Watch movie recommended by Yea Forums

>watch movie recommended by Yea Forums
>ends-up being top-tier kino
seriously, how often does this happen to you? For me, I'd say about 2 out of 5 times on average.

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So it's not in English?

Is this the Bloodborne movie?

just watch the dub, you dummy
yes, your video games invented everything, including rain coats

that actually looks baller as fuck, imma check it out
>cassel and belucci
muh dick

Blue Velvet and Vox Lux were dogshit. You’re not fooling me with this one OP.

Ya missing out. I’ve had it on DVD since 2003. It’s really good.

1/5 for 4channel
3/5 for Reddit

Brotherhood of the Wolf falls a part a little in the second half, but first is real kino.

90% of reddit recommendations are Nolan films. Thriller? Try Memento. Heist film? Watch Inception. Neo-Noir? That's Dark Knight. Crime film? Dark Knight as well.

Still better than 4channel recs.

Sci-fi? Interstellar
WW2? Dunkirk
Black & White? Following
Drama? The Prestige
Comedy? Dark Knight Rises

cristoph gans was such a dissapointment from this movie onwards
his silent hill movie felt like a shitty youtube fan-fic, and his screenplay writer was a retard

I remember getting this movie at blockbuster when i was a kid, thinking it would be the edgy action by childhood craved, but it was so boring i don't even remember if I finished watching it.
Still don't know what the story is

I haven't gotten a decent recommendation in like 3 years.
And some guy recommended enter the void which was one of the worst pretentious shit i ever seen. If you are reading this, fuck you dude.

1/5 in random topic threads. A lot of the movies Yea Forums obsesses over and keeps shit posting is typical mainstream shit or entry level movies you've already seen years ago.

It's closer to a 3/5 hitrate when you're actually having a decent enough, intelligent discussion about a specific topic. I.e. rarely, handful of times in a year maybe.

You should try out The Company of Wolves. It's closer a fairy tale story than specifically a werewolf movie, although werewolves do play into the story.

Also the lack of recommendation threads really makes it more difficult.
We need a fucking sticky for that.

>Still don't know what the story is
It's a what if 'the hound of the baskervilles' got an edgy, french retelling. Imo beginning and ending were sort of okay. Middle is where it meandered for far too fucking long.

what do you want to watch next? Let me chuck in a recommendation.

This movie came out when I was in high-school and everyone watched it. I jerked off to Monica Belucci so much. Malena came out around the same time as well.

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The real story of the Beast of Gevaudan is much better. Less martial art show Indians, more killer wolves

Yea Forums did recommend me this kino. It was very good.

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watch Day of the jackal Yea Forums
do it tonight

>dad takes me to video store when I'm 5
>he's an alcoholic and doesn't give a fuck
>borrows whatever videos I give him without checking the rating on them
>I give him The Company f Wolves because it looks like it's about Red Riding Hood
>Go home and watch it
>ask my Dad if werewolves are real
>he says yes, tells me that they sometimes pass by my bedroom window at night and try to look in when I'm sleeping.
>can no longer sleep, I just lay in bed freaking out over any sound I hear.
>tells me he was bullshitting a month later.

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based dad

Well good for you I guess, but Reddit did nothing for me, as other anons said they sperg over Nolan, but in general all they talk about in r/movies are latest blockbusters. Other subreddits dedicated to old movies, foreign movies, art movies are surprisingly dead.
On the other side my Yea Forums recommendations folder have more than 350 charts covering a lot of different genres, countries and directors.
So, in general, this board is not so bad when it comes to recommending movies, or at least it used to be.

>movie recommended by Yea Forums
Some Redditor duped you into watching the most overrrated dogshit ''''martial arts movie'''' of all time
If you liked it that says a lot about you

Based. Love this film.

>he didnt like blue velvet
Someone should send you a love letter, neighbor

Recommend me a film or two to have running in the background while cleaning. Ideally something I've already seen so I don't feel bad about having it on in the background.

i watched that kino on cinemas when it came out, get on my lvl fucking plebs

nothing, put on a jazz album

Kenny G?

how come amerisharts only get to know about this movie now


Recommend me a Jazz album, then. I usually don't listen to any.

Last 3 Yea Forums recs were all kino but really they are movies I should've seen before myself

>1st The Sorcerer (1978) Friedkin kino
>2nd After Hours (1985) great non mafia Scorsese movie
>3rd Bringing Out The Dead same as #2 but with Nick Cage

I've known about it since it came out
I was like 10, always thought it was pretty based

>The Great Silence
>Dog Soldiers
>Master and Commander
It's really easy to find quality recommendations on Yea Forums as long as you know how to spot waifufags, trolls, and retards.

this was released domestically and was fucking awesome on the big screen. loved it.

>he says yes, tells me that they sometimes pass by my bedroom window at night and try to look in when I'm sleeping.

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True, but all around a good, comfy movie.

I still have the limited edition dvd I bought the day it was released.

looks like kino

Based drunkard prankster dad.

Kind of Blue by Miles Davis.

Feel So Good by Chuck Mangione

I was feeling incredulous at the climax. wtf? It was completely unexpected that it would turn into some martial arts film with boss fights /sub-bosses with their own niche weapons, one of which is pretty much Gin Ichimaru from Bleach. was a pleasant surprise.

based alcoholism gave you an interesting childhood


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watch this Yea Forums

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>So, in general, this board is not so bad when it comes to recommending movies, or at least it used to be.
You have to be on at the right time when the quality posters are on.

Best films recommended me by Yea Forums:
Goltzius and the Pelican Company
McCabe and Mrs. Miller
Night of the Hunter
The Man Who Would Be King

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Why can't manchildren describe anything without referencing their pop culture and toys for babies?

Brotherhood of the Wolf? I think it's one of the best werewolf-that's-not-a-werewolf controlled by french cultist revolutionaries with collapsible bone-swords versus samurai-colonial-taxidermists with ninja native american sidekicks movies I've ever seen.

Because you share the pleb tastes of this board. 95% of the movies i've seen praised on Yea Forums were dogshit or just mediocre at best.

Firstly it's actually Bloodborne: The movie
Secondly using a video game reference to describe a video gamy movie for manchildren is fitting.

You definitely should. Belucci shows a LOT of skin and aside from fap potential it happens be a decent flick

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In the company of Wolves has one of the most kino posters of all time, I used to stare at it in my local video store and wonder what kind of amazing shit this movie had in it because no way in hell my parents would let me watch it.

It's a hard movie to find now, according to cable and netflix it might as well not exist. I was kind of surprised it was directed by the same guy who did Interview With the Vampire

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but this movie was fucking shit, the acting was terrible, the kung fu indian was stupid and the lion looked like shit

t. seething failed actor sucking homeless cock in l.a.

movies are low-class pop culture. pretending otherwise is simply childish.

Why's he eating that poor wolf whole?

I've put off watching Bone Tomahawk for ages & finally saw it.
I really liked it.
And Gene Hackman was great I didn't even realize it was him until the end.