poster. I want one now.
It was fine. Bordered a little on the 'muh daddy issues' but never fully 'went there'. I do however think it wasn't very well written, and in a way nothing happened. I've never thought Pitt was that good of an actor, can't help but feel with him producing this he just wanted to make it an expose for himself and thus didn't focus on a lot of things that were lacking in it.
>Movie made it seem like planets are lined up in a straight line and you pass each one as you travel
Gravity was much, much better, but you had to see it in IMAX
did it tho?
>Also felt all the introspection was saying the same kind of thing the whole movie with little sign of growth.
Agreed. They were all a bit contrived and cliche in a bad way. I will say the one that stuck with me the most was 'he was always seeing what wasn't there, and thus missed what was in front of him the whole time' when talking about his dad. At least that ones applicable to anyone
lil, space monkeys and moon pirates that are never mentioned or explained
Product placement. You may not like it, I certainly didnt love it, but that's the film landscape we live in now.
literally both of these are explained
Can we get a Lima movie?
all of them?
Nothing has topped Sunshine. Yet. Does this come close?
The Neptune shots were kino as hell, worth the price of admission, but the rest of the movie sucked
that fucking shade of blue tho
like a giant black light in space
it was eerie as shit I loved it
>in IMAX
wow that's unusual
moon pirates!
space monkey!
brad pitt's pretty good in it too
>not react at this tragedy
>not react at this tragedy 5 minutes later
>not react at this tragedy 15 minutes later
>not react at this tragedy 25 minutes later
>not react at this tragedy 35 minutes later
>not react at this tragedy 55 minutes later
>not react at this tragedy 75 minutes later
entire character was hamfisted as fuck
low test post
Neptune was pretty, and I was hype for this movie, but it's pretty damn forgettable.
Doesn't help that the movie seemed to be heavily edited, the ending felt changed and almost like a dream, as if he were to actually die, or continue pushing further out into the Abyss. There's a reason the movie was pushed back twice.
cinematography of course
ape scene was jarring.
seeing applebees on the moon was far and away the best part
have you met my boy Hoyte?
Great movie but the only thing that bothered me was him flying through Neptune's ring wouldn't the rocks have pushed him back?
so many of the astronauts didnt follow chain of command which was obnoxious. idk movie seemed unfinished or rushed
not surprised. i hope he does more epics.
he's doing Tenet now
exactly. there was no reason for him to go there. the woman on mars already said his dad was a piece of shit.
>terminator line on the moon ignores curvature
>dad takes 30 years to get to Neptune, catch up to him in 3 months
>antimatter reactor causes "power surges" across the solar system because because
>antimatter reactor does so without frying itself or the ship it is on
>rides a nuke blast without getting cooked by radiation
>Nothing has topped Sunshine
That lunar pirate scene was amazing. Sound design was brilliant.
Haven't watched ad astra but I can already say that no, it doesn't.
>>terminator line on the moon ignores curvature
I'm so relieved there weren't any actual aliens. It really hammers down the futility of the Lima mission.
In the rover chase crossing to the dark side of the moon was presented as though they drove into a shadow.
Yes unless he was using his thrusters the ring material would have stopped him long before he passed through.
oh I see
you're still autistic
what else would it be like driving into?
Best part was Hoyte's cinematography and Max Richter's always excellent score. The production quality of the sets and equipment also deserves a shoutout. The film succeed in visually awing me and instilling a lot anxiety (though part of that may have been being able to hear the strangers flanking me breath at the theater etc) but the script never landed a knock out punch for me, idk if it was tommy lee jones or the writing or not buying brad as vulnerable but I'm an easy cry and I was ready but it never came. Still loved the heavy terrance malick vibes.
What is it like when the sun sets at night where you live.
I really like the music when they were flying to the moon
shame it hasn't been uploaded anywhere yet
you know the moon doesn't have an atmosphere to scatter the light right?
guys please don't
>please don't
Watch this
You know light doesn't need atmosphere to actually "scatter" everywhere, right?
>the futility of the Lima mission
The real Lima mission was the friends they made along the way.
more like the crew members we murdered along the way hyuk hyuk hyuk
wow this explains why some transitions in this film felt...really jarring
I found it really difficult to buy that he was able to propel himself exactly on target back to his ship from the base AND not get his legs broken from the impact on his ship
congrats, the dumbest post I've ever read in the history of 4channel and I've been here since day 1
based feels poster
this is spot on my feelings about the film, thanks user
based fat NEET LARPing he knows anything about anything poster
this rings true to me, final few minutes arriving back at earth felt sort of tacked on too neatly packaged and antithetical to the themes and message throughout for that kind of 180, it's not like we saw a happy fulfilled Brad before slowly giving in to cynicism and emptiness that he can return to, how are we to buy that he has a genuine change of heart that will be meaningful and last. I was expecting credits after he left Neptune and it panned down over a starry landscape which could def work if you massaged the voice over. Transformation but ambiguity is what was needed imo
I think it had something to do with him realizing he wasn't like his father after all, and rather than focusing on what isn't there, he should focus on what is there
It's what he understood after seeing his father after so long
You know I'm actually very dumb and you saying this cut really deep. Words can hurt more than bullets (sometimes)
>Although not nearly as funny it's guaranteed not to offend the black people!
>No! Unacceptable!
>Oh! Did I say black? I meant to say, minorities?
>Looks like someone's about to get an A.
>"By following the rules you're guaranteed to make a mediocre product that no one can relate to."
don't reply to zoomers
Being a boomer is hard work
Best part of the film was treating space travel like how modern movies treat plane rides
I really wanted to like it, but honestly found it kinda boring, and I usually like slow burns. I think I just didn’t get what it was going for. Still liked the visuals and the action scenes though. And Brad Pitt is really hot.
>2001: A Space Odyssey reached Jupiter
>Interstellar reached Saturn before the wormhole
>Ad Astra reached Neptune
Almost childish how they keep trying to one up one another.