Today is Bill Murray's 69th birthday! To honor him today id like to remind you all that he beat his wife in 2008

Today is Bill Murray's 69th birthday! To honor him today id like to remind you all that he beat his wife in 2008

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wtf I love bill Murray now

Based (Bill, not OP)


It's not the worst thing to slap a woman. You don't do it with a clenched fist, you do it with the back of your hand

there isn't a doubt in my mind she had it coming

he must've had a good reason

>Bill is wife beater
Damn, and I thought he couldn't get more based

alright well, what did she do?

>he beat his wife in 2008
Wtf I love Bill Murray now

Even if I had a daughter and her boyfriend/some guy/her husband beat her, I'd most likely take his side. Chicks just beg for it and then cry when they get it.

Really super cool misogyny in this thread! Spoiler: you’re all Nazi pieces of shit!

You need to work on your bait tactics a little more

Calm down... or should I beat you again?

Only 69? He looks at least 80.

There's SO MANY possible things that would justify hitting a woman.
Too many tbqhwy

wtf I love bill murray now

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I think stripes is his best work

Is Bill gonna have to choke a bitch?

Bill Murray's Birthday!?

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Based and connerypilled

>he beat his wife in 2008
What'd she do?


>he beat his wife in 2008

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Nice, she most likely deserved it

Was never proven and she made a lot of bullshit claims during their divorce besides she herself was a drunken mess. Fuck bill murray though never liked that guy



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I wish you would say this irl and some based guy will beat the shit out of you for being a sissy.

I hate Bill Murray. He's the internets cool uncle

He's looked 69 for the past 25 years.

Man if Bill slaps you around you must REALLY deserve it.

>meme actor

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Maybe if her parents had given her a few fatal beatings earlier she would have turned out a very different wife indeed.

hope all the incels cheering for this man beating a woman see their mothers getting beat and raped by the biggest black men

she deserved it for having a vagina and thinking her opinions are valid

>beat wife
>she divorces you
>takes everything
>because you couldn't keep your hands to yourself
lmao not that you fist fuckers would know

>you can't actually hire Bill Murray directly
>he has an 800 number you have to call & leave messages on
>you only know if Bill accepts if he shows up on set the first day of filming or not
Truly a man above the jewlywood bullshit.

>automatically taking her side
Well come on then, tell us what actually happened, you seem to know enough to be sure it wasn't justified.

What sort of a faggot would hate their cool uncle

That's racist, bro.

He's always looked 10 years older imo

There are so many scenarios that lead to
>she divorces you
>takes everything
that the scenario can not be used in itself as any sign of actual wrongdoing.

JEEEESUS another leftist racist.
Godamn commies are the worst.

Bill Murray raped me in 1986

>not beating her until she’s a proper submissive housewife
it’s like you want to get cucked

enjoy buying maxi pads for your mother when the black men are done with her, she's gonna bleed heavy for weeks from her asshole and vagina

This board has actual spoiler tags roastie, you don't have to type it out. Now get back to twitter

Bill Murray has the range of a paper plane. He plays himself in everything he's in.

He has got to be the biggest piece of shit who ever became widely beloved.

>He plays himself in everything he's in.
And we like him. So there's no problem.

Is this groundhog day because I thought I just told you bitch

Plenty of actors this can be said about who all have their heads firmly crammed up their own asses. Bill's a pretty humble guy who seems to legitimately try his damndest not to do outright garbage. Let one of his friends go to his grave without giving in to doing another ghostbusters for him.

Seething roasties, cruising for a bruising. Hopefully you get knocked into your place

if he were really humble he would have quashed that cringey forced meme cult that arose around him on the internet making jokes about how epic he is

No, he doesn’t have an agent and gets asked to be in films via friends of friends. Where did you pull the number thing out of your ass? Are you retarded enough to think that a film will just start shooting in the hope that one of their actors shows up?

Do you think niggers are particularly large or something?

Certain people like Bill Murray, Patrick Stewart, Billy Bob Thornton are all cast because of their own unique delivery and presence.

They have roles written with them in mind.

Yes, because absolutely anyone has any control of the internet whatsoever. I can't even say Bill goes on the fucking internet.

>Bill's a pretty humble guy who seems to legitimately try his damndest not to do outright garbage
Then why has he made so much shit? Most recent example being the dead don’t die

>Today is Bill Murray's 69th birthday
I thought he was like 89, but ok. Happy birthday, Garfield!

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And? That doesn't mean he has range. He's a one-dimensional meme.

>absolutely anyone has any control of the internet whatsoever
yes he does. nothing to stop him from saying "your jokes are cringe" when he did this, for example

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why does he look so fucked up?

I said he tries, not that he succeeds.
I know either Garfield or the Charlie's Angels shit he mistook the director's identity. Rest I have no idea.

He’s a pisshead

alcoholism ages you faster

He’s white

He's a faggot for what he did to Ramis.

hes always looked kinda fucked up, even at 30. now hes 70 and had no work done to his face. I mean, what do you expect?


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the ones raping and beating your mother will be very big

Fucking lel

What did he do

>you’re all Nazi
You say that like it's a bad thing. Uhh, it's 2019 sweetie. Everyone knows Hitler was right. You're living proof of that =]

for everyone reading this, i do the same thing when i arrive early to a rising thread. if you act like a twitter pock or a woman you can get 10 replies in that many minutes.

for you

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Man, good thing (You)s have some kind of value or getting them cheaply like that would be entirely pointless.

That means he isn't hired in roles that require a range.
It's not that hard to understand. Saying he doesn't have range is a relevant statement if he was hired and required to have one and fails.

It is not a factor in why people think Bill is good in films.

I want to see Bill Murray being Bill Murray.
I like Harrison Ford being Harrison Ford.
I like the Goose being the Goose.
I like some things the same.

This is true.

Thanks for proving my point.

You clearly don't see the distinction between making a point and actually having one.

>Bill Murray is a meme actor and has no range
>Saying he doesn't have range is a relevant statement if he was hired and required to have one and fails
>people hire him because he's Bill Murray and will be Bill Murray in their movie

why so mad? all women are sluts, right? so your mom will secretly enjoy the 10 fat black men fucking her and beating the shit out of her

it's not about the replies, it's about sending a message.

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Enjoy your fucked up fantasies roastie


What’s it like being a loser?

Nobody enjoys niggers, as the statistics demonstrate. Sorry Tyrone.

why don't you ask the mirror, incel


not a fantasy, is your mother alone right now?

your slut mother does. if she could get pregnant you'd have a baby black brother