>jewish director
>jewish producer
>jewish writer
its literally the "hey goy, wanna shoot up a place?" meme turned into a movie, kek
>jewish director
>jewish producer
>jewish writer
its literally the "hey goy, wanna shoot up a place?" meme turned into a movie, kek
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I thought nazis loved shooting up places.
The main actor is literally Jewish too.
>>jewish director
>>jewish producer
>>jewish writer
aka the same person
How is this mathematically possible for a population of 2%?
So, German.
>His mother, Arlyn (née Dunetz), was born in The Bronx, New York, to Jewish parents whose families were from Hungary and Russia.
director: (((Todd Phillips)))
producer: (((Todd Phillips))), (((Emma Tillinger Koskoff)))
writter: (((Todd Phillips))), (((Scott Silver)))
Jews are better than Whites at everything, so it's a good sign it will be kino.
>Joaquin Rafael Bottom
that's a long paper just to say, "I'm poor and stupid".
Stanley Kubrick was a jew.
I don't think you understand historical migration, Russia is Eurasian, but nobody defines a european ruski differently to a asian one. Ashekenazis have been around since the 13th century.
It's not, they literally own Americans. They used white men to build a society and conquer the world for them, and now it's time to replace them with something easier to control.
Why's this relevant though? You don't think movies cause shootings, do you SJW-tard?
Can you really trick an American into shooting up a cinema?
and he was the worst director of all time, only liked by hipsters who also like novels written by Bukowski
everyone in hollywood is a jew. except the quota of black people
Because Jews are smarter than the vast majority of goys. That's all there is to it.
It's actually kind of funny how jews shift back and forth about whether or not race realism is a pseudoscience or the thing that explains jewish overrepresentation.
yes everyone in hollywood is very smart
like Nassim Taleb pointed out IQ is a pesudoscientific swindle. it can only measure extrem dumbness, but not intelligence (go read his post on medium)
therefore jewish overrepresentation can not be explained by IQ pseudoarguments
>Nassim Taleb
Do they though?
that medium post has been debunked
If Jews were morons, they'd be nobodies. Especially after how they've been treated for thousands of years.
Instead, they're running the joint.
>mudshits tried to explain why Jews aren’t smarter
Seems legit
Based Jews dabbing on incels and getting them to buy tickets to it
The character of the Joker was created by 3 Jews too. Bill Finger, Bob Kane (birth name Kahn), and Jerry Robinson.
Their marketing campaign has been pretty effective, though it's hard to tell when you're seeing a shill or someone convinced by them.
because Jews are in fact the master race
under any circumstances where whites would accomplish what Jews have the /pol/cels MAGA crowd would be the first to point at it as proof of white supremacy
but instead the Jews own whites the way /pol/cels think they own other races, but instead of seeing the irony in this they are completely oblivious and continue their brain dead rhetoric even though it's quite literally disproven right before their eyes
>director says trump is a joke
>Phoenix is a staunch democrat and pro animal rights activist
>de niro, do I even need to say anything
>Bradley Cooper a producer is very pro Beto O Rourke
T t t this is /ourmovie/ guize
>program entire populations with subliminal political agenda under the guise of entertainment and make billions in the process
>not smart
>T t t this is /ourmovie/ guize
Yeah, it is.
>director says trump is a joke
imagine disagreeing with this regardless of your political stance
I don't like Kubrick but Bukowski was based
>usurp, deceive, steal, and hide wherever you go
>w-we're actually the master race
What's wrong with animal rights?
Since the left decided they want to genocide livestock and have goys eat bugs and ecofash shootings animal rights became far right.
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