Why don't we see more Urban Fantasy films like Bright come out, where elves and fairies coexist with modern human society? It's an interesting concept that needs to be further explored
Why don't we see more Urban Fantasy films like Bright come out...
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>tfw I KNOW that's a woman and it's cool to fap to her
Now that's a damn good feel right there, you fucking obese retards better not fucking try any of your fucking shit with me
thank god her eyes are so soulless. I would be ashamed to masturbate to such an obnoxious display of thottery.
This bitch is a below average spic without makeup.
absolutely based
>200k in patreon each month
She can afford it
They have spics in south africa?
Bro I'm just waiting for a collapse. Can't wait to see these insane inflated ego thots lose the structure that supports them.
go ahead
>ego thots
this is just her job. . .
god she's fit
Nigga, I'm talking about the fact that these girls now think their appearance is worth thousands a month, when the truth is there's only one thing that stops you can just take it for free, you feel me homie, brotha?
iToddlers BTFO
Why do people pay her? She really isn't even cute.
really? god, men were a mistake
Wut. 200 grand a month? Christ, people who support e-thots should be euthanize
I miss her bros
>these girls now think their appearance is worth thousands a month
But it worths, just check the market.
I bet her ass smels like poo
based and biopilled
Access to slightly lewd pics for a thousand grand. Damn, pretty jealous of the racket she has going on. I mean for a thousand dollars every month at the very least I expect her to let me fuck her. I don't understand with the amount of porno and lewd shit on the net people will still be willingn to pay that much money
is that the retard that got her instagram banned? lmao she has no upper lip
Depends on what you consider worthiness. When the market that supports them is transient, what's their true value? I'm all about the fall from grace of them going from the patreonbucks meme queen e-girl market to the slave market.
E-whores aside, I very much would like to see a Shadowrun movie or series.
but you already got your official netflix version called bright, what more could you ask for?
kill all women
Something that isn't a blatant rip-off. Maybe a little more of a dive into the source material? I'm just greedy I guess.
Some people literally have too much money. And it often makes them lonely. Like Minecraft Guy spending all day on social media.
Wonder why (((they)) hated Bright so much?
She's literally African.
fake as fuck. People can't even do a decent shop anymore?
Manipulative and cruel but hey it's a free market. If guys are dumb enough to pay her then so be it.
Put the sauce in the bag and no one gets hurt
Guys, if i had an e thot for a girlfriend, what are the chances she might be loaded?
might as well post it for the zoomers
>donated to the top tier of a girl's patreon
>never delivered on anything
So this is what Elliot Rodger felt like?
Men can build empires. Women can lead them by the dick. It's called "division of labor."
i consider myself straight, but this chick never makes it for me. her face is kinda ugly? or maybe is just the attitude
hmmm she just has a petite white girl face
what kind of girl do you like?
She's the reboot of Olivia Munn. Not that great. Just good at pandering.
Because anime has that theme covered with hundreds of examples.
I guess you need to be into the whole anime/hentai shit to go for that.
This is exactly the kind of woman you need to spit on after you tie her up and rape her.
True but when you have a thousand dollars to burn in a monthly bases you can get a lot more than just get lewd pics. Eh but its their money I guess.
im not a weeb, but she is definitely attractive. its probably her attitude.
Could you imagine being a historian 1000 years from now and looking back on this?
I want to drink that milk directly from her anus
absolutely based
Artemis Fowl HBO series when?
post more elves
not feeling attracted to beautiful women is usually a sign of latent homosexuality
I would if i didn't have this delusion that not a single human will exist by then.
One of these days I'm going to snap, and no longer care about ruining my life if it means ruining theirs.
>incels think this is herpes
bro you know what to do
Excuse me what is the source??
belle delphines descendent thot greatgranddaughter is probably empress in the time he comes from
I would shove that baseball bat up her tight ass
I agree with your sentiment, which is why I speak purely hypothetically.
>Could you imagine being a historian 1000 years from now and looking back on this?
"Those people were so uptight back then."
Of course there will be humans around then. Likely in a state of near feral savagery in the tropical swamp in Antarctica, but alive.
she is literally african. what do you expect
We will be bug people, hivemind. So nobody will care.
This doesn't look like herpes. Also I'm pretty sure most people have the lip herpes, it's very easy to get.
Right. I didn't say it was rational. Really wealthy people will spend thousands on one meal just because they can. That sort of attitude is more new money and likely will mean the family fortune gets pissed away, but there's a market for that gold toilet crowd. And again, they can get very isolated.
thats not herpes you goddamn virgin
what does 10 grand get you? :3
learn to image search you massive faggots
It's about the interaction, the idea that she acknowledges you exist and is deliberately sending you, specifically, a lewd photo is what makes it worth it in their eyes. It's like paying a lot of money for a pretend girlfriend, except instead having dinner with you and banging afterwards you just get a disembodied, one way sexual experience
Even if elves were real they still wouldn't fuck me just like human girls won't fuck me.
I doubt ogres or orcs would even fuck me
holy shit lol. story?
Ogre thots are all about the interacial snu snu. How do you think we got orcs? Bleach em up, bro.
user, elves never fuck you
you fuck them
>tfw ywn be a taimanin
I prefer the reality where elves want to fuck me
Why do people hate on based Belle, all she does is troll money off of fools.
what happened to this jew gremlin? did she shit herself to death?
sorry, bois
but it's fake
this kind of false advertising should be illegal
>did she shit herself to death?
is that... something that a lot of people do?
>thousand grand
imagine being so gay you wouldn't fuck belle delphine
maybe if u are a nigger or spic then sure everyone got it
because people like you couldn't help but force allegory into it
I assume she hasn't done nudes yet
sure if you get sick enough
I hate her.
and the best thing
>doesnt even have to get naked
Maybe the third most common cause of death until Western medicine, and still extremely common outside the West.
Saw some young thot, could've been between 18-22.
She had full lips and talked about how she had no visible upper lip when she smiled so she botoxed herself.
Looked nice, but it's sad.
>makes more than pornstars without having to be raped by jew producers and forced into interracial scenes
In all honesty, based. As bad as thottery may be for society, at least instagram and patreon thotting take money away from the jewish porn industry. Jewing the jews in a jewed industry.
The Little Devil With The Erotic Tongue Satomi Nomiya
Orcs aren't niggas
Sure thing, mutt.
>Herpes infections have declined in the United States in recent years, according to a new report. However, about half of teens and adults under age 50 are still infected with the oral herpes virus, and about 1 in 8 have an infection with the genital herpes virus.
Not sure who I hate more her or the people who support her.
this ones more terrifying that arousing
stop trying to justify being a paypiggy, just go fuck hookers its about the same price anyways you retard.
Probably yourself being so jealous of someone else's privilege. Not so fun when you aren't at the top anymore, huh whitey
I hate her more.
They're broken people who enable her, sure, but they're mostly pathetic victims that she exploits.
One thing that keep me from going insane r9k tier and hating on roasties constantly, is that plenty of women who are hot enough to exploit losers like that, choose not to.
Probably because of shame, but being able to feel shame is good too.
Give me one reason to contribute to this society when this whore can literally sell her pee for 10,000 dollars?
please don't feel bad for those idiots. but yeah she is a parasitical whore and I hate her
Why is redwood babysitting this pretend thread?
If she did full penetration porn she'd have to show her balls. So don't give too much credit.
I'm not stupid enough to pay for patreon pics when siterip and private snap torrents for every e-thot exist. Just saying that while pornstars will be shitting in diapers with a crippling drug addiction by the time their looks run out, girls like this one will be even richer without ever having shown a nipple let alone taking a dick. I guess it's just schadenfreude for how much more miserable and stupid it makes pornstars' lives by comparison, like how do you even sign up for actual porn when this route exists?
It is a pretty big society.
righties would blame modern liberalism, not capitalism. afaik socialists see sex work (and i guess this would count?) as legitimate.
You can look yourself in the mirror knowing you didnt sell your piss for faggots to wank over.
that's why i never patreon. i'd rather put money in their hands to get something in return (i.e taking a picture with them or buying a print).
one time i bought something from etsy or that other website where there's thousands of cosplayers selling prints. it took over 6 months to get it. between that time i sent couple emails, nothing harsh, just i sent you X amount and i haven't received my merch. got nothing in return. then she came to fandemic (houston) and i went up, took some pics with her and asked for a solo of her. she asked if i'd like to buy a print and i hit her with that i haven't received my merch from her since X month.
her eyes blew up and asked for my name and quickly got on her pad. sure enough it was right there in black and white.
i'm not a fat otaku, i work in the refineries so i'm in shape and take care of myself. work out and shower everyday. clean cut. the fear i saw in her when i told her made me feel bad. like someone(s) constantly beat her on a daily basis.
i smiled and said 'its okay, i'd buy something but i can't remember which prints/stickers i ordered. but i just wanted to make sure i paid for the order. i didn't know if your bf/manager ever shipped it out'.
she kept on apologizing and assured she did everything herself.
i thanked her and told her it was nice to meet her. that made her open her eyes wider.
i bought other stuff from the other cosplayers (made sure she saw me but i never made eye contact with her).
month later i got my stuff. she actually sent 2 of everything and couple other items (stickers/prints).
vegas pg (cosplay girl)
the most perplexing thing is that she's not even attractive, like I'd somewhat understand if it was alice making that much money.
This. I find it amazing that people paying thousands of dollars for her bathwater exist in the same reality as children starving in Africa. I guess we truly live in a society.
>and so, class, this is how society came to agree to always keep women on a leash
Feeding starving kids in Africa just leads to more births and more starving kids
she has a cute face and petite body, men like that. It's not hard to explain.
who cares, she saw an open market. took it and made money.
hell, i was i was that attractive to make easy money and not bust my ass 12 to 14 hrs a day.
and last time i checked people can do whatever they want with their money.
This is an american, the jews really did a job on you guys, and you think yourselves above the chinks, lmao.
Whether sex work is considered good neutral or bad has nothing to do with an economic system. There are plenty of sex-negative feminists who would agree with the puritanical conservatives on how evil sex work is. That's a cultural issue which ultimately depends on having a stick up your ass (and pretending to not enjoy it.)
i'm sure your hungry child looking at you when the next meal is coming or seeing those bills piling up on your broken desk are just fleeting annoyances that you don't pay attention to, because your moral high self worth is more important.
imagine this being one of your highest points in life
How many Arab princes do you think subscribe to her
God I wish those were my balls
>Also I'm pretty sure most people have the lip herpes
cope more
t. herpes free
But user, everything the /pol/tard kids don't approve of is "leftist" and "librul".
we'll be hungry but we'll have dignity
Sauce me up senpai
Snivelling maggot
What would you ask for as a God, Yea Forums?
those look like wounds from her braces.
I got herpes form doing white skanks back in college (I'm a huge spic) and it looks very different, kinda white-ish under the skin.
You got it for life btw, only way to fight it is taking large dosis of medicinal blistex as soon as you start feeling it.
speaking as an american, we do not police or take care of the world. when morons keep telling our leaders to go help africa, the middle east, etc (oh won't you think of the children), when our country is experiencing homelessness, orphan children, people going hungry, etc. is beyond stupid.
then when we get pressured to help either by asking the country if they need it and they welcome us, what happens. we get the other morons that say we shouldn't be there, or we're just there for oil. then we get that nations' morons hating us along with other nations. we get death threats/bombs/etc.
>t. herpes free
Well, it's hard to get herpes when you're a virgin, user.
That's cause no one wants to go near you.
Yeah and after that stage it scabs just like in her pics.
cope harder
this, feels clean mang
fukn lol@ diseased fags
idc if i never kissed a girl, cooties r reel
if you're extremely retarded and don't use the cream, yes
Lol the fucking CRETINS defending this whore ITT. You will NEVER BE A WOMAN YOU TRANNY FREAKS.
maybe try helping people without tanks
I wish she would start selling her meaty turds already
not really, it just goes yellow and then it goes away.
If you wake up with it in the morning there isn't much to do. Other than prescription medicine and even then it's not looking good.
Can some Muslim(s) and or incel(s) murder and or rape this whore already?
I genuinely have violent fantasies about hurting her and her pathetic fat anime loving beta orbiters
>People contract herpes by touching infected saliva, mucous membranes, or skin.
Jesus Christ, user, stop being proud of being a kissless virgin.
>t. pathetic fat anime loving beta orbiter
I'l be honest, the absolute mongs donating to her are worse. But having that opinion would make me a shemale, right?
>hurt my penis like 6 years ago, had rashes for 2 weeks
>doc says i have herpes even though i'm a virgin
>never had any rashes ever since
was it a misdiagnosis?
When I see things like this I realize why men fight so hard to keep women out of their hobbies.
we need to get back on track to thread at hand.
bright was okay. i stopped it several times. the concept was good, but i just couldn't get into it.
maybe if it was shadowrun based.
Right. The kids who are afraid of girls. Or boys. Their word is law here. I forgot.
you know, the same way i look at Belle, is probably the same way how poor people in Haiti or prisoners view middleclass people in a 1st world.
i guess belle or e thots in general must be some demon the 3rd worlds conjured up just to fuck with 1st worlders
dat ass tho xD
I like both and she fits neither criteria
i dont care what you say, youre a fucking virgin
I talk to women and fuck them while you follow them on instashit and pay for their gas money like a little cuck
Hate to tell you this, user, but you probably got it from your mother at childbirth.
She understands her market better than most.
i wonder who the lucky person was that got that ass water?
You make me wish for WW3
Belle plays a loli femdom character. She's not just some dumb ethot showing her cleavage for money.
as opposed of being proud of having a virus? yeah keep coping
What the fuck?
>children starving from africa
Belle is from africa so technically her patreon sponsors did a good deed
>1000$ donnor
>19 yeat old dumb thot understanding the market
you dont know how content creators blow up. Its literally 100% luck and from the kindness of higher ups giving you a poty shout out.
Look at Scot the Woz; one of the biggest retro gamers on youtube. His videos were getting 5 k views at one point. Then someone slightly bigger than him shouted him out and he started getting a 100 k views. Then Jontron subreddit became acot the woz and he was pulling in millions. Both of these were completely out of his control.
You act shes the only one. Have you heard of the ethot purple bitch? Shes literally a carbon copy of belle in every way yet gets 1/4 her money
Dont think for a minute any of this fame ia earned or was calculated in anyway. Its all a sick joke from one of the demon gods of thia world. And im being a 100% serious. Cultists literally control the world
>afaik socialists see sex work (and i guess this would count?) as legitimate.
Not anymore.
Last generation feminists tried to get sex work recognized and regulated by the government.
This generation feminists want it outlawed because it "objectifies" women and degrades them. That includes porn.
Check out Carnival Row, that show that just came out on Amazon.
A-at least I'm not a virgin.
You don't know what you're talking about.
[Igumox] Muramata-san no Himitsu
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based
>She understands her market better than most.
she's dumb as fuck, she has someone to handle all of the stuff behind the scenes.
it really boggles my mind how *edditors think she's some sort of a genius photographer/marketer. she's a whore, and realizing that "hot pics = big peepee = $$$" does not require 400 iq.
I wish I could hate her, but for some reason I can't. She's literally just gaming a system and profiting off what the modern world is thanks to her hitting the genetic lottery, yet I can't be mad about it. I don't even hate the retarded idiots who give her money because of their fucked up libido. I don't feel anything anymore.
also my pet peeve when someone calls whores clever businesswomen
>tfw kissless handholdless virgin
>get some of the nastiest coldsore breakouts on my lips at least every 1-2 years all thanks to my roastie wine aunt that kissed me when I was a baby
I unironically want that bitch dead for cursing me with this
this right here, is the truth.
>Its all a sick joke from one of the demon gods of this world.
Indeed, namely Moloch.
The consumer is always at fault no matter what.
>genetic lotterry
Belle is pretty. But there are thousands of other Belle clones out there just like her.
>genetic lottery
not anymore than any generic e thot
i never kissed my family members as a greeting, i find it weird as fuck. i'd rather give a firm handshake, but for some reason it offends them or something.
like FUCK OFF, absolutely NO ONE wants to kiss your ugly 50-year old shitface after years of alcohol abuse
Purple bitch is an old hag making the lowest quality porn on a website nobody has heard of
you'd hate living in a jewish family.
Jewish females love kissing all their friends and family members all the time. Its nothing sexual either, they just believe kissing people is like a handshake to them; especially the females.
she's pretty but i've seen literally thousands of better looking girls on the internet. she just got lucky and became a celebrity, it's the same with youtube celebs etc.
at this point she keeps growing because zoomers are posting memes like gamer bath water
she still literally looks exactly like belle when she wears a pink wig.
>website no one ever heard of
she has a twitter like belle too. and belle had her own website too you know
Nasty skank.
based and redpilled LTG
How has someone this big not been doxxed yet? Do we know her real name yet? Have all her relatives and friends been enlightened to her activities yet?
Its literally all the ghetto peoples fault. All the poor people who entered the internet in 2007 are the reason for all of this.
Why didnt Boxxy become some multi millionaire e thot? Boxxy had the same meme status as Belle at one point.
There just wasnt enough stupid people on the internet.
Belle is very good at marketing herself. That's a big part of it.
Lucky you bud. Enjoy your non herpes infected lips.
I don't wish coldsores on anyone tbqh. Not even my worst enemies. They're awful and make your life a living hell for 1-2 weeks
She's more than "pretty" user. She hit a sweet spot between sex appeal, "cuteness" and an exotic look. She has a very low body fat percentage and a good-looking body, great legs, pretty much everything that can be seen really. I guess what also made her popular is that she does/did those retarded meme faces from doujins and other stupid shit memes. Others can do cosplays and meme faces, but most of them don't really have a combination like the above. Also most of them aren't "in" on "Yea Forums" culture (read: what retards on reddit and twitch chat think Yea Forums "culture" is) like she was, and they thought she was "one of us" while she was just profiting off their retarded sense of humor and lust.
Low T God. This dude tries too hard.
she is not exceptionally good at marketing herself. Well, at least no better than any other e thot. its just that she got really lucky early on to have bigger e thots name drop her. And eventually, her meme status caused a snow ball effect.
Nah, dude... nah. Purple bitch looks like Belle aged up like 20 years and with a big schnoz.
>She's more than "pretty" user
literally just google "cute girls" and you'll get thousands upon thousands of equally pretty women. her success is 90% luck, 5% body and 5% pandering to low iq zoomers.
Olivia Munn was naturally beautiful before the bogging. If those no makeup pictures are real this girl is a goblin under all that.
no. you just havent study or looked at enough e thots or been to much anime cons. If you think belle is hotter than the top 10% girls at anime cons, youre just delusional.
>these girls think
Wrong, guys think that and its why she is making so much money. Your anger should be directed at people supporting her, without them there would be no her
"They hated LTG because he told them the truth"
Can you post an example of a top 10%?
>Your anger should be directed at people supporting her
not him, but men have been treating pretty girls better for few thousands years now. what changed lately is that people don't call out whores for being whores, claiming they deserve respect etc. and that makes me mad
I feel satisfying knowing this bitch is horrifically ugly
>There just wasnt enough stupid people on the internet.
While that is probably true, I think it's more to do with there not being the mainstream infrastructure for paying people online.
You could do it back then too, paypal and such, but they weren't as normalized as a twitch sub or patreon.
no, cause youre a contrarian who will say anything thats not belle is shit to prove your point.
you know im right deep down.
dont @ me
Thank you user-kun
I actually wasn't going to. I just wanted to see what kind of women you've seen or met and I'd be more than fine with being proven wrong. But if you're going to be a dick about it, then whatever, I don't care.
HOLY FUCK. Shes fucking ugly as shit. like, i guess the left is cute in the nerdy girl in corner way. but wow. LMAO.
okay, not ugly. But, damn, i know so many nerd girls in my classes who look just like the left.
Based blackman
I wouldn't even be mad if he had a white gf
Oooff. Reminds me of a girl I was in a long term relationship with. Shit was so confusing.
Some days I would pick her up and she looked like total shit (Like a 6, tops), and I would contemplate breaking up with her.
Other days I would pick her up and she looked like an 8 and I would have a rock hard boner in my pants the entire night.
It never ceases to amaze me the lengths women go to in order to artificially inflate their sexual market value.
Both are cute
i admit, i hated etika at the time of his death. I posted her was some useless n word on Yea Forums. i thought he was just some generic spaz that appealed to zoomers for the memes.
But the more i learned about what he preached, not just the stupid tinfoil hat shit, i think etika was some type of genius. He was a genius, who just could not handle the weight of knowing too much.
Powerful argument, except the other poster was precisely right. Some of us lived through it. IDK what your source is, but you've been misinformed.
She was pretty on the outside no doubt. I was referring more to the fact that Munn pandered to lonely nerds for cash until self-destructing. Much like elf chick.
Was it her
Twoface or manhands, which could you live with?
LTG is based as fuck.
Anyone feel like Belle is gonna pull a total kurt cobaine one day? On one hand, she has all the money she could need. On the other, she is the single biggest piece of shit in human history that has led to the downfall of mankind in everyway.
I may be an edgelord, but even i would feel a bit guilty for causing such a disruption in progress of humanity.
Manhands, so I won't have to use a bottle opener
>Anyone feel like Belle is gonna pull a total kurt cobaine one day
i wish all whores would just end themselves
You have to pick one. Twink or trap?
Literally everyone who has had a few sexual partners has the cold sore virus, also known as herpes
here, search for NITR-073
yeah, but all the other whores are just making a living.
Belle is literally ruining humanity. She is basically no better than media jews at this point.
not really, no. She'll just milk it as long as she doesn't hit the wall. By that time she'll have earned hundred thousands of dollars, enough to live of off for a very long time if not for the rest of her life depending on how wasteful she is.
On the contrary, she is only possible because of a crisis of excess. Life has become too easy in the west, enabling this kind of behavior. We like to think that in the future, when most jobs are automated and everyones getting passive income, that we would see a boost in artistic and scientific production, becausr people will be able to focus on these things, when in reality we will probably just see growth in degenerate activities. Its all downhill from here.
>wounded by braces
hahaha that's a new one. Cope.
i dont know anons. Keep in mind, women live easy mode, yet, many women commit suicide. Many pretty women commit suicide.
>Why didnt Boxxy become some multi millionaire e thot? Boxxy had the same meme status as Belle at one point.
Showed off her tits
Most women just look ok without makeup. Ya know, average. That's why we have the miracle of makeup. Men want to be lied to. I for one am appreciative of that particular web of female deception.
what are you talking about??
It's just tap water user, none of it touched her at all.
The absolute state of the western woman. Consider for a moment, just how childish is the modern woman? How much of a glorified infant must the woman be where she conforms so entirely to something as surface-level as sexuality? Notice how they dress: Short shorts, tight blouses/shirts, mid-riff visible, yoga pants that produces cameltoe, thongs and skimpy panties, face completely caked in make-up from an early age on every occasion. Look at their horse play among themselves--emulating sex. Using every and any opportunity to demonstrate their sex, even when it doesn't make fucking sense.
And they said us men are addicted to sex? Fucking please. In a social setting among our male peers, we don't doggy hump each other like retarded dogs, nor do we use every single opportunity to dress sexually, we wear it casual and formal in most occasions. All of this befell women, from simply watching the media and celebrity culture. It's fucking pathetic. Even the feminist movement could not escape something so basic; every well-intended sentiment to have women rise above sexuality was dashed by degenerate sexuality, sexual ''liberation'', and more platforms on which for the woman to obsess over herself.
Every time I see a THOT ridden thread, I rage.
>you're a virgin, user.
you dont get HSV-1 from sex. its extremely easy to get from light contact with anyone
Note how even though womens lives have been getting nothing but easier since 2008, it is rising for them too? I know men commit suicide, but that is because they are the incels killing themselves off.
Why women?
The most crazy and depressed girls ive ever known were not fat, they were pretty hot. I knew a slim annoxeric girl who i had to coax out of suicide multiple times, who literally wanted to become a instagram model and she def had the body and face for it.
Ironically, the most crazy and depressed girls are the ones that become mega famous it seems.
Gorillas are less animal-like than them. Not even an exaggeration, look up Koko.
>crisis of excess. Life has become too easy in the west
So if struggle is the key and not something else, why didn't we get self driving cars and Michael Jackson in the middle ages?
imagine defending women in 2019.
Wouldn't even fuck you for free.
Pretty women commit suicide because they want Chad cock and couldn't get it
Men commit suicide because the world we live in caters totally to women and we're treated like trash
You know what you get when you treat people like trash?
What you deserve
90% of people have herpes
it's been going up since 2001 for both genders which can hardly be linked to e-thottery. Modern society just fucks with everyone's head giving them mental conditions which can lead to suicide. Also, just because you're hot doesn't mean you're immune to depression, it's a physical brain condition. Saying more and more beautiful women commit suicide is bogus.
Yes, he's probably one of those guys that have sex without touching.
We didn't have self-driving cars in the middle ages because we weren't sufficiently technologically advanced.
im not defending, im just stating a fact.
women are fucking crazy. Women could have billions of dollars, literally throw it all away over a minor thing. Women's brain have everything except for logic. A woman could have literally everything in the world, and they will blow their brains out like its nothing.
>Pretty women commit suicide because they want Chad cock and couldn't get it
dont give me that. thats the same argument people have for why lesbians hate men, that they cant get men. Meanwhile, some of the biggest people on chaturbate are full blown lesbians that date women exclusive.
When you hear about the crazy way a woman kills herself in the news, its always a hot or cute girl. There was a russian girl who literally stabbed herself to death, who was legit hot.
Nothing wrong with suicide rates getting higher
>inb4 "not killing yourself is a happiness statistic"
Yep. That's called the social media phone posting revolution. The Skinner boxes makes all want to kys.
Ah yes, a fellow telepathic rapist
going off of this, i have been to a mental ward a couple times in my life. (dont worry, i fixed my act and fucked multiple girls since)
but let me tell you, there was maybe one landwhale girl in the ward. The rest of girls were legit cute. Not drop dead gorgeous, but i met a literal cosplay girl in the ward who had followers; in there for suicide attempt.
Theres a reason why you should never befriend women, you either waifu or fuck them. Its because they are legit ticking time bombs.
It's hilarious how buttmad seething roasties out there are about her.
She's getting everything they've ever wanted and more and unlike them she doesn't have to put out in the slightest beyond a handful of suggestive pics.
It's great.
Why do people get HSV-1 confused with HSV-2? It's extremely simple.
why would fat girls kill themselves, they have food.
You're not gonna put a lot of effort into this, are you? I like getting properly trolled, but I'm not putting forth the effort if you're gonna lazy orc me instead.
pay pigs BTFO
>they will blow their brains out like its nothing.
prove this with statistical information. women already commit 1/4 of the suicides men do, attractive women are a tiny fraction of that. it's because mental illness affect everyone, being a 9/10 thot won't help you if you're a schizo.
you're saying this shit like we're supposed to feel bad for them.
Wise. Reading this post has raised my IQ.
>Nothing wrong with suicide rates getting higher
this. i plan to off myself as soon as i feel my body is not keeping up.
fat girls are pretty jolly, like santa clause, and have too much ego to off themselves.
men kill themsevles because they logically see their life is shit and wont get better.
Women kill themselves because they can not grasp the concept of death.
thats all you need to know, fren
I can afford to fuck whores without herpes. Maybe if you got off your parents' payroll you could have afforded to fuck whores without herpes. Enjoy your "cold sores", I guess.
>Women kill themselves because they can not grasp the concept of death.
This is probably the most retarded statement I'm going to read for the next few days and I just wanted you to know that.
based and sanepilled
Based LTG thot destroyer poster
you're retarded
Thats the point.
Women are inherently retarded. and the only way to understand them is by embracing the retarded.
whatever faggot. next time you see a hot girl slicing her wrists or crying in the lobby, just remember the time you talked to your good friend, Anonymous.
I stated a simple, universally agreed on fact. We started with nothing but the skin on our backs and now we have nukes. That was not gained by laying around doing nothing.
the Mistborn series is going to be multiple trilogies
>one with a medieval setting
>one with 1900s setting
>one with 21st century setting
>one with sci-fi setting
>next time you see a hot girl slicing her wrists or crying in the lobby
women do it for attention you cum-guzzling nigger
reminder that male eldar (and, by extension, WHFB elves) carry their balls on the inside
eldar "have no balls" lel
theyd still wouldnt stop till theyre dead
That video was about 3 1/2 minutes too long.
Trap I guess, im more attracted to the feminine than I am the masculine
Many years ago, when perhaps he still thought there was hope for me, my father attempted to instill in me some wisdom gleaned from his lifetime.
Number one lesson was
>never trust someone that says trust me
>if it's not in writing it doesn't exist
>never, ever comfort a crying girl that has nothing to do with you
i have failed 2/3 of these things.
go figure
>she is the biggest piece of shit
Then what does that make the coombrains shoveling money into her bank account?
you said that cosplay was inspirational? get that ass banned. mods clean up my chat.
What would you have done?
The desperate men in question deserve equal or less respect than the whore
She's pretty based desu. Scamming a bunch of retards and making some mad dosh.
>never, ever comfort a crying girl that has nothing to do with you
im not saying to comfort them or not. im just saying that women are legit crazy. i personally would not comfort a crying girl, unless she was someone i was dating. Ive had women cry in front of me before, and i think trying to comfort them would be more rude and intrusive than endearing. plus, they are all just ticking timebombs of crazy
Have sex.
I feel like the only reasonable reaction to this is violence, yeah? You just, uh, just kill 'im - right on the spot, right there. Then you take your punishment knowing you did the right thing, even if society doesn't see it that way. It's what a man would do.
What is inherently wrong with degenerate activities? Your logic is circular failing to realize in a fully automated society people would not need to be productive
just stupid.
There are people who have made millions of dollars scamming people. The scam industry is worth billions. And its definitely all the people who fall for them fault, but to be a scammer, you got to be a real piece of shit to do it.
That is a confirmed fake.
dilate trannie.
btw, ive fucked multiple girls, and none of them were a girl(male), just saying.
oh shut up
Why the fuck did the jannies keep this thread alive, btw?
>goalpost shift to scamming
These men know exactly what they are signing up for
When the "scam" is not masquerading as anything you have to wonder at what point do you put the same onus on the consumer
scams are a broad term.
For instance, i could believe that something like, pumpkin seed oil is a miracle of life. I could say pumpkin seed oil is a cure for cancer, will make you more attractive, and make you grow 100 IQ. I can truly believe that. I could be so confident, that i would sell the pumpkin seed oil on the market; advertising all these claims. And while i fully believe my intent is good, am i really doing the world justice?
How is belle doing anything comparable to that? She is pretty upfront in the patreon tiers of what you will be getting. Its admirable how you keep trying to divert to some argument about snake oil, but there is no snake oil here. It is a woman getting desperate men what they want. There is no scam, only desperate coomers and a woman who is capitalizing on this. The problem starts with the desperate paypigs, not the person providing the pictures/videos
If you met a fat person on the street, who was so fat, he could not enter the door to mcdonalds, and he offered you a $20, to buy $15 worth of mcdonalds for him, would you do it?
I'd spend the whole 20 so the person has a heart attack faster. It's the only moral thing to do.
Don't bother. He's low effort trolling on a thread mercifully about to die. And I'll never have my Shadowrun show. We all lose.