Watching Aliens for the first time and now I’m in love

Watching Aliens for the first time and now I’m in love

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>Big jew tiddies.

This is perfection

If your the soft of spastic to find her attractive you'll also like this hack souless cash in movie shitting on the prequels quality and merit


You no type good

Lmao the usual Aliens hater that faps to A3 is always on

>strong hispanic riot girl with a no-nonsense attitude towards life

I know a certain actress who made a career out of this stereotype


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have you ever been mistaken for a man?

Hey it's John Connor's stepmom.

what's the religion of that actress irl according to Wikipedia?

have you?

You this chica isn't, right?

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>Goldstein is now the proprietor of the store Jenette Bras, a large-cup bra specialist known for its slogan "The alphabet starts at 'D'".

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I actually dated a similar type

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I fucked her dude, sorry

You fucked her dude? Kinda gay

Why did they cast a Jew as the mexican?

you'd know about being gay, your dick was thrusting into my cum


This just proves that women with big tits>titlets

Look at those gilf tits man. hnnnnnggg

jokes on you i have a spearhead cock and dug out yours to replace it with mine gayboy