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Other urls found in this thread:!wixRFaYD!cMFTr3WJYFiL-jnscuw7Lw!xjQRyYqJ!UjdPuB35nI1VX5-OrPMGxw

Name a worse anime. I dare you.

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Everything in 2000 and after


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These aren't my usual pills?

Couldn't he just have blasted his head off?

Pro-tip:You can't.

but that wouldn't have killed goku, baka

naruto's filler episodes

evangelion, not even meming

Not if he ducked a little or tilted his head to the side.

Dragon Ball is cool

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Death means literally nothing if you’re not a villain, so it’s okay

Anything made after the light novel craze that Haruhi started

why didnt pickle rick just go super sayin?

anyone who watches this past the age of 16 is retarded

Krillin being killed by Frieza still gives me chills because of how fucked up it actually looks.

>gets 50 million times stronger in super
what a load of absolute bullshit

Case closed

Power levels killed DBZ


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>Watchin super in the first place

>What if Piccolo refused to shoot the special beam cannon!?!?!?


what a Chad

>What if Piccolo was blue instead of green??!?!?!?!?

>views: 300 million
>#5 trending on YouTube


They were cool at first, but escalated really quickly. Then basically dropped after Namek. It got a little stupid I guess. Not sure if they killed the show though, because Saiyan Saga and Namek was the better half of the series.

>autism over power levels kills any hype or discussion of dbz


>power levels killed shonen manga in general

>Piccolo does nothing but train
>gets sidelined and turned to stone
>#17 becomes a park ranger
>becomes stronger than gods by fighting poachers

gotta aim for center mass

I never watched Super but how did Android 17 get so strong? He was like weaker than SS and then hes fighting that Jiren guy?

I really miss you, Paco.
But please stay there with your shitty Chinese cartoon

Highschool of the Dead

Apply the sacred ointment!

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You take that back you son of a bitch

shitting on DBZ is the mark of a true pleb/contrarian. you don't have to be pedro-tier about it or even enjoy it, but calling it bad is ridiculous.

I watched the original Dragon Ball recently for the first time. Finished the whole lot - and it's fucking kino. It's actually good unlike Z, but nobody seems to mention it in comparison.

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Don't ever question anime logic.

Because Z is more popular and for people with ADHD

Super gets really dumb with the power scaling.

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Real answer:
Plot convenience and power creep

In universe answer:

Headcanon answer:
He's an Android so he trains faster than normal people

Everybody knows Tien should be the strongest human.

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duubs of gloory

your favorite Yea Forumsshow

DBZ is fun like wrestling is fun. It's just dumb melodrama with cool explosions.

>three eyes

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Tien was always my favorite of the minor characters.
Think it has to do with the "3rd eye" mystical thing

If Tien's not human either, then Yamcha is the strongest human.

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It's because he got laid and green alien man didn't

That's a scary ass thought.


isn't it the androids? they're enhanced humans

>green alien man didn't

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>He's an Android so he trains faster than normal people
Wasn't there an plot point in the Android Saga that while Androids have the insanely good benefit of never getting tired or running out of energy while fighting, they can never get more powerful than how they were initially modified? I'm pretty sure that was a real thing.


Yeah, you're right. Strongest normal human anyway.

>no nose

Humans have noses

They canonically have no energy limit. So they can just train nonstop without breaking a sweat. My headcanon is that applies to their energy ceiling too, which means they can endlessly get more powerful

Hunter x Hunter

notOP but does that affect making the "human side" stronger?

not all of us.
just like saying humans have two legs.

well yes, but... sometimes. not all of us has two legs. some of us have just one. some of us have none.

The proper term is "Artificial Human". 17-18 are cyborgs enhanced on the cellular level, and they're powered by some nuclear fusion core that in practice will give them power forever.

Bitch what you say?

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Krillin is the strongest non-cyborg human for real. Destructo Disc kicks ass.

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yeah they have a powersource which takes care of things like energy and stamina. just like any machine, right? your computer won't get tired and have to rest as long as its battery is full/plugged in. it'll perform at peak performance as long as it has power.

the androids did have this perk, yes.

how much they could improve though, was not the same until it was retconned.

it was specifically stated that the androids had fixed levels - they had a great power source, but could not improve their power. that's why gero modified his newest androids, 19 and 20, to be able to absorb energy directly from humans and energy waves which would increase their power.

he also made cell unable to grow in power except by absorbing people and then the androids. just like how a computer doesn't really get smarter from doing a bunch of calculations the way a human would.

yes, exactly. they have very high stamina, but cannot change their power. this is why cell was designed to grow stronger by absorbing people and androids 17 and 18, and why gero modified his most recent androids 19 and 20 to absorb energy through their hands to increase their power.

It was weird to hear him say Kienzan instead of Destructo Disc in DBZ Kai.

ok *shrug*


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Okay, what show, western or anime, doesn't go to shit after a few seasons? Yeah, after the cell arc it gets retarded, but even the sopranos has an underwhelming last 2 seasons, and that's the greatest show of all time according to Yea Forums.

Thanks doc

DBZ Abridged

roshi is based tho

Yeah, I can't be too pissed about it. Even if it doesn't make a ton of sense, I like having Roshi around more.

One piss

Piccolo Diccolo

Power level in DBS is all over the place

Speed Racer

thanks doc

you are worse than frieza

Cowboy Bebop

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american one piece

Dragon Ball isn't anime, its an honorary cartoon. Anime is shit by default so you can name any of them.

for some reason krillin is stronger. it makes no sense why really

Because he fucks Android 18 daily

well LOTGH is the opposite. its so good it surpasses anime and cartoon

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Thanks doc

cell is the coolest dbz villain

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Do you think Raditz feels stupid now, sitting in hell while his brother's alive and kicking asses still?

Dragon Ball is a fun adventure story where you follow this odd kid becoming a martial arts master.

DBZ is if you took the fighting part and pumped it full of steroids and filled the rest of the time with screams and dialogue about how much each character wants to kill the other

I can't blame you for not understanding a post even if its as simple the one I made. I guess expecting any sort of reading comprehension is a stretch too far when your IQ is low enough to enjoy anime.

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Formerly detergent

to be fair, original DB was
>lol randum stuff happens
no one would remember it if not for DBZ

They literally could have taught Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha the kaioken technique and make some bullshit excuse like humans are better at harnessing its power, which would have been the easiest fix to keeping all three of them relevant in fighting the enemies


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Super threw put power scaling for tournament of power.

>that episode where goku climbs the tower to bring back the little indian kid's father back to life

Peak dragonball kino

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it runs in the family

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>the entire general blue saga
DB is fun but almost half of it is skippable

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Best girl 20 years running

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Cell is pretty badass.

The 4Kids rap is kino, you absolute pleb.

Anything by Gen Urobuchi
4Kids was truly ahead of its time.

Shit taste confirmed

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Ty for reminding me how retarded dbz fans are

This is the best fight in DBZ, because of how ruthless both are.

No, it;s what has made DBZ so legendary among anime today. Thanks to shit like Goku with a power level of 10 tanking a bullet to the head, Roshi with power level of ~130 blowing up the moon, then Goku reaching 150,000,000 last recorded power level, and then growing several times stronger than that by end of Z is what allows Goku and most DBZ characters to consistently come out on top in "shounen character vs shounen character" anime death battles.

Daily reminder Freeza saga was the best and Freeza is the best villain.

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hes really not as strong as everyones saying. he has infinite energy from his android reactor so he has infinite stamina. he also gets a new ability that creates a shield around himself. with those two he basically turtles the entire tournament and comes in clutch at big moments. hes not that strong, hes just tough as nail and universe 7s gimmick for the win in the end.

>tfw Piccolo never had a decent fight since

Fucking based. Eva is pseudo-intellectual bullshit. Fuck Eva, RISE UP MY FELLOW DRAGONBALL CHADS!!!!!

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Didn't Goku say "he must have started training again" when Roshi got possessed?

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risu probably started this thread

You are correct.

Goku and Vegeta are peak chads.

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Take your weebshit to

Your favorite one

The better version of Cell.

elaborating a bit further - introducing power levels and associating them with specific feats, and then removing them (the power levels) afterwards while characters are said to have gotten way stronger has just removed any ceiling on how strong the characters can be interpreted to be, regardless of what feats are actually shown by late Z.

People are still salty about 17 vs Blue Goku, even though the best part of SSJ Blue is how much Goku and Vegeta have over their own power since it's not based off rage like the other forms. Goku was testing 17 to see just how strong he got. Just like he tested all the other fighters before the tournament.

Piccolo should have been the second strongest fighter throughout the entire Cell saga, only outdone by Gohan at the very end
Merging with Kami should have had a god damn bigger impact

I can't rewatch Z or GT, but the original still holds up. the lighthearted fun approach really works wonderfully.

Literally one of the best moments ever. Even Cell almost shit his pants when he saw how much power this absolute fucking chad was putting out.

Found the clown.

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Are you fucking stupid, Tien IS the strongest human, he's the only one who was actually still able to lend a hand well into the Buu Saga. Get your fucking shit straight you non-fans.

He started nofap

kek what the fuck is this

TYBW is peak style over substance and I loved every page of it

You'd think that, but someone official (Toriyama?) said Krillin is the strongest human, so you know how that is. On-paper canon vs what the show actually tells us. Then it's us loyal fans who get shit on because everyone hangs on to the words of the senile showrunners who don't give a shit anymore.

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Post Samir34 drawings

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>tfw they were translating/dubbing on the fly, and each time they ran out of episodes, they went back to the start
>Frieza gets defeated, and then have to wait 100 business days to see the Garlic Jr. arc
no wonder I never watched the Cell or Buu sagas
for kids who had no other source for anime except English dubs on TV, life in the 90s was suffering


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He said something about Tenshinhan being a mutant and not a human or some shit. I don't remember.

A lot of people were trading VHS tapes and doing fan subs during this era.
Pure suffering.

This is trash. Equivalent to modern hollywood 3 jump cuts a second action scenes.

>new series
>MC gets killed off in third episode
Truly revolutionary for it's time, and an iconic franchise, 20+ years later.

The only time he fights Jiren, Jiren is running on fumes and has broken every bone in his body from getting stomped by Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku and Golden Freeza. Even then, 17 spends most of the time running away and relying on sneak attacks.

Protip: every character in Dragon Ball has been as strong as they need to be given the plot. This is nothing new, you just have the nostalgia blinders on

kinda wish there were female namekians, i bet they'd be cute as fuck

no, bad writing did

>Protip: every character in Dragon Ball has been as strong as they need to be given the plot. This is nothing new, you just have the nostalgia blinders on
You're not wrong, but Super didn't hide it as well. Giving everyone a huge power boost between the end of Z and the ToP was really obvious and only benefited the characters they wanted it to benefit.

In Canada, I think there was something like a two year gap between the start of the Ginyu force and Goku arriving at Namek.

Does anyone remember when Babidi was using his own scouter to read the characters power levels? But it was in a different unit of measurement. Goku's power according to this was 3,000 kili.

>tfw we never got rukias bankai and subsequent byakuya talk animated
Feels bad man

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Forgot pic.

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>Dragon Ball isn't anime, its an honorary cartoon.
oh, so that is why its so shit compared to other anime

Daily reminder that power levels ruined everything.
How do you go from actual martial arts anime where characters all have their unique abilities and fighting styles and the mc has to struggle even after 150 episodes to the point where whoever has the higher number wins?

You haven't watched the show and it shows.

Power Levels haven't been a thing in dragon ball for decades


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Too cunty.

>tells prime jailbait flashing her pussy at him to get lost

Suck my dick bitch.
DBZ ruined everything.

You could have said nothing and left us to quietly wonder if you actually had seen the show or not and user was just exaggerating.

But nope, you had to spurg out and now we all know you haven't watched the show.

I can smell your cunt all the way here.

Best thing to ever come out of dbz

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Exit Jobgeta.

Enter CHADza.

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dumb iphoneposter
it was trash and off model when it came out, a dozen things better than it existed



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when is brock going to shut up about pirates and make me a goddam jelly donut

*blocks your path*

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yep - good old YTV
I must have watched the entire translated series five times over, then I just tapped out. it was just too much
my options were either buying a series a few episodes at a time on vhs at the video store, or watching low-res fansubs on early anime fansites

>zoomers will never experience having to cut the neighborhood lawns so you could buy the vhs tapes from suncoast

Not with that fucking art style it isn't


This is fucking kino.

Kill me baby

Oh shit you said worse nvm

I have never in my life seen more fucking exposition than this show

Why dont anime consumers demand more from their medium? Do you fucking people really boot up a show to watch people explain things for 17 minutes? Seriously 80% of every hunter x hunter episode is two people standing across from each other and one of them is lecturing about some concept for minutes upon minutes while a minimal animated slideshow plays on top of them further explaining the concept. Its fucking insulting and time wasting

He had his potential unlocked by the Grand Elder.
That's it.
It's not hard to figure out.

That's the best part of the Red Ribbon saga you nigger

>not coraçãozinho de satã

DB is heavily based on the Journey to the East which is pure kino condensed in book form
DBZ is cringe.

what does satan's heart have to do with anything

Master Roshi is still training in the Coomer thechnique

>getting filtered by HxH
Shiggy diggy do

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Neon Genesis Evangelion

We need someone to shop jason on roshi's body now
>he made it private

Thanks doc


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>Anime Theory: Piccolos Green Skin Actually Allows Him To Gain Energy From The SUN?!?!

>Watching instead of reading the mangas

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Roshi could destroy the moon. Evil Piccolo destroyed cities. Frieza is million times stronger, he also just blows up planets.

We live in a Seireitei

>Its a trick question
Dragon Ball is the only good anime

>reach episode where Goku lands on Namek and is about to fight Jeice and Burter
>reset to first episode again

As far back as early dbz they cornered themselves as far as power levels. If you logically follow the power level progression in super if someone misses an enemy with even a very small energy blast and it hits the ground at all it should destroy the planet easily. But if you watch the fights it looks no different then when they were fighting with 1/10000000th the power levels. They barely even try anymore. Like those girl saiyans from super. If you look at what goku and vegeta went through to get as strong as they are, the idea that those chicks could contend with them with basically 0 training and a 5 minute lesson on how to go super saiyan is beyond rediculous. Even if you accept they are exceptional to the point they can go ss, or even ss2 right off the bat like that Goku and vegeta should be able to curb stomp them with little effort as they should be and are many levels beyond that. It’s an insult. If they wanted those hoes to be that strong they could have come up with something, like show them spending all their early lives training as ss, maybe that universe has a 100 year old ss master that teaches them how to go to 3 or whatever, and meeting Goku they learn to go blue or whatever. But they don’t even try to make it not retarded.

>El hermano (de Picoro)
>2 millions of views

Tokyo Ghoul.

this but for all anime

this but unironically

Black Clover

Can anyone stop him?

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17 was always strategic in the Cell/Trunks saga. Add that along his endless stamina and new shield move and he isnt really that much different from then to now. He sneak attacked or attacked from afar until real damage was done against Jiren or anyone else. Was the real Mvp of the tourney by far

>t. Capeshitter on an anime imageboard

Most anime is shit though literally any slice of life like k-on


Oof and yikespilled

>when your show is so filled to the brim with time wasting fans have to edit everything down with constant splices

Its like even you realize your time is being wasted


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Shaggy Blanco or Gohan Calvo

This. Roshi literally proved nofap works

It’s weird that people weren’t more mad at Goku for putting the entire universe at extreme risk because he wanted a fight. The universe getting destroyed is 1000x worse then anything the worse villain he defeated could have done. So it’s irrelevant the good he did in the past if he got the whole damn universe destroyed for his ego. Maybe not everyone but more poeple should have been grumpy with him, not just some randoms from other universes. People in his own even his friends should have been mad

T-this is not right doc

That part of his character literally ruins it. Any warrior that allows himself to be effected by women that much is no warrior, but a child. It’s like lesson #1, whores are manipulative sociopaths, every man worth a shit learns this in his late teens. Roshi isn’t a master of his own dick much less a martial arts master with that pathetic weakness. Ruins him completely

Blame Funimation for that asspull explanation for the tourney. Now that the manga is ahead and will be for the foreseeable future itll have god tier writing once again without Goku not suffering consequences for his actions

It would have been better if they had bulma or her dad perform some upgrades or something desu

He specifically went nofap though

The dbz anime is very true to the comic's paneling. In some cases that makes it feel pretty jumpy but most of the time it just means the characters blink in and out of existence to hit their keyframe poses which are lifted directly from the comic.

Thanks, Doc

Attack on Titan.

You missed the entire point of the powerlevel wank then. It was there to show you that technique and skill are more important than a fighting power of 1,000,000^5

trinity blood

Roshi went nofap. That's how he jumped so far ahead of Tien and Krillin. Tien uses Chiaotzu as a fleshlight and Krillin has 18. All Roshi had were his workout tapes and porno mags. Without those he was able to harness the power of Master Ultra Incel.

i unironically think Super was great after the first half. First half was shit because the movies covered it better

>but nobody seems to mention it in comparison.

Why do Americans hate classic DB?

Dragon Ball anime essentials pasta

>Classic Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball (Dragon Box Remux 720x480 MPEG2 MULTi)

Dragon Ball Recut!wixRFaYD!cMFTr3WJYFiL-jnscuw7Lw


iKaos is working on a “perfect” version of DBZ by combining the best quality video with the most American English and Japanese dub options available, for both nostalgic and completion purposes.

Dragon Ball Kai - Dragon Ball Z with most of the episode padding and filler content (scenes not present in the original comic book) removed.

>DBGT - Begins 5 years after the 10-year time skip at the end of Dragon Ball Z. It follows the events at the end of Z, but it is the only series not based on a story by Akira Toriyama, and its continuity has been overwritten by Dragon Ball Super.

If anybody wants Dragon Ball GT: Grand Tour (Dragon Box) synced with English audio along Dubbed Next Episode Previews here you go!xjQRyYqJ!UjdPuB35nI1VX5-OrPMGxw

>watching Kai
>missing the kino filler episodes
>missing Goku and Piccolo's driving test
>missing Gohan's encounter with Mercenary Tao
>missing Goku's reunion with Tao
You fucked up.

Og dragonball isn’t even the same genre. It’s like a fun adventure cartoon aimed at kids. It’s very good though for what it is. It’s just not appropriate to compare it to dbz or super or gt, they are too different. Judging them within their genre though, og dragonball is objectively a 9 or 10/10 it’s very well done. While judged against its own genre dbz is only maybe a 7/10 and super maybe a 5/10. So yes dragonball is probably the best of the series but it’s too different to compare directly to the others.

I want Raditz and Nappa to get resurrected. It'd be kino. They'd hate Goku's guts but wouldn't be able to do a thing about it because of how much his strength dwarfs theirs. Plus Vegeta would slap down any hint of dissent from them. Plus Plus Super Saiyan Nappa with a golden mustache

Based and HoHoHoPilled

This. There's a reason why highschool philosophy teachers play the last episode. It's babby's first philosophical exercise.

Dbz kai is awful. Yes they cut out a lot of useless filler, yes the pacing is more like most shows, the original being so drawn out it’s hard to watch at times. But it loses something. The pacing of the original while slow and frustrating at times was one of the things that made it special. And the filler added to the anticipation and payoff to the big moments. Dbz kai just turns it into a painfully mediocre bland anime with nothing special about it at all, and honestly not even worth watching. Kai strips dbz of some of its flaws while also stripping it of most of the charm and uniqueness as well. Sound track was also complete shit in kai.

YuYu Hakusho + DBZ + Swords
I'm ok with this.

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I enjoy Dragon Ball & Z because I don't have autism so I'm not constantly worrying about powerlevels.


>he also gets a new ability that creates a shield around himself

he literally uses it in his fight against Piccolo to defend against Hellzone Grenade


>Me: Wow this fight scene is fun! Its great that they powered up an old character to give them a little more screen time!

No woman will ever let you near her vagina with such lack of attention to the plot

Is no one going to point out how fucking terrible this editing is?

Very often there is a plot reason for it though but the autists cry "It's not fair! my character was supposed to be stronger!"


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And if you dont sperg out about it the incel hunters will never find you

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uhm... I kind of want the incel hunters to find me...

Well you better start sperging about power levels normie

best fight in the show not counting movies. you have very good taste user

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>dAe GoKu bAd DaD?!?!??!?!

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I marathoned it recently in jap subs, way better than dubshits


the best part about this is his cock in the pic being the size of a fucking fire extinguisher with that autism face

japanese and french cartoon carachters singing american national anthem.
based new york pizza rat comes in with crazy accent singing.

shit looks worse than a highschool youtube editor. I'm making this my ringtone


your very faggesque

back to your discord tranny kill yourself

>iight imma head out and kill some other dimensions
>true soon as you gone imma fuck the bitch you slept on as a kid
>you talking bout fighting?
>nigga you mad gay

Fusing is so dumb. Why do people like it?

Cause vegitos the best character

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Uub is canonically the strongest human and was for 30 years until fucking Super bullshit came out with a different author
>b-but toriyama said
toriyama needed money


>Uub is canonically the strongest human and was for 30 years
Since never. Stop shilling that retarded character, you dumb shitskin.

>no one said your favorite anime

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DBS is shittier than GT, it doesn’t count.

He kept up with post-ssj3-post-buu goku at the end of Dragon Ball (Z anime) and Goku went off to train him, that's the last panel and scene. None of the other humans could keep up with Goku whatsoever

no faulconer
no watch

>19 year old fresh pink vs wall hit roasty brown flaps

Naruto for having a sonic tier fanbase with even shittier powers than DBZ

Based, even the VAs agree when they used it for their ERPing

this might be a broken link
thanks, though I'm wondering what was recut in them. wouldn't the subbed Japanese originals be enough? also, the variation in length between episodes swings between 18-30 minutes

Shit I can’t even count all the money I spent on all the dbz vhs tapes. I remember they usually released 2 videos every month (about 6-7 episodes) and it was great cause they would release them before Cartoon Network aired them and they were uncut.

nice for the time, but for storage it's crazy how much space vhs takes up
star trek: tng took 87 tapes for the complete series, compared to 7 box sets on dvd. some things I don't miss.

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Both major Goku x Vegeta fights are better, and Vegeta x Recoome is better than each.

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Literally one of the top 5 fights in the series.

why is everyone bringing up the fucking anime? this shit never happens in the manga. this shit is all toei garbage. pretty much every gripe most people have is just toei bullshit and not canon

Which is more satisfying: Goku beating Nappa or Recoome?

Anyone know where to read a good translation of the manga? There was a fucking awesome translation by Feleanor but around the beginning of Cell Saga his translator quit, he got an user to cover for a few issues and then he just disappeared. The new translation I found is comparitively dogshit, misspellings, entire speech bubbles just untranslated because they couldn't figure it out, etc. Anyone know another high quality one?

Now that the rules have been rewritten, it’s official that Gogeta would fuck up Vegito

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It was pretty much the same thing except he beat all the rest of the Ginyu Force after Recoome.

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which is kind of funny, because the old kai said that the potara fusion was better than the fusion dance.

No longer canon

it's 2019. these problems are a short google away, dude. you don't even have to torrent this stuff or even just download it from anywehre anymore.

Dragon Ball Super

That and horrible writing.

that old faggot doesnt know shit about anything

it's over 9000 lol

I've been googling like a motherfucker bro why do you think I asked here.



They completely ruined him in super. I legit fucking hate him now due to how Super fucking trashed him.

Hey, look at those faggot-ass posts!

Fuckin' FAG

Jannie's a fag.

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Mirai Nikki
Soul Eater
Idk there's a bunch of worse shit than DBZ out there. DBZ is too innocent to hate on

>hurr power levels ruined everything
You guys are niggers. The whole point of power levels was Toriyama taking the piss.

>Raditz is stronger than everyone, but toddler Gohan can get stronger when he cries
>SBC raises Doc's power further than Raditz's
>Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, Ginyu Force, and Freeza have increasingly more ridiculous PLs
Saiyan and Freeza arcs were making fun of PLs, Androids/Cell were making fun of Super Saiyan with the race to reach SS2, Buu arc took the piss out of everything with SS3's hair and bald brows, Vegeta just letting himself become Majin to cheat his way to SS2, Potara, Fusion, Gotenks bullshitting to SS3 and breaking reality with a scream, Dabra going to heaven, Gohan sitting for hours for a free powerup, Gohan failing to catch the earring, Buu's final form being a child

Move over HxH, DBZ is the real deconstruction

You got the manga download links?

any slice of life
any fotm

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We live in a soul society

>we will never see Yoruichi in her best form
Why live?

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i was there when the strength of namek failed...

all of those shitty isekais thay have been poluting recently

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