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Obi-wan actually had the high ground, from a certain point of view.

*jumps out at you*

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Darth Maul goes on to live a fulfilling life as a crimelord while Obi-Wan hides in a desert for 20 years.

>live a fulfilling life as a crimelord
Where he spent every waking hour seething about Obi-Wan.

*catches her cunny with muh dick

He should brush his teeth. Although it's probably too late for him. He better be prepared to spend at least $20,000 at the dentist.

Admit it

Tue TCW episode (Season 4 Finale) where Maul meets Obi-Wan again is pure Kino

>Seething hatred Maul
>Maul just executes a village with children
>Obi-Wan and Ventress teaming up
>Obi-Wan and Ventress flirting
>Obi-Wan wielding a red lightsaber
>really good lightsaber fight
>kino dialogue

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i really need to get around to watching this cartoon

Don't, its terrible.

Do it, its mostly great


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FUck off retard

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>be Obi Wan
>fight your first sith lord
>he has the high ground
>"uh oh what do I do"
>"I'll even the playing field, that's a good trick!"
>slices Sith Lord in half

>years later
>fight your apprentice
>he knows almost everything you know
>you attain the high ground and declare the fight over
>"You underestimate my power"
>recall your fight with the Sith Lord
>oh shit
>"Don't try it"
>he tries tries anyway
>Slice your apprentice's legs off mid-jump
>high ground secured

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Obi-Wan had the moral high ground, So it still made sense.

>tfw Qui Gon won with the high ground

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Why did the Jedi leave Anakin's mom on Tatooine to be enslaved, raped and killed?
She was the catalyst for Anakin's fall to the dark side.

Someone post the diagram

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Uhm sorry sweetie, ahsoka leaving the jedi is the catalyst now okay (-:

seriously though, fuck ahsoka
Piece of shit keeps on getting inserted where shes not needed, and every asspull under the sun is used to keep her alive, just so she can be forcfully put in shit where shes not needed or wanted

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This explains why Dooku dropped the scaffolding on him, if he's crushed between 2 objects he can't have the high ground from any point of view

Dooku also always does his best to make sure he fights Obi-wan on level surfaces, or makes him chase him up stairs etc.

By virtue of being taller than Obi, it's easy for him to keep a constant slight high ground advantage

>Dooku starts using this method as he realises "lol send Ventress to kill him" doesnt work because she craves that obi-wang

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>I've quadrupled my flip power!
>, you haven't!

Anakin was attempting the only known counter to the high ground - Spinning. Unfortunately, he failed to completely spin and instead did more of a flip, which is not adequate.