In 11 days they will fall

In 11 days they will fall.

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Please spare the CentralKinoCenter in my hometown.

Thanks Jared

We truly do live in a society.

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Anyone know if any theaters are going to have police on stand-by?

But I'm not American.


You’ll know not to shoot up my theater because I’m the white male without a girlfriend

Myself and a few friends will be starting an armed protection service for Joker showings. We call it the
Enjoyable, cinema

Or S.E.X., the incels natural enemy. Do you want to see Joker in (relative) safety? Then you need to have S.E.X!

I'm not going dressed as batman with Kevlar armor. bring it joker.

Nice trips, madman. Kinoplex secure.

Are you ready for this gamer?

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Good post.

Mirin those DAMAGED trips

Leto doesn’t deserve to be part of this meme

please spare my regal

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If this happens include me in the screencap

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I don't live in muttland.

How the fuck is this movie not out yet? I'm already sick of it and it's still 11 days away.

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What’s a good bulletproof vest that won’t break the bank
Nice numbers btw

I hope one of you retards actually does it

I'm pretty sure it needs to be a plate carrier vest and unlike kevlar you can DIY one.

Please spare my kinoplex

don't risk anything and by cheaping out, user.

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>not just visiting a cinema with a no singles policy

that's a death sentence. those are primary targets.

>implying I want it to be spared

pretty good

Oh shit, nice trips

And here we go.

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I hope just the US will be affected by this.

guns are tools of the enemy. I'll batarang you in the theater before you get a shot off.

Pls spare me Mr. Jared Leto

I saw a map of those locations on an encrypted incel telegram channel. They are coordinated and prepared.

Thanks gangsta joker



Honestly should I be worried about seeing this on the first weekend?

no, just buy Kevlar from your local gun shop and return it after the movie. keep the tags on for an easy return.

>returning used kevlar
Is there a way to patch up the bullet holes and shrapnel so the owner doesn't notice?

Century 16

last 2 digits will be the body count

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