Why did this movie make me cry uncontrollably?

I found the message of the film that all we have is eachother in this empty universe and we should not be blind to things that matter so inspiring that Immeaidelty called my ex and told her i wanted to reconnect.

Brad Pitt deserves the Oscar. In my opinion he beats Joaquin Phoniex performance in The Master as the best of last decade.

This film has changed my life and made me reevaluate things when I walked out the cinema. This has only happened two times perviously when I watched 2001 space odyssey and and Tree of Life.

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Yes it was really good but flawed. Could have been a masterpiece with some tweaking. Not as good as The Tree of Life or The Master. Brad Pitt is excellent but i still prefer Joaquin in The Master.
Also why would you call your ex? Just move on.

Space can cause but also cure autism. I liked it.

I'm curious as to what you reevaluated after watching 2001

Saw this movie yesterday, it was nice and slow and good looking.

no substance tho, OP is a halfbrain but at least he has a good heart

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because you realized you paid $16 for an imax movie which was really boring

>called my ex


can't wait till OP sees Eva

It's unironically shallow and pedantic

The film has substance.
I really don't understand why people call this boring and slow, the film goes from one setpiece to another. It's not like this is paced like some slow cinema film. It has really good pacing imo.

it's definitely not boring or slow but it has no substance. it's a very simplistic film in that respect. I don't know why but I never felt like it was building towards anything with the final encounter with his dad, and then the actual payoff managed to be worse than expectations

I feel like the lack of depth kind of worked out for the film, it didn't feel pretentious at all.

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TRY 27.69



I thought it was interesting character study that said something about human relationships. The final message is very simplistic and blunt but the film has good intentions and it fits the rest of the film. It's not super deep but there is something in there.
That's a nice pepe. Krteček is based.

>but I never felt like it was building towards anything with the final encounter with his dad, and then the actual payoff managed to be worse than expectations
Honestly, what did you want it to build to? If it builds to something, it's just another sci fi with a twist ending. I like it this way.

I agree lads

From the trailer, I was expecting another sunshine with marlon brando in apocalypse now ending scene which would have been great but very derivative

this film ended up being a lot more modest but the modesty worked out

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it didn't have to be a twist, hell we didn't even get to find out why tommy lee jones' character did what he did

James Gray is a pretty good director, if you haven't seen any other films by him, check them out. He makes some nice character driven films and he worked with Joaquin Phoenix several times.

They explained it. He said it himself.
there was a mutiny, he shut it down Unless you are referring to the ending, to which I can only say he didn't want to go back because he didn't see the point. Even after meeting his son, he talked about how things would be if his son and him were working together, but his son saw the point in going back, so he decided to off himself

Is it worth watching in theaters or should I wait. How much time is spent on space porn?

If you're going to watch this, go see it in the theater you idiot. There's enough space stuff in there. The movie follows Brad Pitt entirely. It doesn't cut away to any side plots or whatever. So wherever he goes, the audience sees it.

But how much space are we talking? Pitts face on closeup shots in a spaceship half the movie or gorgeous long pans of stars and shit?

>there was a mutiny, he shut it down
that was obviously a lie user. how the hell can you think that explained the anti matter bursts? i feel like this board gets more retarded by the day with the capeshitters flooding here

Not a lot of open space shots, they are used sparingly and to transition from one setting to another, but when it's shown, it's very impressive, especially the Neptune stuff. But there's enough surface shots on the Moon and Mars. You do get your fair share of space, unless you are expecting a space documentary or something.

I've never seen a deeper blue that those shots of neptune. i'm probably going to go back just to see that sequence again

Don't be a cuck user.

When Pitt found his dad's ship, there was a damaged satellite. When he said he was trying to fix it it made sense they got too close to Neptune and the ship hit a rock or whatver.

I thought this movie was retarded looking and I don't intend on watching it.

how was the car chase on the moon?

I found it terribly anachronistic but I guess that wasn't the point. I liked the father-son, anti-establishment dynamic. He was like a Jesus figure, the whole time.

dumb, they didn't shoot Brad Pitt and the Corporal but did shoot everyone else, but it wasn't bad

>movie's message is have sex

Saw your post right now, it was nice and slow and good looking.

no substance tho, user is a halfbrain but at least he has a good heart