/pol/ has done it again lads
Let youshart kinoxd
Wow so brave. Stunning. Pussy fuckers at least sjws have the balls to say shit in public and not hide like pussies. Inb4 antifa. At least they have the balls to Bea up people. Right wingers are cowards and left wingers are retards. Made for each other.
This is so stupid. That statement doesn't even mean anything. There are over a billion Muslims and multiple sects and all have different opinions on women's role in society. This poster literally doesn't mean anything.
Seething "women"
OP, your post is based and Allah shall bless you!
That's the joke.
Alaah, Jesus and the rest of the sand negros should have been killed before they got popular.
>all have different opinions on women's role in society
Exactly. Some believe that a woman who speaks out should be beaten with rocks, while some believe that they should be beaten by hand instead.
how is it that /pol/ is smarter in its marketing than jews getting paid mega millions??
>Infinitechan /pol/ prank: Australian mass-shooter removes 50 kebabs
>4channel /pol/ prank: some paper
Yep, I'm thinking it's based
>i dont know what i means
>but it makes me upset.
What does it mean? I don’t understand.
Go back to the jidf with your Zionist ilk.
There's a lot of things they can do taken straight out of their handbook that they don't, honestly they don't do enough.
who cares what it means, more importantly is how does it make you Feel
and look know well that served them, they no longer exist.
Omg as epic and memorable as the it's ok to be cumskin campaign where a magapaedo got arrested when posting one of those flyers
>at least sjws have the balls to say shit in public and not hide like pussies
They don't get arrested for saying it.
wonder what they'll do this time
become a sexist and not arrest the person or become a bigot and arrest the person
>There are over a billion Muslims and multiple sects and all have different opinions on women's role in society.
Islam is right about women.
Allah be praised, it appears the West is finally waking up to their decadent ways and will finally reign in the whores they call women.
>For /pol/turds a murder is a "prank"
Jesus Christ the media is truly pathetic and antiquated
they should put this up in bong land
now that'd be a sight to witness
wonder what the officials will say about it
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
How clever. Library status: pwned
That retard was a fail that didn't kill anyone but his slint-eye sister.
>There are over a billion Muslims and multiple sects and all have different opinions on women's role in society.
Yes, for example in some cultures you may beat her with your belt whilst in others you must use your bare hands.
That guy was a leftist.
Tick tock Islamophobic roasties